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uring his short stay in Chengdu, I was lucky to catch a chance of meeting Mr. Lee Paoltmg, Secretary-General of the Sculptural Association of Taiwan. The main purpose of his trip was to invite some sculptors from Mainland to attend an intemational camp of iron A sculpture in Taiwan nextyear. Continually surrounded by various disturbing noises, he impressively remained calm and quiet. There's something elegant and sophisticated in his charm of manner. Mr. Lee appeared to be a real gentleman -- modest, kind, considerate and extremely polite. Standing in front of his unfinished work, a distorted, twisted and screwing.up banana, at a very simple roadside workshop, he spoke in his soft tone, in an absolutely undemonstrative way, "I am stable exteriorly but interiorly I am not." —— Perhaps, that makes sense.  相似文献   

An exhibition on Taiwan's water and ink painting masterpieces were displayed in National Art Museum of China last November. The exhibition featured nearly 120 artworks by twelve artists from Taiwan showcasing update painting accomplishments of Taiwan today The exhibition was also hailed as a big art event In Mainland Talwan culfural interaction, following the exhibition of the same subjects by young Mainland artists held In Taiwan in 2004.  相似文献   

For Cai Guoqiang, August 2008 means a time full of not only challenge but also grace. As the chief designer of fire display for the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Cai demonstrated his aesthetics of gun powder in front of more than 4 billion viewers from across the world. Also in this month, his solo exhibition Cai Guoqiang: I Want To Believe" was opened in Beijing, which was co-presented by the National Art Museum of China, Guggenheim Museum in New York and the Center of International Cultural Exchange. Beijing was the second leg of this globa tour. Its exhibition tn Guggenheim in the first half of this year was acclaimed as one of the important cultural events in the world. From February to May,Gugcjenheim moved out all the exhibits, including Picasso's, and all its three storeys of exhibition space were used to display Cai's works created over the past two decades.  相似文献   

An exhibition on Taiwan's water and ink painting masterpieces were displayed in National Art Museum of China last November. The exhibition featured nearly 120 artworks by twelve artists from Taiwan, showcasing update painting accomplishments of Taiwan today. The exhibition was also hailed as a big art event in Mainland-Taiwan cultural interaction, following the exhibition of the same subjects by young Mainland artists held in Taiwan in 2004. Traditional Chinese arts are common wealth that…  相似文献   

The Ancient Observatory, a key cultural heritage site under national-level protection, is situated at the southeast corner of the city proper of Beijing, Its east side was originally connected with the city wall of Beijing which was demolished in 1957 to give way to the city expansion,  相似文献   

The 2nd China National Puppet and Shadow Play competition was held in guangzhou in September 2003. Some one thousand performers from 29 troupes across the country including those from Taiwan and Hong Kong attended this grand event jointly hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Guangzhou Muniipal Government.  相似文献   

I was born in Gouliang Village, Fenghuang County, Hunan Province, which is dubbed as the "First Miao People Village of Western Hunan". But I have been more fascinated by my second hometown, Langde Village in Leishan County, Guizhou Province, which is known as the hometown of folk arts of China and one of the 100 most unique museums of China. The village was proclaimed as a key heritage site under state-level protection in 2001, included in the candidate list for World Cultural Heritage nomination in 2006, awarded the title of "China Landscape Village" in 2007 and hosted Olympic torch relay in 2008. Over the past 25 years, I visited this beautiful village for more than 100 times.  相似文献   

The Grand Canal is considered to be one of the greatest projects in ancient China. Its con- struction began in AD 486 and was completed in 1293. Over the sweep of history, the Grand Canal has made remarkable contribution to Chinese economy and seen unique cultural traditions. Today, numerous historic monuments and sites have been preserved along the Grand Canal, wit- nessing its past glory and splendor.  相似文献   

Origin of Xiang Opera Xiang opera is one of the five major indigenous operatic forms of the southern province of Fujian and shares the same origin and tunes with Gezaixi, an opera genre popular in Taiwan. In the 17th century, Chinese general Zheng Chenggong recovered Taiwan Island from Netherlands colonialists and established a regional regime on the island. As many of Zheng's soldiers were natives of southern Fujian and a large number of ordinary people from southern Fujian immigrated to Taiwan together with Zheng's troops, dialects, ballads, traditions and customs of southern Fujian formed the dominant culture of Taiwan. And Gezaixi is one of the local Taiwanese operas developed out of ballad singing in southern Fujian.  相似文献   

Two decades ago, traveling abroad was just a dream for most of Chinese people; only those with relatives living abroad could go abroad in the name of "visiting relatives". In 1988, Thailand became China' first outbound travel destination. Now, Chinese travelers appear at every corner of the world, wherever in Champs-Elysees in Paris, Colosseum in Rome, Pyramids in Egypt or the snow mountain in Swiss. I still recall that I was often asked if I were Japanese when I traveled abroad a dozen of years ago. But now even handsome boys sailing Gondola in Venice can greet me with "Ni Hao" (Hello in Chinese).  相似文献   

