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通过问卷调查不同层次学生如何看待外语教师在课堂使用母语的情况,分析出现这些情况的原因,同时考察不同层次学生的观点是否存在差异.通过描述性分析和卡方检验等统计分析,发现学生不同程度地接受外语教师使用母语与学生层次有关系,丽教师何时使用母语方面可因情况而异.最后,笔者讨论该研究对外语教学的启示作用.  相似文献   

略谈母语在外语教学中的地位安徽省工商行政管理学校孙文波我们的学生在学习外语时,已熟练地掌握着自己的母语,习惯于用母语进行思维,因此,总是自觉或不自觉地把母语牵涉其中。母语和外语教学有什么关系,如何利用母语来学习外语、教授外语,这是值得每一位外语教师深...  相似文献   

母语在外语教学中的地位和作用一直备受争议。对本族语教师与非本族语教师进行调查,来探讨母语在大学外语教学中的作用,结果表明:受试教师在外语教学中使用母语的情况相当普遍,并且均承认作为教学辅助语言,母语在外语教学中的作用不可或缺。本族语教师强调外语课堂上应保证学生目的语输入的量和正确性,而非本族语教师则更重视外语输入的可理解性,因此更认可母语在教学中的积极作用。受试教师一致认为,在任何情况下,目的语都应在外语课堂上占主导地位,母语只能起促进、辅助和弥补教学的作用。  相似文献   

高程度的学习焦虑可能对学生外语学习的态度产生负面的影响;外语教学者的内在因素在潜移默化地影响着学生课堂口语活动中的焦虑程度,其内容包括教师在课堂活动中的行为方式和个性特点.以教师的内在因素为出发点,探索合适的教学策略来帮助学生克服外语学习过程中的悲观情绪、迷惑感和失败感,以期共建轻松和谐的外语课堂环境.  相似文献   

CLIL内容与语言综合学习是一种教学法,本文是指教师使用外语,学生使用母语进行课堂互动的一种CLIL教学模式.目的是通过外语了解世界,开阔视野,促进身心发展.  相似文献   

作者分析了教师在语言学课堂上使用英汉语码转换,并以此作为一种教学策略的利弊.通过问卷调查,学生和教师也都肯定了母语在英语教学中的积极作用!教师在课堂上适时、适量的使用母语,进行必要的教学功能及交际功能的语码转换将能够促进教学,所以我们应鼓励外语教师在教学中适当的使用母语.  相似文献   

周艳  李桔元 《教学研究》2007,(2):143-146
母语在外语学习中的作用一直备受关注.传统语言学的观点排斥母语.本文从理论上探讨母语对外语学习(二语习得)的正面影响:①语言具有共性;②母语认知是外语学习的基础;③母语可促进可理解输入;④母语可促进学习者的积极情感.最后文章指出外语课堂上适当利用母语的必要性.  相似文献   

应用语言学界和语言教学领域关于母语对第二语言或外语学习的影响一直有着不同看法.20世纪60年代,行为主义学习理论认为,外语学习只是语言学习者在学习过程中不断接受 "刺激-反应"从而形成第二语言习惯的过程.该理论认为母语在课堂上的使用会剥夺学生接受第二语言的输入机会.20世纪70年代,语言大师Chomsky 对行为学习理论进行了抨击,认知心理学理论逐步取代了行为主义学习理论,重新评价了母语在第二语言学习中的作用.随后,教学中的"语码转换"受到各国语言学家的极大关注.他们认为,课堂语码转换是一种有效的教学策略,有助于学生更好地理解和接受输入.从现实意义的角度看,英语课堂的英汉语码转换有如下四个功能:促进教学;填补"词汇空缺";元语言功能;辅助交际功能.  相似文献   

翻译在我们的外语教学中是客观存在的。无论教师采用什么样的教材,什么样的教学方式,都无法排除母语和外语之间的互译。教师用英语运行课堂,并不意味着无视英汉互译的实在性,更不意味着否认英汉互译的必要性。对于已经获得母语系统知识的学生,其思维活动在很大程度上依赖母语。尽管不少外语教学专家提出,外语学习要追求用外语思维的境界,但是为实现这种追求所做的努力却无法改变一个事实:不要说学习外语的学生难以达到用外语思维的水平,就是外语教师。  相似文献   

国内外研究表明,非母语学生与母语学生的数学学习相比较,容易产生障碍或困难.以课堂观察和教师访谈的方式,对维吾尔族"双语生"数学学习障碍进行研究.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,本文证实了外语教师对大学生英语学习动机存在影响。其中外语教师的个人特点对大学生的学习动机影响最为深远,影响最小的方面是他们的教学行为,而影响力居于两者之间的是他们的人际行为。并提出外语教师在英语课堂教学中如何提高学生学习动机的相关建议。  相似文献   

