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在形成俄罗斯文化深层特征的过程中,农村公社起到了极其重要的作用。俄国的农村公社的存在有上千年的历史,19世纪达到发展的顶峰。农村公社经历了基辅罗斯时期的维尔福、莫斯科公国的黑乡、17世纪的重分型公社,1861年改革后村社发生了较大变化,直到苏联农业集体化,村社的历史才宣告终结。村社既是农民自己的民主组织,又是官方统治农民的基层组织,在社会性质上具有双重性和矛盾性。村社孕育了俄国农民崇拜皇权、集体主义和人道主义的思想观念。  相似文献   

俄国的先民——东斯拉夫人,兴起于东欧平原的广大内陆地区,这里几与海洋隔绝,和外界极少交往。在公元前第一干纪中期,东欧平原南部出现了被称为“leepleb”(维尔夫)的农村公社。公元七世纪后,东欧平原北部则出现了叫作“uup”(米尔)的类似的村社。到九世纪,随着古罗斯国家的形成,leepleb和uup或者被“qswuнa”(公社)所代替,或者都称为uup。这种村社在长期的历史进程中不断发展并日趋完善,因而形成了独具特点的俄罗斯村社制度。如果说,这种村社制度是与落后的封建农奴制相适应的话,那么它与新兴的  相似文献   

俄国的先民——东斯拉夫人,兴起于东欧平原的广大内陆地区,这里几与海洋隔绝,和外界极少交往。在公元前第一千纪中期,东欧平原南部出现了被称为“leepleb”(维尔夫)的农村公社。公元七世纪后,东欧平原北部则出现了叫作“uup”(米尔)的类似的村社。到九世纪,随着古罗斯国家的形成,leepleb和uup或者被“qswuHa”(公社)所代替,或者都称为uup。这种村社在长期的历史进程中不断发展并日趋完善,因而形成了独具特点的俄罗斯村社制度。如果说,这种村社制度是与落后的封建农奴制相适应的话,那么它与新兴的资本主义却是格格不入的。  相似文献   

在后税费时代国家赋权、地方政府和村社组织让利、农民增权的农村土地利益分配的理想格局中,保护农民土地财产权是其应有之意,但农村土地利益的不断增长,刺激了国家、地方政府、村社组织、农民对土地利益的激烈博弈。由于国家多重土地目标的矛盾和地方政府、村社组织的土地权力受到制约的有限性,使得土地权力(权利)配置与土地利益分配之间并不相称,从而对农民的土地利益进行了挤占,产生了农村土地利益分配失衡的状况。后税费时代应在社会本位价值观的引领下,尊重农民土地财产权的公私合体属性,理顺国家的土地权力,约束和规范地方政府的土地权力,廓清村社组织的土地权利,赋予、归还和维护农民的土地权利。  相似文献   

从基辅罗斯时期直到20世纪20年代,村社一直是俄罗斯最基层的农村社会组织,有着极其强大的生命力,在俄国历史发展进程中起着至关重要的作用。村社不仅是农民生活和生产的组织,而且是国家法令和政策的传播工具。村社职能涵盖了农民日常生活的方方面面,涉及政治、经济、社会、行政司法、兵役、宗教等内容。1861年改革前后农村公社的职能虽然没有发生明显的变化,但不可否认,在具体的经济职能、管理职能和社会职能上却在悄然发生着嬗变。正是这种细微的嬗变,为其后俄国历史的剧变积聚了力量,同时,也是俄国社会历史发展变化在农民社会中的反映。  相似文献   

健康中国的内核重在健康教育,健康教育的人口重心在农民.健康视域下的农民是健康中国规划的主要群体,农民健康教育主要包含健康的生活方式、健康的生产活动、健康的心理状态以及疾病预防意识等,开展农民健康教育有利于健康中国规划目标的实现,有利于城镇化的健康发展.开展农民健康教育主要围绕以下几方面展开:美化村社公共卫生,营造健康生活环境;制定村社行为规范,打造健康行为方式;建立完整教育机构,实施健康教育活动;组建教育服务队伍,提高健康监督水平;建立教育评价机制,反馈农民健康信息等.  相似文献   

