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2004年8月15日,创刊于1984年的老牌游戏杂志<游戏世界>宣布停刊,主要原因是其低廉的广告收入无法维持刊物的正常动作.而慧陪媒体研究中心的数据显示,在2004年5月广告投放前20位的IT类杂志中,以游戏为主要内容的杂志只有<大众软件>、<软件与光盘>、<家用电脑与游戏>三家分别列第10、18和20位,其广告刊登额分别为135.35万元、50.40万元和47.40万元①,对照当今游戏产业迅猛发展的经济状况,游戏杂志的收入显然未与产业同步.  相似文献   

2004年8月15日,创刊于1984年的老牌游戏杂志《游戏世界》宣布停刊,主要原因是其低廉的广告收入无法维持刊物的正常运作。而慧聪媒体研究中心的数据显示,在2004年5月广告投放前20位的IT类杂志中,以游戏为主要内容的杂志只有《大众软件》、《软件与光盘》、《家用电脑与游戏》三家分别列第10、18和20位。其广告登额分别为135.35万元、50.40万元和47.40万元,对照当今游戏产业迅猛发展的经济状况.游戏杂志的收入显然未与产业同步。  相似文献   

中国大陆地区的新闻类周刊1990年代以来取得长足发展,也面临新的挑战与危机。“生逢其时”的社会环境与“生不逢时”的媒体竞争环境,使其努力寻找更为适合自己的生存路径,包括对“刊”形态与“周”时态的重新认识,对“忙人”与“有影响力”的人的重新界定,对“品质”与“风格”的不同选择,以及从“品牌化生存”到“两栖化生存”的拓展,以期借助于其他类型传播媒体的同步传播或“二次传播,”形成品牌,扩大影响,牢牢站稳属于自己的一片媒体空间。  相似文献   

从新一代电子报刊看媒介融合走向   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
新一代电子报纸是近五年来在美国等国逐渐兴起的一种报纸形态。它兼具印刷界面与电子界面的阅读特点,以网络作为发布渠道,沿袭报纸的收费订阅模式。与电子报纸实践并行的是第三代电子杂志的不断开发,它的特点是注重多媒体手段的运用和互动的开发,在生产与发布上走向专业化、集中化,在接收平台上除了网络外,还将面向更多终端,它也带来了多种营利可能。电子报纸与电子杂志虽然未必是终极状态的产品,但它们反映了媒介融合过程所带来的业务形态融合、市场融合、载体融合以及机构融合等各个层面的变革。  相似文献   

纽约世界贸易中心大厦,无疑具有历史的象征意义.作为20世纪金融和资本权力的象征、纽约标志性建筑的世贸大厦的轰然倒塌,震惊了全世界,被称为"21世纪的珍珠港事件".  相似文献   

This is a study on international news flow based on a computerized analysis of foreign news coverage of national leaders in seven liberal democracies (Canada, Germany, France, Israel, Italy, the U.K., and the U.S.), encompassing a period of 30 years (N = 266,177). The results attest to a longitudinal trend in the coverage of foreign leaders in the political media of three countries—Canada, the U.S., and the U.K.: the tone is becoming increasingly negative. Two main factors account for these variations. The first is the level of political personalization in foreign coverage: Greater focus on foreign leaders is positively associated with increasing negativity toward these leaders. The second factor relates to proximity between countries: Negativity was found to be inversely and significantly associated with value and geographic proximity and to be inversely associated, with marginal significance, with political and economic proximity.  相似文献   

This investigation takes a patient-centered approach to examining strategies physicians use to deliver bad news to patients. Qualitative data were obtained from 68 patients who had received a message they perceived as negative information from a health care provider. Through grounded theory methodology, patient accounts were examined to reveal four provider strategies for breaking bad news. This investigation underscores the importance of using effective communication strategies to achieve patient satisfaction and compliance.  相似文献   

This investigation takes a patient-centered approach to examining strategies physicians use to deliver bad news to patients. Qualitative data were obtained from 68 patients who had received a message they perceived as negative information from a health care provider. Through grounded theory methodology, patient accounts were examined to reveal four provider strategies for breaking bad news. This investigation underscores the importance of using effective communication strategies to achieve patient satisfaction and compliance.  相似文献   

