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从软实力看当代中国国家意识形态安全   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
意识形态安全关涉民族和国家的根本利益和发展战略.在社会转型和西方强势文化的双重冲击下,维护国家意识形态安全的关键在于以提升软实力为着力点,在社会民众共同的价值归属和文化认同中增强国家意识形态的说服力、感召力和亲和力.  相似文献   

家庭与社区所奉行的价值观、语言、信仰、认知、教育观、生活观念等意识形态对民族学校教育和学生学业成就会产生重要影响.家庭、社区与学校文化意识的差距是导致石门坎苗族学生在学校出现文化适应困难、难以取得较高学业成就的主要原因.这提醒我们,每个民族的文化都有自己的价值,学校文化也要关注少数群体.  相似文献   

语言和民族意识是不可分的,民族的语言意识是相对于这一民族国家语言政策及其立法的重要部分,在后现代主义的文化范畴内特定的语言意识形态更是全面把握一国语言立法的基础和关键.美国的语言政策之所以被称之为“无政策的政策”,其症结就在于其语言单元主义的民族意识形态.  相似文献   

中韩两国的语言中都存在大量的成语和俗语。成语和俗语是语言中历史悠久,经过长时间筛选和提炼的比较固定的内容,是民族心理和民族文化的一面镜子。本文以文化语言学的角度分析中韩成语俗语中"狗"的象征意义,探讨两国人民意识形态、思考方式的异同点。  相似文献   

跨境民族青少年国家认同关涉国家意识形态安全、社会和谐稳定、民族团结进步,历来受到高度重视.近年来,跨境民族青少年国家认同度得到提高、中华民族共同体意识得以增强,但面临着边境地区"相对封闭性"与"全方位开放"的复杂性,跨境民族"情感亲近"与学校教育"隐性排斥",学校国家认同教育偏差与民族文化传承不足,特殊的家庭问题与家庭教育缺位冲击或弱化国家认同等困境.为此,应加大社会支持,保障跨境民族青少年权利;坚持学校主导,铸牢中华民族共同体意识,促进民族认同与国家认同和谐共生;注重家庭培育,营造稳定良好的家庭教育环境,形成多维联动、协调有序的强大合力来增强国认同.  相似文献   

随着中国特色社会主义进入新时代,各种矛盾和问题叠加出现,民族地区高职院校意识形态工作也出现日益复杂和多元化的趋势。面对民族种类多、文化多样化,西方多元文化思潮的冲击及不良互联网信息影响的挑战,应将优秀传统文化贯穿教育教学始终,加强思想政治教育阵地建设,加大互联网意识形态安全监管,筑牢民族地区高职院校意识形态主导权和话语权。  相似文献   

大学生是祖国的未来、民族的希望,是维护国家意识形态安全的重要政治力量。大学生意识形态安全教育是党的意识形态工作的重要组成部分,直接影响高等教育人才培养的质量,关涉中国特色社会主义事业的兴衰成败和中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的实现。着眼国际国内环境的深刻变化,立足大学生思想变化实际,需要建立党管意识形态的领导机制,学校、家庭、社会协同的合力机制,制度、政策、法律相互配合的管理机制、动态跟踪监测的预警机制,确保大学生意识形态安全教育顺利进行。  相似文献   

保罗·利科为翻译研究指示出两条辩证统一的诠释学路径:一是"语言自身的运作"的路径,关涉"不可译性"、"可比性"与"逐字直译"的语言问题;一是"外来者的考验"的路径,关涉"语言好客"、"自我理解"、"占有"与"普遍有效性"的伦理问题。利科的诠释学翻译理论化解了"可译性/不可译性"的思辨僵局和"忠实/背叛"的实践困境,综合了"逐字直译"的语言策略和"语言好客"的伦理规范。  相似文献   

新时代聚焦当代中国,意识形态领域斗争严峻。党的十八大以来,党中央高度重视意识形态话语权提升问题。在新的历史方位上,战略提升我国主流意识形态话语权要深化问题意识,凸显主流意识形态提问权;提高研判能力,彰显主流意识形态论断权;夯实理论阐释,强化主流意识形态解释权;树立"亮剑"思维,增强主流意识形态批判权。我国主流意识形态话语权提升问题关涉新时代主流意识形态建设进程,对维护主流意识形态安全、提升主流价值自信、增强主流文化认同都具有重要的理论与实践价值。  相似文献   

“身体”作为文学表现的对象,在关涉“文革”叙事的新时期小说中,借助于语言媒介而获得了足够的呈示空间。本文通过对身体与语言的相互“糅合”的分析,努力探寻隐藏在身体与语言背后的政治伦理和民族文化思维。  相似文献   

This paper describes 3 language learning approaches common in many urban and rural Ojibwe communities, as well as the ideologies of endangerment that drive and sustain them. Drawing from collaborative language revitalization work with teachers, learners, and community leaders, we analyze some of the teaching and learning practices that lead to the common mismatch between language learner goals and expectations, on the one hand, and the outcomes of language learning, on the other. We outline how these 3 approaches to language learning relate to cultural identities and place-based notions of authenticity as well as to current findings in the field of second language acquisition. We then profile 2 speakers who have learned Ojibwe successfully as adults to illustrate how their success was possible largely because they were able to engage with the Ojibwe language in interactive ways that run counter to common language learning approaches. We suggest that for language revitalization efforts, and individual learners, to experience higher levels of success, greater attention needs to be paid to how ideologies of endangerment impact language learning approaches.  相似文献   


