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贝伊 《今日中学生》2012,(32):29-30
Mary always wanted to be a singer. Music was the most important thing in her life,but to tell you the truth,she had a terrible voice. She took lessons for many years,but her voice didn’t become better. In fact,it just got louder.Her teacher finally gave up and stopped the lesson,but Mary refused to stop. One day,she decided to give a concert and invited her teacher to attend.  相似文献   

My mother was the smartest person I've ever known,not because she had a fancy job or a high level of education,but because of her life experience.When I was a little kid,she used to share her thoughts,ideas and life lessons with me.I can honestly say I would not have been the person I am today without her 1)wisdom.  相似文献   

王官鹏 《海外英语》2013,(6X):202-203
Emily Dickinson,one of America’s great poets and a precursor of the Imagist movement in American literature,who was born on December 10,1830 and died unmarried in 1886 in Amherst,lived her life in complete shadow,abnormally shy and even not leaved her house.Confining herself exclusively to poetry.In her life, she was nobody (only several poems got published), but after her death she gained the recognition of the world and so became somebody.Emily Dickinson’s poetry had been controversially discussed because of the unique style.As three aspects which are related to religion affected her poetic personality,there are profound characteristics of religious culture in her poem.she finally establishes her own unique religious outlook.  相似文献   

I have a lot of Mom's recipes in a blue 1)tin box where all my special ones 2)reside-the pumpkin pie she made during my growing up years,the light and 3)yeasty 4)dinner rolls that were family 5)faves.Even so,the recipe I 6)treasure most is not on any 7)index card,nor did she send it to me in a letter.On the contrary,she lived this recipe all of her life,but I was too blind to see and appreciate it until her final years.  相似文献   

On the perspective of psychoanalytic criticism,three human psyche models propounded by Freud,Jung and Lancan were employed to reveal the psychological trace of the tragic character,the grandmother in The Acorn-gatherer.Back to the country life in late Victorian England,a lonely elderly widow had to bring up her illegitimate grandson,but her grandson couldn’t bear her mistreatment,left home and died accidentally.The old grandmother bore the hardship strenuously but had to live her old and ailing days lonely which is like a candle guttering in the wind.Deluged with the social discrimination and bias led by the collective unconscious,her help doesn’t come from anyone in the utilitarian oriented grass roots.Nor does it come from the Lord’s real redemption owing to a country woman’s limited knowledge and inwardness.Under the great strain from the grey society,she was gradually distorted mentally.As a result,she was victimized by the grey tide of the society but she herself was a victimizing force to her grandson.The psychological exploration of the piteous victim can thoroughly interpret the author’s implication,i.e.condemning the evils of the society and man’s wicked nature.  相似文献   

何丹丽 《海外英语》2011,(8):295-296,303
Although Katherine Mansfield never claimed that she was a radical feminist, she showed her concerns and pondered on females through her life of pursuing freedom and independence, her creative writing skills and her short stories. She had her own feminism consciousness and viewpoints. She believed that man and woman were different and living in a different world, and it’s very hard to understand and communicate with the other sex. Man dominated the society in the economical and political areas in tradition that they had the speech right and ranked above woman. However, Mansfield saw the hope of the awakening of the feminism awareness.  相似文献   

晓菲 《初中生》2018,(6):34-37
原作节选 That was the last time the girl Wendy ever saw Peter.For a little longer she tried for his sake not to have growing pains;and she felt she was untrue to him when she got a prize for general knowledge.But the years came and went without bringing the careless boy;and when they met gain,Wendy was a married woman,and Peter was no more to her than a little dust in the box in which she had kept her toys.  相似文献   

刘淑洁 《海外英语》2014,(8):197-198
Scarlett,the heroine in Gone with the Wind,is always the disputed figure in the academic world.She gathers kinds of traits in herself,including contradiction intricacy and diversity.Then,Scarlett is a person not only selfish and rebellious,but also in the pursuit of equality and independence.What she eagerly seeks in her life is genuine love.To begin with her unique thought and conception,this thesis analyzes the characteristics of her self-assurance and self-reliance represented behind her selfishness and rebellion.It makes emphasis on the profound changes Scarlett has in terms of belief and self-value when she experiences the baptism of the Civil War.The process that she changes from a spoiled noble belle to an independent and confident businesswoman indicates the self-awareness of women has wakened up.  相似文献   

Since entering Beijing Film Academy as a postgraduate(研究生), Zhao Wei(赵薇) has been diving into her studies and appeared in public much less than before. Not long ago in an interview Zhao Wei talked of her college life, saying that she was burying herself in her studies and had no time to take part in other activities. Now Zhao Wei goes to college for class at eight in the morning and leaves after all classes are over. She doesn't break the college rules just because she is a film star.  相似文献   

