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This study explored the subjective experience of post‐high‐school development in four gifted individuals considered at risk because of significant underachievement, depression, or family stress. Conflict with parents was a dominant theme in the language of three of the subjects, and resolution of that conflict appeared to be associated with developmental task‐accomplishment and improved academic motivation and emotional health. The process of differentiating from parents included exploring identity, finding career direction, and struggling with autonomy issues during extended education. The developmental stories of these individuals, largely in their own words, are situated in one transitional developmental period, and the narratives allude to sexual abuse, sexual orientation, relatively early marriage, or depression.  相似文献   

This research investigated differences in delinquent activities and the reputational orientations of at‐risk and not‐at‐risk male and female adolescents. Initially, we sought to establish that adolescent males and females differed in these respects. This was found to be the case: males (n = 722) scored significantly higher than females (n = 738) on seven self‐reported delinquency variables and on eight reputation enhancement variables pertaining to social deviance, non‐conforming reputation, and power/evaluation private identity. When a sample of 31 at‐risk females was subsequently pair‐wise age matched with 31 not‐at‐risk females, at‐risk females scored significantly higher on all delinquency variables other than school misdemeanors. These at‐risk females also scored significantly higher on four reputation enhancement variables relating to social deviance and non‐conformity. Given that at‐risk females did not differ from their not‐at‐risk counterparts in level of involvement in school misdemeanors, we sought to determine whether this was also the case for at‐risk and not‐at‐risk males. An age‐matched sample of 91 pairs revealed that at‐risk males reported significantly higher involvement than not‐at‐risk males in all aspects of delinquency, including school misdemeanors. They also sought a more non‐conforming reputation. To explore the relationships between delinquency and reputation enhancement, a canonical correlation analysis was performed. All findings are discussed in the light of reputation enhancement theory.  相似文献   

We report on the construction and application on an instrument entitled the “Science Achievement Influences Survey” to assess combined effects of student attitudes about science, peer interaction, and home support, and the frequency of student‐centred and teacher‐centred instructional practices on student achievement. Controlling for pre‐test content knowledge, results indicated that student‐centred teaching practices have a positive association with student achievement (p < .01; i.e., group experiments) and a negative association with teacher‐centred teaching practices (p < .01; i.e., copying notes). Additionally, student attitudes about science were positively associated with student‐centred teaching practices (p < .01) and negatively associated with teacher‐centred teaching practices (p < .01). Most significantly, this study documents the predicted gains in science achievement associated with frequency of specific instructional practices used by middle‐school science teachers. Especially noteworthy and significant is the finding that near‐daily implementation of group experiments and reduction of extensive note‐copying during class yield the greatest positive impact on student achievement. Outside of school, peer interaction and home support were not significantly associated (p > .05) with student achievement. The student sample included 611 middle‐school science students with a wide range of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to examine the characteristics of non‐referred children with behaviour difficulties (BD) (such as verbal and physical aggression towards children and objects), aged 9–12 years and attending mainstream schools, and to compare them with children with no BD. The second objective was to evaluate the contribution of a risk and protective factors model to the explanation of the social and academic characteristics of these students. The sample consisted of 337 students (Grades Three to Six from seven schools in the central area of Israel) divided into two groups: 163 students with BD (142 boys and 21 girls), and 174 students without BD (145 boys and 29 girls). The groups were compared, using the following measures: teachers’ assessment of academic achievement and behaviour problems (reactive and proactive aggression; hyperactive behaviour); peer’s ratings of social status (degree of social acceptance and rejection, reciprocal friendship and reciprocal rejection), and students’ self‐perceptions – their sense of coherence and loneliness. Results revealed that teachers evaluated students with BD as achieving lower academic grades and as displaying higher levels of hyperactive behaviour as well as three different types of aggression. Peer ratings of social status revealed that students with BD were less accepted at their classes and had fewer friends. They were more rejected by peers and had more identified enemies. Self‐perception comparisons revealed significant differences in their loneliness and sense of coherence. Results of the structural equation modelling analysis suggested a high degree of fit between the risk and protective factors’ model and the empirical findings for students with and without BD. Results of the study corroborate the model that explain children’s academic and social adjustment, considering the joint impact of risk (behaviour disorders) and protective factors (the sense of coherence), with educational implications in terms of teachers’ sensitising and programme development.  相似文献   

