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本文主要从阅读教学课型设计的方向性、课型设计的系统性、课型设计的艺术性三个角度 ,谈了阅读教学多变的课型必须以不变的教学思想为宗旨 ,符合课型设计多变和不变的教学辩证法 ,从而达到“课要有型、型要多变、变不离宗”的总目标。  相似文献   

本主要从阅读教学课型设计的方向性、课型设计的系统性、课型设计的艺术性三个角度,谈了阅读教学多变的课型必须以不变的教学思想为宗旨,符合课型设计多变和不变的教学辩证法,从而达到“课要有型,型要多变、变不离宗”的总目标。  相似文献   

"基本课型教学行为设计研究"是为解决课改中出现的课堂教学行为与课改理念脱节的问题而提出的,它基于特定的课型必然有特定的教学过程结构的理论,它强调可观、可测的行为设计,主张以学定教。其研究过程为确定课型、要素分析、课型设计、设计论证、实践反思、再次设计、再次实践……这样的循环往复,不断提升的过程。最终研究成果包括"课型学习目标"、"本课型的学生一般认知过程"、"课型设计表格"、"课型设计使用说明"、"典型的课时设计"五个部分。  相似文献   

第一型曲面积分的概念具有很强的理论性、抽象 性,对于学生而言,不易理解甚至枯燥晦涩。本文从实际例子 出发,以课前准备工作、课上教学活动、课下深层挖掘三个教学 环节为主线,对第一型曲面积分的概念进行了教学设计。  相似文献   

张燕芬 《时代教育》2009,(8):157-157
在新课程标准下,高中历史教学需要根据不同的教学内容,设计出合适的课型进行教学.具体分析,主要有以解读文本为中心的课型,以主题活动中心的课型,以学生探究为中心的课型等形式.  相似文献   

6 .文学欣赏课文学欣赏课 ,语文阅读教学中最高雅的常用课型。在中学语文诸多课型中 ,文学欣赏课尤有新意 ,尤有美意。运用这种课型 ,是因为中学语文教材里选编了小说、诗歌、戏剧、散文、文言文诗词等文学欣赏教学单元 ,这些单元往往明确规定“本单元重点培养阅读和欣赏小说的能力”“本单元着重培养阅读和欣赏诗歌的能力”“本单元着重培养阅读和欣赏戏剧文学的能力”等。一般来说 ,一个学段的中学语文教材中有 2 0篇以上的课文需要运用文学欣赏课的课型来进行教学。运用这种课型 ,是因为中学语文教学大纲在关于阅读能力方面就文学欣赏的…  相似文献   

从关注课型设计和注重教学过程的视角,对《无机非金属材料的主角——硅》一课的教学设计进行介绍与反思,对如何根据课型分类优化课堂教学,关注教学过程落实三维目标进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文结合笔者的一次磨课过程,从转变教师教学理念、满足学生发展需求到逐步优化教学活动、不断调整和完善教学设计等方面,探讨了如何从学生角度出发,优化教学设计,提高教学实效性。  相似文献   

【案例】某中学组织教学开放日,各学科各推出一节课改研讨课,英语研讨课由一位年轻教师授课,学生为普通班学生。学校课堂教学时间为40分钟一堂课。  相似文献   

一、精心设计课型,激发学生的学习兴趣应用文虽不象常用文体那样讲起来激情涌跃、感情充沛、引人入胜,但如果课型设计得当、充满知识性和趣味性,同样能达到意趣横生的效果。语文课的课型设计多种多样,比如:畅想型、兴趣型、情感型、品读欣赏型、信息交流型等等,在具体的教学过程中,有时可以突出一型,有时又要双型并用,有时则多型交替。单就应用文体的教学来讲,笔者着重突出兴趣教学,即每堂课的开始都能由一个有趣的事例或有趣的话题,先  相似文献   

公开课是对授课教师和受课学生以外的人开放的适应学生的课,公开和适应学生是公开课的两个基本特征。我们需要公开课,归根到底是为了充分挖掘其作为“课”的存在价值的需要,而不是片面追求其作为“公开”的存在价值的需要。无论是授课教师上公开课还是受课学生以外的人听、评公开课,都应追求公开课作为“课”的存在价值。  相似文献   

语文课堂缺乏生动性、主动性和创造性,学生对语文课缺乏兴趣,视语文学习为一件苦差事。要改变这种不良状态,提高课堂效率,可采取以下策略:情感共振,让课堂“活”起来;互动交流,让课堂“动”起来;幽默诙谐,让课堂“笑”起来;和谐融洽,让课堂“亲”起来;活动体验,让课堂“富”起来。  相似文献   

生态课堂建构的理性思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态课堂既是理想课堂,又是全新的教育追求。它是生命价值的依托,和谐互动的舞台,多元共生的田野。基于课堂生态特征的解读,回首我们现实的课堂,不难发现存在着很多失衡因素,构建生态和谐的课堂已经迫在眉睫。课堂的生态定位要求作为生态主体的教师要以高度负责的精神,在教学中从教学目标的解读,教学内容的选择,教学途径的采用,教学评价模式设计等方面来建构生态课堂。  相似文献   