This study delves into the different roles that elementary science teachers play in the classroom to orchestrate science learning opportunities for students. Examining the classroom practices of three elementary science teachers in Singapore, we found that teachers shuttle between four key roles in enabling student learning in science. Teachers can play the role of (1) dispenser of knowledge (giver), (2) mentor of learning (advisor), (3) monitor of students’ activities (police), and (4) partner in inquiry (colearner). These roles are dynamic, and while teachers show a preference for one of the four roles, factors such as the nature of the task, the types of students, as well as the availability of time and resources affect the role that teachers adopt. The roles that teachers play in the classroom have implications for the practice of science as inquiry in the classroom as well as the identities that teachers and students form in the science learning process.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative instrumental case study was to continue looking at the differences in classroom environments for different levels of teachers. Specifically, we wanted to focus on teacher perspectives of classroom management, relationships with students, motivating students, student risk-taking within the classroom, and student self-regulation. The three levels we looked at for this study included highly effective teachers, proficient teachers who have taught for more than 3 years, and new/developing teachers. The results found three major themes with differences in how teachers at each level approached classroom management, relationships with students, and student behaviors within the classroom. The student behaviors within the classroom included self-regulation and risk-taking. The results of this study provide researchers more information regarding the different stages of teaching, information to schools on ways to mentor teachers at each level of teaching, and information to teacher preparation programs on ways to help preservice teachers prepare for the classroom.  相似文献   

通过对CIEE(美国国际教育交流协会)上海学习中心的部分课堂的教学录音分析,结合对调查对象的汉语课堂焦虑度量表的统计,研究对外汉语教师使用的即时纠误反馈方式与学生课堂焦虑度之间的关系,并就研究结果提出相关建议。研究发现重述作为一种隐晦的纠误反馈方式,在降低课堂焦虑度方面确实起到明显的作用,而元语言提示的使用与学生的焦虑度呈正比。男生和女生在同样的课堂中,焦虑感趋于一致。  相似文献   

一位数学教育家说过一句话:"衡量课堂教学水平高低的唯一标准,是学生的参与程度。"对此笔者深有同感。我们不想对是否"唯一"展开讨论,但学生的参与肯定是使知识内化的必要条件,用学生的参与程度来衡量课堂教学高低与教师在课堂上的主导作用并没有矛盾,教师的主导作用恰恰是想尽一切办法让学生去参与,不能以教案构思替代学生的思维。现代的课堂教学绝不是照本宣科。  相似文献   

学生课堂教学评教是高等教育教学过程的重要环节,对教学质量的监督具有非常重要的作用,更有利于在校大学生获得教师改进后的更高水平的教学。通过对高校学生的多形式调查,发现学生对课堂教学评价的目的意义、评教方式的合理性、评教体系的科学性、评教结果反馈运用等方面有一定的认知,但存在着差异。对此,高校教学质量管理部门、教师、学生要积极行动起来,提升师生对课堂教学评价的认知度,提高课堂教学评教体系的科学性,增强师生的获得感。  相似文献   

Much research has focused on student views about physics concepts, with an emphasis on the identification of alternative conceptions, and how curricula and professional development may ameliorate the situation. However, there has been little work on determining the extent of, and in separating, the student and teacher/classroom level variables that may impact student physics achievement. This study examined the effect of different student and teacher/classroom level variables on student understanding of physics concepts using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), a regression based technique. The data were collected from 68 different teachers and 3,119 students who were using a reform curriculum, Active Physics. Teachers and students completed surveys asking about their beliefs, their classes and their personal characteristics. Students also completed a physics achievement test. The data show that students of teachers who used Active Physics for a greater portion of the year scored higher on the achievement test than did students of teachers who did not use the curriculum as much. Furthermore, the data show that the achievement gap was narrowed between boys and girls and between students with different attitudes toward physics. Additionally teachers who received inservice instruction on how to implement Active Physics narrowed the gap between students with different views of their classroom involvement. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 46: 961–976, 2009  相似文献   

This research explored the congruence and disparity between teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards French as a second language (L2) teaching strategies in a non-target language classroom context in the USA. The findings suggest students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards the direct and indirect teaching strategies were generally consistent, but not in terms of the collaborative teaching strategies. The findings also indicate that the beginner and elementary level students held different preferences for all the three teaching strategies. The underlying reasons could be learners’ different language proficiency levels, and how well teachers execute these different teaching strategies in class. This study concludes with some implications for foreign language teacher education.  相似文献   

An English classroom is an important site that teachers set teaching tasks to let students accept the integrated ability of using lan guage.Teacher talk plays an important role in the organization of discourse and L2 acquisition.It mainly talks about the teachers how to transfer information to the students in English classes.  相似文献   

大学英语教学的终极目标之一是培养大学生自主学习的意识和能力。以往的研究关注自主学习理论的探讨以及影响自主学习的学习者因素,忽视教师这一重要主体是如何认识自主学习以及在实践中的具体情况和遇到的问题。事实上,一方面,教师对学生自主学习能力的培养有重要作用;另一方面,教师信念和教师行为又存在着不一致的情况,并会对学生的学习产生影响。本文采用问卷调查、课堂观察和访谈的综合研究方法,对西南某211高校的32名大学英语教师进行信念和行为的双向考察,研究结果表明大学英语教师对学生自主学习的信念和其教学行为之间存在脱节的现象。本文拟从教学方法和课型差异两方面论述产生这一现象的原因以及英语课程培养学生自主学习能力的特殊性,希望对教师教育、英语课程设置和教材编写等提供参考。  相似文献   

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