Like neighbourhoods, companies or housing, schools are considered a location for which the student must develop feelings of attachment and identification. The purpose of this research is to test a path model in which the evaluation of the image of the scholastic institution plays a role in the process of sociospatial identification in the school place; this identification is itself involved in the development and maintenance of positive academic self‐esteem. Two hundred and seventy‐eight students registered at secondary schools participated in the research by responding to a questionnaire composed of a series of scales. The results show a good fit between the model and the data, since the students’ self‐esteem proved to be partially explained by the quality of their identification with their institution. The status of the level of sociospatial identification as a mediator variable was also confirmed.  相似文献   

Britain in the 1950s offered increased opportunities for secondary education leading to better career prospects at a time of full employment. A government report into early leaving in 1954 noted that it was girls of all social classes who were most ‘at risk’ of not staying the course. The following article discusses first the nature of risk and suggests that for girls perhaps, staying at school and delaying marriage, at a time when unequal pay and opportunities were the norm, was perceived as more of a risk than the safety of marriage and dependent domesticity. It then considers the concerns of the Early Leaving Report in more detail. Despite the attempts by policy makers to encourage girls into education, there were rival discourses which persuaded girls into domesticity and the article concludes by indicating the varied and pervasive nature of some of this rhetoric.  相似文献   

In British Columbia, Canada, two population‐based databases have been linked at the level of the individual child: the Early Development Instrument, a Kindergarten school readiness measure; and the Foundation Skills Assessment, a Grade Four academic assessment. Utilising these linked data, we explored the early school readiness, literacy, and numeracy outcomes of a province‐wide study population of children with special needs (N = 3677) followed longitudinally from Kindergarten to Grade Four. In particular, we explored the categories of special needs among our study population. In addition, we investigated the Kindergarten school readiness and Grade Four literacy and numeracy outcomes of children with special needs. We also explored the Grade Four literacy and numeracy outcomes of children with special needs who were ‘not school ready’ at Kindergarten. Finally, we identified the categories of special needs of children who participated in the Kindergarten data collection, but were missing literacy and numeracy scores at Grade Four. Future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines how a game‐like 3D Multi‐User Virtual Environment (MUVE), Quest Atlantis (QA), is used in an after‐school programme to engage a group of 14 academically at‐risk primary students in their learning. It adopts an activity theoretical perspective to identify the disturbances and contradictions during the implementation of the after‐school programme. Based on the analysis of these disturbances and contradictions, the main findings highlight: (1) the importance of the less visible social mediators – the rules, community, and division of labour – in the programme; (2) the pivotal role of the teacher; and (3) the role of QA as both a tool and an object to the students. The findings suggest the importance of the social context where information and communication technology (ICT) is used and the possible use of its engaging elements to first extrinsically motivate these students in their learning.

Eine theoretische Perspektive: Aktivität in Richtung des Designs eines ICT verbesserten ausserschulischen Programms für Risikostudenten

Dieses Papier prüft, wie eine spielähnliche 3D‐Multibenutzer Umgebung (MUVE), “Quest Atlantis (QA)” bei einem außerhalb der Schule benutzten Programms verwendet wird, um eine wissenschaftlich gefährdete 14‐er Studentengruppe in ihrem Lernen anzusprechen. Die Analyse auf Basis der Störungen und Widersprüche zeigt die (1) Wichtigkeit von weniger sichtbaren Sozialmediatoren – die Regeln, die Gemeinschaft und Arbeitsteilung – im Programm, (2) die entscheidende Rolle der Lehrer und (3) die Funktion des Spiels QA sowohl als Werkzeug als auch als Gegenstand für die Studenten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Wichtigkeit des sozialen Kontexts wo Informations‐ und Kommunikationstechnologie (ICT) benutzt und gebraucht werden und der mögliche Gebrauch seiner verbindenden Elemente erstmals von außen motivieren das Lernen dieser Studenten.

