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语文研究性学习中有效教学行为主要是指能够实现语文研究性学习教学目标与促进学生发展的教学行为。目前很多语文教师都在积极探索改革语文研究性学习,努力实现语文研究性学习的教学目标。但是教师在努力探索、积极实践的同时,其教学行为也暴露出不少问题,影响了教学行为的有效性。  相似文献   

“研究性学习“课程旨在让学生以研究者的身份在研究中学习,增强学生的主体意识,促进学生学会学习。本文结合高中数学新教材教学中开展研究性学习的实践,就研究性学习的概念、目标,高中数学研究性学习的含义、数学研究性学习课题的选择等问题进行了一些探讨。  相似文献   

"研究性学习"课程旨在让学生以研究者的身份在研究中学习,增强学生的主体意识,促进学生学会学习.本文结合高中数学新教材教学中开展研究性学习的实践,就研究性学习的概念、目标,高中数学研究性学习的含义、数学研究性学习课题的选择等问题进行了一探讨.  相似文献   

研究性学习特别注重学生对知识和技能的实际应用,强调学生参与学习的过程和亲自的实践及体验。因此,在生物教学中开展研究性学习时确定教学目标很重要,那么如何确定教学目标呢?笔者认为应从以下6个方面确定。  相似文献   

对于初中生物学科而言,将研究性学习与核心素养的培育结合起来实际上是明确了教学过程和教学目标之间的关系:以核心素养的培育为目标,以研究性学习为过程,让学生在研究性学习的过程当中获得核心素养的培育,用核心素养来引导研究性学习的开展.用核心素养去引导研究性学习,意味着初中生物学科教学的目标不再散乱或狭隘.用研究性学习去支撑核心素养的培育,意味着寻找到一条有效的核心素养落地的途径.  相似文献   

语文教学的基本目标是培养学生的语文素养.要求在教学过程中尊重学生主体。突现学生的学习能力培养。研究性学习是在基于尊重学习主体基础上构建的一种新型学习方式。在初中语文教学中倡导研究性学习是对语文教学重新思考后的深入理解。  相似文献   

研究性学习教学目标是培养创新型人才,教师应当把研究性学习,教学渗透到必修课教学过程中去,老师在教学过程中作示范研究,根据学生身心发展规律,探索研究性学习的教学模式和研究层次。  相似文献   

正在传统的高中语文教学中,教师的教学内容更多的是针对课本的应试教学,学生则是在一味的模仿和学习。随着新课程理念的深入,新课标下的高中语文教学对研究性学习的教学力度不断增强。本文将从研究性学习内涵出发,就如何实现高中语文有效的研究性学习进行讨论。一、研究性学习的内涵自从新课程理念实施以来,研究性学习就一直是广大教师热捧的对象。但是,就研究性学习的具体定义和实施方法还没有明确的规定。笔者从高中语文教学角度出发,总结出研究性学习就是通过学生自主参与、自主学习、自主总结的手段,端正学习目标,将学生的外在知识与内在经验相结合,培养学生创新能力和创造性思维,促进学生  相似文献   

以培养学生的创新能力为目的,把研究性学习的理念运用到动物学教学中.结合研究性学习的内涵,确立了动物学课程的教学目标,调整了教学大纲;精心设计了研究性学习的教学方案,并完善了多媒体课件;利用Blackboard教学平台实践研究性学习的"WHT"的学习模式;开展"专题报告"活动;开放实验室,建立开放式、研究性的教学模式.动物学课程研究性学习开展,既发挥了教师的主导作用,又有利于学生个性发展,为培养生物科学创新型人才打下基础.  相似文献   

高中数学新教材增加了研究性课题,这一改革并不只是教学内容的简单增加,而涉及学生学习方式的转变———研究性学习,以及教师教学方法和教学观念的更新,更进一步地涉及数学教学目标的提升和发展。研究性学习作为  相似文献   

The goal of the study was to investigate how teachers' reflection and feedback asking – two crucial components of professional development – can be explained by occupational self-efficacy, learning goal orientation and transformational leadership. A survey study with data from 456 teachers from a Dutch College for Vocational Education and Training shows that occupational self-efficacy and learning goal orientation are positively related to reflection and feedback asking. Furthermore, learning goal orientation mediates the relationships between occupational self-efficacy and reflection and asking feedback. Finally, the positive relationship between transformational leadership and reflection and asking feedback appears to depend on learning goal orientation.  相似文献   

Although there is evidence of the influence of achievement goals on individuals’ learning, less is known about their influence on collaborative groups. In this study, 45 pairs of college students engaged in a building task. Twenty-three of the pairs were assigned to a learning goal condition and 22 to a performance goal condition. Pre- and post-test measures were used to quantify differences in outcomes, knowledge convergence and knowledge convergence mechanisms between conditions; qualitative coding was conducted to understand differences in interactions. Results indicated no difference in overall measures of learning and performance outcomes between conditions. However, groups with a learning goal showed more knowledge convergence than groups with a performance goal. Groups with a learning goal engaged in more reflection and more explanations during the task than groups with a performance goal. These results suggest that achievement goals influence interaction behaviors when students are engaged in collaborative activities.  相似文献   

