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为了深入研究驾驶人应急转向操作行为下车辆的横向响应状态,在车辆受力分析的基础上,建立了车辆应急转向响应力学模型。通过驾驶人应急转向行为下车辆横向应急响应实车试验,采集了驾驶人应急转向操作力度与车辆横向响应等关键数据,对比分析了实车试验数据与模型计算数据。试验结果表明:所建立的模型计算得到的数据误差较小,相对误差均在10%以内,能够反应驾驶人事故前应急操作,可用于道路交通事故再现的研究。  相似文献   

为了验证车载激光雷达设备能否用于跟驰数据的采集,通过在乌鲁木齐市快速路的实地实验,进行了基于车载激光雷达设备的实时动态跟驰数据采集过程。选取安全距离模型作为评价模型,分析了不同状态下后车驾驶员的反应时间,并采用非线性回归分析方法对模型进行了参数标定。通过对比车头间距的实测值与模型计算值的轨迹曲线对模型进行了检验,结果表明,实测值与检验值基本吻合,模型可以描述不同状态下驾驶员的跟驰特性。因此,利用车载激光雷达设备对跟驰行为的数据进行采集是可行的。  相似文献   

针对城市道路网中的应急交通疏散问题,研究如何选择合适的路段实行逆向管理。基于网络最大流最小割理论,设计了瓶颈释放启发式算法,通过不断寻找网络最小割来释放潜在瓶颈,增加路网的疏散通行能力。本研究旨在为逆向车道路段的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

利用车流的跟驰理论,建立了一种用于城市道路交通噪声预估的动态随机模型,反映了城市交通噪声的微观特性,具有随机、动态和实时预估特征.通过预测与实测比较表明建立的交通噪声预估模型具有较高的预测精度,并运用VB6.0编写交通噪声预估软件.  相似文献   

正今后,山西省中小学校每月至少要开展一次应急疏散演练,幼儿园每季度至少要开展一次应急疏散演练。山西省教育厅2014年3月6日要求,全省中小学和幼儿园要制定各自的演练方案。据了解,开展实战型应急疏散演练,是为了进一步增强师生安全意识,提高逃生自救能力,在发生紧急情况时,能有序、迅速地安全疏散,确保师生的生命安全。各校应急疏散演练方案应  相似文献   

高层建筑群控电梯应急疏散调度算法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高层建筑的电梯不仅能够用于正常的客流运输,而且也能够在应急情况下用于紧急疏散.文章将电梯的应急疏散作用纳入电梯群控系统,提出静态分区与基于模糊控制的多目标优化算法结合的调度方法.介绍了高层建筑应急疏散的特点以及算法的思想,并通过仿真试验验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

为了能够提高大型商场应急疏散能力评价的准确性,确保大型商场的安全性,将改进粒子群算法优化的小波神经网络应用于大型商场应急疏散能力评价中.文章研究了小波神经网络的基本理论,确定了小波神经网络的数学模型;设计了改进粒子群算法的模型,并且提出了改进粒子群算法的优化模型;最后以10个大型商场为研究对象,利用所提出的方法对其应急疏散能力进行评价,评价结果表明,粒子群优化的小波神经网络能够快速地、准确地获得大型商场应急疏散能力的实际状况.  相似文献   

采用超声波测距传感器测量侧方及后方障碍物与汽车的距离,通过单片机控制电位器将数字信号转变为电阻值并进行信号放大,最终改变正在工作的汽车音响的电阻值大小,达到减小音量的作用,其目的在于减少倒车的安全隐患,并且能根据车辆倒车时与障碍物的间距进行音量调节,达到提醒驾驶员的效果,有助于保证驾驶员的倒车安全性。  相似文献   

性能化防火设计方法是建筑防火领域最先进的设计方法,本文应用性能化防火设计的方法对某大型商场进行了防火分析,用火灾软件对火场的人员疏散进行了现场模拟,最终得出结论该商场的防火设计满足要求。  相似文献   

