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1.—Why dO you like koalas?你为什么喜欢树袋熊?——Because they are cute.因为它们逗人喜爱。【解析】why引导的问句是个特殊疑问  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。(10分)1.After class,I have gymnastics____two hours.A.on B.at C.for D.in2.——____do you like music?——____it is relaxing.A.Why,Because B.How,BecauseC.What,Because D.What,/3.We have math____Friday.It!s difficult____interesting.A.on;or B.on;but C.in;or D.in;and4.What!s____favorite movie?A.he B.she C.he!s D.Gina!s5.——Who is your____?——Mr White.A.a science teacher B.science teacherC.science!s teacher D.sciences teachers6.——____do you like biology?——Because it!s …  相似文献   

<正>单元话题:Animals in the zoo语言功能:Describe animals;Express preferences句式结构:Why,What,Where questions Because…Adjectives of quality(cute,shy,scary,smart…)目标语言:What animals do you like?I like koalas.Why do you like koalas?Because they are very cute.Where are koalas from?They’re from Australia.Period 4 Section B(2a-2c)教学目的:1.知识目标掌握词汇:save,flag,forget,place,water,danger,cut,down,tree,kill,over  相似文献   

Clean FliesCustomer: Oh, God! So many flies in the dining hall!Waiter: Don蒺t be afraid, sir. They are not dirty at all.Customer: Why?Waiter: Because they have been in the kitchen since they were born. And mind you, our kitchen(厨房) is very clean.Where Does God (上帝) Live?Teacher:Now, Susan, can you tell us where God lives?Susan: Yes, Miss. I think he lives in the bathroom.Teacher: In the bathroom? Why?Susan: Because every morning I can hear my father knock on the bath-room door a…  相似文献   

功能口语 1 谈论动物 动物是人类永远的朋友.你最喜欢哪种动物?是熊猫、老虎、狮子,还是其他动物呢?下面让我们一起来谈谈动物吧! 常考口语 Let's see the pandas first!我们先去看看熊猫吧! Do you like giraffes?你喜欢长颈鹿吗? Where are lions from?狮子来自哪里? Lions are from Africa.狮子来自非洲. What animals do you like?你喜欢什么动物? I like elephants.They're cute.我喜欢大象,它们很可爱. What other animals do you like?你还喜欢别的什么动物? I like dogs,too.我还喜欢狗.  相似文献   

A:Whose book is this? B:It's mine.Why do you ask? A:Could I borrow it? I've been wanting to read it. B:Be my guest (欢迎你来借书),but I warn you.It's not as good as they say. A:What's the matter with it? B:Well,for one thing the plot (情节) is highly improbable (很不真实) and for another,the characters seem more like paper dolls than people (太不真实). A:That's strange.Usually that author does a good job of characterization (性格描述).I've read three of his books and thought they were all well done. B:I've been a fan of his for a long time too,but he really flubbed (失败 ) on this one.  相似文献   

教你在餐厅“吃饭”——就餐用语“大盘点”1.Can I help you?/What would you like?你想要点什么?2.I!d like…我想要……3.What kind of…do you have?你们有什么样的……?4.What size bowl of noodles would you like?你要多大碗的面条?5.Do you like Chinese or Western fo  相似文献   

(A) (W=Woman; D=Dave) W: Can I help you, please? D: Yes, I!d like something to drink. W: Would you __1__ a bag of milk? D: No, I don!t like milk. W: What about a cup __2__ coffee? D: No. I!d like a glass of water. W: Would you like something to eat, __3__…  相似文献   

because可以用作连词,意为“因为”,引导状语从句,陈述原因、理由,回答以w hy提问的特殊疑问句。why可以用作疑问副词,表示“为什么”,用来询问发生某一动作或存在某一情况的原因、理由,构成“W hy+一般疑问句”的特殊疑问句。例如:1.—W hy do you like dogs?你为什么喜欢狗?—B ecause they re friendly and clever.因为它们友好又聪明。2.—W hy do you like koalas?你为什么喜欢树袋熊?—B ecause they re kind ofinteresting.因为它们很有趣。3.—W hy isn tLi Ping here?李平为什么不在这儿?—B ecause he is ill.因为他病了。4.…  相似文献   

