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Facial recognition ability was studied with 288 children from 4 grades--first, second, third, and sixth--who also varied by sex race, and school type, the last being segregated or integrated. Children judged whether each of 40 pictures of children's faces had been present in a set of 20 pictures viewed earlier. Facial recognition ability increased significantly with each grade but leveled off between ages 8 and 11. Blacks' performance is significantly better than whites', and blacks are better at recognizing faces of whites than whites are at recognizing blacks. Children from an integrated school show smaller differences recognizing black or white faces than children from segregated schools, but the effect appears only for children of the integrated school who also live in mixed-race neighborhoods.  相似文献   

20世纪兴起的社会主义运动,深刻地改变了世界历史的面貌,开辟了无产阶级和劳动人民获得解放、建设幸福生活的光明之路;世纪末苏联解体、东欧剧变,世界社会主义陷入低潮,但绝不意味着社会主义的失败,恰恰证明社会主义道路不是笔直的,而是艰难曲折的;人们在实践中不断深化了对社会主义的认识,实行改革开放的社会主义是富有生命力的,展望未来,社会主义前途是光明的。  相似文献   

Children's ability to distinguish the literal meaning of a message and the speaker's communicative intent was investigated in 2 experiments. First- and second-grade children evaluated brief referential communication messages for ambiguity under 2 conditions. In an informed condition, the children knew which referent the speaker had intended. In an uninformed condition, they did not know the intended referent. 2 communication systems were used. In Experiment 1, the messages were written on cards and read to the child; in Experiment 2, a novel communication system was used. The developmental pattern of results was similar for both studies. The results showed that the first graders in the informed condition often claimed that an ambiguous message could not refer to a referent the speaker had not meant, whereas children in the uninformed condition were able to detect the referential ambiguity of the message. There were no condition differences for the second graders. The results suggest that young children's ability to analyze the literal meaning of a message is affected by the accessibility of the speaker's communicative intent and that children may develop a general ability to analyze representations of communicative intention.  相似文献   

本结合英语泛读教学,从定义式的解释说明、同义和反义关系、上下的逻辑推理等几个方面讨论了如何培养学生从上下推测生词词义的能力。  相似文献   

以词汇意义的历时演变为观照对象,借助现代语言学的不平衡理论及认知观念,结合语言使用等人为性因素,讨论语义的演变是意义结构的不平衡和认知心理所致;有时,字和人为的强制性因素也起作用。  相似文献   

学术服装用于表示在大学或相关机构获得职位、学位或其他资格,是学位的有形标志之一。学术服装一般由学位袍、垂布、学位帽、流苏等四部分组成,其承载的意义是尊重知识、追求真理、倡导学术自由和守护“象牙塔”精神的大学理念。  相似文献   

Based on a criterion test 27 fifth and sixth grade students were selected who could not control variables. Three groups were formed. The control group received no training; a second group received training relying upon external reinforcement, and the third group, training designed to induce internal cognitive conflict. The groups receiving training did only slightly better than the control group on the posttest. On the retention test one month later, all three groups had almost identical scores. The mean combined retention test score was found to be significantly greater than the pretest score. The improvement of the control and conflict groups supports Smedslund's8 finding that external reinforcement may not always be necessary for behavioral changes to occur. A further analysis of test scores led to the classification of students according to Piaget's developmental stages. During the course of the study a significant number of students improved in their stage placement. Based on retention test performance nearly half of the students having a mean age 11.8 years could be classed in late formal operations with regard to their ability to control variables. Inhelder and Piaget12 reported that this level was not normally reached until 14 or 15 years of age. In conclusion, the results support the possibility that while development of the ability to control variables can be accelerated by training at the fifth and sixth grade level some children are surprisingly unaffected regardless of whether the training is based on external reinforcement or cognitive conflict procedures.  相似文献   

随着经济生活水平和文化意识水平的提高,独生子女家庭也越来越多,幼儿适应能力逐步退减。通过分析《纲要》《指南》可知,3-6岁的幼儿可塑性能力强,因此,幼儿适应能力的培养是幼儿园思想品德教育的重要组成部分。针对幼儿特有的年龄特点和心理特点,从鼓励孩子自己的事情自己做、培养孩子同伴交往的能力、采取积极的引导方式、对孩子进行挫折教育四方面入手,通过教师正确引导及家长的检查配合,让孩子在潜移默化中拥有良好的适应能力。  相似文献   

科学发展观具有深刻的科学内涵,它是我们党对社会主义现代化建设指导思想的新发展。牢固树立和全面落实科学发展观,对于我国建成完善的社会主义市场经济体制,实现全面建设小康社会进而实现现代化的宏伟目标,具有重大而深远的意义。  相似文献   

即席致辞有可能是每一个人要面临的事情,如何恰当得体地表达自己的意愿,获得对方的理解和好感,这既是一门学问,又是一门艺术。本文从六个方面阐述了作者的观点,以求达到上述目的.  相似文献   