以456名3-9年级听障学生为被试,采用问卷调查法考察了听障学生学习投入现状以及学习投入与成就目标定向、学业自我效能感之间的关系.结果发现,绝大多数听障学生学习投入状况较好;学业自我效能感在成绩趋近目标和学习投入关系之间发挥完全中介作用,在掌握回避目标和学习投入关系之间发挥部分中介作用,在成绩回避目标和学习投入关系之间...  相似文献   

当前远程学习的课程设计普遍存在目标设计缺失的现象,这可能源于人们对远程学习目标“是何”及“如何”运作的认识不够,从而导致学习者面临学习失败的风险。探讨远程学习目标“是何”是研究“如何”的先决条件。远程学习目标结构研究,旨在探讨远程学习目标的类别及其关系。活动理论是一种重在把活动系统作为分析单位的分析模式,迄今为止经历了“中介说”、“层次说”、“要素说”三代发展历程,为人们重新认识远程学习的目标结构提供了新的视角。它提示人们可以从活动层中的“过程”与“结果”维度去认识远程学习的目标结构,并从行动层中提取描述远程学习过程目标的5个要素:主体、客体、工具、行为、时间,建构出远程学习“过程一结果”目标结构的分析框架。远程学习目标结构可以帮助学习者在学习之初对远程学习结果及实现结果的过程做出规划,为之后的目标实施及评价提供保障,规避学习失败的风险。  相似文献   

研究考察新课程改革对高中生成就目标定向和学习策略的影响,结果发现除掌握目标定向外,新课程改革对成就目标定向均有显著影响;在预习策略、复习策略和精加工策略方面,新课程改革提高了学生学习策略的有效性;性别对高中生的成就目标定向和学习策略有显著影响,女生的成就目标定向和学习策略要优于男生;成就目标定向和学习策略相关显著。  相似文献   

激发本三层次学生学习热情策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本三院校的学风存在学习目标不明确,学习态度不积极,学习能力欠缺,学习纪律松懈等四方面的问题,针对本三学生学风较差现状,从目标、榜样、激励、竞争、赞美、头衔、沟通、文化等方面论述了激发本三层次学生学习热情的策略。  相似文献   

有效学习与学习有效,两者貌似相同实则迥异,前者是指能否顺利实现预期目标的学习行为,所关注的对象是动态的学习过程;后者是指学习是否有效果,所关注的是学习的前置条件和终极目标,对这两个概念的甄别触及到了学习的本源问题,对这一问题的研究具有一定的理论和现实意义  相似文献   

Students’ learning goals demonstrate much stronger variety than traditional goal orientation models for classroom learning assume, especially when the educational context allows so. In this empirical study we will investigate the richness of students’ goal orientation in a collaborative learning context. We do so with the help of a goal setting framework that is based on a two-facet approach distinguishing multiple contents (performance, learning, well-being) and goal directions (varying degrees of self vs social direction). To investigate the role of different goal constellations, goal setting and learning performance data of first year students (n = 2,636) in a problem-based, collaborative learning program, and evaluation data of problem-based tutorial groups (#groups = 206) are combined into a multilevel model. Each tutorial group functions in two different educational settings: one directed at open-ended, group problems, the other at closed, individual problems. Educational context appears indeed to have a crucial role in the relationship between students’ goal setting at the one side, and students’ performance and group functioning on the other side.  相似文献   

Having students write learning protocols is an established follow-up task to course work that elicits processes of self-regulated learning. To date, a wealth of research has focused on optimizing the learning protocol task itself by integrating instructional support measures such as prompts. By contrast, research that focuses on optimizing the context in which learning protocol writing is embedded is widely missing. In the present study, we approached this gap by focusing on the role of the contextual factor goal structure. Specifically, in an experiment with N = 166 high school students we tested whether embedding the learning protocol task in a mastery goal structure would be more beneficial than embedding it in a performance goal structure. The mastery goal structure fostered metacognitive processes, learning outcomes, and learning efficiency. We conclude that considering contextual factors such as the goal structure is crucial for understanding and optimizing the effects of learning protocols.  相似文献   

This article reports findings on a study of educational computer games used within various classroom situations. Employing an across-stage, mixed method model, the study examined whether educational computer games, in comparison to traditional paper-and-pencil drills, would be more effective in facilitating comprehensive math learning outcomes, and whether alternative classroom goal structures would enhance or reduce the effects of computer games. The findings indicated that computer games, compared with paper-and-pencil drills, were significantly more effective in promoting learning motivation but not significantly different in facilitating cognitive math test performance and metacognitive awareness. Additionally, this study established that alternative classroom goal structures mediated the effects of computer games on mathematical learning outcomes. Cooperative goal structure, as opposed to competitive and individualistic structures, significantly enhanced the effects of computer games on attitudes toward math learning.  相似文献   

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