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20世纪90年代以来,非洲许多国家进行了体制改革,实行多党民主制,使多党民主化在非洲取得了明显成绩。在某种程度上说,部族政治功不可没。非洲多部族的特点有利于形成政治多元化,促进非洲多党民主制的确立,从而推动其选举、监督和政权轮替机制的形成,以及未来非洲多党民主制的稳步发展。部族政治将会为非洲独具特色的多党民主政治作出贡献。  相似文献   

炎帝与黄帝部族是同时兴起于我国西部的两个有亲缘关系的远古氏族,炎帝率先进入中原与冀州平原,与随之东迁的黄帝部族在涿鹿展开大战,黄帝一战得胜而入主中原,炎帝部族则向南迁移,炎帝后裔英雄与黄帝后裔的斗争贯穿了整个神话历史,构成了中国古代神话的主要内容,是建构我国神话体系的主干。  相似文献   

炎帝与黄帝部族是同时兴起于我国西部的两个有亲缘关系的远古氏族。炎帝率先进入中原与冀州平原,与随之东迁的黄帝部族在涿鹿展开大战。黄帝一战得胜而入主中原,炎帝部族则向南迁移。炎帝后裔英雄与黄帝后裔的斗争贯穿了整个神话历史,构成了中国古代神话的主要内容,是建构我国神话体系的主干。  相似文献   

在巴基斯坦西北部落区,部族认同由来已久,其直接构成对巴基斯坦田謇认同的挑战。部落区的传统部落制度和巴基斯坦独立后政治发展历程,是目前出现部族认同强化、圃家认同弱化的主要诱因,并由此造成部落区在认同定位中置部族认同于国家认同之上的现象,严重削弱了巴基斯坦固家认同的构建。只有部族认同、固家认同两者之间的良性互动才能有利于建构巴基斯坦盈家认同。并在此基础上获得对部族认同的认可。  相似文献   

十六国时期,胡人和汉人间矛盾十分尖锐。战则以胡人为主,耕则汉人为主,成为少数部族政权的一项重要统治政策,也是兵制上的一项重要内容。 本从历史学角度较为详尽地研讨了十六国时期少数部族政权的兵制。既论述了胡人主战并大量充当常备军的主流方面,又对汉民服兵股的事实作了阐述。汉人服兵股是当时统治阶级适应政治需要而实行的,是具体历史条件下的产物。但与当时的根本制度在形式上有所抵触。究其实质,是十六国时期民族斗争中的一种矛盾现象。这种纷纭复杂的民族冲突,甚至给以后的北魏统治在征兵、用兵方面带来重大影响。  相似文献   

《诗经》作为周部族的国家音乐文献体现出重视南方资源和周人与南方部族战争的倾向,以此为线索并结合历史考古材料分析可知周部族渴望南方资源、恐惧异族力量的心态,故其以战争手段扩大统治范围、提高控制力、压制潜在对手、控制资源分配份额、削弱治下不安定方国,以封国和联姻淡化政治仇恨,以处理与南方部族关系。  相似文献   

泛非主义、非洲民族主义、部族主义关系浅析张忠民泛非主义、非洲民族主义和部族主义是三个既有联系又有区别的概念。三者在现代非洲社会发展的进程中起着不同的作用。泛非主义和非洲民族主义泛非主义最初起源于新大陆,而不是非洲。后经欧洲传到非洲,在非洲大地上生根、...  相似文献   

云南是我国民族最多的一个省,并有人类起源之地的说法。考古中发现较丰富的先秦时期云南地区古化资料,为研究该地区氏族、部族、民族的社会经济状况提供了依据,研究证明云南民族与华夏诸民族有着较密切的联系与融合,并对我国经济化的发展作出贡献。  相似文献   

东方古代神话中表达了鲜明的部族意识,拥有话语权力部族的神上升为主神,异族神则被丑化、恶化,从被否定的神身上大都可以看到部族冲突与融合的痕迹。从类角度看,东方古代学中的民族意识突出表现在颂诗和史传学中。从区域看,西亚古代学的民族意识最为强烈,这是西亚的地理位置、化渗透和民族型态所决定的。代表西亚古代民族主义思想的是希伯来的《旧约》和波斯学史上的“舒欧毕思潮”。东方古代学的民族意识比西方古代学强烈复杂得多,并对近现代东方社会产生了重大的影响。  相似文献   

综合苗语黔东北次方言语汇、古代文献及考古材料,发现三苗诸部族的名称大多与动物图腾尤其是人类驯化的动物有关,这是三苗部族联盟以畜牧养殖业为主要生产方式的远古农业文明发展达到较高水平的标志。这种在部落联盟内群体性以动物名称命名各部族的现象,是远古时代部族及部族联盟产生发展的一个重要现象,也是特殊现象。  相似文献   

本文试图剥开最严重民族宗教冲突个案的迷雾①,在民族宗教冲突类型研究的基础上,分析当今世界国际政治中最严重民族宗教冲突的根源,预测其走向并寻找其出路,为在国际政治舞台上解决民族宗教冲突提供有效的理论依据。文中还力图在识别“主体民教的冲突”与“整体对抗的民族宗教冲突”的前提下,对国际政治最严重民族宗教冲突类型进行深入分析,把民族宗教冲突划分为主体民族的冲突、分割性(或跨界性)冲突、移民性冲突、文化传播性冲突四种类型,警示人们主体性整体对抗类型具有参与冲突的人数比例最大、解决冲突所持续的时间最长、解决的难度最大和对社会的危害性最大等特点,提出解决问题的进路在于把整体性对抗降级为局部性对抗、进而再化解为零度冲突的思路。  相似文献   

