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教师课堂行为无论是旨在建立课堂秩序,还是为了实现教育目标,都不能违背法律与伦理要求这一前提.然而教师课堂问题行为恰恰背离了这一要求,从而在更一般的意义上引发教育秩序的混乱.避免教师课堂问题行为的发生,需要防止对学生课堂行为意义的偏差性建构,同时也需要充分认识惩罚在建立课堂秩序方面的限度.  相似文献   

When chronic problem behaviors occur in schools, the tendency is to react with stringent and restrictive consequences. Recently, emphasis has shifted toward proactive prevention strategies. In this article, we focus on what we know and need to know about school-wide applications of effective practices and systems for preventing problem behaviors. We describe why this emphasis is important, what defines one prevention approach called school-wide positive behavior support, what current research results indicate about this approach, and what future research is needed to prevent development and occurrences of problem behavior in schools.  相似文献   

对于分配矛盾,民法与行政法均存在调整的局限性,并不是调整分配矛盾的基本法;而经济法的调整范围与基本理念决定其成为解决分配矛盾的基本法。税法、竞争法与产业政策法是解决分配矛盾的具体的经济法律制度。  相似文献   

法律关系的客体是一个国内外法学界长期争论不休的问题。虽然在“法律关系客体是指法律关系主体的权利义务所指向的对象”的概念上能够取得广泛一致,但对其范围却各执一词。之所以出现这种状况的原因在于对概念中三个关键词“法律关系主体”、“权利义务”及“指向”的不同理解上。通过深入分析这三个关键词,可以得出“行为”“利益”都不是法律关系的客体、而义务主体在一定条件下可以转换为法律关系客体的结论。  相似文献   

行政许可法律制度若干理论问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政许可制度一经产生就成为社会存在和发展不可缺少的制度。但从该制度的性质和目的看,我国行政许可制度仍处于幼年期。由于对行政许可性质认识上的偏差,致使权利主体有意无意地在行政许可过程中被置于从属的地位,这对于有效保障主体合法权利的实现,有效制约行政主体的权力任意扩张和权力滥行都是无益的。行政许可制度只是基于确保社会正常发展的衡平机制与社会秩序,确保社会公共利益,从而更好地保障主体权利的有效实现这一目的的考虑,而对相对人取得行使该权利的资格设置了必要的条件和标准。  相似文献   


In this article, we describe an investigation in which a teacher taught four students with moderate mental retardation to read sight words using a progressive time‐delay procedure. Definitions of the target words were presented incidentally in the consequent statement. Through the small‐group arrangement, students had the opportunity to learn through observation the other students' target words and incidental information. All students acquired their target words and at least 50% of the incidental and observational words and definitions to which they were exposed. We interpret these data as suggesting that teachers should systematically include related nontargeted information in their instruction and provide opportunities for observational learning to occur.  相似文献   

采光权问题成因复杂,由于目前我国采光权相关规定较少且较为模糊,实践中纠纷较多。本文主要从采光权的内涵、成因等方面进行研究,分析了采光权的现状,提出了一些采光权纠纷的解决措施。  相似文献   

法学理论在整个法学中具有枢纽性的重要地位,教学法理学的难度大意义更大。要知难而进把握法学理论教育的四大面向:阅读面向、思维面向、实践面向、语言面向,切实提高学生的法学理论素养。  相似文献   

公文处理是高校档案的重要组成部分,在工作中发挥着重要的作用。改进公文处理工作和加强档案管理,及时研究解决公文处理与档案管理在衔接工作中存在的问题,为学校管理活动提供优质、高效的服务。  相似文献   

Young children with disabilities acquire behavior problems as a result of many factors. When planning interventions, it is important to remember that all children may display stages of inappropriate behaviors at various times during their early development. In most cases, the problems are short-lived and typically improve with guidance and age. There are children with continuing or increasing problem behaviors that result in injury to self or others or that cause damage to the environment; interfere with development, learning, and acquisition of new skills; or socially isolate the child. We discuss interventions and prevention strategies for young children with persistent and consistent behavior problems and present directions for future research.  相似文献   

针对近年来我国多地性侵未成年女性犯罪的高发态势,分析这类犯罪主体的相关情况及犯罪原因,提出加强家长、学校对未成年人的性安全教育以及立法、司法、行政机关应当加大对未成年女性权益保护力度的建议,以求最大程度地遇制并防范这种罪行.  相似文献   

无论是从依法治国的角度还是从加强国际反腐败合作的角度看,防治腐败和惩治腐败应该既要有法可依,更要有法必依.  相似文献   

The Portland Problem Behavior Checklist (PPBC) is described for aiding school personnel in identifying problem behaviors of students. Test reliability and validity data are reported. The PPBC appears to offer a quick format useful for clinical referrals, assessment, and initial evaluation.  相似文献   

明代文学法度论主要体现在三个维面:一是对有法维面的论说;二是对活法维面的论说;三是对“至法无法”维面的论说。明人对文学法度的论说,在整体上已体现出建构与消解并重的特征,它为法度论在清代文论中的更深层次融通作出了铺垫。  相似文献   

电子政务的出现对传统的行政模式带来了一定的挑战。电子行政方式与传统法律尤其是行政法之间的矛盾日益凸现,特别是电子政务中行政行为的真实性的确认、行政行为的生效、失效等与传统法律的矛盾尤为突出。电子政务的发展急需行政法律制度的变革和现行法律体系的完善。  相似文献   

以2008年《关于小额贷款公司试点的指导意见》为主要线索,探讨小额贷款公司在法律监管主体、法律监管内容以及法律监管处罚权方面存在的缺陷,提出完善措施,以期对小额贷款公司法律监管有所裨益。  相似文献   

The first part of this article assesses the various determinants, such as academic rank, age, discipline, and sex that influence international faculty mobility. The data indicate that faculty members of higher rank and those having technical backgrounds and who are senior staff members and men travel more frequently than others do. The second part discusses the various legal obstacles to international faculty mobility. The third part presents recent social and legal developments and formulates some recommendations for the enhancement of faculty mobility.  相似文献   

BOT投资方式法律问题探析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
BOT是一种新兴的投资方式,本文通过对这种投资方式法律特征及法律性质的介绍和分析,指出了外商在我国利用BOT投资方式的各种法律障碍,最后,针对我国BOT法律制度的现状提出了几点立法建议,以期我国BOT项目的实施能走上健康,快速发展之路。  相似文献   

独立董事制度对改善我国公司治理结构有着十分重要的作用。我国在推行独立董事制度时,应当着眼于营造使独立董事制度能够规范运作的法律环境和相应的制度环境,独立董事制度能否在我国实质性地引进并步入良性发展轨道,关键在于要有完善的法律体系予以规范,保障和指引。  相似文献   

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