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The purpose of this study was to assess the school environment of an urban school to illuminate what teachers felt to be important factors in developing a safer school environment. Responses to the School Level Environmental Questionnaire (SLEQ) suggested that teachers wanted more student support, more resources and less work pressure. To decrease work pressure, teachers adopted the work conservation strategies of working without reserves of time and energy, processing curriculum, and working in isolation in order to survive. Yet, when work conservation strategies were used, especially safeguarding time, student aggression surfaced. A School Improvement Committee developed a three-step plan to decrease work pressure. Teachers were concerned with lack of resources and used personal income to buy supplies and shared materials with students, using three styles of sharing. While some teachers were reluctant to share, others shared freely and still other teachers developed responsible sharing systems. Those who shared reluctantly had more behavior problems. Teachers' gravest concerns were students' aggressive behaviors. Teachers thought that student aggression was coming from home and the community. Observations showed that students often came to school angry. Yet, interviews verified that students at Rose more frequently became angry once they were at school. Red Rose's school environment was in the midst of change, but no attention was given to how change affects teachers. Many teachers were not prepared for the amount of change that they were experiencing and they had mixed feelings and opinions and became resistant.  相似文献   

了解英国学校效能研究的历史特点和发展状况,把握政府基于其研究的教师教育政策导向,以及近年来英国学术团体关于其研究及政策的若干批评意见与有关研究者的观点,这对于我们提升学校的品质无疑是有其借鉴意义的。  相似文献   

以中职教学有效性为研究对象,运用文献计量分析法和内容分析法,对中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)2005—2013年间收录的我国中职教学有效性相关研究领域的学术论文进行梳理和分析,提出在今后研究中需加强理论研究、合作研究,并强化中职特色。  相似文献   

教师教育研究领域关键学者分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来教师教育研究取得不小的成果,培育了大量的教师教育研究学者。文章借助中国社会科学引文索引,主要采用文献计量法对中国教师教育研究领域的学者的发文数量、被引频次和h指数等多项计量指标进行统计分析,评选出教师教育研究领域的29位关键学者,并对29位关键学者工作单位、性别、年龄、发文年份进行统计分析,从"学科创造者"的角度,了解教师教育研究的现状和存在的问题,以期为中国教师教育学科建立和发展提供研究基础。  相似文献   

学校效能与学校改革:对英国最新研究成果的述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨琼 《外国教育研究》2003,30(12):35-38
在对英国学校效能研究与学校改革最新研究成果进行了分析与研究后,我们可以发现目前学校效能与学校改革中存在的一些问题以及有待努力的方向。  相似文献   

School violence and the incidence of violent crimesamong Canadian youth is seen to be increasing. Whilemore research is being conducted in the area ofschool violence little has previously been done toexamine psychopathology as a possible factorinfluencing violent student behavior. A recent studyconducted by Carter (1998) using the BehaviorAssessment System for Children and a structuredinterview showed a high incidence of psychopathologyamong violent junior high male students. Acomprehensive model for intervention is described inwhich several factors are presented. Implications ofcurrent research includes the need to developintervention strategies that are consistent withdiagnostic findings and the need for earlyidentification and intervention before behaviorpatterns become fixed in adolescence.  相似文献   

目前高师小学教师教育人才培养目标和现有教学模式都存在弊端,运用“四阶段教学模式”,将高师小学教师教育舞蹈课堂教学分为舞蹈作品欣赏与舞蹈基础知识传授、舞蹈技能教学和模仿、舞蹈作品表现与阐释、舞蹈作品创编四个阶段,转变传统的舞蹈教学理念,加强相应的教材和基础设施建设,可以提高小学教师的培养质量。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of threat assessment and management as implemented on campuses of higher education. Standards of practice and state calls for implementation are cited. An overview of some of the basic principles for threat assessment and management implementation is accompanied by examples of how they are utilized. Pitfalls inherent to threat assessment and management and suggested remedies are outlined. Finally, there is a brief introduction for the articles that follow in this special section.  相似文献   

