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多元文化在丰富和发展中国社会文化精神的同时,也给高校青年教师的文化追求、精神信仰和价值取向带来了困惑。因此,高校应高度重视多元文化发展对青年教师的影响,寻求多元文化背景下加强青年教师理想信念的路径,帮助青年教师走出多元文化选择的困境,引导他们树立起符合时代要求的理想信念。  相似文献   

运用Bicomb 2.0软件和SPSS22.0软件,结合关键词的共词分析法,绘制了中国知网(CNKI)中检索到的1994-2019年63篇与"高校青年教师理想信念教育"主题相关文献的聚类树状图和热点知识图谱。结果表明:我国高校青年教师理想信念教育研究热点主要集中在高校青年教师理想信念教育现状及对策的研究、高校青年教师队伍建设研究以及高校青年教师信仰建设和师德建设的研究等三个方面。未来的研究可以关注高校青年教师理想信念教育认同机制的探析,系统化、长期性思想政治理论学习培训体系的打造,教育评价、反馈和激励机制的构建以及多学科融合、多方协同进行高校青年教师理想信念教育等方面。  相似文献   

文章阐述了新媒体及其特点,分析了新媒体视野下青年教师理想信念教育的隐忧,提出了新媒体视阈下高校青年教师理想信念教育的应对策略。重点强调:以新媒体环境下的引导理念为导向,落实"以人为本"的理想信念教育理念;有效驾驭新媒体,引导舆情传播科学的理想信念;提升理想信念教育工作者新媒体素养,是增强理想信念教育实效性的必备条件。  相似文献   

青年教师作为高校教师的主体,他们的理想信念将直接影响学生理想信念的形成。调查报告基于高职院校青年教师理想信念的基本状况、理想信念的意义和重要性、理想信念的实现、高校青年教师理想信念教育的看法等几个方面的分析,为开展高职院校青年教师理想信念教育的研究提供资料。  相似文献   

高质量乡村青年教师是建设高质量乡村教育的根本保障。新时代背景下,乡村青年教师被赋予了乡村振兴的推进者、乡村文化的弘扬者、乡村儿童的引路人等时代使命,乡村青年教师应具备专业知识与地方知识兼具、一般能力与特殊能力结合、教育信仰与乡土情怀共存的特质。乡村青年教师的培育可依托职前培养为乡村青年教师应有特质的生成蓄能积势,关注其职后成长,实现乡村青年教师应有特质的场域升华,同时多措并举构建乡村青年教师发展的多元支持体系。  相似文献   

多元文化是一种以主流文化为引领的多种文化共同发展的精神存在。多元文化背景下大学生理想信念的生成具有鲜明的历史性、实践性、理论性和价值性。多元文化渗透于大学生的学习与生活,影响着大学生的价值判断和行为表现,给大学生理想信念带来机遇和挑战。适应多元文化形势,促进大学生理想信念行为转换,要在教育理念、内容体系、课堂教学、有效途径、体制机制等方面下功夫。  相似文献   

文章首先阐述了高职院校青年教师理想信念教育的重要性,然后分析了高职院校青年教师理想信念教育的现状,最后提出了高职院校青年教师理想信念教育的具体途径.  相似文献   

青年教师作为高等教育的中坚力量,承担着培养和引导学生成长的责任,青年教师的理想信念在塑造学生成长成才的道路上具有举足轻重的作用。随着社会的不断发展变化,高校青年教师理想信念教育面临着一系列的挑战和困难。本文旨在探讨高校青年教师理想信念教育的困境,并提出相应的对策,以帮助青年教师更好履行立德树人的教育使命。  相似文献   

在社会主义现代化建设的新时期,高校青年教师的价值取向和精神信仰等也出现了一定的问题。因此,高校应积极探索青年教师理想信念方面出现问题的原因,寻求可行有效的理想信念教育实施途径,帮助青年教师走出困惑,引导他们树立起顺应时代要求的理想信念。  相似文献   

浅议多元文化背景下大学生的理想信念教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多元文化对我国大学生的理想信念产生了强烈的冲击和深远的影响,文章阐述了多元文化背景下大学生的理想信念现状,并针对如何在多元文化背景下实施对大学生的理想信念教育提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

在多元思想冲击下,马克思主义理想信念弱化的现实要求高校思想政治理论课教师担负起坚定和强化当代大学生理想信念的时代使命。基于此,厘清高校思想政治理论课教师理想信念的内涵,客观分析当前教师理想信念弱化的现实表现及成因,从加强理论学习、丰富理想信念内涵和提升理想信念层次等多重路径坚定和强化高校思想政治理论课教师的理想信念,将对人们坚定和强化马克思主义理想信念起着重要的指引意义。  相似文献   

As the diversity of American schools is increasing, teachers should understand the role culture plays in the classroom and employ teaching practices that accommodate students from diverse cultural backgrounds. However, while more is known about pre-service teachers’ beliefs about multicultural education, less is known about what practices in-service teachers endorse and what factors influence those beliefs about practices. Specifically, the aims of the study were to determine (a) how teachers define culture, (b) what multicultural practices they endorse, and (c) what school-level factors (i.e. racial/ethnic demographics of the school) and teacher-level factors (i.e. multicultural professional development/coursework, grade level taught, comfort level facilitating multicultural discussions, and definitions of culture) are associated with teachers’ endorsement of multicultural practices. A sample of 45 elementary teachers (grades kindergarten to fifth) in three elementary schools completed a custom-developed survey. Findings indicated that teachers defined culture broadly with infrequent mention of specific identities and did not show strong endorsement of recommended multicultural practices. Teachers’ definitions of culture and their school of employment were associated with teachers’ beliefs about practices. Directions for future and implications for targeted professional development will be discussed.  相似文献   