The authors examined (a) differences in school engagement and the subjective well-being (SWB) of 330 Israeli students (Grades 7–10, 52% girls) in specialized school classes (arts and science) versus students in classes with no specialized subject and (b) the role of engagement as a mediator between class choice and SWB. A multivariate analysis of covariance examined intergroup differences and structural equation modeling was used to test the mediation model. The results indicated that students in both specialized classes felt more engaged than students in regular classes and that students in science classes experienced higher SWB than did students in art and regular classes. The difference between specialized classes and regular classes in terms of student SWB was fully mediated by student engagement. The results suggest that educators and policymakers should consider enabling students to enroll in specialized classes that may not only increase their engagement but also their SWB.  相似文献   

The rejection of pupils with behaviour problems is a serious problem for inclusive education schools. Sometimes parents prefer special schools because they do not want their children to become outsiders in integration classes. Are they right? The study presented here surveys children with behaviour problems in integrated primary school classes and in special education schools. The main focus is the extent to which behaviour problems influence social relations within the classes. The findings indicate that German pupils with behaviour problems are not well liked. The comparison of special education classes and integrated primary school classes also shows, however, that this is not solely a feature of integrated classes. Pupils with behaviour problems are disliked in both systems, and to a comparable degree. This means that there may be some good arguments for special schools. But both systems—special schools and integrated school classes—have outsiders. Especially parents of pupils with learning difficulties and behaviour problems should know that there is no difference here between special education classes and integrative primary school classes.  相似文献   

陈卫兰 《台州学院学报》2009,31(4):28-32,53
陈孚近体诗、古体诗的用韵,其近体诗分为18部,与“平水韵”大致相同,只是合并了“平水韵”的若干韵部。古体诗分24部,其中阴声韵7部,阳声韵11部,入声韵6部。与宋词通用的18部有别,主要体现在阳声韵臻摄、山摄仍分立韵部,入声韵的不同韵尾未混用。陈孚诗歌用韵反映出元代台州语音发展速度比较缓慢,保留古音较多。  相似文献   

This article is a result of a small-scale study with the purpose of investigating teacher-student verbal interactions and questioning and students' curriculum-related performance in small and large mainstream classes. In mainstream classes the bilingual students were taught together with their monolingual Norwegian peers. The study shows that there are inter-group and intra-group differences with respect to: (i) teacher-student verbal interaction; (ii) academic questioning; (iii) curriculum-related performance of students in small classes compared with large classes. The bilingual minority students in general, and bilingual minority girls in particular, benefit from civics lessons in small classes more than they do in large classes. It is suggested that by creating rich possibilities for teacher-student verbal interaction and curriculum-oriented academic questioning, small classes can provide conditions for better academic performance in content area subjects, i.e. civics, for bilingual students in general and bilingual girls in particular than do large classes.  相似文献   

Colleges and universities offer classes that meet for different lengths of time and different numbers of days per week, such as classes that meet 2 days and those that meet 3 days. Traditionally triweekly classes that met for a shorter duration were more common than classes that met biweekly for a longer duration. Biweekly classes are becoming more popular with time. However, there is some concern that classes that meet more often are better suited for student learning than others. This paper, using data from a small liberal arts college, finds that after controlling for the starting time of the class meeting and course fixed effects as well as faculty and student fixed effects, student learning across 2 and 3 days classes is essentially the same.  相似文献   


Some scholars argue that the effects of small classes in the early grades are not cumulative—that the benefits of small classes accrue in the 1st year of small classes. That argument suggests both policy implications and scientific questions of why additional benefits should not accrue from additional exposure to small classes. In this article, the cumulative effects of small classes on achievement were investigated with data from Project STAR, a 4-year, large-scale randomized experiment on the effects of class size. Controlling for achievement in the previous-year small classes in Grades 1, 2, and 3 yielded additional positive effects on reading and mathematics achievement. Thus, there are additional (cumulative) effects of small classes after the 1st year that may be large enough to be important for education policy.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to investigate the influence of an established school programme with a high amount of physical education on visual-spatial ability in a secondary school. One hundred and forty-four adolescents, 69 from sport classes and 75 from regular classes, solved a cognitive processing speed task and a mental rotation task. The results reflect a better cognitive processing speed of the boys in the sports classes compared to regular classes but no differences for girls. Concerning the mental rotation performance, we found a significantly better mental rotation performance for boys and girls in the sports classes compared to regular classes due to an increased number of items worked on. Supposedly, motor expertise facilitates mental rotation performance by promoting a faster editing of the task. The benefits of sport classes in normal high school settings have to be investigated in further studies considering the effect on academic performance.  相似文献   

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