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The paper analysed the trend and pattern ofgender enrolment in Nigerian Universitiesbetween 1989 and 1997. It critically examinedthe gender disparity in university enrolmentgenerally, as well as among some selecteddisciplines and the country's geo-politicalzones. The analysis revealed that gap existedbetween female and male in the universityenrolment with lower female enrolment in allaspects of the Universities. Specificallythere was a wide gap in the sciences andscience-based disciplines and also between theNorthern and Southern zones with higher femaleenrolment in the south than the north. Thepaper made useful suggestions to narrow thegender gap in the university enrolment in thenearest future, which included sustainedenlightenment programmes, fine-tuning labourlaws and accommodating female under the``educationally disadvantaged' admission policybeing enjoyed by some citizens of thecountry.  相似文献   

Due to high prime-age mortality—a result of the HIV/AIDS scourge, the number of orphans in Uganda continues to rise. Using the 2002/2003 Uganda National Household Survey, this paper investigates how HIV/AIDS orphan status affects schooling enrolment and grade progression. Our results show that HIV/AIDS orphans are not significantly less likely to continue schooling but are by far more likely to fall below their appropriate grade. Furthermore, we find that the schooling gaps decreases at higher levels of household welfare status—poor HIV/AIDS orphans, especially aged 13–17 years, are significantly less likely to continue schooling.  相似文献   

This article relates a study of AIDS education in Uganda which used an ethnography of school culture to explore the contradictions in curriculum intervention. The school was found to be a site of an extensive set of gendered practices which constituted a risk in themselves in terms of sexual health. Four forms of control are examined in this article: hegemonic masculinity, gendered discipline patterns, sexual harassment and 'compulsory' heterosexuality. Male domination and power imbalances in the school encouraged attitudes and practices with regard to sexual relationships which negated the official messages of the AIDS curriculum.  相似文献   

徐颖  勾月 《滁州学院学报》2007,9(2):88-89,109
高校扩招体现的是高等教育正在向着大众化迈进。应对高校扩招后的就业压力,需要改变高校的发展策略,以内涵发展为主,发展速度要和经济社会发展同步以及提高师资水平、保证教学质量等。  相似文献   

Changing patterns of school enrolment in Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The various explanations offered for the decline in government school enrolments since the mid-1970s are considered in this article. Changing parental perceptions of the educational strengths and weaknesses of school systems are held to be of critical importance. Changes in government funding policy have been very important too, in their effects not only on enrolments but also on the educational policies of some non-government schools and, indeed, whole systems. The need is stressed for further research into parental concerns about education and the effects of funding policies on educational decisions.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that people encode gender starting in childhood. The present research asked whether gender diverse children (i.e., children whose gender identity or expression differs from that expected based on assigned sex) encode gender. Results showed that 3- to 5-year-old gender diverse participants (N = 71), siblings of gender diverse children (N = 52), and gender conforming controls (N = 69) did not significantly differ in degree of gender encoding. These results converge with prior research to suggest that gender diverse children process gender in ways that do not differ from gender conforming children, and provide further evidence that gender encoding may be a common aspect of person perception in societies that support a binary view of gender.  相似文献   

The increase in the number of selective high schools by the NSW Liberal government under the initiative of the then Minister of Education and Youth Affairs in 1988 attracted widespread community and professional attention. Over 9,000 families applied for admission to Year 7 in the 17 selective high schools in the first year of operation of the new selective high schools. Why parents and students applied for admission is the subject of this study. Data were collected from students and their parents in eight of the selective high schools as to their reasons for accepting an enrolment offer. Factor analyses revealed that there were two main factors that accounted for the reasons advanced by students and parents. These factors were labelled as Academic and Choice/Reputation and the analyses of these scales by gender and type of schools suggested that there were significant differences between the reasons advanced by students and their parents.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the literature on educational transitions, specifically whether an equalising of opportunities at early educational transitions translates into more equal participation patterns at later stages (Spill-over versus maximally maintained inequality hypotheses). The case study approach used in this paper compares the enrolment profile of postgraduate students at a prestigious, research-led British university with the profile of the postgraduates’ undergraduate degree-awarding institution. The database for this research consists of government statistics and two purposefully administered surveys, one of undergraduate students (n = 709) and one of postgraduate students (n = 502). The study finds that the intake of new postgraduates is largely drawn from the most prestigious universities thus suggesting that graduates from lower tier institutions do not self-select themselves for further study at Oxford. The results lend support to the meritocracy hypothesis regarding the attainment levels of new postgraduate students and their propensity to gain government funding. There are, however, some discrepancies in transition patterns that advantage the already privileged. This lends support to the maximally maintained inequality hypothesis and suggests that there are social justice concerns in postgraduate education.
Anna K. ZimdarsEmail:

AIDS and Democratic Education in Uganda   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Education remains the effective way of preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS. Drawing on a study of AIDS education in Uganda, data showed an exclusive curriculum characterised by denial of knowledge, marginalisation of young people (especially girls), lack of straight means for questioning the subject content, and the failure to inform. Possible pedagogies emerge to address the problem of the spread of AIDS in young people. This article discusses the AIDS pedagogy and democratic education in Ugandan schools by examining possibilities using three illustrations derived from action research: pupil participation in curriculum formulation, pupils setting the agenda for AIDS education delivery and individual choice of AIDS education. The realities of teenage sexuality were being addressed with positive responses to the AIDS curriculum. Action research offered the opportunity for a democratic pedagogy and learning--fundamental to young people's response to the AIDS curriculum and adoption of safer sexual practices.  相似文献   

子规  邹凯 《高中生》2012,(7):42
在国内,3月5日这天是"学雷锋日",很多人在这一天里参加义务劳动,或者帮助别人做好事。总之,大家都在用自己的方式纪念雷锋。这次到非洲国家乌干达公干,我有幸见识了一下带有乌干达风味的"学雷锋日"。  相似文献   

乌干达学校的艾滋病教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乌干达是世界上受艾滋病影响最为严重的国家之一。然而经过十多年不懈的努力,乌干达在艾滋病的预防和控制方面已经取得了令人瞩目的成绩。本文主要介绍了乌干达学校系统是如何通过课程建设以及积极借助非政府组织的力量开展艾滋病教育的。  相似文献   

In the past decade, extensive research on gender and learning styles has produced a multitude of findings: gender differences in learning styles are small on average, but across studies quite different results are observed. In the present study, this heterogeneity is the central focus of our attention. Two possible interpretations concerning the educational context and the concept of gender identity are investigated: the teacher and the subject he or she teaches. Besides the variable gender as a dichotomous variable, the variable gender identity is included to reflect the theoretical standpoint of the social construction of gender differences. Using multivariate techniques on a data set of 432 adult secondary students, the observed relations between gender, gender identity and learning styles are described. Gender identity turns out to explain more variance in the use of learning styles compared to gender. Furthermore, it is shown that gender (identity) differences in learning styles do not vary across teachers and, with one exception, they do not vary across subjects.  相似文献   

As part of a major study of Ugandan secondary education to support planning for the next 10 years, an Excel spreadsheet-based model for predicting school demands was developed. This allows variables, such as GER, population growth rate, to be changed to see the effects on school enrolments. It differs from other models in that it takes into account the widely varying considerable range of ages per year class of school students at primary and secondary levels in Uganda and the growing age cohorts.  相似文献   

This study examines the consequences of grade inflation at the upper secondary education level on enrolment in higher education and earnings for Sweden. Although grade inflation is unfair and may imply inefficient allocation of human resources, current knowledge of grade inflation effects on individual outcomes is scarce. One explanation is probably the challenge of measuring and estimating causal grade inflation effects. We find that grade inflation at the school level affects earnings mainly through choice of university and the chosen field of education, rather than through enrolment per se, because attending universities of higher quality and pursuing high-paying fields of education have a substantial impact on earnings. On the other hand, high-skilled students attending upper secondary schools without grade inflation and, unexpectedly, low-skilled women attending “lenient” schools are harmed by this. This causes extensive unfairness and, plausibly, detrimental welfare effects.  相似文献   

The Reconstructed Cohort Method is often used to examine the status of national education. However, this method does not account for individual details and we know little about the status of school enrolments by tracking individual students from entrance until dropout or graduation. This study employs the True Cohort Method to analyse data for 1377 children who entered in primary schools in the Republic of Honduras between 1986 and 1994. Findings indicate that children's patterns of enrolment fall into two categories: graduation without repetition and dropout after a short period of attendance. Policy implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

关于硕士研究生扩招的思考   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对研究生扩招的正向效用和负面影响产生的原因进行了分析,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

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