数字化出版是出版行业不可阻挡的发展潮流,不同行业期刊之间数字化建设进程快慢不一。文章选择中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)期刊目录(2010-2011年版)中新闻学与传播学类别收录的15本期刊,就其数字化建设现状及可能的改善方法作一初步探讨,以期为提高期刊数字化建设程度提供思路。  相似文献   

This study explores the interplay of sex, presence, and enjoyment of nonfictional tragic news content; an experiment was conducted in which participants viewed a news story about Hurricane Katrina's devastation to the Gulf Coast on a standard definition television, high definition television, or a video iPod. The results indicate that women reported more sadness regardless of condition, though they seemed especially moved in the iPod condition. Women also reported more information seeking, and reported highest levels of presence in the iPod condition. The results are discussed both in terms of implications for crisis message practitioners, and in terms of what the results may mean for our understanding of the enjoyment of tragedy.  相似文献   

People are reluctant to share bad news. Reasons include self-presentation and sensitivity to receiver emotionality. An experiment investigated these reasons during interactions between friends and strangers. Females (N = 330, 165 dyads) gave good or bad news to a close friend or stranger. Time to response was recorded. The MUM effect replicated for both friends and strangers. No main effects for friend/stranger or interaction between friend/stranger and news valence were found. Data were more consistent with a self-presentation explanation. Behavioral data were also analyzed to explore communicative behavior that accompanies the sharing of good and bad news. Limitations and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

试析核心期刊滥用的原因及弊端   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
核心期刊存在着过度使用的现象,并引起了许多争议。本文主要对核心期刊滥用的原因及由此而产生的弊端做了剖析。  相似文献   

比较分析《报刊库》与《中刊库》不同的检索功能和检索方法以及它们的使用性能与特点。  相似文献   

A few years ago, publishing companies started to sell digital copies of their magazines. This study investigates a consequence of this change: the increasing online trade with illegal copies. We collected data on almost 10,000 issues of German magazines that are illegally offered online. The files are distributed in a three-sided market, in which a small number of platforms bring suppliers of illegal copies, consumers, and advertisers together. The market has been growing rapidly—between 2009 and 2012 by a factor of 10. In contrast to the legal magazine market, the illegal trade mostly concerns IT and consumer electronics magazines.  相似文献   

本文认为戊戌时期中国社会的主导秩序仍是科名秩序。趋新报刊能否成立和存续在很大程度上取决于主持者在科名格局中的地位,因为这与他调动社会资源的能力密切相关。并通过对对《时务报》、《民听报》、《湘学新报》筹建过程这三个个案的对比分析加以了进一步的证实。  相似文献   

延续叙事论(narrotology)与建构论(constructionism)的观点,本文旨在探讨想象是否在解读、撰述真实新闻故事时担负某些角色?其在不同时机与环节之新闻叙事功能与作用为何?本文从过去传播领域较少关注的角度切入想象议题藉以辨识其在新闻叙事可能具有之特征,试图厘清想象与创造性想象如何在思维运作,进而说明其在新闻采访与编写过程的可能作用。本文认为,想象既是先天具备的思维能力亦是除了记忆、情感外的特定思维类型。本文因而关切记者如何使用内在方法或思维策略来找线并撰写其采访所得,想象又如何与记忆、联想、意象等其他思维共同推动记者所规划并完成再现真实之转译工作。本文强调,新闻叙事包含了意识与想象相互运作之情境作用,而这个情境应属人们内在思维的建构,更是脑海中思维写作的程序。  相似文献   

我认为新闻频道现在需要思考五个方面的风险。第一.高位运行的风险。民生新闻这几年正处在高速发展期.全国的省级台和省会台都在大力发展民生新闻.收视率增长速度很快。《现场》栏目2001年8月之前,年平均收视率为2%.现在最高达到8%以上.3年翻了4倍.广告增幅也很大.2001年新闻频道广告收入只有1000万元出头.到2004年广告达到1亿.3年涨了10倍,速度惊人;自办节目规模扩张很快.  相似文献   

出版业指标体系是一个庞大的系统,由于对出版业划分角度的不同,可以有多种指标系统,如事业指标与产业指标、结构指标与规模指标、产业实力指标与产业环境指标、出版物实物指标与消费指标等.  相似文献   

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