1788年英国殖民者在澳大利亚建立罪犯流放地,从此打破土著在澳大利亚的宁静。为了夺取土地与资源,白人殖民者对土著进行剥夺、屠杀。殖民者带往澳大利亚的疾病与瘟疫(主要是天花和性病)也不断侵袭土著部落。这些导致澳大利亚土著人口锐减、生活方式和社会文化的破坏。白人殖民对澳大利亚土著种族的生存构成严重威胁。  相似文献   

运用人类学参与式观察的方法,研究生活在同一个村落里的两个族群之认同与族群特征,发现他们细致的差异,强调语言在族群认同中扮演的重要角色,以及族群特征的削弱与重构的意义。  相似文献   

As a result of developments in public education in the nineteenth-century Ottoman state, pedagogic professionalism began to direct school studies by setting scientific discourse against conventional epistemology. However, the strong conviction that the late Ottoman Empire was secularised progressively over years leads to the neglect of the tensions and conflicts in active authorship, and nullifies the role of textbooks as battlefields for ideologies. This article examines the tensions and resistances to modern knowledge that were deemed to be transferred in a smooth transition from the old to the new epistemology, in the history of education literature. The article discusses the discursive views in the general history textbooks. The contrasting conceptions of history, the first man, civilisations and tribal societies demonstrate the failure to form standard school knowledge in the Second Constitutional Period.  相似文献   

部落学院是美国民族高等教育的一个组成部分,在美国高等教育体系中占有一定的地位。部落学院在传承部落民族文化,增加高等教育机会,提升民族人力素质,促进部落经济发展方面起到了重要的作用,但从发展现状来看,它正面临着来自政府、教师和学生等各方面的挑战。  相似文献   

作为先秦重要典籍,《尚书·尧典》中记载的尧舜禅让传说与原始部落首领选举制极为相似,其令人费解的问题也可以通过对原始部落首领权力更替中的研究得到答案。因此,《尧典》中隐藏着华夏民族原始部落首领选举制的某些历史真相。  相似文献   

Purpose: This paper reports the results of survey research conducted with tribal producers between 2011 and 2012 on 19 of the largest American Indian reservations in Idaho, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, and Washington. The purpose of the research was to identify potential barriers to sustainable agriculture on reservation lands. This article reports the results of this research in an effort to promote Extension professionals' understanding of these barriers, which may help to improve outreach programs on American Indian reservations. Understanding the obstacles to sustaining agriculture that American Indian tribes face may inform international agricultural outreach efforts to increase food security targeting indigenous and tribal peoples worldwide.

Design/Methodology/Approach: American Indian agricultural producers comprised the study group. Study objectives included: (1) identify agricultural and natural resource issues of greatest concern to a self-selected sample of tribal agricultural producers on reservation lands; (2) evaluate access to Extension and other US Department of Agriculture outreach and assistance programs; and (3) evaluate the quality of these programs in terms of their relativity to tribal needs.

Findings: Study results indicate that tribal agricultural producers surveyed ranked 29 of 39 agricultural and natural resource issues as a concern. Similarly, they rated access to and quality of outreach programs as fair. Further, tribal producers operating on reservation trust land rated issues more severely than did tribal producers operating on fee simple lands.

Practical Implications: Results of this research will help Extension and other outreach professionals to understand the barriers indigenous and tribal peoples face in sustaining agricultural operations, particularly tribal groups living on federally reserved trust lands, such as American Indians. An increased understanding can inform agricultural policy-makers and outreach professionals in improving programs designed to increase agricultural sustainability, improve food security, enhance economic well-being and improve quality of life of indigenous and tribal peoples worldwide.

Originality/Value: This research provides important information to agricultural policy-makers and Extension professionals striving to sustain agricultural productivity and enhance food security with indigenous and tribal peoples.  相似文献   

A wide variety of American Indian tribal codes on child abuse and neglect are currently in effect. They range from anachronistic codes that were promulgated about fifty years ago and have never been revised to recently enacted codes that are innovative and incorporate the best practices in the field of protective services. The efforts, now underway, to collect and analyze Indian tribal codes on child abuse and neglect is supportive of the national interest to improve Indian child welfare services. The knowledge gained will be helpful to Indian tribes as they assess their own codes and will provide a new body of information on the laws in the U.S. on child abuse and neglect. In the past few years, increased national support in the United States has been focused on the protection of the best interest of Indian children with specific resources provided for the support of local Indian children and family programs operated by Indian tribal governments. Many Indian tribes are using these resources to develop and revise their child welfare codes, including those elements pertaining to child abuse and neglect. The momentum under way in the United States to improve Indian child welfare services can be expected to continue to include developments in Indian tribal codes on child abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

简介台湾“民主”和族群关系的大致状况,探讨台湾“民主”对族群关系的恶劣影响,指出西方式“民主”是导致族群对立的主要原因,我国的政治体制改革绝不能照搬西方政治制度的模式。  相似文献   

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