氏族和村社是古代社会的最基本组织。氏族是共产主义的原型,村社只有半共产主义的性质。通过对这两种社会组织的考察,可以看到共产主义的基本精神包括三个方面:财产共有、直接民主和互助友爱的道德风尚。  相似文献   

在俄国的欧洲部分(简称欧俄),村社连同现代化同步进入20世纪,一直存留到苏联农业全盘集体化的1929年.然而,20世纪初期的村社与原始社会末期形成的村社、中世纪的村社以及资本主义时期的村社有着明显的差别:1.连环保被废除;2.新增了环境保护功能;3.农村土地关系发生了重大变化.在帝俄时期,农民继续分化,传统的习惯法准则遭到破坏,村社的封闭性被打破.斯托雷平土地改革后,农村社会生产力发展迅速,村社瓦解与适应的矛盾过程同时存在.  相似文献   

四川省遂宁市是典型的丘陵农业市,全市370万人口中有330万在农村,农业和以农产品加工为主的食品、纺织工业成为全市的支柱产业。近年来,通过农业广播电视学校对村社干部进行中专学历培训,提高他们的政治、思想、科学文化素质,增强带领农民致富奔小康本领的系统工程——“村社工程”在我市迅速健康发展,有力地提高了全市村社干部的素质,促进了地方经济的发展,受到当地党政和农民的一致好评。我们的主要做法是:  相似文献   

1861年改革没能解决俄国农业问题,半封建土地关系、地主垄断土地,导致国内市场狭小,农业耕作水平低,农民因饥饿大量死亡。废除地主土地所有制,解决农民土地短缺对俄国而言至关重要。19世纪80年代初,统治集团承认,农民缺地严重,设立农民土地银行、组织移民为对策之一,但成效不大。19世纪末至20世纪初,农业危机迫使统治阶层重新审查农业政策,其中心议题为村社与农民法律地位,争论集中在维特领导的财政部和普列维挂帅的内务部,最终在尼古拉二世的支持下,保守势力获胜。帝国农业政策的指导原则为村社不容侵犯、农民份地不可转让、保留农民等级制度。至1905年革命前,俄国农业问题尚未解决。  相似文献   

The annual Community College Futures Assembly is an edutaining experience. This special issue highlights the lessons learned from the institutions that were competitively selected to present at the 2001 Assembly. The theme of the 2001 Assembly was the merger of education, entertainment, and information as driven by digital technologies. Educating attendees was the major purpose of the keynote address and the presentations of the Bellwether Award finalists. Entertainment was available throughout the Assembly through stimulating presentations, enthusiastic camaraderie, and great meals. Information was conveyed to all attendees to spread throughout their home institutions and communities. This introduction focuses on the experience of attending the 2001 Community College Futures Assembly. Over 250 community college trustees, presidents, vice presidents, deans, faculty members, and other decision makers representing 31 states and Canada attended the Assembly, which was held in Orlando, Florida. The Assembly is sponsored annually by the Institute of Higher Education (IHE) of the University of Florida (UF) and cosponsored by numerous organizations identified in this article. The Assembly has provided quality learning experiences since 1995, and it is proud to be an independent national policy forum recognized by the Association of Community College Trustees for its Trustee Education Recognition Program.  相似文献   


This study employed phenomenological and semi-structured interviews as an action research approach, to explore participants’ experiences around the Global Assembly for Knowledge Democracy (The Assembly) following the Conference of the Action Research Network of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia. We sought to promote the inclusion of the diverse voices from the Global North and South who convened in the event, by understanding the participants’ experiences as part of this assembly, and its possible impact after the event. We found that Assembly participants’ experiences helped us understand Global North-South critical dialogues that challenge traditional notions of knowledge democracy that have held back, maybe unintentionally, the voices of those in the Global South. The Assembly participants’ promoted critical dialogues when presenting their visual metaphors, dances and other ways of producing knowledge during the Assembly. Although, Global North and South participants struggled with language barriers, they found enabling spaces at the Assembly to share their proposals, at both individual and community levels, framing actions and building partnerships with organizations within collective international efforts. Further, having a research team comprising both Global North and Global South voices, gave greater vision and authenticity to recognize and appreciate alternative methodologies of participation, which reconfigured the Global Assembly for Knowledge Democracy process.  相似文献   