The development of interest in reading and its relationship to reading ability was examined longitudinally in 117 children in Grades 1–3. Interest in reading was measured by eight items from the Elementary Reading Attitude Survey. Less able readers had lower interest in reading, but their development was parallel to that of more able readers. Interest in reading in Grade 1 was weakly correlated with Grade 3 reading ability, but correlations were lower for interest measured in Grades 2 and 3. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated weak and inconsistent effects of reading interest on reading ability after controlling general cognitive ability, SES, phonological awareness and naming speed. It is concluded that interest in reading has only a weak relationship to reading ability in the early elementary years, and that much of that relationship overlaps with the effects of other more powerful predictors.  相似文献   

挖掘实验内涵,培养创新思维能力   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
结合教学实践,探讨在初中化学教学中充分发挥化学实验的教育功能,使学生逐步获得科学思维的方法,形成思维的创新,培养学生分析和解决问题的能力.  相似文献   

信息时代,知识更新的速度日益加快,而职中生在校有限的时间里,只能学到最基础的知识与技能,更新更多的知识,则有赖于学生今后不断学习而获得.因此,帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯,培养学生自主学习的能力从而独立获取知识,显得尤为重要.近年来,笔者就语文教学中培养职中生自主学习的问题,进行了一些尝试.  相似文献   

The development of detour ability during infancy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
3 longitudinal studies were conducted to examine the generalization of detour ability across motor responses and barrier types and the relationship between the development of object permanence and detour ability. In Experiment 1, 12 8-month-olds were tested every 3 weeks for 4 months on 4 different detour problems and Stage 4 and 6 object permanence tasks. In the detour problems, infants had to reach or move around a transparent or opaque barrier to obtain an object. The results indicated that infants made reaching detours before corresponding locomotor ones and generally made detours around opaque barriers before transparent ones. Infants also solved the Stage 4 task before the detour problems but failed to solve the Stage 6 task before testing ended. The results of Experiments 2 and 3 suggested that the difference in reaching and locomotor detour performance was not an artifact of barrier length or the infant's position relative to the barrier. The overall results are discussed in relation to issues of developmental synchrony and Piaget's theory of infant spatial development.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to tap preschoolers’ conceptions about the representational meaning of writing via their notation of sentences having different syntactic and semantic relationships. 60 Hebrew speaking children attending nursery school and kindergarten were individually interviewed. Each child dealt with 10 different pairs of sentences; a written sentence and a spoken one. The semantic relationships between the sentences were different in each pair i.e., identity; total difference; redundancy; entailment and inconsistency. Each time the written sentence was read, first by the experimenter and then together with the child. Then, with the written sentence still in front of him, the child was presented with the spoken sentence and asked to write it down.

Children’s writing-procedures became increasingly differentiated reflecting the relationships between the written model and the spoken sentences. A link was found between the type of semantic relationships and children’s writing-procedures. Results are discussed in terms of level of metalinguistic knowledge involved in writing.


大学教学学术的机制及其教师发展意蕴   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
教学学术是一种独特的学术形式,它扎根于教学实践,并通过理论与实践的彼此互动来推动自身走向丰满;教学学术是一种由教学内容知识加以表征的学术活动,课堂教学研究在教学内容知识的发展上起着核心的作用。根据新的大学教学学术观,在观念层面,教师应成为教学的行动研究者;在策略层面,应通过多样化的教师发展模式来积淀教师的教学学术;在制度层面,应通过完善教师发展制度来营造教师潜心教学学术的外部环境。  相似文献   

在高校教育中,高校辅导员的职业能力影响着教学工作的开展,他们也在教学辅导工作中发挥着重要的作用。随着高校改革的发展,对高校辅导员的的要求也越来越高,因此,要将职业能力建设作为中心,并结合具体的发展情况,促进高校辅导员队伍的专业化建设。本文阐释了高校辅导员队伍专业化建设的现状,并分析了做好辅导员队伍建设工作的策略。  相似文献   

基于全面发展的能力观   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
普通教育与职业教育是两种不同类型的教育,这一观点已逐步成为共识.但是,对两者之间根本区别的认定,却有着截然不同的观点.从传统静态的教育观来看,普通教育重在个性发展需求,其目标是内隐的;而职业教育重在社会发展需求,其目标是外显的.  相似文献   

This research investigated children's ability to recognize gaps in their knowledge and seek missing information from appropriate informants. In Experiment 1, forty-five 4- and 5-year-olds were adept in assigning questions from 3 domains (medicine, firefighting, and farming) to corresponding experts (doctor, firefighter, or farmer). However, when given the options of answering the same questions themselves or assigning them to an expert (Experiment 2), only 6-year-olds were consistently able to recognize when they did not know answers and then assign test questions correctly. Four- and 5-year-olds tended to overestimate their own knowledge or assign questions to the wrong expert. This result was replicated in Experiment 3, in which 5-year-olds were given incentives for correct answers.  相似文献   

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