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要想成为卓越教师,没有写作的援助和支撑,是断然不行的。写作是教师思想整理、逻辑序化、理性提升的过程。不写作之所以制造平庸在于:不写作的人,没有内化的需求和意向,学习动力不足;不写作的人,缺乏思想机能的锻炼,意化能力衰颓;不写作的人,缺乏文字表达的磨砺,语言表达低下;不写作的人,停留在经验和教学层面,难以超越提升。写作成就卓越的机理在于:写作的人,是内化善学的人;写作的人,是意化能思的人;写作的人,是外化会写的人。  相似文献   

毛泽东对西藏工作的决策与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和平解放西藏是毛泽东民族思想在西藏的实践,是妥善解决民族问题的一个典范。毛泽东以不凡的气度和才智,采取和平而不是流血、帮助而不是掠夺、扶植而不是奴役、平等相待而不是压迫剥削、慎重稳进的方针,完美地和平解放了西藏,使西藏从此走上了康庄大道。  相似文献   

高校"去行政化"是时下学术及舆论界讨论的一个热点问题。文章从"去行政化"的内涵与外延、"去行政化"的合理性以及"去行政化"的可行性三个方面进行了论述,并提出"去行政化"的目的是为了防止我国高等教育在发展变革中走偏,过度关注"行政化"可能导致对大学本质的忽视。  相似文献   

“预设”和“生成”是一对矛盾体。语文课堂既需要预设,也需要生成。没有预设的课堂是没有方向、不负责任的课堂,而没有生成的课堂则是了无生趣、没有积淀的课堂。明确课堂的目标是预设和生成“相融共荣”的前提。设计弹性教学方案是预设和生成“相融共荣”的保证。灵活驾驭课堂是预设和生成“相融共荣”的关键。  相似文献   

汉语无主句是汉语言中常见的一种典型句型和独特的语言现象。由于英汉两种语言在句法结构上存在着差异,在进行汉语无主句的英译时,往往需要采取一些技巧,才能使译文符合英语语言的规范。文章通过大量的译例,探讨了汉语无主句的英译途径,旨在使译文既忠实于原文又符合英语表达习惯。  相似文献   

关注教师教育的发展,是每一个教师教育工作者的普遍心愿,而对教师教育的思考和探究,无疑在不同程度上以不同的方式促进着教师教育的发展。如果教师教育失去了教师,或者说是偏离了教师的现实生活,那么,教师教育必是无源之水,无本之木,教师教育便失去了存在的现实意义。由此,教师教育必须回归教师。  相似文献   

无单放货是长期困扰海上货物运输实践的重要问题。无单放货保函没有改变无单放货的违法性,承运人应对正本提单持有人承担第一性责任;《鹿特丹规则》下凭指示放货的规定将一定条件下的无单放货行为合法化并为承运人创设了新的诉权,但承运人对无单放货承担第一性责任的法律地位没有变化。  相似文献   

The Counseling Evaluation Inventory (CEI) was used to elicit information about the relationship between secondary school counselors with and without a practicum and their clients. The 167 counselors who volunteered for this study represented a 61 percent return. Analysis of variance procedures were used to test the difference between counselors with and without a practicum and to test the influence of age, teaching experience, counseling experience, and sex on these results. The results indicate that counselors with a practicum experience are rated significantly higher on the CEI than counselors without a practicum. When the factors of age, years of counseling experience, years of teaching experience, and sex were partialled out, client ratings of counselors with a practicum continued to be rated significantly higher than client ratings of counselors without a practicum.  相似文献   

行动研究是一种社会科学研究方法,主张将“行动”与“研究”合二为一,鼓励研究者在实际工作情境中对实践活动所遭遇的实际问题进行研究,强调在行动中研究,在研究中行动,深受一线教育工作者的喜爱。但是,通过对最近6年有关行动研究文献的分析,发现研究者在应用行动研究方法时,主要存在6种误区:有行动无问题定义、有问题无原因分析、有计划无方案论证、有方案无动态变通、有观察无评价反思、有反思无阶段循环。这些误区主要是因为研究者没有厘清“行动”与“研究”的学术内涵。行动研究中的“研究”当指科学的学术逻辑,而非工作逻辑和生活逻辑;行动研究中的“行动”当指有意图、有准备的行动。行动研究重视系统化的方法探究,既是行动,更是研究。教育研究者在应用行动研究方法时应遵循研究的共同规范,提高学术研究的质量。  相似文献   

《禅宗无门关》中蕴含着极为丰富的教学艺术思想,主要表现在:壁立千仞,截断众流;转语点拨,立脱野狐;虚构情境,超越两难;断指禁喝,杜绝模仿;随手拈物,即非论名;当机斩猫,顶履暗讽;去粘解缚,不留尾巴;省字续句,以空藏有。  相似文献   

文化是一个民族的精神和灵魂。一个民族不会因为贫穷落后而灭亡,但是民族失去文化和精神后注定要灭亡。文化不仅仅影响人自身的素质,而且对社会和谐、国家发展有着深远的影响。可以说,文化决定着一个国家的命运,没有文化的发展与进步,一个国家的发展犹如无源之水、无本之木,注定要被时代所淘汰,让世界所抛弃。  相似文献   

