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孤独症谱系儿童的典型特点之一是社会性发展障碍,目前国外有许多针对孤独症谱系儿童的社会交往干预方式,近几年也出现了视觉文本干预方式的研究,因此,需要对视觉文本干预方式的有效性进行分析。通过对国外文献的查询、整理和分析,发现各研究结果均显示出视觉文本干预能够增加儿童积极的沟通行为,社会交往也能够泛化到新的同伴、新的环境以及新的刺激当中。  相似文献   

Research studies have shown the importance of early intervention services for young children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their families. However, most attention has been given to the effectiveness of treatments solely for children with ASDs. Because the family centered practice has been emphasized and supported by many researchers and legislation, involving family members other than children with ASDs and their parents in the assessing, planning, and implementing interventions is seen as crucial. The purpose of this article is to review what sibling relationships look like for a typically developing sibling of a child with an ASD and what resources are available for parents and specialists to support siblings of children with ASDs.  相似文献   


Employing the multiple-baseline across-subjects design, the authors examined the implementation and potential effect of a virtual-reality-based social interaction program on the interaction and communication performance of children with high functioning autism. The data were collected via behavior observation and analysis, questionnaires, and interviewing. The children participants demonstrated increased performance of responding, initiation, greeting, and positive conversation-ending during the intervention, and improved social competence measures after the intervention. The study also contributed salient themes on the adaptive design of a virtual-reality-based learning environment for learners with special needs. The study findings should extend the discussion on the design and usage of technology-supported informal learning environment for children with diverse characteristics and learning needs.  相似文献   

Autism experts and individuals with high-functioning autism contend that many individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) respond most favorably to information that is presented visually. Accordingly, strategies capitalizing on this visual preference have received significant recent attention in both ASD research and practitioner-related literature. This article provides a review of visually based strategies for organizing classrooms for children and youth with ASD. Classroom structuring methods, visual schedules, and visually based organizational strategies are described and discussed. For each of the above, a justification, a brief review of the research literature, implementation guidelines, recommendations for effective use, and suggested resources for practitioners are provided. Tables and figures that provide examples of methods are also provided.  相似文献   

Social competency deficits are a core feature of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). During the past several decades, a number of social skill interventions for students with ASD have emerged. However, over the past five years, three converging issues have brought increased attention to the need for social competence programming: (1) increased ASD incidence rates, (2) inclusion and integration trends, and (3) recent No Child Left Behind Act requirement regarding use of evidence-based practices. This article discusses current best practices in enhancing the social competence of learners with ASD. To this end, a review of the literature was conducted to: (1) define key behaviors related to social competence targeted by common interventions and (2) identify the core components and targets that are essential for effective social competence interventions. Searches done by hand and electronically were conducted to identify empirical reviews or summaries of effective social competence interventions from preschool to early adulthood. Eight reviews that encompass typically developing as well as those that specifically target ASD were chosen. Results of the review identified eight primary behavior categories most frequently targeted by social interventions across preschool, elementary, and secondary age groups. Additional analysis identified 11 core components consistently identified in the reviews. Explanation of categories as well as implications for future research and practice are explored.  相似文献   

Despite variable interpretations of the meaning and nature of specific effective practice methods and research-supported strategies, such approaches are generally considered essential for children and youth with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Indeed, there is general consensus that only by qualified professionals using effective methods in an approved fashion will optimal student outcomes be achieved. Related to this need, this article presents perspectives of stakeholders connected to use of effective practices with children and youth diagnosed with ASD. A parent, educational practitioner, and program administrator each share their unique perspectives on the subject of effective practice methods for learners with ASD.  相似文献   

共情缺陷是导致自闭症儿童社交障碍的重要因素。研究选取了28名3-7岁的自闭症和正常发展儿童,通过生理信号、面部表情和认知绩效等多模态数据的分析,探讨自闭症儿童共情过程中各阶段的特点,分析自闭症儿童共情缺陷的具体表现。研究发现,自闭症儿童的共情能力缺陷主要体现在较差的认知共情能力和较差的面部表情模仿能力;自闭症儿童的共情过程存在正常的自下而上的情绪分享过程和异常的自上而下的认知调节过程。因此,自闭症儿童共情能力的干预重点应聚焦认知调节过程中认知共情能力的提升和表情模仿能力的训练。  相似文献   

研究者选取上海市6所开展自闭谱系障碍儿童早期干预工作的专业教育机构,对其中的46位教师及69位儿童家长进行调查。结果表明,自闭谱系障碍儿童从早期发现到早期评估再到接受早期干预需要经历相当长的时间,仅有27.5%的儿童在3岁前接受了早期干预;教师队伍有待优化;家长虽然对早期干预态度积极,但参与程度有限;儿童每周接受有效干预的时间偏少,干预效果有进一步提高的空间。建议尽快建立并完善自闭谱系障碍儿童早期教育支持体系,配备足量教师并推动教师专业发展,延长儿童接受有效干预的时间,鼓励家长积极参与,以提高干预效果。  相似文献   