Learning a heritage language can be celebrated to enhance marginalized groups’ self-esteem, but a heritage can also encompass ideologies prevalent in the groups’ original homeland. Based on ethnographic fieldwork (2007–2011) at a weekend Japanese-language school in the United States, this article investigates how ideologies on race politics within a heritage language community’s homeland are reproduced or subverted through heritage language education. We analyze treatment of Korea–Japan power relations at school by focusing on the practice of guiding students (not) to shift their perspectives in three cases involving (a) discrimination against Resident Koreans in Japan, (b) gender-specific abortion in South Korea, and (c) South Korea and Japan’s dispute over possession of Tokdo/Takeshima. While social analyses of heritage language education tend to focus on a minority group’s place in mainstream society, this article suggests investigating the reproduction of ideologies from its homeland via heritage language education.  相似文献   

This article describes bilingual teacher preparation at a public university on the U.S.-Mexico border. I examine colonizing language ideologies that are reproduced in the local schools and teacher preparation programs, and show how preservice teachers engaged in Participatory Action Research to counter negative ideologies about bilingualism and bilingual children (Flores 2013). Through the use of decolonizing pedagogies (Tejeda, Espinoza & Gutierrez, 2003) aimed at disrupting a cycle of linguistic and cultural reproduction, participants learned to question and challenge deficit views toward Mexican-origin and bilingual learners. Alternative pedagogies included language and literacy autobiographies, case studies of emergent bilingualism, and analysis of the local linguistic landscape. I show that decolonizing pedagogical tools are necessary for transforming persistent negative ideologies about Spanish and Tex-Mex that continue to silence many children and teachers in the region.  相似文献   

Drawing on linguistic anthropological notions of language ideologies and sociolinguistic approaches to stance, this study examines the meaning-making resources through which Spanish heritage language (HL) learners orient toward ideological perspectives on language value and linguistic expertise in classroom interaction. Part of a larger ethnographic study, data in the present study include about 26 hours of audio and video recordings from three different intermediate Spanish HL classrooms and filmed interviews with the students. The analysis indicates that discourses of legitimacy and expertise are embodied within multiple levels of classroom interaction, including affective stancetaking, expert/novice positioning, and the reframing of both ascribed social positions and previous discourse. Results suggest that the role of language ideologies in HL learning can be better understood through an examination of stancetaking in interaction and that the construction of different kinds of expertise should be an important consideration in the development of HL instructional practices.  相似文献   

Building on the idea that "discourse does ideological work" (Wodak, 1996), this article examines how school leaders use metaphors that convey as well as construct concepts of diversity, intergroup relations, and equity. The author draws on data from interviews with school leaders in the United States who were focusing on improving race relations in their schools. An analysis of metaphors in these interviews reveals differing ideologies of equity and intergroup relations. Based on this analysis, the author suggests that professional development programs for school leaders ought to include a critical approach to language to enhance leaders' awareness of the way discourse creates and reinforces ideologies, and to enable them to use language strategically to support equity-based reforms.  相似文献   

Bobbie Kabuto 《Literacy》2018,52(3):137-144
This article explores the concept of narratives of biliteracy or how two bilingual mothers defined biliteracy for their families through the construction of narratives. This study is approached through a theoretical discussion of narratives to investigate how the two families constructed certain versions of their realities as they observed, interpreted and made sense of their children's experiences in reading in two languages. After presenting each family's narrative, this study will explore how underlying these narratives are language‐driven ideologies that allowed each mother to construct different meanings of bilingualism and biliteracy for their families. The findings and conclusion suggest that these language‐driven ideologies were based on how the mothers discussed the positive and negative effects that learning in two languages has on their children's educational and transnational experiences.  相似文献   

This study explores Korean-immigrant parents’ language ideologies and practices with respect to their American-born children’s language development. Participants were seven ethnic Korean families composed of immigrant parents and their American-born children, aged between five and seven, in Midwestern America. Interviews in the medium of Korean with the parents, and naturally-occurring family conversations during a meal time, reading time, and play time were audio-recorded and analyzed. The findings suggest that Korean-immigrant parents have a strong desire to pass on their mother tongue to their American-born children, largely derived from their language barrier, and perception of language as an identity marker and socio-economic capital in case they return to Korea for familial obligations and economic opportunities, which represent the context-specific nature of family language policy. Language strategies, such as parental feedback and language-mixing, serve as a catalyst for the implementation of family language policy on the levels of functions, forms, and teaching of the Korean language for Korean-American children’s bilingual development.  相似文献   

路翎与尼采思想有着全面而深刻的精神联系,这种联系在其代表作《财主底儿女们》里得到集中鲜明的体现。在这部作品的创作上,作者以具有很强主观性的“倾吐”冲动,通过蒋少祖、蒋纯祖两个主人公形象,表达了与尼采思想相通的生命立场。注意到路翎与尼采深广的精神联系,充分重视作者的“倾吐”在整个作品艺术构成上的突出地位,把作品的人物和叙述语言更多地放在生命哲学的语义空间里,可能更切合路翎创造的艺术世界。  相似文献   


American Protestants serving overseas must learn their host communities’ “heart” language from the twin moral imperative to minimize their burden on host partners and to embody their faith through their language practice. Language learning thus has moral consequences; not merely proficiency attainment, but faithfulness and calling are at stake. The author, a Protestant himself, conducted an ethnography of Americans serving in a Protestant organization at field sites in Bosnia and Slovenia. Two ideologies emerged from this study and were analyzed as a polycentric system exerting moral authority. These were (a) a dogmatic ideology of using the “right” language, the “national” or “heart language” corresponding to a people group, and (b) a pragmatic ideology of using “whatever” linguistic resources available to convey their gospel. These ideologies overlapped and shifted over time, with consequences for fieldworkers’ longevity, the linguistic ecology of host communities, and Christian understandings of language learning.  相似文献   

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