长期以来 ,孔子“有教无类”的教育主张是一些学者、专家进行探讨、评析孔子教育思想的内容之一。其争论主要在于 :对“类”字的不同理解 ,对“教”字的各种看法。现在对这个概念的解释已基本形成共识 ,但对“有教无类”教育主张的系统论述还较缺乏。本文从“有教无类”产生的基本条件、实施的目的及配套教学方法两大方面来系统地论述“有教无类”的教育主张。并从教育对象、教育目标及教学方法三方面论述了“有教无类”与“全民教育”的区别。  相似文献   

无独立请求权第三人制度是我国民事诉讼程序的重要组成部分,我国法律的相关规定却极其简略,在理论和实务中引起了广泛争议。无独立请求权第三人是否属于案件当事人,在诉讼程序中有何种权利义务,法院直接判决其承担民事责任是否合理,对我国无独立请求权当事人制度的缺陷予以分析,同时与外国类似制度相比较,有助于探究该制度的改革和完善途径。  相似文献   

企业知识产权战略是国家知识产权战略的最终体现,直接决定着一国知识产权战略的成败。近几年,我国企业的知识产权工作虽有较大进步,但“有制造无创新、有创新无产权、有产权无应用、有应用无保护”的现象仍较为普遍。应对跨国公司竞争,我国企业必须树立知识产权战略观,加强企业自主研发能力和情报研究,促进知识产权的应用及产业化。同时,设立专门机构进行知识产权管理,利用战略联盟,实现知识产权与标准相结合。  相似文献   

This article reports on young people with and without learning disabilities (LD) and substance use disorders (SUD). Participants were assessed for LD at ages 12 and 19 and for SUD and psychiatric disorders at age 19. Participants with LD at ages 12 and 19 were more likely to develop an SUD or a psychiatric disorder compared to participants without consistent LD. Participants with LD at age 19 were more likely to have a concurrent SUD or psychiatric disorder compared to those without LD at age 19, while participants with LD at age 12 showed only a trend toward increased rates of SUD at age 19 when compared to participants without LD at age 12. Participants with and without LD did not differ in substance use, consumption levels, or onset history. In a multivariate model, adolescent LD was associated with a three-fold increased risk for SUD after behavioral problems and family structure had entered the model. Although these results provide some support for the notion that adolescents with LD are at increased risk for SUD, LD also appears to confer a general risk for adverse outcomes.  相似文献   

老子提出的"行不言之教"是其德育思想的核心。通过对其天道观和人性论的分析,可以看出"行不言之教"就是要"遵道而行,无为而教",即遵循受教育者的身心发展规律和教育规律实施道德教育。"行不言之教"作为隐性德育的代名词,将教育意图寓于友好而自然的关系之中,尊重学生的主体地位,综合采用多种教育方法并淡化教育痕迹,体现了道德教育的艺术性。  相似文献   

The sources of conflict, its resolution, and additional conflict components were described for 16 preschoolers with mild disabilities. Conflict episodes were contrasted to those of a comparison group of 15 preschoolers without disabilities. Children were videotaped for two 15-minute freeplay sessions, which were categorized and analyzed using a procedure developed by Laursen and Hartup (1989). Results indicated that children with and without disabilities engaged in conflict on a relatively infrequent basis, and that it was of short duration. In general, there were few differences between the sources of conflict and how they were resolved for children with and without disabilities. There was a tendency, however, for children with disabilities to have more disputes over objects, and for children without disabilities to have more disputes over pretend play. Children resolved their conflicts largely through insistence, and in the majority of conflicts there was a clear winner and loser. Implications for intervention and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

前人对于《老子》第一章"两者"的理解众说纷纭,大都纠结在第一章的"有名和无名"、"有欲和无欲"等的单一方面,而忽略了从全书出发理解"两者"相对关系的多层面。联系全文可以发现,《老子》论述"道"时使用的"两者"包含了自然之道、治国之道、个人修养之道三个层面的相对关系。因此,将"两者"综合来看就不只有单一的内涵,而具有了普遍性的意义。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to define whether, and to what extent identity formation in late adolescence is disability specific. Ninety-eight adolescents participated in this study, including 43 students with motor disability and 55 students without disability. Identity exploration and commitment was measured by the Utrecht-Groningen Identity Development Scale which consists of subscales covering three identity domains: a school domain and a relational domain divided into two subdomains concerning relationships with peers and parents. The results showed that the amount of commitment and exploration was lesser in those with motor disability compared to those without disability; the most common identity status in participants with motor disability was diffusion, whereas those without disability were primarily achievers across the three domains. However, the findings revealed consistently non-significant interaction effects between disability/non-disability and commitment and exploration. Thus, what constitutes diversity in identity development is the amount of commitment and exploration made by adolescents with and without disability, suggesting a different pace, but not a different direction of identity change in both groups.  相似文献   

无差动法滚齿的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对Y3150E滚动机无差冯齿方法的探析,提出了克服无差动法加工不足的方法并获得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

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