专业助手是自闭症谱系障碍儿童接受教育的重要支持人员,对其学业能力的发展以及社会交往技能的提升具有重要意义。本研究梳理了近二十年国外培训专业助手对自闭症谱系障碍儿童实施干预的实证研究,从专业助手的特征,ASD儿童的特征,专业助手对ASD儿童实施干预的目标行为,实验设计,培训内容与程序,培训及干预效果等维度进行分析,在此基础上指出已有研究存在的局限和未来研究方向,以期为日后自闭症谱系障碍儿童专业助手培训的研究提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the development and use of alternative reading measures that are performance based (authentic and direct), technically adequate, and help teachers make instructional decisions. Although performance assessments are promulgated as better than many traditional, published measures of achievement, few studies on technical adequacy have been conducted. We present 2 studies that focus on concurrent criterion validity and instructional decision making; the studies are framed as examples of reading measurement within the debate on whole language programs. The first study focuses on the relation of the performance measure of oral reading with several other reading measures; the second study focuses on teacher decision making, using quantitative and qualitative outcomes reflecting individual student change in performance (in reading fluency and prosody) over time. In this article, both studies are described briefly, and the emphasis of discussion is placed on appropriately evaluating programs so that the measures match the interventions (are systemically valid) and support their effec- tiveness for use with individual students.  相似文献   

苏雪云  胡冰 《幼儿教育》2012,(Z3):90-92,96
自闭谱系障碍通常被描述为一种起病于3岁之前,以明显的社会交往障碍、言语沟通异常以及刻板的兴趣、奇特的行为方式为特征的谱系障碍。尽早发现、评估、干预,才能最大程度地开发这类儿童的潜能。英国目前已经拥有较为完善的法律保障体系,以保障自闭谱系障碍儿童的权利及其家庭的参与权利。"不只是语言""早起的鸟"等早期家庭干预模式均重视家长的参与,旨在形成由专业人员指导、家长执行并合作解决问题的干预体系,促进自闭谱系障碍儿童发展。英国的经验值得借鉴。  相似文献   

心理理论是社会认知的重要研究领域,对社会能力的发展有着深刻影响.孤独症谱系障碍是一种广泛性发育障碍,学者采用不同的心理理论任务证实,孤独症儿童心理理论严重缺损.文章重点分析了语言、执行功能、家庭环境、同伴关系、干预等内外在因素对孤独症谱系障碍儿童心理理论的影响.未来的研究应不断改进现有的研究方法,扩展研究对象的年龄和范围,更加注重开展系统的干预研究.  相似文献   

自闭症谱系障碍是一种常见而且较为严重的发展障碍,自闭症儿童普遍存在着面孔识别障碍,影响他们的社会交往.学界对自闭症面孔障碍成因的探讨主要有能力说、动机说和加工策略说.但是,目前的干预中多关注于这类儿童的社交训练和面孔识别电脑软件上的训练,而缺乏对不同自闭症儿童面孔识别障碍群体成因的分类识别,这就导致干预的针对性不足.未...  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the fastest growing group of neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood. Earlier detection means an increased need for early intervention and other educational services. This study examined what services a sample of young children with ASD received, what variables predicted service utilization, and how satisfied parents were with the services. Sixty children (2–7 years) and their families from the Northwestern United States participated in the study. Results suggest that, on average, children received 13 h of educational and therapeutic services per week, with younger children receiving fewer services than older children. Child age, atypical behavior, and family income predicted number of service hours received. Children’s adaptive behavior and autism symptoms did not predict service hours. Although services received were, by most standards, minimal and far below best practice recommendations, parents reported high satisfaction, especially for their toddlers and preschool-aged children. Implications and future directions are described.  相似文献   

孤独症儿童特指那些在行为、言语交流和社会性交往等方面存在障碍的儿童.作为儿童早期发展的重要方面,情绪理解对孤独症儿童的认知、社会交往和社会性发展都具有重要作用.因此,孤独症儿童的情绪理解能力一直受到学界的广泛关注.文章综合前人研究,系统介绍了孤独症儿童情绪理解的新近研究成果,总结了现有研究的局限,并就未来的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

自闭谱系障碍儿童被称为"特殊儿童之王",基于自闭症谱系障碍儿童的核心缺陷是"社会性"发展的缺陷,融合教育对儿童的发展有积极的意义。我国现在也有越来越多的自闭谱系障碍儿童进入普通学校普通班级就读,但近年很多新闻报道这些儿童在随班就读过程中遭遇到困难,甚至被普通家长联名劝退。因为实现真正的融合,并不是简单地将特殊儿童安置在普通教育环境,还需要同时提供系统性的综合的持续的支持和相关服务。本文运用综述研究、实地观察等方法,对美国小学阶段自闭谱系障碍儿童融合教育支持体系的构成和运作机制进行综合分析,以期为我国建设自闭谱系障碍儿童融合教育支持体系提供参考和建议,来提升自闭谱系障碍儿童随班就读的有效性。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in the number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), worldwide. Since children with ASD have limited social interaction and communication skills, they tend to lag behind their peers without disabilities in many areas. In particular, they are unable to easily transition smoothly from one stage of their life to another. Transitions from preschool settings to kindergarten and beyond should be a critical issue of concern for educators and parents of young children with ASD. The results of a survey completed by 65 preschool teachers from Ghana and 210 of their counterparts in the United States of America, about characteristics of effective transition programs for children with ASD, are presented. Implications for preschool teacher preparation and transition planning are discussed.  相似文献   

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