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容闳是"留学生之父"。本文通过解读《西学东渐记》,指出其爱国思想内容是西学救国、教育救国、实业救国、抵抗外侮;其爱国思想特征是真诚的、实践的、与时俱进的。在留学教育发展的今天,容闳爱国思想尤需提倡。  相似文献   

方华玲 《兰台世界》2016,(21):104-107
作为第一个毕业于美国大学的中国人,容闳在近代中国洋务史和教育史领域,发挥过非常重要的影响力,而这一切均得益于晚清重臣曾国藩对他的提拔与任用。以对容闳自传《西学东渐记》的考察为基础,系统解读曾国藩对容氏的知遇之恩,以期丰富中国教育近代化进程中的人脉关系研究。  相似文献   

英国李提摩太是晚清时期的一个传教士,他积极倡导中国大兴教育,对中国与西方文化的交流起到了非常重要的促进作用。本文主要从传教、教育改革以及具体实践等方面探讨李提摩太在中西文化交流中所起到的作用及其影响意义。  相似文献   

英国李提摩太是晚清时期的一个传教士,他积极倡导中国大兴教育,对中国与西方文化的交流起到了非常重要的促进作用。本文主要从传教、教育改革以及具体实践等方面探讨李提摩太在中西文化交流中所起到的作用及其影响意义。  相似文献   

在跨文化交流中,不同的文化培育了不同的时间观念.时间观念伴随着社会的变迁,坐落于社会实践的文化交流中,以中美两国为例,从时间观念的变化与演进上再现社会文化交往的差异,不同的时空观必然导致文化交流的障碍和矛盾,伴随着社会交往和技术的发展,差异性的时间观逐步向融合的媒介时间转变,形成新的观念认同和文化认同.因此,我们应正视不同文化差异,在理解的基础上探究文化行为的本质问题,形成相互包容与理解的文化关系.  相似文献   

谢影 《现代出版》2008,(2):69-71
出版社在国家文化建设和推动社会主义文化大发展、大繁荣中承担着重要的使命和责任,而大学出版社是出版传播学术思想成果、引领科学研究和学术创新的机构,是集教育与专业出版两种职能的综合体,它反映了思想文化创造和科技的新成果,同时为社会的发展提供智力支持。出版物作为一种特殊的商品,蕴涵着一定的思想和观念,读者对出版物的认同就意味着一定程度上对某种观念的认同。  相似文献   

现代博物馆的诞生与民族一国家认同的建构联系紧密,是各民族国家维系其认同的重要文化设施。在历史发展中,博物馆持续地发挥着文化认同和政治认同作用,文化认同是政治认同的基础。而处在急剧变革时代的当代博物馆,仍需充分认识其实现文化认同的使命,并以此为基础开展各项实践活动,让收藏更有针对性,陈列更有层次性,教育内涵更为丰富。  相似文献   

从本尼迪克特的《菊与刀》看日本人的矛盾性格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“菊”与“刀”代表了日本民族文化互悖共存的文化意象,也代表了日本民族的双重性格。日本人认同等级观念却又不温良恭顺,以负恩和复仇两种方式来化解道德上的压力,本尼迪克特在研究中运用了文化类型学理论,对他者文化进行遥读和整合。  相似文献   

容闳是近代美国图书馆第一位华人图书管理员,亲身经历过美国近代图书馆工作,并积极利用图书馆向美国传播中国文化;他与中国近代图书馆事业的启蒙者交往密切;他的留美幼童学生中有人涉及图书馆事业;他所开创的留学之风波及中国近代图书馆界.  相似文献   

艺术大师丰子恺先生与京剧之间,有过一段曲折的渊源。他对京剧经历了从不喜欢到逐渐热爱的转变过程。这在他所写的《谈梅兰芳》、《访梅兰芳》、《再访梅兰芳》、《梅兰芳不朽》等文章中可以清晰地看到。而在认同的背后,则是京剧的魅力、艺术的融通、艺术观念的契合,以及梅兰芳先生人格的感动。这一过程典型地凸现出中国现代文人对京剧艺术观念的转变,意味隽永。  相似文献   

Dean Jamison, et al. The Effectiveness of Alternative Instructional Media: A Survey (March 1973, 72 pp.)

Dean Jamison with Steven Klecs, The Cost of Instructional Radio and Television for Developing Countries (March 1973, 57 pp.)

Emile G. McAnany, Radio's Role in Development: Five Strategies of Use (September 1973 with a 1976 afterword, Info. Bulletin No. 4, 29 pp.)

Henry T. Ingle, Communication Media and Technology: A Look at Their Role in Non-Formal Education Programs (August 1974, Info. Bulletin No. 5, 62 pp.)

Lois Joy Lester, A Directory of Sources of Assistance on Educational Technology for Development (November 1975, Info. Bulletin No. 6, 90 pp.)

A Sourcebook on Radio's Role in Development: (October 1976, Info. Bulletin No. 7, 85 pp.)

Therese Silverman, Tele-Niger: Adapting an Electronic Medium to a Rural African Context (undated, but late 1976, Info. Bulletin No. 8, 45 pp.)

