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当前,义务教育阶段流动儿童"上学难"的问题得到了较好的解决,但"升学难"的问题却逐渐显现出来。"升学雄"主要表现在:初中升普通高中难,初中升重点高中更难,高中升大学难上加难。流动儿童升学难的归因主要有:户籍制度壁垒导致流动儿童升学资格被剥夺;高中容量不足导致流动儿童升学空间进一步缩小;  相似文献   

朱云品  吴倩 《文教资料》2021,(2):154-157
本文基于CEPS(2014—2015)数据库,从制度、家庭环境、朋辈群体、个人意愿四个方面,探讨促成流动儿童对学业产生“自弃文化”的影响因素。研究结果表明:相比打工子弟学校,普通公立或民办学校的流动儿童升学意愿更强;家庭经济条件较差的流动儿童升学意愿更强;父亲职业地位水平较低的流动儿童升学意愿更强;家庭文化资本较弱的学生更容易放弃学业。同时,与朋辈群体的交往质量、个人对未来发展的自信程度,以及对期望的职业属性,会影响流动儿童的升学意愿。流动儿童的户籍类别、与家长(尤其是母亲)的亲密关系,并不会影响升学意愿。  相似文献   

在经济发达地区,当"入学难"的问题基本解决后,流动儿童受教育过程公平成了亟待解决的焦点问题.加强相关法规与制度建设,加强对流动儿童学校的评估和管理,建立适应流动人口子女教育的办学方式和灵活的管理办法,改革教学方法,转变对教师和教育质量的评价观念,是保障流动儿童受教育过程公平的有效方法.  相似文献   

随农民工进城的"流动儿童",其教育问题成为一个社会难题凸显出来.根据对成都市红花学校的调查分析,目前"流动儿童"的学习受到了来自家庭、学生自身、学校以及社会等多方面因素的制约.教育主管部门、学校、学生及学生家长应多方面配合,采取多种措施,减少和消除影响"流动儿童"学习的不利因素.  相似文献   

从"教育立交桥"看"对口升学班"   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从社会上对"对口升学班"的不同反响,引出"对口升学班"该不该举办,该如何举办的问题,既不能急功近利,盲目抓"对口升学率",也不能不闻不问,只重视培养学生的技能.全面理性地分析"教育立交桥"的内涵和性质,指出职业院校应摆正教育教学方向,达到应试教育的升学与实用技能的就业二者兼顾和统一.  相似文献   

刘海峰  韦骅峰 《教育研究》2021,42(5):86-100
对"唯分数"与"唯升学"问题进行历史探究,发现"唯分数"、"唯升学"问题不仅是当代出现的问题,而且是中国人才选拔中的千古难题.从隋唐到明清1300年间,科举时代的人才选拔标准,经历了一个从"不唯分数"到"唯分数"的演变过程.在中国高考史上,"唯分数"、"唯升学"的一种表现形式是"片面追求升学率".20世纪90年代以后,对"应试教育"的批判逐渐取代对"片面追求升学率"的批判.破除"唯分数"、"唯升学",应探索招考改革促使学生德智体美劳全面发展,把握好分数"唯"与"不唯"间合理的度.未来高考改革在走向综合评价、多元录取的过程中,分数会一直存在.破除"唯分数"、"唯升学"具有长期性和艰巨性,破解之道须从长计议.  相似文献   

"流动儿童"义务教育问题探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,随着经济的发展,流动人口数量的增多,流动儿童的义务教育问题已成为城市发展面临的新课题.本文对当前流动儿童义务教育的现状、所面临的主要问题进行了分析和探讨,并在此基础上提出了一系列改善流动儿童义务教育状况的建议.  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济的发展,流动人口数量的增多,流动儿童的义务教育问题已成为城市发展面临的新课题.本文对当前流动儿童义务教育的现状、所面临的主要问题进行了分析和探讨,并在此基础上提出了一系列改善流动儿童义务教育状况的建议.  相似文献   

"多重流动"是当前"流动儿童"和"留守儿童"面临的突出问题.农民工家长的流动造成其正常的生存状态的异化,并使其子女的社会角色发生转化引发诸多包括被接纳问题、适应性问题、认同感问题,以及对流出地农村教育的影响、农村留守儿童的教育与监护问题等等社会教育问题.其中"留守儿童"监护类型自身的缺陷使被监护儿童受到心理和教育方面的影响,而"流动儿童"在城市中的徘徊使流动个体学前教育缺失、罹患"流动综合症"并造成辍学比例升高、教育管理环境混乱等诸多不利儿童发展的后果.但不可否认,流动对儿童成长也有正面作用.我们应该以实事求是的态度,高度关注并努力兴其利除其弊.  相似文献   

流动儿童入学难问题的实质在于户籍关系引发的经济问题。1986年的《义务教育法》未把流动儿童纳入在法律保障体系之内;而新修订的《义务教育法》在流动儿童教育的管理体制、经费保障和投资体制方面的规定更为全面和到位,从根本上解决了流动儿童就学难的问题。  相似文献   

流动儿童跟随父母从农村来到城市里上学,容易发生无学可上、不能按照正常时间入学、中途转学、辍学、升学困难和教学内容不衔接、教学方法不适应等教育不连续性的问题。流动儿童教育的不连续性严重影响了他们正常学习及其教育质量,这已经成为这个群体受教育过程中遇到的突出问题,需要尽快提供治理措施,以提高教育的连续性。  相似文献   

