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课堂提问是教师传授知识的必要手段,是训练思维的有效途径,课堂提问的成功与否,关系到单位时间内教学的效果。如果能够在教学中科学地设计并依照一定的方法进行课堂提问,就能优化课堂结构,真正发挥教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,从而展示教师的教学艺术,显示教师的教学魅力。  相似文献   

初中语文新课程课堂导入设计的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新课程带来新理念.本文从四个方面论述初中语文新课程课堂导入设计的特点①注重课文内容与学生生活体验的联系;②注重课文内容与课外相关资源的联系;③采用学生喜闻乐见的多种活动形式;④强化学习情境的创设.  相似文献   

发展是时代的主题 ,课堂教学是学生发展的主阵地 ,本文阐述了在化学课堂教学过程中如何发展学生的独立思考和主动提问能力 ,培养学生科学的思维方法 ,如何发展学生的创新精神和实践能力 ,培养学生的个性品质和团结协作精神。  相似文献   

新课改以来,我一直在思考:如何在课堂教学中发挥学生的主体性?这就要抓住主体性特征进行研究,其中独立性是主体自主行使和支配自己权利的意识及能力,是人成为主体的前提。因此我就把自己的研究重点放在了“质疑”上。“学起于思,思源于疑”。“疑”是点燃学生积极思维的火种,“  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and evaluation of a course in physiotherapy whereby the physics fundamental to the modalities of cold, heat and ultrasound therapies was integrated in lectures and actual physiotherapy activities. The design of the course is described together with the perceptions of physiotherapy students regarding the organisation of the course, safety aspects and how well the integration contributed to their understanding of the physics involved in electrotherapy. Specialization: Physics education. Specialization: electrotherapy. Specializations: Diagnosis of student learning difficulties and teaching for conceptual change, technology education, curriculum evaluation. Specializations: Material science, isotope studies, physics education.  相似文献   

This study examines the usefulness of selected aspects of Tharp and Gallimore's (1988) theory of assistance as a theoretical framework for describing and analyzing change efforts in a middle school mathematics reform project. Drawing upon Tharp and Gallimore's redefinition of teaching as assisting performance and learning as the result of assisted performance, the social organization of a school-based mathematics reform effort in which teacher educators, mathematics teachers, and students both assist and are assisted is analyzed. In addition, one particular classroom assistance activity is presented and analyzed in terms of characteristics of assistance that, according to the theory, should lead to significant learning.  相似文献   

和谐产生美,一堂课的美在于教与学、教师与学生等各个方面教学因素的和谐。轻松和谐的课堂教学氛围能够产生教育力,最大限度地发挥教学活动的效益和效率,使学生个体和发展达到最佳状态,让学生享受到学习的乐趣,增强学习的自信心。  相似文献   

注意力是一个人获取外部信息所必须具有的能力。学生注意力涉及授课的成败。为了让学生注意力集中在学习上 ,我在教学实践中就这方面做了些探索。一、变换方法 ,让学生上课后迅速集中注意力。打铃后一两分钟 ,总会有些学生嬉闹着走进教室。耍兴未尽 ,坐下后还要侧身转首 ,交头接耳 ,然后才慢慢翻书、提笔。不只耽搁自己的时间 ,也影响其他同学的注意力。为了上课后让学生迅速集中注意力 ,我或者让科代表安排某个善讲幽默故事的同学 ,利用讲课前三分钟给大家讲个幽默故事 ;或者让各小组的同学轮流在黑板上默写课文里的诗句 ,其他同学对照检查…  相似文献   

美国著名教育心理学家布鲁纳认为 :学校教学最重要的目的是帮助每一个学生获得最好的智力发展。对于教学而言 ,作为结果的知识固然重要 ,但更重要的是了解获得知识的过程 ,应让学生进行充分的智力思考 ,让他们进行自己的探索活动。因此 ,在数学教学中 ,不仅应向学生传授数学结构知识 ,而且要培养学生探究问题的能力 ,培养独立解决问题和预见未知的能力。笔者现结合自己在高中代数中“给出数列 {an}的递推公式a1=b ,且an 1=c·an d ,求出它的通项公式”这一节课的教学实践 ,谈谈在教学过程中 ,如何组织学生发现学习的一些体会 ,谈…  相似文献   

This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between students' sense of community, perceived cognitive learning, and satisfaction in an e-learning course. Additionally, the relationship of these variables with Internet self-efficacy and final examination scores is investigated. The participants were 88 students enrolled in elementary level English as a Foreign Language course of the distance education program at a higher education institution in Turkey. The results of the study suggest that sense of community and course satisfactions are strongly related to each other. Moreover, students' course satisfaction is highly related to their perceived cognitive learning. Students' perceived cognitive learning was observed to have a very strong relationship with learner-to-content interaction, while learner-to-learner interaction was at medium level and learner-to-instructor interaction was weak.  相似文献   

A new, simple classroom technique helps cell biology students understand principles of Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics. A student mimics the enzyme and the student's hand represents the enzyme's active site. The catalytic event is the transfer of marbles (substrate molecules) by hand from one plastic container to another. As predicted, increases in marble concentration increase the number of marbles transferred per unit time (initial rate, V(0)) until the turnover number becomes rate limiting and V(0) approaches the maximum velocity (V(max)), as described by the Michaelis-Menten equation. With this demonstration, students visualize an important concept: the turnover number is constant and independent of marble concentration. A student assessment of this exercise showed that it helped students visualize the turnover number and V(max) but not K(m), the marble concentration at which V(0) is one-half V(max). To address the concept of K(m), we use supplemental laboratory and lecture exercises. This exercise with plastic containers and marbles is equally suited to demonstrate the kinetics of carrier-mediated membrane transport. We conclude that this exercise helps students visualize the turnover number and V(max) and gives students important insights into the kinetic parameters used to characterize the catalytic activity of enzymes and membrane transporters.  相似文献   

网络化课堂教学模式是信息技术与传统课堂教学整合而产生的一种新的教学模式。通过为期两年的高职英语网络化课堂教学实验,其结果表明:该教学模式克服了传统课堂教学模式的局限性,充分发挥了学生的主体作用,对提高学生的英语综合应用能力有显著作用。该教学方式是现代外语教学理想的模式之一。  相似文献   

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