玛丽虽然是生活在南部非洲的白人,但她的一生大部分时间生活在与土著黑人一样的贫困和痛苦中,她渴望摆脱这种境况。在迫于社会压力结婚之后,她绝望地发现自己走回了母亲的老路。黑人雇工摩西的闯入使她麻木痛苦的生活有了新的生存力量。然而狭隘的种族意识注定了他们所面临的必将是一个悲惨的结局。性格上,玛丽一生中除了一次微弱的抗争外,精神上始终处于一种被动的状态,她被动地接受环境和命运的摆布。因此,社会环境和性格缺陷使玛丽的最终悲剧成为了必然。  相似文献   

朱淑真的不幸婚姻以及孤苦的人生历程,使生性敏感的诗人日渐忧郁,爱情的难泯给诗人婚姻生活蒙上一层灰色,转而借诗词大量表现个人孤寂、忧伤的情怀。悲剧性的人生却写出精彩诗词,给后代留下宝贵的精神财富,也使诗人留下不朽的美名。  相似文献   

<正>It’s human nature to love romance,especially for those young girls who are still in their adolescence.Emma was just one of these girls.When she was in convent school,she indulged herself in romantic fictions and fantastic love stories,regarding that kind of life depicted in books as her purist.She was dying to join the upper class,and she imagined to live a life like them one day.Masked balls,violent pleasures,and all the wildness she  相似文献   

艾米莉·迪金森从小热爱歌唱,并训练有素.隐居以后,她以写诗作为歌唱的另一种形式,在诗歌中描绘和探讨声音,在声音中求索真和美.她歌唱一生,又痛苦一生.  相似文献   

在《秘密花园》中,苏珊·索尔比是一个次要人物,但她却在各位主要人物的生活中起着举足轻重的作用。备受赞誉的她不仅与身边所有人相处融洽,与大自然的关系更是非同一般。试从生态女性主义的角度追溯苏珊和谐幸福生活的源头,进而证明其幸福生活是她以自然之道待人接物,与自然和谐相处的必然结果。  相似文献   

朱淑真一生悲哀,嫁非所爱,漂泊东西。她把满腹愁苦灌注在她的诗词作品之中。尔后虽其大部分作品被其父母一火焚之,亦有少数有幸得以存世,后人结集之,名曰"断肠"。何为断肠?古人云:悲之极也,肝肠为之寸断。纵观朱淑真一生,经历着错嫁、思亲、相思、曲高和寡、叛道的感情煎熬,这些情愫最终凝结成了她的断肠之悲。  相似文献   

在中国现代文学史上 ,不能说张爱玲是伟大的 ,却可以说张爱玲是深刻的 ;不能说张爱玲是最重要的小说家 ,却可以说她是最具有西方现代精神特征的小说家。张爱玲选择苍凉这一审美基调来感悟人生、阐释生命 ,充分显示了她对生命意义的深刻怀疑 ,在此意义上 ,张爱玲构建起了一种不同于传统的而是现代的属于人的生存意义上的悲剧观。因此 ,苍凉所显示出的是悲剧的现代品格。  相似文献   

萧红和迟子建都有浓厚的乡土意识,但是她们的出发点和着眼点并不一样,在萧红笔下,大自然在更多的时候被暗示为东北乡民奔放、强悍、坚忍的生存方式,他们沉寂单调的生活一如荒凉的自然。萧红是要透过自然的荒凉来写人性的荒芜,同时,她借助对风物习俗的描绘展现了这里的人们的宿命与挣扎,并对风俗中的迷信予以化批判的观照。迟子建怀着一种近乎宗教般的圣洁情怀抒写大自然。她笔下的自然,与小说中人物的纯朴至善的美好情怀相得益彰。她在描写风俗时,不是审视、批判,而是有意略去其中的迷信性质,欣赏其作为人的生命意识的表现,她对风俗更多的是持有审美的态度。她刻意描写东北边陲的自然景致和宁静悠远的民俗风情,是为了借此召唤一种质朴的生活方式。  相似文献   

台湾女作家三毛以其独特的人生经历和丰富的文学作品为人们所喜爱和关注。她的一生以笔为伴,在颠沛流浪的生活中编织自己对梦想家园的追求。滚滚红尘中,她如一叶浮萍,努力地寻求一方安稳存生之所,但无情的现实却使她未能如愿。她是红尘中的边缘人,孤寂之感、流浪意识和死亡意识伴随她的一生,成为其作品独特的文本特征。  相似文献   

汉娜·阿伦特论思的政治意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以对20世纪的一系列政治问题的反思而著称于世的当代著名政治哲学家汉娜·阿伦特,晚年从她一直关注的政治问题转向哲学问题。在《精神生活》在这部未完成的著作中,她力图弥合传统上“精神生活”和“行动生活”的对立,阐明政治活动的精神性基础,并对“平庸罪恶”这一现象做出理论上的解释,说明思为何具有抗拒邪恶的力量。阿伦特对思的政治意义的分析得益于西方哲学史上的两位大师:康德和苏格拉底。从康德那里,她学会了思是什么;从苏格拉底那里,她学会了思的方式。  相似文献   

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