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1.Mr.Green has____18-year-old daughter who has____gift forsinging—she has won two national prizes.A.a;a B.an;the C.an;a D.the;a2.I"m interested in a one-bed room.Do you have any____?A.convenient B.available C.possible D.personal3.The city fire department promises that they will____to the119callwithin minutes.A.require B.answer C.respond D.reply4.One can____a lot of their language by playing with the native boysand girls.A.do up B.set up C.pick up D.put up5.I was stopped by two policem…  相似文献   

1. “I” ______ the ninth letter in the Englishalphabet.A.is B.am C.are D.be2. I have eaten two, cakes, but I'd like,toeat ______ one.A.the third B.a thirdC.the three D.a three3. Jim likes ______.A.apple B.orange C.pear D.banana4. The twins_______sing the English song.A.can both. B.both canC.can all D.all can5. There're a lot_______students today thanyesterday.A.of B.with C.more D.most  相似文献   

1.单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) ()1 .Mr Blaek saw_uFo with_alien in it on hisw叮baekyesterd盯. A .a:an B.a:a C.an;an D.an:a ()2.1 havet。C滋1 him up first.ean you wait a few minutes,爪won’t_long. A .spend B.take/C.eost D.P叮 ()3一Can you eome to哪bi毗Ld即party the day after tomorrow? 一Great!I’d love to.1 think there a lot of fun. A.was B.have C.will be D.15 going to have ()4.一15 the weather eold tod即? —Yeah.The wind hal,d when 1 eame baek home this afternoon. A .blows B.blew C.was …  相似文献   

1.—Could I have your newspaper for a moment?—No,you______.A.cant B.couldnt C.shouldnt D.oughtnt to2.What a fine day____we go boating in the park?A.Must B.Will C.Shall D.Should3.Someone is coming.Who______it be?A.may B.must C.can D.should4.Victoria_______out on such a dark night.A.dares not go B.dares not to goC.doesnt dare to go D.dare not to go5.The panda in Taiwan must be ill,_______it?A.isnt B.cant C.may not D.mustnt6.Emma must have finished the novel by now,______she?A.didnt …  相似文献   

1.The tallgirl pink works hard atEnglish.A.having on B.dressed in C.is wearing D .putting on2.H ow long does ittake you to yourself?A.dress B.puton C.wear D .have on3.—W ho is the girl in a red skirt?—She s .A.dressed;H elen B.worn;m y sisterC.to be;a student D .having on;a nurse4.In whatcolour is yoursisterusually ?A.wore B.dressed C.had on D .puton5.The girlis underfour butshe can .A.puton herself B.wear herselfC.have on herclothes D .dress herself6.Afterthe bath,M r Sm ith him …  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。(10分)1.After class,I have gymnastics____two hours.A.on B.at C.for D.in2.——____do you like music?——____it is relaxing.A.Why,Because B.How,BecauseC.What,Because D.What,/3.We have math____Friday.It!s difficult____interesting.A.on;or B.on;but C.in;or D.in;and4.What!s____favorite movie?A.he B.she C.he!s D.Gina!s5.——Who is your____?——Mr White.A.a science teacher B.science teacherC.science!s teacher D.sciences teachers6.——____do you like biology?——Because it!s …  相似文献   

Unit 21 Body language 1.Fortunately Mr Black and his family had to escape from the burn-ing building. A .tried B .hoped C .wanted D .managed 2.Imconsidering the letter to the company. A .deliver B .to deliver C.being delivered D .delivering 3.Itis world of wonders, world where anything can happen. A .a;the B .a;a C.the;a D .×;× 4.H e is generally considered the firstatom bom b. A .to have invented B .inventing C.to invent D .having invented 5.I the back door,butitwas locked,too. A .…  相似文献   

1.——Have you met Mr Smith here this morning? —————No.He at home. A.must have stayed B.must be staying C.might have stayed D.must be arriving2.——It is five years since we lived here. —— ’ .●______________一● A.Have you lived here happily B.How long will you live here C.Where do you live now D.Do you want to live here longer3.——Is the boy often late for class? ——N0.though he . A.was often B.used to C.used to be D.was used to4.——YOH never talk in class.do you?——Yes…  相似文献   

1 .He ean’t read or write.Wllo do you think he this letter? A .has write B.has wrote C .has written D.has to write 2 .The Poor boy 15 in dangeLW已should do allWe_helP him out. A .Can do B.Call to D.ean to do D.can 3 .It was not_she took off her glasses 1 realized she was a famous film star. A.when;that B.until;when C .when;then D.until;that 4 .1 ean’t 90 home now.A lot of work_tobe done. A .have B.remains C.are D.is remaining 5 .has been said on how to use the idiom. A .Many B.Afe…  相似文献   

1.——Have you met Mr Smith here this morning?——No. He_____at home.A. must have stayed B. must be stayingC. might have stayed D. must be arriving  相似文献   

