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郑和下西洋为什么没有后继者,没有使中国更加开放、更加富强?而为什么晚于郑和近百年的哥伦布等西欧航海家的远洋探险航行却揭开了西欧殖民扩张和资本主义大发展的序幕?这两个问题是学术界早就讨论过的:有主要从海洋意识、海权观念方面考虑的,也有主要从历史背景方面考虑的。本文使用政治学中有关利益的理论,从目的与利益的关系的角度尝试对这两个问题进行回答。  相似文献   

郑和下西洋为什么没有后继者,没有使中国更加开放、更加富强?而为什么晚于郑和近百年的哥伦布等西欧航海家的远洋探险航行却揭开了西欧殖民扩张和资本主义大发展的序幕?这两个问题是学术界早就讨论过的:有主要从海洋意识、海权观念方面考虑的,也有主要从历史背景方面考虑的。本文使用政治学中有关利益的理论,从目的与利益的关系的角度尝试对这两个问题进行回答。  相似文献   

现在讲第二部分,这一部分包括两个问题:郑和下西洋的问题;资本主义萌芽问题。 (一) 郑和(三宝太监)下西洋 首先说明西洋是指什么地方。明朝时候把现在的南洋地区统称为东洋和西洋。西洋指的是现在的印度支那半岛、马来半岛、印度尼西亚、婆罗洲等地区;东洋指的菲律宾、日本等地区。在元朝以前已经有了东、西洋之分,为什么有这样的分法呢?因为当时在海上航行要靠针路(指南针),针路分东洋指针和西洋指针,因此在地理名词上就有“东洋”和“西洋”。郑和下西洋指的是什么地方呢?主要是指现在的南洋群岛。  相似文献   

近来年,郑和下西洋的活动,引起了学术界很大兴趣。为什么在我国明代就能派出那样规模庞大的远洋船队?为什么比起西方哥伦布和达·伽马的航海活动,我国郑和远航无论从时间、规模等哪一方面看都占尽风流,却未能产生前两者那样的历史后果与影响?在世界历史上,郑和远航究竟占有什么地位? 处在同一时代、又大致属于同一类型的人类历史活动,却产生了迥然不同的历史后果,其根源,首先应从促成这类历史活动的动因当中去寻求。在这方面,学者们已提出不少观点。本文也有几点浅见,参加讨论。  相似文献   

议论文论证的主要任务是分析问题和解决问题。分析问题主要是回答"为什么"。"为什么",主要从重要性、必要性或危害性等方面考虑。重要性、必要性、危害性常常有多个要点,这就形成了"为什么之","为什么之二""为什么之三"......而解决问题是回答"怎么样"。"怎么样"主要从步骤、措施、方法等方面考虑。步骤、措施、方法也常常有多个要点.这就形成了"怎么样之一","怎么样之二","怎么样之三"如中心论点是"读报有益"',试问一个"为什么"',就会引起一大串读报能了解天下大事;读报能学习先进人物的思想与作风......还是这个中心论点,如问一…  相似文献   

郑和下西洋和开辟新航路都是15世纪世界航海史上的壮举,都对世界文明产生了深远的影响。从航行时间、船队规模、航行技术上比,郑和下西洋有明显的优势。若从其他方面进行比较,从产生的差距和反映出的问题看,我们将会对二者形成新的认识。一、从航海的背景看:西欧在15世纪时已处  相似文献   

由于工作的关系,我每年都要带本科师范学生到中学进行教育实习,要听很多实习教师的课。记得有一次听课,实习教师讲的课题是郑和下西洋。他在介绍郑和其人时,提到并写出郑和原姓马,小名三保,后来当了太监,人称三宝太监。当他正要接着讲郑和出使的事迹时,有一个学生举手提问:“老师,郑和小名‘三保’,他当了太监后为什么成了‘三宝’?这两个字不一样啊。”实习老师显然没有想到学生会提出这样的问题,他先是愣了一下,随即很干脆地回答道:“名字怎么写并不重要,这也不是本课的重点,我们还是关注郑和做了些什么吧。”然后就接着讲下去。  相似文献   

新航路的开辟推动了人类社会由封建社会向资本主义社会过渡 ,推动了人类历史从分散发展向整体转变。可规模远远大于新航路开辟的郑和下西洋为何却偃旗息鼓默默无闻呢 ?这是同学们难以理解的问题。本文从两者发生的原因、活动和结果方面进行比较 ,供同学们参考。首先 ,原因的比较。 1 5— 1 6世纪西欧人的远航探险活动 ,主要动因是经济目的 ,即炽热的黄金渴望和东方直通贸易的急切需求 ,是西欧商品经济进一步发展的迫切需要。然而在以自然经济立国的中国 ,朱棣命令郑和下西洋 ,政治目的是想通过“宣德化而怀远人”达到“西夷顺而中国宁”的目…  相似文献   

<正> 中国封建社会延续时间长,是相对西欧封建社会延续时间短而言的、其中的原因十分复杂,很难寻得终极的解释。迄今,虽然有许多同志从多方面加以探讨,但很少有人从教育的角度去思考这一问题。没有比较就没有见识。中国和西欧封建社会的教育存在着明显的差异,对这些差异进行比较研究,无疑有助于我们更加全面地分析问题,解决问题。  相似文献   