功能性行为评估是20世纪70年代中期兴起的一种以确定行为功能为核心的评估方法。自1997年美国《残疾人教育法》规定学校必须实施功能性行为评估之后,关于学校中功能性行为评估应用的研究日益增多。本文通过梳理有关文献,从应用范围、使用方法、负责人员、干预策略和教师培训五个方面呈现学校情境下功能性行为评估的实施现状,让读者了解研究动态,并指出今后的研究方向:提高功能性行为评估的效度和效率、增强功能性行为评估的培训以及关注学校的特殊性。  相似文献   

Identifying and understanding predictors of school safety perceptions is important due to its consequences for students. However, it is not clear what school‐related factors most contribute to explaining students’ perception of school safety, and how they relate to community‐related factors such as neighborhood safety. The purpose of this study was to understand the factors associated with Chilean elementary and middle school students’ perceptions of school safety. We used a sample of 5,455 students from low socioeconomic status public schools, and analyzed the predictive value of peer physical and verbal victimization; teacher and school staff victimization; teacher's social support; and perception of safety in the students’ neighborhoods on perceptions of school safety. Findings showed that although different forms of school violence, particularly peer physical victimization and physical and sexual victimization from teachers and school staff, contribute to students’ perception of school safety, the highest contribution came from students perceiving their neighborhoods as unsafe. In contrast, teacher social support contributed to increased levels of perceived school safety. We discuss the need for school‐based interventions that address physical victimization and engage teachers in prosocial and less punitive approaches to foster a positive and safe school climate, and in fostering school–community partnerships.  相似文献   

Teacher Effectiveness Research (TER) could be a foundation upon which a valid teacher evaluation system could be built. However, even a technically exceptional evaluation system may be doomed to fail if the political dynamics that influence its implementation are not examined. This study examines the extent to which a proposed teacher evaluation system based on TER is possible to gain acceptance from the main stakeholders of the Cypriot educational system. The extent to which stakeholders’ reactions to the proposed system are associated with their personal interests and concerns is also investigated. Both groups recognized that TER could be a foundation upon which a valid teacher evaluation system could be built but were critical of suggestions that might reduce their professional power. In order to reach consensus, policy makers should establish procedures to ensure a clear understanding among stakeholders of both the theoretical assumptions of the proposed system and the type of concerns that stakeholders might have against change.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyse the predictive power of home and school environment-related factors for determining pupils’ aggression. The multiple regression analyses are performed for fourth- and eighth-grade pupils based on the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2007 (N = 8394) and TIMSS 2011 (N = 9415) databases for Slovenia. At the national level, the Lestvica agresivnosti aggression scale was administered in both TIMSS cycles. For home environment variables, we included those related to socio-economic status, pupils’ educational aspirations, parental activities with their children and pupils’ free time activities. The results show that the variables related to socio-economic status, spare time activities and parental activities are significant predictors. The results differ in both analysed data-sets. For school environment variables, we include those related to the school climate, pupils’ attitudes towards school and school subjects and pupils’ achievement in mathematics. We find that the variables related to school climate and students’ self-confidence are significant predictors. These results are stable in both years. The predictive power of the school characteristics model (including only the school environment variables) is larger (based on the proportion of explained variance) compared with the home characteristics model. The hierarchical linear model of data from 2007 to 2011 shows small differences in aggression between schools. The inclusion of two data cycles collected in two time- periods allows us to observe changes in aggression predictors over time. Practical implications are finally included.  相似文献   

In response to tragic school shootings, heightened attention has been devoted to making schools safer through the implementation of security features. However, excessive security measures have a negative impact on school climate, student functioning, and academic achievement. Therefore, there is a critical need to design schools that are safe and secure, yet also welcoming and comfortable. As a promising approach in this regard, crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) is an architectural philosophy that aims to deter criminal or antisocial behavior through environmental design, and it includes a focus on natural surveillance, access control, and territorial reinforcement. This review discusses pertinent effects of the school environment on student outcomes, extant research on the impact of visible security measures, the relationship between students’ perceptions of safety and academic functioning, and how using CPTED could concomitantly address the physical safety and psychological comfort of students at school.  相似文献   