( )1.He _____ this color TV set for half a year.A.used B.uses C.has used D.is using ( )2. He _____to Beijing.He left this morning.A. has gone B.were C. has been D.goes( )3. The train _____ for ten minutes.A.has gone B.has left C.has been away D. left ( )4. I _____ a letter from him since he left. A. didn’t receiveB. haven’t got C. didn’t haveD. haven’t heard ( )5. —Where have you _____ these days? —I have _____ to Beijing with my friends.A. been, goneB.…  相似文献   

Unit 9 When was it invented? A 卷(选择题) Ⅰ. 单项填空(10 分) 1. A new supermarket in my hometown last month. A. built B. was built C. has built D. is building 2. —What3re these called in English? —They are sunglasses. They are used protecting one3s eyes. A. to B. as C. by D. for 3. —Hi, Wang Gang. Shall we have a picnic on the weekend? —You mean this Saturday and Sunday? I am sorry. I have a lot of clothes this weekend. A. to wash B. washed C. wash D. to be washed 4. The Englis…  相似文献   

I.单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的正确答案。1.The baby was ill,the doctor looked it——Very carefully· A.at B.on C.up D.over2.His parents have to dowork in the garden every dayA.much B.many C.a lot D.a3.Emma has to stay A.at.athome to lookhis grandmother.B.in,over C.in,up D.at,after4.I—————一a story—book.There————————some pictures in it. A.am,are B.have,has C.am,have5.He felt............................——after he finished his homework. A.tired B.…  相似文献   

1. If you can’t come tomorrow, we’ll have to put off the meeting till next week. A. yet B. even C. rather D. just 2. Mr. Smith used to smoke , but he has given it up. A. Seriously B heavily C. badly D. hardly 3. —I think you might have got drunk at the…  相似文献   

选择最佳答案填空:1 .Peoplein our town— swimming in theriver in SUinn、er. A .likes B .like C .15 liked D .are liked2.The team_agood one,the team_foot- ball now·BDAC A .are,15 Playing B .15,15 Playing C,15,are Playing D.are,are Playing 3 .There_one and a haif oranges on the plate· A .15 B.are C .has D.have 4 .The farmer and writer _from Jiangxi. A .are B.eome C .15 D.be5 .Eve巧desk如d eve巧ehair_made of wood. A .were B.are C.be D.156 .Many a girl_the film before. A .have seen B…  相似文献   

下列对话中有五个空,根据内容,从A、B、C、D、E、F、G中选出一个最佳答案,填入空白处。 John: 1?You look pale. Are you sick? Smith:I just had a terrible experience. John: 2. Let me get you a glass of water. Smith: 3. I'll be fine in a minute. John: Did you have an accident? Smith: 4, but almost. I was crossing the street just now and was almost hit by a car. Luckily,I jumped back in time. John: 5!  相似文献   

Unit OneⅠ.单项填空A.课本要点1.The scientist spentabout two years the m ovem entofthe star.A.noticing B.observing C.glaring D.staring2.—I haven tgot a pen to w rite a letter w ith.—you use a ball-pen?A.H ow about B.H ow C.W hat if D.W hatfor3.W e wanted to get hom e before dark,but it didn t quite asplanned.A.m ake out B.turn out C.go on D.com e up4.O nly in this way to m ake im provem ent in the operation system.A.you can hope B.you did hopeC.can you hope D.did you hope5.There is …  相似文献   

.价择坡空。l一Can we Put_eats here? 一oh,yes,Put_here. A.our:it B.our:them C.Ours;they D.us:them2一May 1 use your dictionary? 一Sorry,Iam_a word in it. A .finding B.lookingfor C .looking uP D.lookingat3 .E一mailing 15_than long一distance calling. A .very eheap B.more eheaper C .50 eheap D.mueh eheaper4._the evening ofMay 31,theZ(X) ZFIEA Wdrld CuP started in South Korea· A .On B.At C.of D.In5 .Mr Smith said he in China. A .enjoys to work B.enjoys working C .enjoyed to work D…  相似文献   

一、单项选择1.His father died and him a totof money.A gave B offered C sent D left2.I think Jack is one of the bestswimmers in his class.Do you me?A agree with B catch up withC laugh at D go on with3.The teacher told the class totheir books and have a res  相似文献   

1.单项选择(15分) 1 .We wear uniformsto sehool. A.haven’tto B.don’t have to C .haven’t D .has to 2 .It’5 raining a lot_. A .outside B.inside C .on the side of D,in the room 3,She_the beaeh three days ago· A.goes to B.15即ing C.went to D.went at 4.The woman 15 short_eurlv hair. A .in B.on C.雨th D.at 5._game shows?1 love them. A.What do you like a们以Ve A.Aren’t C .Doesn’t late 10.Can we listen to for elass. B .Be not D.Don’t 们nusie in the elassroom? A.Yes, B .No, C.Yes, D…  相似文献   

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