通过对870名大学生理想信念现状抽样调查问卷进行数据分析,了解和掌握多元文化背景下大学生总体和统计学样本特征理想信念现状和特点,分析其形成的原因和影响因素,为开展大学生理想信念教育的研究提供资料。  相似文献   


The challenges faced by learner-centred education (LCE) reforms in developing countries may be partly explained by their failure to engage with the culturally shaped beliefs in which teachers’ practice is rooted. Drawing from a mixed methods study of 60 government primary teachers in India, this research points to cultural tensions faced by LCE reforms in India. Although India’s own Constitutional values and pedagogical reform movements support LCE’s ideals, many teachers’ beliefs are shaped by dominant ideologies that contradict LCE’s assumptions. Imposing a predetermined, ‘Western’ model of LCE practice will inevitably face challenges if not supported by teachers’ underlying beliefs – and in fact contradicts LCE’s own ideals of empowering teacher agency. Instead, the paper argues for pedagogical reforms to focus less on a predesigned model of learner-centred practice and more on its underlying beliefs: by seeking to instil culturally relevant learning-centred beliefs, and involving teachers themselves in determining what learning-centred practice might look like within their context.  相似文献   

This study examines teachers’ beliefs regarding linguistic diversity and their approaches to teaching Spanish as a second language (SSL) in the inclusion of immigrant students whose first language is not Spanish. Grounded in a qualitative study in multicultural schools in Andalusia (Spain), we compared the voices of two groups of teachers: regular teachers and specialist language teachers. Teachers reflected monolingual beliefs -from assimilationist to deficit approaches- and attached great importance to the role that SSL has for immigrant students. Results indicated the need for professional development for teachers to promote multilingualism based on beliefs of language-as-resource or language-as-right.  相似文献   

This study investigated preservice teachers’ beliefs and attitudes about teaching culturally and linguistically diverse students when progressing through specially designed courses. Data were collected using the Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey and semi-structured interviews. Analyses indicated that preservice teachers who received more multicultural preparation held more positive attitudes and based their attitudes more on academic preparation than on personal experiences. Preservice teachers who completed the multicultural course and English for speakers of other languages field placement had a more in-depth understanding of how to help culturally and linguistically diverse students.  相似文献   

俞念胜 《江苏高教》2021,(4):102-106
立德树人是高校思政课教师的神圣使命。从立德树人根本任务出发,思政课教师要培养大学生坚定的理想信念、深沉的家国情怀、良好的道德品质和不屈的奋斗精神。当前,高校思政课教师立德树人面临着能力不足待提升、渠道不畅待拓展、方法滞后待改进、评价失衡待完善等现实难题。因此,高校思政课教师要练就立德树人过硬本领、构建立德树人课程体系、创新立德树人方式方法、完善立德树人评价体系,不断提高立德树人能力。  相似文献   

A comprehensive study abroad program is one of the most effective ways to prepare multicultural and global teachers. However, in teacher education, most of the study abroad programs are designed for preservice teachers. In this study, we detailed the design of a short-term study abroad program for inservice teachers and reported on the impact of the program not only on teachers’ intercultural competence development, but also their teaching beliefs and practices. Discussions and implications were provided for educators designing study abroad programs for teachers.  相似文献   

以学术发展为核心的科学知识生产与创新是高校青年教师的生命线,其学术发展既需要个人努力,更需要外部支持。然而,由于高校青年教师处于相对“弱势”,其学术发展面临社会空间掣肘学术理想、学术评价制约学术能力发展、“激进”发展学术观带来“学术失落”等困局。基于此,有必要围绕社会软环境、政策评价体系、个人价值观等制约青年教师学术发展的主要因素,分析高校青年教师学术发展的要素体系,提出优化学术资源配置机制、改革学术综合评价机制、健全学术指导服务机制、完善学术激励保障机制等青年教师的学术发展支持机制。  相似文献   

Dealing with ethnic and linguistic diversity is one of the major challenges in today’s education. Therefore, the formulation of competencies for teachers and teacher training should take into account the specific requirements of teaching in multicultural schools. In 2002, a series of small‐scale studies were conducted to identify and formulate teachers’ communicative competencies in multicultural classes through a mixture of instruments and data sources. The studies aimed at providing recommendations for improving these competencies through teacher education and professional development. This study reports on the multiple instruments used to study the practical knowledge and behaviour of experienced teachers in multicultural schools by discussing research evidence from a series of case studies from primary and secondary education. These case studies explored teachers’ knowledge, beliefs and behaviours in creating healthy teacher–student relationships as well as making lesson content accessible for all students, including students with limited language skills. The findings show how small‐scale studies with multiple data collection techniques can help in providing an empirical foundation for the formulation and specification of teacher competencies in multicultural settings. Based on our findings, we argue that by conducting multiple investigations in different settings, using a variety of instruments and by interpreting this data from different communicative domains, a valid, reliable and complete picture of teachers’ scientific competencies can be obtained.  相似文献   

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