Perspective théorique sur une activité visant à la conception d’un programme extra scolaire renforcé par les TICE et destiné aux élèves en difficulté

Cet article examine comment on utilise un environnement virtuel à utilisateurs multiples (MUVE) Quest Atlantis (QA) en 3D dans un programme extra scolaire pour impliquer dans leur apprentissage un groupe de 14 élèves en difficulté scolaire. On a adopté une perspective théorique de l’activité pour identifier les troubles et les contradictions rencontrés pendant la mise en place de l’activité extra scolaire. En se fondant sur l’analyse de ces troubles et contradictions, les résultats obtenus font principalement ressortir: (1) l’importance des médiateurs sociaux moins visibles comme_les règles, le groupe, et la répartition des tâches_dans le programme; (2) le rôle central de l’enseignant et (3) le rôle de QA à la fois comme outil et comme objet pour les élèves. Ces observations font apparaître l’importance du contexte social là o[ugrave] on utilise les technologies de l’information et de la communication et le recours possible à leurs facteurs d’implication pour commencer de l’extérieur à motiver ces élèves pour leur apprentissage.

Una perspectiva teórica sobre una actividad conduciendo a un programa posescolar apoyado por las TICs dedicado a los alumnos «en peligro»

Este artículo examina como se utiliza un entorno lúdico virtual en 3D, Quest Atlantis (QA) para usuarios multiples (MUVE) dentro de un programa posescolar para incentivar a un grupo de alumnos «en peligro» para que aprenden. Se adoptó una perspectiva teórica activa para identificar los trastornos y contradicciones encontradas durante la implantación del programa posescolar. Basandose en el análisis de esos trastornos y contradicciones, los principales resultados han destacado (1) la importancia de los mediadores sociales menos visibles, las reglas, la comunidad y la división del trabajo_dentro del programa (2) el papel fundamental del profesor y (3) el papel de QA a la vez como herramienta y como objeto para los alumnos. Esas observaciones resaltan la importancia del contexto social cuando se usan las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) y el posible uso de sus elementos cautivadores para dar a esos alumnos el primer incentivo externo de su aprendizaje.  相似文献   

Fifty‐six secondary school students with and without social emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBDs) completed self‐report measures of their strengths and difficulties, self‐concept and social identity, cognitive attributional style and participated in computer‐based tests of risk‐taking and impulsivity. Contrary to common understanding, the students with SEBDs made realistic estimations of their difficulties and were as able to make attributions as their peers without SEBDs; though they tended to attribute negative events internally significantly more often than did students without SEBDs. No differences were found between the two groups in terms of risk‐taking as measured on a computer‐based test. Implications of these findings for identification of and working with students with SEBDs are considered.  相似文献   

This article examines recent claims by Jeffrey Smith that: (1) ‘hegemonic masculinity’ is an expression of working class counter‐school culture; (2) some teachers are ‘cultural accomplices’ in constructing ‘hegemonic masculinities’ of anti‐school working class boys, thereby contributing to their underachievement; and (3) these ‘cultural accomplices’ are an emerging response to recent moral panics and neo‐liberal managerialism concerned with ‘failing boys’ at school. It is suggested that ‘hegemonic masculinity’ is not necessarily associated with anti‐school values in working class culture. Many working class boys might subscribe to ‘hegemonic masculinity’ without rejecting learning. Contrary to Smith’s emphasis on how working class culture generates anti‐school ‘hegemonic masculinity’, there is the possibility that ‘hegemonic masculinity’ is fused with anti‐school values produced by organisational differentiation. The continuing commonalities between working class anti‐school boys and the ‘gender regime’ of some secondary schools for over 20 years implies something more enduring at work than recent moral panics.  相似文献   


Fifty 10‐year‐old gifted children were matched with 50 pupils of average intelligence on the variables ‘gender’ and ‘socio‐economic status’. Three data sources (children, parents, and teachers) on the children's personality and socio‐emotional behavior were used.  相似文献   