Development Communication Report (an apparently irregular newsletter)

Keith W. Mielke and James W. Swinehart's Evaluation of the Feeling Good Television Series (Children's Television Workshop, One Lincoln Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10023—$10.00, paper)  相似文献   

Jay Stein's Mass Media Education, and a Better Society (Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1979---$ )

Gavriel Salomon's Interaction of Media, Cognition, and Learning (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1079---$ )

Dennis D. McDonald et al, Directory of Public Broadcasting Information Resources (Washington: Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1979--- free , paper)

Religious media communication, two recent titles  相似文献   

Ignacy Waniewicz's Broadcasting for Adult Education (Paris: Unesco [available in this country from New York: Unipub, Inc.], 1972–$4.50, paper)

Alan Hancock's Planning for ETV: A Handbook of Educational Television (New York: Humanities Press, 1972—$12.50)

John Quick and Herbert Wolff's Small-Studio Video Tape Production (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1972—$11.95)

Fred Powledge's Public Television: A question of Survival (Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press, 1972—$1.00, paper)  相似文献   

Patterns of Performance: Public Broadcasting and Education: 1974-76 compiled by Robert D.B. Carlisle ($3.00, 146 pp., paper)

Public Radio/Television Survey: January-February 1978 (issued in four reports, Summer 1978)

The Economics of New Educational Media (Paris: Unesco and New York: Unipub, 1977—$11.90, paper)

James W. Brown, ed. Educational Media Yearbook: 1978 (New York: Bowker, 1978—$25.00)

The Public Broadcasting Report (Television Digest, 1836 Jefferson Place NW, Washington, D.C. 20036—$127 per year/biweekly)

Dean T. Jamison, Steven J. Flees, and Stuart J. Wells' The Costs of Educational Media: Guidelines for Planning and Evaluation (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1978—$16.95/7.95)  相似文献   

Bernard Rubin's Media, Politics &;amp; Democracy (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977- $8.00/4.00)

Forrest P. Chisman's Attitude Psychology and the Study of Public Opinion (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1977—$13.50)

Sidney Kraus, ed. The Great Debates: Kennedy vs. Nixon, 1960 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1977—$17.50/5.95)

Jean Schwoebel, Newsroom Democracy: The Case for Independence of the Press (Monograph Series No. 2, Iowa Center for Communication Study, School of Journalism, Yniversity of Iowa, Iowa City 52242—$2.50, paper)

Rex Winsbury, New Technology and the Journalist (Thomson Foundation Editorial Study Centre, Thomson House, Cardiff, CF1 1WR, Great Britain-75p or about $1.25, paper)

Laura Longley Babb, ed. The Editorial Page (Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1977 &;ndash;price not given, paper)

Bob Roberts, for telling us about Magazine Studies Quarterly (MSQ Ltd., Box 2054, Muncie, Indiana 47302—about $5.00 per year for four issues)

Morgan Harris and Patti Karp's How to Make News and Influence People (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1976—$7.95, with a paperback edition available, for which no price given)

Alice Payne Hackett and James Henry Burke's 80 Years of Best Sellers: 1895-1975 (New York: R.R. Bowker, 1977—$14.95)

Mort Walker's Backstage at the Strips (New York: A&;amp;W Publishers, Inc., 95 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016—$6.95, paper)

Peter Haining's Terror: A History of Horror Illustrations from Pulp Magazines (New York: A&;amp;W Publishers, 1977—$12.50/6.95)  相似文献   

Dorothy T. Taggart's A Guide to Sources in Educational Media and Technology (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1976—$6.00).

Christine L. Wynar's 1974-75 Supplement [to] Guide to Reference Books for School Media Centers (Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 1976—18.00 in U.S.and Canada, $10.00 elsewhere).

Bernard Chibnall's The Organization of Media (Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books/Shoestring Press, 1976—$5.50)

Robert D.B. Carlisle's Media and the Adult Student: One Man's Journal (Lincoln, Neb.: Great Plains National Instructional Television Library, 1976—price not known, paper).

Margaret E. Chisholm and Donald P. Ely's Media Personnel in Educational: A Competency Approach (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1976—$12.95)  相似文献   

Mary Louise Hollowell, ed, The Cable/Broadband Communications Book, 1977-1978 (Washington: Communications Press [1346 Connecticut Ave. N.W., 20036], 1977—$16.25 including postage, paper)

1976 NCTA Cable Services Directory (National Cable Television Association, 918 Sixteenth St. NW, Washington D.C. 20006—$4.00, paper)

Regulatinzfable Television Subscriber Rates: A Guide for Local Officials (Cable Television Information Center, Yrban Institute, 2100 M St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20037—$17.50 including postage, paper)

Alan Hancock Planning for Educational Mass Media (London and New York: Longman, 1977—$20.00)

Kenyon C. Rosenberg and John S. Doskey Media Equipment: A Guide and Dictionary (Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1976—$11.50)  相似文献   

Natan Katzman, Program Decisions in Public Television (1976, 72 pp.)

Caroline Isber and Muriel Cantor, Report of the Task Force on Women in Public Broadcasting (1975, 141 pp. no price shown)

Advisory Council of National Organizations, Public Broadcasting and Education (1975, 114 pp., no price shown)

Bradley S. Greenberg, et al. An Ascertainment Handbook for Public Broadcasting Facilities (1975, 64 page loose-leaf notoboOk, no price shown)

Philip A. Rubin, A Report on the Minimum Equipment Needs and Costs to Upgrade the Facilities of the Public Television Stations (1975, 40 pp., $1.00, paper)

Annual Report 1975 (1976, 43 pp., free on request)

Print Handicappeda Handbook for Local Use (1975, loose-leaf notebook of some 200 plus pages)

E. Edward Cavert (ed.) Designing Diversity 1 75: Second National Conference on Open Learning and Nontraditional Study--Conference Proceedings (University of Mid-America, Lincoln, Neb. 82006---$7.50, paper)

Phillip J. Sleeman and D.M. Rockwell's Instructional Media and Technology (New York: Halstead Press/John Wiley, 1976---$30.00)  相似文献   

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