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This essay explores the cultural politics of television talk-show host Oprah Winfrey's Book Club. Because women constitute both the primary Oprah television audience and the largest United States book buying public, it focuses specifically on women's involvement in the club and their modes of engagement with its selections. The Book Club's astonishing success was attributable in part to the carefully considered communication strategies through which participants, Winfrey, and Oprah producers collectively articulated the value of books and reading specifically for women. Their de-emphasizing of purely literary considerations, I contend, enabled women to strategize how to use Book Club selections simultaneously to distance themselves from and to engage more intensively with the demands of living in a patriarchal and otherwise socioeconomically stratified society – a relationship I call a “dialectic with the everyday.” This essay thus traces the communicative processes/practices through which those involved in Oprah's Book Club articulated a highly sophisticated economy of cultural value around books and reading and the implications of that economy to a possible feminist cultural politics.  相似文献   

As long as scientists discuss scientific problems and communicate with each other, scholarly communication is an essential part of scientific activities. In the very ancient time the scholarly communication was only an oral tradition, a face to face communication. Later on, the written form of communication has taken place. Since the invention of movable printing types by Gutenberg the scholarly communication was preferable in written and printed form. Since 15 years the revolution has taken place with the digital information, which is now available for scholarly communication. There was a paradigm shift from the printed and oral tradition to a new digital electronic science communication. In the future the traditional printed book information for scientific communication will be replaced by problem solving portals with all electronic and digital tools.  相似文献   

This article outlines and assesses the research into resource management and ordering processes at the University of Northampton and academics' knowledge of these processes. The aim of the research was to identify ways of streamlining the service, to improve communication between academic and library staff, with the objective of an enhanced student experience. The focus groups highlighted concerns around growing spoon-feeding in Higher Education and the ongoing communication barriers between academic and library staff. This article will evaluate the current debates, research, and practices within the sector and present and analyze the findings of the research.  相似文献   

《知识交流与交流的科学》一书着重从知识交流的角度揭示图书馆学的基本属性,通过对知识本质的分析、芝加哥学派的解读以及信息环境及政策对图书馆发展的影响等方面,从社会学意义探讨了图书馆的本质,为我国图书馆学研究方法向实证化转变以及作为一种科学的图书馆学体系如何继续在新世纪获得新的发展提供了坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

陆朦朦 《出版科学》2021,29(5):71-79
聚焦于图书推荐类短视频的叙事策略,通过内容分析法对抖音短视频平台"都靓阅读"账号"好书分享"标签下的167个有效短视频样本进行分析,归纳总结图书推荐类短视频的叙事主题和叙事策略,梳理出情境设置型叙事模式、问题引导型叙事模式、情感共鸣型叙事模式、热点追踪型叙事模式和内容还原型叙事模式五种较为典型的叙事模式.在此基础上,通过线性回归分析方法检验叙事主题(图书类别、图书国别等)以及叙事策略(叙事标题、叙事元素、叙事模式和叙事时长等)对图书推荐类短视频传播效果的影响,并提出兼顾叙事主题的吸引力与共情力、叙事形式的流程化和创新性、叙事技巧的情感化与内容性等针对性策略.  相似文献   

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