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城市化、工业化和收入水平对媒介消费水平的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在考察中国不同地区(省份)的媒介消费形式(包括广告支出和受众消费)。与传统的相对常数假设(长期看,媒介消费占宏观经济的比重即媒介消费或广告密度是固定的)不同的是,本研究发现工业化水平、城镇化水平和城镇人均可支配收入综合影响着广告密度和媒介消费密度。工业化水平、城镇化水平和收入水平高的地区,其广告密度和媒介消费密度均高于其他地区,反之亦然。  相似文献   

Newspaper advertising expenditures depend more strongly on economic development than advertising spent in other media. Gross domestic product (GDP), therefore, predicts ad spending better in countries where newspapers are an important advertising medium. GDP also predicts ad spending better in countries where a larger proportion of GDP is spent on advertising. Intermedia competition, on the other hand, has little impact. In conclusion, the authors propose to distinguish three advertising cultures where ad spending follows economic development in different ways.  相似文献   

Due to the downward sloping demand curve, a retailer can use price promotions to induce store traffic. On the other hand, price promotions can bring negative effects that increase consumers' conditional risks over quality, so that the results expected by retailers may not be achieved. This study investigates whether manufacturer advertising can mitigate the negative effects caused by retailer price promotions. A rational expectation model shows that the relation between advertising and price promotions is not unidirectional. A threshold exists that can ensure whether an increase in advertising expenditures reduces negative effects from price promotions. When advertising coverage exceeds this threshold, an increase in advertising expenditures mitigates negative effects and makes price promotions an effective way to build store traffic. Below the threshold, an increase in advertising expenditures might aggravate the negative effects from price promotions and decrease price sensitivity. Accordingly, marketing practitioners can design product pricing decisions depending on whether advertising information crosses this threshold.  相似文献   

I studied the development of advertising within the national economy. Contrary to the relative constancy hypothesis, time-series analysis of aggregate-level data generally support my hypotheses that expenditures on advertising as a proportion of the national income increased from the 19th to the 20th century and that structural pluralism, not just national income, predicts absolute changes in advertising expenditures. I argue that the need for information and advertising grows as a social system becomes more structurally pluralistic and that general economic conditions (i.e., national income) alone are insufficient to explain changes in relative and absolute spending.  相似文献   

本文重点阐述欧美媒介购买公司兴起的市场背景,深入分析欧美媒介购买公司全球市场运作策略及其在中国的发展战略和深层影响,并提出我国传媒业和广告业的应对策略。  相似文献   

邱文中 《新闻界》2007,(6):157-158
互联网广告的形式主要为四种基本类型:干扰型广告、融入型广告、关联型广告、主题型广告.本文将互联网媒体界定为直效型媒体、事件型媒体与认知型媒体,以帮助我们廓清互联网媒体在营销传播中的地位与角色.  相似文献   

本文分析了我国公益广告传播中存在的问题,并从传播主体、广告创作、媒介选择,效果测评等四方面对公益广告的有效传播进行探讨.  相似文献   

王凤翔 《新闻与传播研究》2012,(1):91-96,111,112
本文以美国为例,从广告批评视角看西方传媒业发展对广告自由法制原则的解构。西方国家的广告法制原则主要包括自由原则、真实原则和公共利益原则等。媒体为利润在传播内容中为大广告主服务,大广告主通过媒介所有权垄断与利益关联使媒体成为其喉舌,通过游说构建符合自己利益诉求的法律,解构了西方广告自由法制原则,解构了广告对自由传播、公信力与社会责任的文明诉求。这种解构不是对广告法及其具体规定的一种明显违背与直接违反,而是对广告法治精神的一种解构。  相似文献   

陕西省内各地的广告发展非常不均衡,各地的广告市场具有很大的差异性;推进陕西媒介体制创新、调整广告经营单位产品结构、紧密结合新兴产业、推进广告资本市场的形成等举措,将有利于陕西广告产业的持续发展.  相似文献   

吕国先 《新闻界》2007,(5):149-150
本文认为应按照广告业自身的专业化发展程度来划分广告历史.现代广告时期的起点作为广告历史分期基准点,应该是从广告已经开始在社会化大分工中作为一个独立的行业出现,即出现了脱离于广告主和广告媒体而独立存在的广告经营实体开始计算的.  相似文献   

