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Federal regulations concerning the development and implementation of alternate assessments based on modified achievement standards include a set of safeguards intended to ensure that eligible students have access to grade-level general curriculum. These regulations concerning curricular access and opportunity to learn for students with disabilities may prove difficult for educational researchers and policymakers to operationalize and evaluate. This article provides a historical and policy context for efforts to ensure curricular access. In addition, this article reviews research on potential indicators of (or ways of measuring) access to the general curriculum and opportunity to learn. Finally, best practices for facilitating and evaluating access to the general curriculum are discussed.  相似文献   

以元智大学通识教育中心如何形塑通识教育的理念、规划课程,以及推行的经验为主,说明在全球化、知识经济的时代,大学教育面临改革的要求声中,理想的通识教育应该回归“以人为本”的中心理念,着重于文化教养与开发创意两方面构想与设计通识课程。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe a collaborative approach to planning in the content areas to include and allow students with learning disabilities access to the general education curriculum. Procedures for selecting and organizing content, determining activities, identifying accommodations and modifications necessary to enhance content learning, and assessing student performance are presented. In addition, a sample unit plan and a lesson plan are included to illustrate the outcomes of collaborative planning based on effective teaching practices.  相似文献   

学习困难学生能否获得如一般学生同样的发展?他们的学业有希望获得成功吗?答案是肯定的.实践证明:只要教育、引导得法,只要学习困难学生自己努力上进,他们不仅可以发展、成功,而且有可能获得超出常人的发展和成功.  相似文献   

经教育部批准 ,我省与黑龙江、山东、江苏等十省市一起 ,从 2 0 0 0年秋季开始 ,普通高中实施新课程方案。实施新课程方案 ,是基础教育高中阶段教育一次深刻的变革 ,全省要抓住这一课程改革的契机 ,推进普通高中素质教育的进程。一、认真学习 ,准确把握新课程方案的精神实质和基本内容(一)新课程方案的指导思想、原则和特点国家制订普通高中新课程方案的指导思想是 :遵循邓小平同志教育要“三个面向”的战略思想 ;贯彻党和国家的教育方针 ;充分发挥课程体系的整体教育功能 ,全面提高普通高中的教育质量。制订新课程计划的原则是 :坚持正确的…  相似文献   

道德不是生活中某一个特定领域的问题,而是普遍地存在生活当中,这就决定了人的道德成长不是只在生活的某一个特定领域才会发生.学生的学校生活主要是在课程学习中度过的,课程知识对于道德的发展具有明理和陶冶的功能.通过学校开设的各门课程进行道德教育即为课程德育,课程德育是学校道德教育的基本途径,是一种走向整合的学校道德教育.  相似文献   

该文叙述了20世纪80年代末期斯坦福大学“柏拉图风波”产生的根本原因,对通识核心课程设置中多元文化问题进行了理性地分析,论述了多元文化产生的理论基础,并对这一风波所引发的问题进行了分析,比较突出的是西方文化与东方文化在课程设置中多寡以及西方文化在全球化中占据话语权独霸地位的问题。对风波后通识教育课程设置发展的世界性趋势进行了展望,提出了多元文化和谐共存的大学生存和发展的思路。  相似文献   

多重残疾儿童综合性主题课程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究的课程是专为多重残疾学生而设计的综合性主题课程.经过在上海市盲童学校的多重残疾儿童教育项目中近3年的实验研究,证实该课程的确能适应各个年龄阶段残疾程度各异的多重残疾学生的教育要求.本文着重对该课程的涵义、特点、课程目标、实施原则及评价等作了阐述.  相似文献   

The patterns of cognitive play of 28 African-American and Euro-American preschool children with intellectual disabilities are reported. Fourteen children representing each group, matched on developmental age and family variables, were observed playing independently at home. Categorical and sequential play behaviors were coded from videotapes using a 15-second partial interval coding procedure. The pattern of African-American children's play was more reflective of their developmental age than the pattern of Euro-American children's play for their developmental age. Between group effects emerged for only 1 of 15 dependent variables included in the analyses: length of single scheme sequence. The results highlight children's strengths and challenge commonly held stereotypes. Recommendations for future research are provided.  相似文献   