关于中国共产党成立及各地早期组织的考证   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
就学术界对中国创建之初尚有争论的几个问题,如中国共产党是否在1921年成立,中国共产党第一次代表大会前是否建立了全国统一的党组织,长沙和济南是否在中国共产党第一次代表大会召开前已建党,以及一大以前各地党组织和党员的情况等,我们应作出比较系统的考证。  相似文献   

将虚拟现实技术应用于产品预装配规划,结合CAD技术,提出了装配规划系统结构,开发了产品拟实装配环境,使设计者在设计阶段就能生动、随意模拟产品的装配过程,获取装配分析所需信息,以尽早发现产品可装配性及装配工艺中的问题,减少装配成本,缩短产品开发周期。  相似文献   

The Community College Futures Assembly has served as a national, independent policy thinktank since 1995. Its purpose is to articulate the critical issues facing American community colleges and recognize innovative programs. Convening annually in January in Orlando, Florida, the Assembly offers a learning environment where tough questions are raised, critical issues are discussed, and policy implications are vetted. The focus for the 2008 Community College Futures Assembly was change, a theme taken from the book, Change or Die. This special focus issue of the Community College Journal of Research and Practice highlights the best practices of 30 Bellwether trend-setting institutions.  相似文献   

1971年联合国大会通过<宣布印度洋为和平区的宣言>,但40年来"印度洋和平区"迟迟未能形成.主要原因在于这个联合国<宣言>和相关决议有其局限性、印度洋周边国家的矛盾冲突和"域外强国"的干涉争夺.  相似文献   

教代会是广大教职工行使民主管理和民主监督权利的基本形式,建立教代会制度是落实《高等教育法》,维护广大教职工主人翁地位的要求,是学校贯彻依靠方针,办好党校的基本制度,在新的形势下,教代会制度的建立,关键在统一思想认识,基础在制定规章制度,根本在提高队伍素质。  相似文献   

In 2009, the Welsh Assembly Government published its Report on the review of behaviour and attendance in schools in Wales. The National Behaviour and Attendance Review (NBAR) in Wales was chaired by the author of this paper. Both the Review and the Welsh Assembly Government’s response contained recommendations related to the training and professional development needs of staff in schools and local authorities (LAs). A paper on the professional development needs of staff on behaviour and attendance based on the NBAR recommendations is published in the same edition of this journal. This follow‐up paper focuses upon the Welsh Assembly Government’s response to these recommendations and its implementation plan on which the author acted as the professional adviser. The Welsh Assembly Government accepted with cross‐party support that the training and professional development needs of teachers and LA staff in behavioural management and school attendance had been neglected over many years. For the first time, coordinated new training and continuing professional development programmes on behavioural management and school attendance will be introduced in Wales soon. The next stage will be to evaluate the effectiveness of these programmes.  相似文献   

装配是制造过程的最后环节,在产品的设计和装配阶段进行产品的预装配和装配分析,对提高产品质量,降低生产成本具有十分重要的意义。装配建模是装配设计的基础,本文介绍了几种装配模型的建立方法,从而为实际的装配过程提供重要依据。  相似文献   


The Community College Futures Assembly convenes annually as a national policy forum for key opinion leaders to work as a “think tank” in identifying critical issues facing the future of community colleges and to recognize Bellwether Finalist colleges as trend-setting institutions. Ten Bellwether finalists in each of the three award categories are competitively selected and featured as presenters at the Assembly. Finalists then share the lessons they have learned with representatives of colleges interested in replicating their programs.  相似文献   

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