16世纪以后中国所在的东亚开始衰落,而西欧则在不断的兴起。西欧的兴起对当今世界仍然有很大的影响。笔者在这里重点讨论的是为什么西欧不断的兴起而中国在同时期没有兴起的原因。在原因方面笔者主要是从动力上进行讨论,如在思想文化,科技,社会结构上进行讨论。  相似文献   

In his 2019 NCME Career Contributions Award address, Dr. Shelby Haberman uses examples of three kinds to illustrate how his training in theoretical statistics influenced his contributions to educational measurement. I bracket my comments on his address, and his contributions more generally, by considering two questions: Why might any theoretical statisticians receive this award? Why aren't all recipients theoretical statisticians? Through the course of the discussion emerges the answer to a third, easier, question: Why Shelby Haberman?  相似文献   

关于农民增收问题的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农民是当今中国积贫积弱的庞大社会群体,增收致富是中国绝大多数农民的根本利益,也是我党农村政策的根本出发点和落脚点.然而,近几年农民收入增长十分缓慢,城乡收入差距持续扩大,这种状况已经严重影响我国继续保持国民经济高速增长的局面.我国农民收入增长为何如此缓慢?农民负担为何如此之重?如何使农民收入增长进入"快车道"?本文主要以这些问题为主线,通过对农民收入及负担现状的分析,初步阐述了造成这些问题的原因,并进一步探寻了在市场经济体制下的农民增收之路.  相似文献   


Expectations regarding teacher-student relationships, classroom interactions, testing and evaluation, and academic integrity vary widely around the world. Understanding these differences can be critical to enhancing the academic success of ESL(English as a Second Language) college students. Faculty working with ESL students often ask: “Why won't my students participate more in class?” “Why do my students only repeat back what I've said?” “Why won't they tell me what they think?” “Why don't they ever know what courses they want to take when they come to registration or advisement?” Students often ask: “Why does my professor keep asking me to talk about my personal experiences? We never had to do that in my country. Why is it such a big deal to do that here?” There are a lot of “why's” floating around the campus. This article addresses some of these questions.  相似文献   

高校招生考试制度改革不仅是理论上“为什么要改、改什么”和思路上“怎么改”的问题,更重要的是实践的问题。要进行改革,就需要做一个基础工作,即把长远改革目标愿景锁定好。一旦锁定,鉴于全国各地不同现状的不同起点,我们可从中设计出若干条不同起点而归于目标愿景的光滑曲线,即改革方案。本文从多元模式、科学考试、综合评价、自主招生、和谐管理等五个方面,分析了高校招生考试制度的现状,并提出了改革的目标建议。  相似文献   

郑和下西洋是中国古代航海史上的伟大壮举。对福建人的海外迁移活动来说,郑和下西洋不仅加深了福建人对海外的了解和认识,并为他们向东南亚一带迁移创造良好的海外环境,为当时和之后的福建人进行海外迁移建立了必要的海外联系。  相似文献   

敦煌石窟中书写藏汉文字的T形榜子颇具时代特征,榆林窟第25窟八大菩萨曼荼罗造像中的T形榜子更具研究价值,有三个方面的问题需作研究:1.为什么榆林第25窟T形榜子仅出现在八大菩萨曼荼罗造像中?2.为什么该T形榜子中未写藏文?3.为什么主尊T形榜子中汉文题名清净法身卢舍那佛,而与主尊本身的大日如来形象不合?  相似文献   

Why and under which conditions do international student assessment programmes like PISA have success? How can the results of these assessments be useful for advocates of different, even contradictory, policies? What might explain different patterns of using assessment as a tool for school governance? Drawing on historical and comparative research, and using PISA as an example, this paper provides a frame for discussing these and other questions around the international rise of accountability as a key tool of social change. The basic argument is that even though accountability is a global phenomenon, the ways and means of enacting and encountering accountability are not. How accountability is experienced depends on deeply engrained ‘constitutional mind‐sets’, i.e. diverse cultures of conceptualizing the relation between the public and its institutions.  相似文献   

Despite the huge investments in the last two decades in the introduction of ICT to education and the grandiose expectations accompanying them, ICT has not been widely integrated into educational systems throughout the post-industrial world; furthermore, there is no clear evidence that ICT leads to the improvement of students' outcomes, enhances desired modes of learning or teaching of desired social values. Indeed, on the basis of the outcomes realized to date, one could characterize the rapid and costly response of Western educational systems to the ICT revolution as “much ado about nothing”. This paper focuses on the two questions stemming from awareness of this state of affairs: ? Why have so few outcomes resulted from the huge investments in ICT? ? What must happen in order for educational systems to successfully adapt to the ICT revolution? In contrast to some recent writers on this issue who have criticized the rush to computerization of education, this paper argues that educational systems cannot abstain from joining the ICT race. Abstention is not really an option since the ICT revolution is an important aspect of a deeper and broader cultural revolution that is changing Western culture from modern (or, industrial) to postmodern (or post-industrial) and schools, if they want to survive, have no option but to adapt themselves to the era in which they function. However, successful adaptation requires: 1. a radical breaking of the organizational “glass ceiling” (i.e. school's modern organizational structure) now preventing the true adaptation of education to postmodernity, 2. the accompaniment of this radical restructuring by a well-formed strategy based on a clear understanding of the new emerging culture and explicit values and educational aims. The paper argues that currently, computerization processes in post-industrial societies suffer acutely from total ignorance of the need for such radical organizational restructuring and for its accompaniment by a cultural-ideological strategy – hence the explanation to the above “much a do about nothing” phenomenon.  相似文献   

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