School effectiveness research has made a number of valuable contributions to educational research over the past three decades. However, its validity is threatened by a number of evolutions that question the continuing centrality of its basic research object, the public school. Moves towards more flexible school organization such as networks of schools, a broader role for schools reconceptualized as community centers, the emergence of new providers outwith the public sector, the increasingly internationalised nature of research and moves towards greater use of distance learning and home schooling all mean that this focus may rapidly become outdated, potentially making school effectiveness research irrelevant.In this paper we will discuss the consequences of these evolutions for school effectiveness research and argue that, rather than lessening the need for effectiveness research, they increase the imperative for this type of research, as long as it is broadened to educational effectiveness in its broadest sense whether it takes place in the traditional public school or not, and is conducted in an empirical and open-minded way.  相似文献   

This study investigated the differences and similarities in the impact of school leadership on student mathematics achievement in different global regions using TIMSS international data. Three-level unconditional and conditional hierarchical models were fitted to the data in each country. The findings showed that the variables of teacher professional development and interactions with other teachers at the student level had inconsistent influence on student achievement outcomes across countries. In all but one of the countries in the sample, the proportion of economically disadvantaged students was related to student achievement. In England there were significant differences on several key variables.  相似文献   

教师评价对于促进教师专业发展有重要作用。以霍伊学校结构理论为基础,研究对比中美两套代表性教师评价方案在规则设计和权力结构两大维度的运作效果发现:中国方案更具备阻滞型学校结构的特征,美国方案更倾向于促进型学校结构的特征。我国中小学教师评价方案应实现以下几个转变:评价目的从"加强管理"转向"促进教学",制度安排从"依附嵌套"转向"独立自主",教师与评价者的关系从"对立被动"转向"双边互动",评价结果从用于"量化排名"转向利于教师"专业发展",制度设计从"基于经验"转向"专业科学"。  相似文献   

教师话语作为教学媒介和目的语的主要外部输入来源,在外语教学中发挥着举足轻重的作用。为了促进英语课堂教学,有效利用课堂资源,实现教师话语的输入价量,应适当控制教师话语的数量,提高教师话语的质量,为学习者创造一个利用目的语表达思想、进行交流的良好语言学习环境。  相似文献   

本文对2007年国际教师教育论坛的交流与研讨进行概要介绍,分析了当前国际教师教育领域里的热点问题,探讨了国际教师教育改革与创新的特点,重点阐发了国际教师教育创新的政策支持、教师专业发展的国际比较与合作开发、国际教师专业发展的创新实践等方面的发展趋势,以及国际教师教育改革对我国当前的教师教育改革与发展研究的启示。  相似文献   

农村中职教育要做好四大转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中职适龄学生的锐减,农村中职学校办学的规模效益已经消失,面临着严重的生源危机亦即生存危机,中职教育资源的市场配置方式已经暴露出办学思想的偏差、公益性的缺失等弊端,同时农村中职教育以输出劳务为主,带来了一系列社会后遗症。另一方面,农民受教育程度低,没有接受过正规的农业科技教育,农业还是处于传统农业时代。实现农业现代化缺乏大量懂技术、会经营、能创新的新型农民,社会主义新农村的建设、和谐农村的构建,还没有科技文化的强力支撑。农村中职办学做好资源配置、教育质量、培养农民和专业特色的转型,切实为“三农”服务,不仅是学校的生存之道,更是经济社会科学发展的需要。  相似文献   

中学语文教材的选文多为文学类文本,这类文本不但表现手法丰富,而且蕴涵着丰富的思想哲理、深厚情感。教师可通过引导学生细读课文题目、关键字词、段落结构和助读材料这四个抓手,引领学生深度触摸文本,真正去读懂和欣赏文学类文本,提高阅读教学质量。  相似文献   

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