Are you a man or a mouse? When asking this question they want to know if you think you are a brave person or a coward. But you will never really know the answer to that question until you are tested in real life. Some people think they are brave, but when they come face to face with real danger, they act like cowards. Other people think of themselves as cowardly, but when they meet danger, they act like heroes.  相似文献   

<正>Owl:Hello!Who are you?猫头鹰:你好!你是谁? Cat:Hello!Who are you?猫:你好!你是谁? Owl:You look like me.猫头鹰:你看起来很像我。Cat:You look like me too.猫:你看起来也很像我。  相似文献   

教学过程I.Warm up(Sing and do)T:Hello,everyone!Nice to see you.Do you know me?Who am I?Ss:(学生看PPT屏幕)Miss Mao.T:Right!My Chinese name is Mao Liwei.My English name is Zoe.You can call me Zoe or Mao.OK?Dear class,do you like singing?Ss:Yes!T:Do you like sports?Ss:Yes!T:Great! Let’s sing a happy song and do some sports,OK?Ss:OK!T:I think you should stand up!"",are you ready?1,2,go!(师生一起边唱边做运动)T:How do you feel now?S:I feel happy.T:Really?I really hope you wil  相似文献   

用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I'd like two ____ (kilo) of ____ (tomato). 2. ——What does your father do? ——He is a ____ (drive). 3. ——Thank you very much. ——It's a ____ (please). 4. A dog has four (leg).  相似文献   

这是Tom和Jack的一段对话。请你根据对话内容,在括号内填上相应的选项把它们连接起来。Tom What sports do you like?(B)1.Why do you like it?()2.Do you want to play it now?()3.What movie?()4.But I don't think so.()5.I like comedies.()Jack A.Sorry,Idont.I want to go to a movie.B.I like basketball.C.What kind of movies do you like,then?D.Because it is beautiful.E.Sleepless Night.It's a thriller and it's interesting.F.Oh,I like comedies,too.Key:1.D 2.A 3.E 4.C 5.F对话排序!山东@小青…  相似文献   

用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.You must listen to the teacher(careful)in class. 2.I'd like two of(kilo)of(tomato). 3.——What does your father do? ——He is a (drive). 4.——.Thank you very much. ——It’s a (please).  相似文献   

<正>教学目标1.知识目标能听、说、读、写本课时四会单词和词组:swim,fly kites,skate,make a snowman,plant trees。能听、说、认读句型:Why do you like…?Because I can…2.能力目标能综合运用句型Which season do you like best?Ilike…best.Why do you like…?Because I can…询问交流所喜欢的季节及喜欢的理由。3.情感目标通过学习使学生的语言运用能力得到发展,培  相似文献   

根据图画所示完成下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A:you like som e bottlesofm ilk,please?B:O K.A:w ould you like?B:Five,please.2.A:H ow m anyin Picture Two?B:Four.A:A re they in the?B:No.Three ofthem are in C lassO ne.The otherone is in ClassTwo.3.A:you m end the bike?B:N o,I can t.A:W hat is he doing?B:H e s his.4.A:W hat are they doing?B:They re their.A:W here are they going?B:They re going to.5.A:C an I borrow your eraser?B:C ertainly,are.A:Thank you very m uch!B:Y ou re.6.A:you an…  相似文献   

Shania's Quotes"I don' t like drugs. I don' t like alcohol. I like clean living people around me. " -Shania on choosing her band(乐队).We live in a very remote (遥远的) area, we live out in the wilderness, we live out on the lake. We' ve got dogs and horses. Real things that I like to go back to, you know, because my dogs don' t care where I am on the charts(海图). " (laughs) ?-Shania 1995."It was never my dream to be a star. That was my parents ' dream. I guess they prayed (祈祷) real hard. "  相似文献   

Buy Me! Buy Me!Many vegetarians(素食者)don’t eat food with a face.But what ifit talks and moves—like Parkay margarine in the U.S?These pack-ets ot margarine have motion-sensor chips(移动传感芯片).So when you  相似文献   

(A)Although it was autumn, the snow was already beginning to fall in Tibet(西藏). Our legs were so heavy and cold that __1__felt like big pieces of ice. Have you __2__ seen snowmen ridebicycles? That's what we looked like! Along the way children who were  相似文献   

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