为了综合考虑人群个性和室内环境对疏散的综合影响,采用势能场元胞自动机(FFCA)模型模拟混合有不同性格行人的疏散.该模型构建了人群疏散环境的时空网络图,并通过计算最小运动消耗(LTC)路径建立静态势能场.疏散人群根据性格特征被分为3类,每类人群都可能使用不同的策略来平衡疏散中的运动和时间消耗.在每个时间步,每位行人都能根据随时变化的FFAC模型选择下一个移动目标.行人会根据自己的决策机制不断规划新路线或选择等待,直到到达出口.疏散模拟选择在不同的复杂疏散场景中进行,如多出口房间、教室和地铁,且疏散人群由不同性格的稠密人群混合而成.该研究为揭示行人心理、逃生环境与疏散行为之间的内在联系提供了一种新的方法.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that influence undergraduate college student use of emergency contraception (EC) and their level of knowledge about the product, in order to assist in the development of intervention programmes to increase its use, which could lead to lower rates of unintended pregnancies in this population. A response rate of 98.4% included 1553 surveys from students at 11 Midwestern universities. Students were predominantly female (63.5%), white (75.3%) and aged 18–21 years (80%). They ranged from first-year students (23.8%) through to fourth-year students (13.8%), with second-year students comprising the largest group (32.6%). The majority of respondents reported being heterosexual (92.1%), and 34.1% of those completing the questionnaire reported being in a committed relationship. Most respondents reported having had sexual intercourse at least once in their lifetime (78.9%). Of the 8.4% of sexually active students who had experienced an unintended pregnancy, 18.1% had used EC in the past 12 months. Knowledge of EC was not high; but as knowledge increased, the use of EC increased. The Integrated Behavioural Model predicted 50% of the variance in intention. Each construct contributed a portion of variance except experiential attitude, which was not statistically significant in the path analysis. The model could be used in any future interventions to increase EC use and decrease unintended pregnancies among college students.  相似文献   

The associations between social and psychological influences and environmental attitudes, intentions and behavior have generated considerable interest, both in the fields of environmental behavior and of environmental education. We use the 2010 General Social Survey (GSS) to study these associations and expand the scope of earlier studies by including additional measures across social demographic, social psychological and behavioral blocks. The findings highlight the relationships between social psychological constructs and environmental concern and behavior, as well as the relationships between social demographic characteristics and environmental values and beliefs. The findings from this study will be useful to environmental educators and communicators interested in studying the social psychological and social demographic bases of environmental concern and behavior.  相似文献   


This study examined a moderated mediation model with 254 Israeli junior high school students, hypothesizing that students' environmental hope would simultaneously mediate the relationship between their engagement in school-based environmental activities (green engagement) and their environmental behavior as well as their positivity ratio, but that students' self-control skills would moderate these mediation processes. The results showed that engagement was linked to self-reported pro-environmental behavior, as well as experiencing more positive than negative emotions. Multigroup structural equation modeling indicated that the model provided a good fit to the data, and rigorous bootstrap analysis confirmed the simultaneous mediating role of environmental hope—but only for students with high self-control skills. The limitations and implications of the findings are discussed, and future directions are presented.  相似文献   

Two experimental tests of three-storied reinforced concrete structural walls having large openings were performed.Based on an original macro model,a multiple modified macro-model was proposed to develop a simple method to design a reinforced concrete structural wall with large openings and various opening locations.The interaction between reinforcement ties and concrete struts formed along the perimeter of openings was neglected in the original model.However,the strut-and-tie node was proposed to take account of such interaction in the proposed model.The predicted behavior of two specimens using such a proposed model was compared with the experimental results.It is shown that the behavior of structural walls with large openings could be modeled well using the proposed model.Moreover,the study indicates that the proposed model is applicable even in cases of multi-story structural walls having large openings and various opening locations.  相似文献   

The literature in science education highlights the potentially significant role of outside-school factors such as parents, cultural contexts and role models in students’ formation of science attitudes and aspirations, and their attainment in science classes. In this paper, building on and linking Bourdieu’s key concepts of habitus, cultural and social capital, and field with Sen’s capability approach, we develop a model of students’ science-related capability development. Our model proposes that the role of outside-school factors is twofold, first, in providing an initial set of science-related resources (i.e. habitus, cultural and social capital), and then in conversion of these resources to science-related capabilities. The model also highlights the distinction between science-related functionings (outcomes achieved by individuals) and science-related capabilities (ability to achieve desired functionings), and argues that it is necessary to consider science-related capability development in evaluating the effectiveness of science education. We then test our theoretical model with an account of three Turkish immigrant students’ science-related capabilities and the role of outside-school factors in forming and extending these capabilities. We use student and parent interviews, student questionnaires and in-class observations to provide an analysis of how outside-school factors influence these students’ attitudes, aspirations and attainment in science.  相似文献   

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