In the memory of every Chinese,the Spring Festival deposits abundant beauties:a lively scene with lanterns and streamers,an endless parade of delicious food,or a little toy of childhood memories.When I was a child,I visited a Sugar Painting Exhibition at Beihai Park in Beijing.I was amazed by the exquisitely made flowers and birds,and charmingly nave animals;and every kid was totally captured by a huge solid dragon settling in the central exhibition hall.Truly,that winter deeply impressed me with the vivid sugar dragon and the fragrance  相似文献   

At the opening ceremony of the First National Exhibition on Professional Sculptors taking place in Chengdu, Sichuan Province,an old man with white hair and ruddy complexion drew special attention ot the aucllence. He was lang tel,gone,,, w, idl,H,,*,, ,,~ .a..,~l, Sculpture Society. Yang was born of a famous family. His father, Yang Yingfeng devoted his lifetime to sculpting and is respected as the most prominent figure among the sculpture circle of Taiwan. Yang's exhibit at this exhibition, "Destiny Reverted", reinterprets the ancient Chinese philosophy and wisdom which emphasize on interaction between muscularity and feminism, the negative and the positive, and ceaseless vitality. "During mycreation process, I found with excitement that sculptures speak, epitomizing ideas, literature and even philosophy," Yang explained with enthusiasm.[第一段]  相似文献   

Walking along the West Lake, unwittingly I was already in the heart of the hometown of tea - Shuangfeng (double peaks), Glowing rays shone over rounding ranges of hills, fragrance of tea leaves permeated, and fresh springs wound through valleys, I realized that I had been in China National Tea Museum, a retreat from the hurly-burly of metropolitans.  相似文献   

Two decades ago, traveling abroadwas just a dream for most of Chinesepeople; only those with relatives livingabroad could go abroad in the name of“visiting relatives”. In 1988, Thailandbecame China’ first outbound traveldestination. Now, Chinese travelersappear at every corner of the world,wherever in Champs-Elysees in Paris,Colosseum in Rome, Pyramids in Egyptor the snow mountain in Swiss. I stillrecall that I was often asked if I wereJapanese when I traveled abroad a dozenof years a…  相似文献   

I was born in the countryside. I had a colorful and joyful childhood although my peasant parents couldn't give me an affluent life at that time, My toys were all handmade by myself such as catapults and powder guns. Like many kids of the time, I also liked to dissemble and re-assemble clocks and radios as a means of entertainment. Once I noticed a small bottle of ink with a brush pen in it at the window and showed strong interest in them. Since then, my poor handwriting left over everywhere in my house. My father was tolerant and never scolded at my unrestrained scrawling. That was my first experience in Chinese calligraphy which led me to a life destined for this magic art.  相似文献   

Last spring I was invited by one ofmy friends to design for a newoutlet of the restaurant chain FlowerPleasure Garden(hua jia yi yuan). Flower Pleasure Garden is arestaurant featuring innovated Beijingflavor dishes. Its first two outlets arecourtyard-style structures.Therefore,the style of this new outlet should keepup with them and give prominence toBeijing traditions and culture.  相似文献   

My creation of Peking Opera figurines started in 1997. I was raised in Tianjin, a city with rich traditions of Peking Opera. My father, a Peking Opera lover, often took me to see Peking Opera shows. As a child, I didn't understand plots or arias but I was quite fascinated by brilliant facial makeup and costumes of performers. Back at home, I tried to use cloth leftover to make miniature Peking Opera figurines. Later I was enrolled in Beijing Handicraft Art School and Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts. For several decades, I didn't have opportunities to spend time in my childhood hobby. But I have always been confident that one day I will again take up the art of sculpture.  相似文献   

Yixing clay is a type of clay from the region near the city of Yixing in Jiangsu Province, China. Its use dates back to the Song Dynasty [960-1279] when purple clay was firstmined around Lake Taihu in China. From the 1 7th century on, the ware was commonly exported to Europe. The finished stoneware, which is used for teaware and other small items, are usually red or brown in color. They are known as purple sand ware, and are typically unglazed. The clays used for Yixing wares are very cohesive and can be formed by slip molding,  相似文献   

On my way back to Beijing, I dropped into the art museum of Hebei Provincial Institute of Painting in the city of Shijiazhuang, where an exhibition on Wei Kuizhong's off paintings was on the display. I was so overwhelmed by those extraordinary works that I was eager to talk to the painter. Wei was a sincere and determined artist. He looked taciturn but when it came to his artistic pursuits and ideas, his eloquence surprised me. In the Chinese art market today when everybody complains about the lack of mainstream artworks, Wei's oil masterpieces with thrilling make him stand out as a leading figure.  相似文献   

On a sunny day in the end of 2007 I was invited for a visit to Suzhou Embroidery. Research Institute. Led by Ms. Zhang, the institute's artistic director, I entered through a moon-shaped gate in a traditional style and an elegant classical Suzhou-style garden was unfolded in front of me. Quiet paths, luxuriant plants, winding corridors, all are filled with fascinating charm, like a scene in a traditional Chinese ink painting. The garden is called "Huanxiu Resort" where the embroidery institute is based. At that moment,  相似文献   

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