Most definitions of learning disabilities (LD) include a qualification that adequate general education instruction was received and the child with LD did not benefit. Rarely is this tenet assessed in either practice or research before a diagnosis is made. We review three studies that investigated children's responsiveness to general education reading instruction as an indicator of need for more intensive interventions. Adequacy of instruction was quantified by children's level and rate of progress, compared to classmates, as measured by curriculum‐based measures of oral reading fluency. We found that the response‐to‐instruction model tested was valid in that (1) children who differ from their peers on level and slope of performance (dual discrepancy) have more severe academic and behavioral problems than children who have IQ‐achievement discrepancies or low achievement; (2) children who demonstrate persistent nonresponsiveness over three years differ from other at‐risk children on reading, reading‐related, and behavioral measures; and (3) at‐risk children who participated in specially designed general education interventions had better outcomes than at‐risk children who did not participate. We conducted additional analyses to assess low achievement definitional variations and found that they lack sensitivity and coverage compared to a dual discrepancy definition.  相似文献   

儿童文学课程教学质量直接影响着师范生毕业后承担中小学语文的教育效果,甚至影响基础教育改革的进程。从现实情况看,高师小学教育专业儿童文学课程建设和教学有许多不足。儿童文学课程教学必须从课程教学目标、课程内容体系、教学方法、师资培养等全面改革。在建设与改革上,要切实做到理论与实践相结合,注重儿童文学与小学语文教育的衔接,促使儿童文学课程真正有效地发挥培养适应基础教育改革的新型教师的重要作用。  相似文献   

The patterns of cognitive play of 28 African-American and Euro-American preschool children with intellectual disabilities are reported. Fourteen children representing each group, matched on developmental age and family variables, were observed playing independently at home. Categorical and sequential play behaviors were coded from videotapes using a 15-second partial interval coding procedure. The pattern of African-American children's play was more reflective of their developmental age than the pattern of Euro-American children's play for their developmental age. Between group effects emerged for only 1 of 15 dependent variables included in the analyses: length of single scheme sequence. The results highlight children's strengths and challenge commonly held stereotypes. Recommendations for future research are provided.  相似文献   

Even though Ghana has embraced international calls for mainstream education, many children with intellectual disabilities still receive education in segregated special schools. This article discusses the views of seven informants on the importance of special schools in Ghana. After securing the consent of our informants, we conducted in-depth qualitative interviews, transcribed and subjected the data to thematic analysis. The following views on the education of children with intellectual disabilities in special schools emerged; availability of dedicated teachers, variations in learning activities, playing the preparatory role, inclusion on their premises, discrimination and cultural stereotypes. The findings indicate that special schools still play important roles in the education of children with intellectual disabilities in Ghana.  相似文献   

园本课程开发是幼儿园课程改革的重要方向.探索符合幼儿园实际的人文教育课程,明确提出了园本课程建设的原则和内容,以及开发的基本事项;搭建了幼儿人文教育的新维度.  相似文献   

This study examined the feeling state content of 3- and 4-year-olds' narratives. Four times throughout the school year, each child was paired with a familiar adult and provided an opportunity to talk with the adult about his/her day. Children's narratives were then coded for their feeling state content. Results revealed that children talk a great deal about affiliation, that sex differences emerge only in the context of interactive talk between adults and children, and that older children talk more about emotions than younger children when speaking spontaneously, but that these differences disappear when adults are able to provide "scaffolding" to the younger, less experienced, children.  相似文献   

This study examined the feeling state content of 3- and 4-year-olds' narratives. Four times throughout the school year, each child was paired with a familiar adult and provided an opportunity to talk with the adult about his/her day. Children's narratives were then coded for their feeling state content. Results revealed that children talk a great deal about affiliation, that sex differences emerge only in the context of interactive talk between adults and children, and that older children talk more about emotions than younger children when speaking spontaneously, but that these differences disappear when adults are able to provide “scaffolding” to the younger, less experienced, children.  相似文献   

This exploratory, qualitative study investigated the perceptions of Saudi Arabian parents of elementary school-aged children with learning disabilities with regard to their involvement in their children's education. Guided by results of previous research conducted primarily with Western samples, and using a semistructured interview methodology followed by thematic phenomenological analyses, specific interview topics included parental perceptions of (a) the importance of parent–school partnerships, (b) the means of encouraging a parent–school relationship, and (c) how school practices may affect parental participation. The study involved 13 parents of children in elementary education (ages 7–12 years) diagnosed with learning disabilities. The results suggest several ways to overcome the involvement barriers reported by parents.  相似文献   

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