We draw on case‐study research at a high‐achieving secondary school in London to illustrate how school experiences may influence drug use and reproduce inequalities in reconstructed ways in late modernity. Qualitative data were collected through semi‐structured interviews with students and teachers, and observations. We focus in particular on the accounts of three female students expressing a shared counter‐school identity and style to explore how drug use has become an important source of bonding, identity construction, coping and excitement for young women from disadvantaged families at high‐achieving schools, including as part of strategies to resist the narrow focus schools can place on academic attainment, monitoring and discipline. We propose that, in late modern times, class‐based counter‐school cultures are being replaced with new consumer‐based ones, but that secondary schools continue to act as sites for the reproduction of social stratification, as well as risk and harm relating to drug use.  相似文献   

Within a context of global reform agendas that promote economic ideologies in education the discourses surrounding ‘school failure’ have shifted from ‘individual risk’ to ‘a nation at‐risk’. Enhancing the quality of schooling through improving educational outcomes and standards for all, and thereby reducing ‘school failure,’ is simultaneously constructed as enhancing both social justice and a nation’s economic advantage in the global marketplace. Within this broader context, this research explores the complexity of issues related to policy for students at educational risk through an analysis of the Education Department of Western Australia’s ‘Making the Difference: Students at Educational Risk Policy.’ This research adopted a theoretical framework of a ‘policy cycle’ (that allowed for an exploration of power relations within the policy process. Primarily, consideration is given to the competing social and economic discourses found within the policy text and subsequent tensions reflected and retracted throughout the policy process from macro (system), to meso (district) and finally to micro levels within the schools and classrooms.  相似文献   

Focusing on the experiences of boys who choose not to cultivate their masculinities through hegemonic discourses and practices, this paper seeks to empirically explore and theorize the extent to which it is possible to live out the category ‘boy’ in non‐hegemonic ways in the primary school setting. Drawing upon a year‐long ethnography of children's constructions of their gender and sexual identities in two primary schools, it examines how a minority of 10‐ and 11‐year‐old white working and middle‐class boys create and seek out spaces from which they can resist, subvert and actively challenge prevailing hegemonic (heterosexual) masculinities within a peer group pupil culture which thrives on the daily policing and shaming of Other1 Following the writings of bel hooks (e.g., 1990 hooks b. (1990) Yearning: race, gender and cultural politics (Boston, MA, South End Press)  [Google Scholar]) I am loosely using the term Other to conceptualise those identities located at the margins— those non‐hegemonic identities that are in some ways resistant and order‐transforming (rather than conventional and order‐maintaining) and thus cross and/or blur sex/gender boundaries. View all notes masculinities. The paper attempts to theorize more fully the inter‐relationship of hegemonic and non‐hegemonic masculinities and argues that the ways in which boys inhabit and construct non‐hegemonic masculinities both subverts and reinforces hegemonic gender/sexual relations.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literatures on examinations, on self‐determination and dependence, and on small states. It draws particularly on materials for a Commonwealth Secretariat project on examination systems in small states. For the purposes of this paper, small states are defined as ones with populations below 3 million. The Commonwealth has 32 such states, scattered in different parts of the world.

Review of systems for external secondary school examinations shows three basic models. Some small states operate their own examination systems, some participate in regional bodies, and some make use of examinations set in other countries. The paper notes the advantages and disadvantages of each model, and the reasons for variations.  相似文献   


Based on the multivariate framework of student attrition developed by leading researchers in the field of distance education and instructional technology, this study centers on a method of assessing the ability of a student to complete a distance learning course. The focus of the investigation is construction and validation of a brief survey instrument to identify at‐risk students enrolled in Web‐based and videoconferencing courses.  相似文献   

High fee-charging non-government schools for boys comprise a small but significant sector of the Australian schooling market. In different ways in different historical periods these schools have represented themselves as being concerned with more than just an instrumental or utilitarian education, making both explicit and implicit claims about the kinds of values they work to instil in their students and the kinds of men they aim to produce. This article looks closely at one such school in order to gain an understanding of how it sought to shape a particularly classed, leadership-oriented masculinity, during a period of institutional change. The historical context for the study is the final decade of the twentieth century, a period that saw the approximate beginning of a ‘boys’ crisis’ in Australian education, which for schools like the one in this study meant a degree of reconceptualisation of practices and ideologies of masculinity. The article draws on a set of oral history interviews with former students and executive staff of the school.  相似文献   

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