随着经济和城镇化的发展,以江西省为代表的欠发达地区农民工随迁子女快速增加,其升学问题也日益严峻。解决他们的升学问题需要根据其不同的实际需求让多方力量构建破解难题的多元模式,即包括城市公办普通教育升学模式、职业教育模式、民办教育模式等。在多元模式下,以江西省为代表的欠发达地区还需完善相关法律法规,挖掘自身潜力,扩大公办学校招生规模,通过办好职业教育和民办教育使农民工随迁子女获得更多的升学机会,建立教育“补偿”机制确保农民工随迁子女不会因为外在因素失去升学的机会。  相似文献   

In order to assure that every middle school concretely carries out the "two-fold responsibility for raising the standards of cadres in office and cultivating future cadres," the standards for student admissions in the future should be constituted so that local cadres outweigh graduates of complete primary schools and poor children of workers and peasants have greater opportunities for entering school. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to children of other class backgrounds. The number of students on public scholarship for each school has been regulated; this regulation will now be changed slightly so that, aside from the system of public scholarships, subregions (such as Sui-te) may allow for a number of self-supporting students.  相似文献   

Many children entering school for the first time are anxious and fearful. In the beginning, separation from the parent is difficult for all young children but for some, it is a chronic problem that can disrupt the child's learning alliance with the teacher. Finding strategies to deal with these very difficult separation problems helps parent, teacher, and child.  相似文献   

About 1500 children from an inner city school district and a suburban school district were asked to perform eight tasks of basic skills. There were differences in the performances of the children. The differences depended upon the socio-economic background of the children. On many of the skills, third grade urban children were similar to first grade suburban children. It is for this reason that the inner city children in this study were considered disadvantaged and a program of skill development has begun. Inner city children must have experiences that will help them acquire the skills that suburban children have acquired before entering school.  相似文献   

In Germany, teachers give a recommendation on the type of school a student should attend after primary school. In some federal states, access to a more demanding school type is restricted to students holding an appropriate recommendation. In a first step, we discuss different theories and approaches as to why a student??s social origin or migration background has an impact on the recommendation, irrespective of school performance. Then we test different hypotheses using data of a combined teacher, student, and parent survey, conducted from the 3rd grade on in Bavaria and Hessen. Overall, we have information on 1.644 students and 147 teachers. We find strong relationships between social origin and school recommendations as teachers take parents?? educational aspirations into account. Students?? positive school behavior has a positive impact on getting a recommendation for a higher school type; however, the influence of parents?? socio-economic status remains. The data show no evidence for children with migration backgrounds facing greater risks of receiving lower recommendations than other children??irrespective of their family language.  相似文献   

熊华生 《培训与研究》2008,25(1):99-101
升学竞争,表面上是分数的竞争,实质上是资源的竞争;表面上是一个观念问题,实质上是一个利益问题。虽然资源投入并不能保证素质教育的成功,但没有资源的投入,素质教育绝不会成功。投入充足的资源,并且获取准确的信息,才能产生足够的约束力用来反不正当升学竞争,才能产生足够的动力以推进素质教育。  相似文献   

周雪萍 《天津教育》2021,(2):45-46,49
步入21世纪以来,我们已经进入了一个崭新的信息时代,信息技术的不断发展与壮大,促使基础教育工作发生了翻天覆地的变化,衍生出"智慧校园"的家校沟通新模式。家庭与学校的有机结合,让小学阶段的人才培养工作有了更多可能。本文立足语文学科,对新模式下学生自主学习能力的培养展开了探讨。  相似文献   

为系统考察父母教育期望与留守儿童学习投入的关系,以及父母教育卷入和自我教育期望在其中的双重中介作用,采用父母教育期望问卷、自我教育期望问卷、父母教育卷入问卷以及学习投入问卷,对我国河南、四川、贵州、山西等地1535名留守儿童进行了调查研究。结果发现:(1)单亲外出和双亲外出留守儿童知觉到的父母教育期望、自我教育期望、父母教育卷入和学习投入得分均显著低于非留守儿童,而单亲外出和双亲外出留守儿童之间差异未达显著性水平;(2)父母教育期望和留守儿童学习投入呈显著正相关关系;(3)父母教育卷入与自我教育期望在父母教育期望和留守儿童学习投入之间起到双重中介作用。因此,父母教育期望既直接影响留守儿童的学习投入,又通过父母教育卷入和自我教育期望的中介作用影响留守儿童的学习投入。  相似文献   

This study addresses a paradox in the literature involving the parenting style of Asians: Chinese parenting has often been described as "controlling" or "authoritarian." These styles of parenting have been found to be predictive of poor school achievement among European-Americans, and yet the Chinese are performing quite well in school. This study suggests that the concepts of authoritative and authoritarian are somewhat ethnocentric and do not capture the important features of Chinese child rearing, especially for explaining their school success. Immigrant Chinese and European-American mothers of preschool-aged children were administered standard measures of parental control and authoritative-authoritarian parenting style as well as Chinese child-rearing items involving the concept of "training." After controlling for their education, and their scores on the standard measures, the Chinese mothers were found to score significantly higher on the "training" ideologies. This "training" concept has important features, beyond the authoritarian concept, that may explain Chinese school success.  相似文献   

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