李婧 《新闻界》2007,(5):163-164
本文试以富媒体广告的特点分析其视觉表现的优势,并指出富媒体广告技术、创意及艺术表现力是富媒体广告具有感染力的必要因素.  相似文献   

广告文明与和谐社会构建、新媒体与新广告、广告创新与产业升级共同汇聚了当前中国广告学术研究的三大主流语境。广告文明与和谐社会构建这一主流话题所关注的是广告伦理的失范与重构等显性问题,网络媒介的主流化和手机功能的泛媒介化是推动中国广告业发展的新兴动力,广告创新和产业升级是实现中国广告可持续发展的新支点。  相似文献   

本文通过对与广告媒介研究相关的五本代表性刊物进行研究,对1981-2008年以来中国广告媒介的研究文章进行了梳理和分析,从十个不同的指标角度来探讨中国广告媒介研究变迁的特征,从中审视广告媒介研究学术体系中所存在的不足,为推动广告媒介学术研究进程提供阶段性依据。  相似文献   

广告与论文是科技期刊中相互依存的2个组成部分,两者之间的和谐共存对科技期刊的发展具有重要的影响。本研究通过分析科技期刊中存在的共生现象,提出了基于论文与广告共生的科技期刊广告定位策略以及基于纸质媒体与新媒体共生的科技期刊广告传播策略。基于共生的理念,科技期刊广告传播过程中要发掘纸质媒体的价值进行广告传播形式的创新,利用新媒体传播优势增加受众的广告体验,同时要整合媒体资源进行全媒体广告传播,提升广告的传播效果。  相似文献   

提高广告公司在新媒体环境中的系统自适性是其生存和发展的必然选择。本文借鉴自组织理论对企业管理的启示,探讨在广告公司系统中实现无序到有序演化的路径。  相似文献   

This study investigates both the internal competition for advertising revenues among radio stations and the external competition with other media. The study of the advertising revenues of the Greek radio market from 1988 to 2007 shows that there is a low concentration in the sector, allowing low barriers to entry. However, the radio market is inferior to other media regarding advertising revenues. A key reason is the constant decrease of the advertising cost, something that in the future may affect the intensity of competition and the quality of radio station content.  相似文献   

Ad-financed TV channels are two-sided platforms where media houses provide communication from advertisers to viewers. Most media houses air several channels, some of which are particularly valuable to advertisers. At first glance, one might expect the ad volumes to be highest for the channels that are the advertisers' favorites. However, a crucial management challenge for media houses is to ensure that viewers go where the potential for raising advertising revenue is greatest. Because viewers dislike ads, we show that this implies that advertising volumes will be relatively low (and advertising prices relatively high) in such channels. Indeed, other things equal, the ad volume in a channel is inversely related to its attractiveness to the advertising market. Only if the costs of using alternative tools to attract viewers to the advertisers' favorite channels are sufficiently small will the advertising volume in channels with high demand for ads be larger than in channels with low demand for ads.  相似文献   

屈雅利 《新闻界》2008,(1):138-139
本文认为提升电视广告的价值要从五个方面入手:提升广告的文化品格,注重故事化、娱乐化、动态化的广告创意,实现精品化、聚群化的广告编排,通过广告分级制度的建立净化广告的播出环境,提高观众的广告媒介素养。  相似文献   

以《暖通空调》为例,结合广告经营实践经验,介绍手机短信、网站、微博等新媒体形式在科技期刊广告经营中的运用。  相似文献   

裴永刚 《编辑之友》2018,(5):101-106,112
英国在脱欧后经济发展的不确定性增强,波及传媒产业,尤其是电影业.相对于传统媒体,移动互联网快速发展,智能手机超越笔记本成为主要的上网工具,移动广告支出年增长率超过50%;英国脱欧后传媒产业面临欧盟资助锐减、产业链重构和人才流失等问题;对于英国传媒产业的未来发展,数字化成为传媒产业发展最重要的驱动力、媒介规制程度将会加深、智能手机作为最重要的上网工具占比将达到50%、媒介使用的代际和性别差异会更显著、用户总媒介使用时间会继续增长、数字媒体商业模式从广告转变到用户支付、用户数据管理成为新媒体时代的财富储备、人工智能日益受到传媒业界关注.  相似文献   

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