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This essay explores how the broadcasting industry and its audiences have responded to the introduction of new broadcast technologies, including color TV, UHF TV, VCRs, AM stereo, and stereo TV, and asserts that broadcasters and audiences have complementary roles in determining what will be introduced and accepted. The authors argue that broadcasters and government—as the representative of community and audience interests—need to play roles in setting standards for new technology based on the principle of promoting efficiency.  相似文献   

One aspect of the recent pressure for greater public access to the airwaves is the attempt by several individuals and groups to buy air time for expression of opinion on often controversial subjects. The legal ramifications of this issue are explored in the following paper by Dr. Milan Meeske, a member of the communication faculty at Florida Technological University in Orlando.  相似文献   

Analysis of the circumstances surrounding Gordon & Breach vs. American Institute of Physics. Albert Henderson has worked in publishing for over thirty-five years. He has provided consulting services to many commercial and nonprofit publishers, including Gordon & Breach, and has been following this case for nearly ten years. He has edited Publishing Research Quarterly since 1994.  相似文献   

对编、排、初校合而为一的探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
郝拉娣  关伟  刘琳 《编辑学报》2003,15(6):416-417
通过对大连地区科技期刊编辑工作中编、排、校合而为一的调查,探讨这一编校制度的意义。认为编、排、初校在机上一次完成可减少编辑工作中的重复劳动,提高工作效率,是科技期刊编辑工作发展的一个方向。对目前抑制编辑在机进行编、排、校工作的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

Does strict adherence to the principles of the First Amendment and opposition to any forms of censorship inflict “harm” on women and American society? In this article, the author surveys the published literature, U.S. Supreme Court decisions, and substantive issues raised by “tabsolutist” defenders of the First Amendment as well as by feminists opposed to pornography. He argues that the “Mill-Paul hypothesis” should be adopted by society to confront the censorship morass that has deeply divided American society. Namely, if an image or a printed work causes harm to anyone, it should be prosecuted under existing legal codes.  相似文献   

The conflict between the military's desire to keep secrets and the media's mission to report the news inevitably leads to clashes during wartime. These opposing forces have been held in an uneasy balance by the U.S. Constitution during most of modern history. But, recent policy has allowed the unprecedented exclusion of the press from the battlefield, with increased government control over the flow of information to the public as the result. Press restrictions during the Persian Gulf War led to a threatened constitutional crisis, ending in an uneasy truce which leaves fundamental issues still unresolved.  相似文献   

Open Access policy implementation is a tough job. Policy pioneers have faced considerable challenges in meeting their own aims and achieving recognized success. Professionals charged with implementing policy typically need several years to accomplish significant progress. This is a study of first results from a small but significant number of cases with an emphasis on variety and on defining a methodological standard. All cases have been reconstructed through documents and interviews. The most salient issues of policy implementation are investigated comparatively, namely (i) the matching infrastructure that a policy requires; (ii) the issue of capturing content and scholarly compliance; (iii) how to provide access to the content and foster usage; (iv) and the benefits offered to authors. As the author is pivotal to any open access solution, this provides a comparative perspective for delineating a policy research agenda.  相似文献   

Video market entry options available to telephone companies under the Telecommunications Act of 1996 have First Amendment implications that will affect the constitutional value of telephone video. These entry options impose regulatory constraints upon providers and differ in potentials for provider speech, speaker access, and content diversity. The author concludes that the Act's open video system option best advances First Amendment interests in increased diversity of and access to speech.  相似文献   

本论文就中国省级电视台电视剧产业链整合模式的原理进行解析,主要解析制播分离与自制剧、定制剧模式。本文认为,制播分离实际是纵向分离,会有分工的经济效率;自制剧与定制剧模式就是纵向一体化与纵向联盟,它们针对省级台会有利弊两方面的影响,但结合省级台的现实处境看,目前利远大于弊。  相似文献   


Public Service Broadcasting in a Multichannel Environment: The History and Survival of an Ideal. Robert K. Avery. White Plains, NY: Longman, 1993.

Public Television for Sale: Media, the Market, and the Public Sphere. William Hoynes. Boulder and San Francisco: Westview Press, 1994.

