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he w eather is som ething no one can — control.It affects everyone rich or poor — young or old in every p art of theTw orld. M aybe that is w hy there are so m anyexpressions ab out the w eather熏especially熏aboutrain. Som etim es w hen you need rain熏 you donot get any.O ther tim es熏you get rain w hen youdo not w ant it. Take a b aseball gam e for ex鄄am p le鸦a sud den rainstorm can stop an exciting ,gam e sending the players and the 20熏00p ersons w atchin…  相似文献   

A m an w as selling m edicines at a fair. A t first hesold bottles of a cold cure for just a dollar a bottle. M any people w anted to buy it and the m an’syoung assistant m oved quickly through the crow d col-lecting m oney and handing out bottles of the coldcure. T hen, w hen he had a big crow d, the m an heldup a very sm all bottle. “A nd now , ladies and gentlem en, he shouted, ”“here is the m edicine you have been w aiting for.T hecure for old age.D rink just one bottl…  相似文献   

Tom started to paint the fence. Sud-denly he thought of a plan to get hisfriends to help him do the work. H esm iled and began singing.Just then his friend Ben 1 . H elaughed w hen he saw Tom 2 .“W hat’sthe m atter,Tom ?D oes your aunt w ant youto work on such a 3 day?”Tom did not stop painting.“ 4 ?O h,no,Ben.Y ou see,painting is 5 .First you m ust choose theright day,then you m ust getthe best paint and brush.But m ost im portant of all,you m ust have the right6 . A unt Polly sayst…  相似文献   

I find out...     
How long have you been studying English? Do you get good grades all the time? If not, please look for a good way to study. And here are my suggestions: First of all, we should listen to the teacher carefully. After class, we ought to learn by ourselves, then do more exercise. If you are really tired, you should have a good rest.T he w ay is w orth studying.A m an said押“T hem ore a m an know s,the m ore he discovers hisignorance.”A nother m an also said押“C hoose a lifeof action,not one…  相似文献   

A stam p is just a piece of paper w ith a picture and som e w ords printed on one side. W hat m akes one of these bits of paper w orth any m oney at all? W hat m akes a ten-fen stam p w orth ten fen? W hen you buy a stam p, you also buy service from the p…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.重点词汇检测  A 雪根据句意或首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词。  1. is the fourth day of a week.  2.There are seven in a week.    3.C an you m ake a m bus芽  4.I also w ant to watch the football gam e熏do   you have two t 芽  5.Please b your hom ew ork here tom orrow .  B雪用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。  1.I have two 熏one is sm all and the …  相似文献   

(共150分)Ⅰ.根据下列句子及所给单词首字母,写出空缺处各单词的完全形式。(10分)1.H e has won m any a in paintingcom petitions for children.2.I had no c but to accept hisdem and.3.W e o all our achievem ents to thewise leadership of our Party.4.H ave you any c to m ake uponm y story芽5.I a to her for stepping on herfoot.6.H e is always finding f.That is tosay熏he is too strict w ith others.7.E verybody had the i that she w asa good m atch for the young m an.8.Can’t you m ake your little boy bhim…  相似文献   

1.A tiger is hungryand he is lookingfor food.H e sees a frog in front of him.“H ahaA frogM y dinner”So he rushes at thefrog.2.Behind the tiger there is a tor toise.The little tortoise sees it and hebites the tiger’s tail.“O uch ”Cries thetiger and he looks back.3.The frog hears the voice and thenjum ps into w ater.“Thank you little tortoise ”says the frog.4.B ut the tiger is very angry.“Bother it I’ll throw you to the sky ”“Thank you.I like flying in the sky.”Says the tortois…  相似文献   

Many food experts regard breakfast as the m ost im portant m eal of the day. By m orning you have had no food for 12 or m ore hours. This is the longest tim e you go w ithout food in a day. A s a result your blood sugar is low . Y our pulse slow s dow n. …  相似文献   

.单元重点词汇检测ⅠA )根据句意和首字母或汉语提示,拼写单词。1.W e had a w tim e at the party last Saturday.2.W e don’t have enough food.So熏first of all熏 w e m ust s this problem .’    3.It s too dark now.T on the lights in  the room 熏please. ’  4.W hen she heard her m other s d 熏she  began to cry. ’    5.The children of m y uncle s ar…  相似文献   