Public Television: Panacea, Pork Barrel, or Public Trust? Marilyn Lashley. New York: Greenwood Press, 1992.  相似文献   

Homeowner insurance rate making is an important public policy issue in the State of Florida. The State of Florida has over 2 trillion dollars of residential properties exposed to hurricane risk. The State has declared that it shall adopt public policy to encourage the use of sophisticated actuarial methods to assure that consumers are charged lawful insurance rates (Section 627.0628(1)(a)). To that effect, the State's insurance regulatory agency, the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR), sponsored the development of a Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model (FPHLM) to assess the risk and project insured residential losses. The FPHLM is an open and public model that has been developed primarily by university experts without influence from either the insurance industry or the state regulators. It is open to public scrutiny and provides an understandable baseline to check the assumptions as well as the outputs of the proprietary models. The FPHLM thus makes the rate evaluation process more objective and less political. It enables the state to justify rejecting or accepting rate increases based on an independent and transparent model, rather than a process that can be influenced politically. As a multi-disciplinary large scale research project with an iterative and incremental development cycle, the FPHLM system development and integration faced numerous challenges varying from technical factors to project management aspects. This paper will discuss the research experiences accumulated during the development of the FPHLM and the impact it has had on the homeowner insurance rate filing process in the State of Florida.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the federal government, Congress has functioned as its publisher — the manager and director of government printing operations. Initially performed by private printers through lucrative contracts, production was statutorily vested in the Government Printing Office (GPO) in 1860 to assure efficient, economical, and quality printing. Over the past century and a half, however, changes in technology, law, and constitutional relationships have eroded arrangements for the public printing system. Information products printed by GPO in the past may now be agency-generated and made directly available to the public through agency Web sites or social media, with the result that congressional general management of the publication system is seemingly decreasing, at least in terms of GPO workload, publication accountability, and document sales. While it is unlikely that Congress will reduce or vacate its publisher capacity anytime soon, some adjustment of the scope of that role and related management capability may appropriately be in order.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of the the jeremiad in shaping public attitudes toward political dissent during the Franco‐American Crisis of 1798‐99. Attention is focused on three widely publicized sermons in which the Reverend Jedidiah Morse disclosed details of a dark conspiracy involving both domestic critics of the Adams administration and a mysterious order of European anarchists known as the Bavarian Illuminati. By framing his suspicions in the form of a jeremiad, Morse evoked a rhetorical context which portrayed the conspiracy as a divine test of American civic piety. As a result, the conspiracy provided a rhetorical justification for the condemnation of domestic political dissent on moral grounds.  相似文献   

Information policy research is a critical tool in the arsenal of library and information science researchers. As developments occur in information access, use, technology, and management, information policies require more attention and research. The article describes the nature of government information policy and policy research, characteristics of policy research, and examples of research methods and approaches that can be used. The differences between textbook-based policy research and how policy research might be implemented in action are also discussed, as are the inter-connectedness of information policies and ways to describe impacts of information policies. The article recommends that researchers and professionals give greater education, training, and professional association attention to using policy research on a day-to-day basis.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):215-228

The rhetorical foundations of social change may be found, not only in polemical discourse but in popular literary discourse as well. A case in point is that of the concept of the evolutionary sublime, an amalgam of the rhetorical/aesthetic theory of the sublime and scientific evolutionary theory, which had significant implications for personal morality and social policy. This reservoir of concepts was transmitted to its readership, the American middle class of the nineteenth century, through the popular literature of natural history; it subsequently served as a basis for the persuasive arguments of the conservation movement. This study traces the emergence of rhetorical argument from bases in popular literary and intellectual culture.  相似文献   

In an age characterized by distributed information, where the majority of the expertise is in the private sector, the concept of “central intelligence” is an oxymoron. The greatest threat to both national security and national economic competitiveness is ignorance—uninformed decision making. Intelligence communities are slowly discovering that they should not send a spy where a schoolchild can go, and that spies are not harnessing the vast distributed intelligence of the private sector. Unfortunately, the culture of intelligence in most countries believes that its uniqueness rests on secrets rather than thinking—on producing secrets rather than informing policy. To survive in the 21st century, every nation must become a “smart nation” and engage all of its citizens—every citizen must be a collector, producer, and consumer of intelligence—and, thus, create the Virtual Intelligence Community. To integrate and make the best use of both open-source intelligence and traditional classified intelligence, each nation must establish a National Information Strategy which addresses connectivity, content, coordination, and computational security.  相似文献   

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