I really like this sentence: T he choic- es you m ake and the w ay you live now w illdeterm ine w hat your future w illbe. I can learn a lot of things from this sentence. N ow everybody in our class is a student. B ut after 20 years, w hat w ill they be like? N obody know s. I read a story recently. It w as interesting. It is about som eone m any years ago. H e know s w hat his future w ill be like and he is very w orried about it. E very tim ew hen he begins to w ork, he w ould think about…  相似文献   

M ark was w alking hom e from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had tripped and dropped all of the books he was carrying,along with two sw eaters,a baseball bat,a glove and a sm all tape recorder. M ark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the scattered arti- cles. Since they were going the sam e way, he helped to carry part of the burden. A s they walked, M ark discovered the boy s nam e w as B ill, that he loved video gam es, baseball and history, and that he was hav- ing…  相似文献   

hoolardenfnglishU nit5T he B ritish IslesⅠ.单项填空1.The culture and custom s of A m erica are very m uch like of Eng-land.A.that B.w hat C.w hich D.those2.Com m unist spirit consists whole-hearted devotion to public in-terests.A.in B.w ith C.of D.on3.—I don tthink Jack can sing w ell.—But you are shy,he is courageous.A.where B.w hat C.though D.if4.A ctually,he is a new-com er unknown us all.A.for B.as C.by D.to5.Charles Babbage is generally considered the first com puter.A.to in…  相似文献   

A W hy,you m ay wonder,should spiders (蜘蛛)be our friends?Because they destroy so m any insects, including som e of the greatest enem ies of the hum an race.Insects would m ake it im possible for us to live in the world;they w ould devour(吞食)all our crops and kill our cattle,if it were not for the protection w e get from insect-eating anim als. W e ow e a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects,but all of them put together kill only a very sm all am ount of the num ber destroyed by spid…  相似文献   

A n old m an had m any sons, w how ere often quarreling. A s the end ofhis life drew near, the old m an calledthem all to him and show ed them abundle ofsticks tied tightly together. “N ow , ”said the father, “see if you canbreak this bundle ofsticks.” Each of the sons in turn took the bundleand tried w ith allhis m ight to break it, butcould not. W hen allhad tried and given it up, thefather said, “U ntie the bundle, and each of youtake a stick and see if you can break that. ”Theyalldi…  相似文献   

A long time ago,there was a boy called Kong Rong.He was loved by all the members of the family because he was clever and polite to everyone.One day,his father bought some pears and put some on the table in a plate.He asked all his children to come around the table and said,"Here are some pears. Each of you can have one,any one you like."  相似文献   

The Lord appeared to Abraham by the terebinths1of Mamre.AsAbraham was sitting at the opening of his tent in the heat of the day,he looked up and saw three men standing in front ofhim.He ran from the opening of his tent to meet themand bowed low to the ground.“Sirs,”he said,“ifI have deserved your favour,do not pass by myhumble2self without a visit.Let me send for somewater so that you may wash your feet and rest undera tree;and let me fetch3a little food so that you mayrefresh4yourselves.…  相似文献   

1.SPEAKER HRH the Princess Royal A partnership w hich dates back to thefounding C ongress of1894of w hich m ygreat-grandfather K ing G eorge V w as anH onorary M em ber.A n interest and enthusiasm w hich con-tinues today.A nd I’m delighted to havebeen asked to convey to you a special m es-sage from H er M ajesty T he Q ueen.H er m essage reads“I have been im pressedby the w ay everyone hasunited behind London’sbid.”A s a country w eshare a passion for sportand w e also share a de…  相似文献   

AOne day a lawyer's wife fell i1and he went to get a doctor. The doctor went to see the woman, but before he went into the house he stopped. He knew that the lawyer never paid his b2. So he said to the lawyer, "But if I c3 your wife, I'm afraid you may not pay me."Sir," replied the lawyer," Here!have 500 dollars. Whether you cure my wife or whether you kill her,I will give you all t 4"The doctor was s5of the payment and went into the house. When he reached the woman's bedside,he knew at …  相似文献   

When you are giving the knowledge to the students,don't forget to teach them all the abilities of learning this language.Then how to improve the students' listening skill? We know the largest difference between mother lan- guage learning and foreign language learning is the envi- ronment.A child can soon learn his mother language well. He has heard a lot before he can say something and walk. Then after he is able to walk and say,he has a chance of listening to more.Before he goes to school,he has al- ready been a good listener and speaker.  相似文献   

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