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This article explores the influence of Web-based corporate reporting on the investors' valuation of companies in the information and communications technology industry. This study compiled 8,111 news items issued in the “Press Releases” tab of the firms' Web sites between January 2003 and April 2005, and analyzed what type of news items affects stock returns. The results show a positive price reaction to news regarding new customers, completion of acquisitions, strategic long-term decisions, and non-technological alliances. In contrast, the results show a negative price reaction to news regarding the launch of new or upgraded products.  相似文献   

News media coverage of election campaigns is often characterized by use of the strategic game frame and a focus on politicians' use of negative campaigning. However, the exact relationship between these two characteristics of news coverage is largely unexplored. This article theorizes that consumer demand and norms of journalistic independence might induce the news media outlets to cover negative campaigning with a strategic game frame. A comprehensive content analysis based on several newspaper types, several election campaigns, and several different measurements of media framing confirms that news coverage of negative campaigning does apply the strategic game frame to a significantly larger degree than articles covering positive campaigning. This finding has significant implications for campaigning politicians and for scholars studying campaign and media effects.  相似文献   

Viewing a hostile media bias against one’s group (e.g., political party) is a perceptual effect of media use. When it comes to the portrayal of political parties in the United States, prior research suggests that both Democrats and Republicans see mainstream media coverage as favoring the other side, regardless of the orientation of the political news coverage. Although prior research has not identified all factors that make this perceptual bias more likely, or at explaining how or why this perceptual effect occurs, we do know that it is related to one’s group identity. In this study, we examined salient predictors of hostile media bias during the 2012 presidential campaign. Individual (i.e., political cynicism) and group identity related (i.e., group status, intergroup bias, political ideology) differences of media users predicted such perceptions. But, the medium selected for political information about the campaign also mattered. The use of two media in particular—TV and social networking sites—appear to have blunted hostile media bias perceptions, whereas the use of two other media—radio and video sharing sites—appear to have accentuated perceptions that the media were biased against one’s party  相似文献   

曾润喜  魏冯 《图书情报工作》2016,60(10):135-142
[目的/意义] 我国对于信息媒介使用的研究逐渐成为学界关注的热点。为进一步把握该领域的前沿动态和研究趋势,需对已有研究进行梳理。[方法/过程] 基于中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)数据库,选取"信息媒介使用"相关文献进行内容分析。[结果/结论] 研究主题聚焦于信息媒介使用的载体、现状、动机等三维论域,以国外理论进行本土实践或基于国内典型案例作为研究路径,以实证分析方法为主导研究媒介使用与其他变量的关系,但仍缺乏理论创新的自觉性,信息媒介使用主体研究对象有待扩展,议题研究程度发展不均等。建议图书情报学加强对信息媒介使用的相关研究。  相似文献   

In line with theoretical approaches, such as the influence of presumed influence approach, many studies have shown that the stronger individuals perceive the media’s influence to be on others, the more the individuals demand restrictions on the media and its influence. However, these studies provided information only about the correlation between the two constructs and did not test the direction of their causal relationship. To close this research gap, a two-wave panel study among German citizens was conducted. The results show that, rather than being the other way around, it is the presumed strength of online media’s political influence on others that affects demands for restrictions. Moreover, the findings indicate that the presumed political influence of online media on others also affects the presumed reach of online media.  相似文献   

Information asymmetry between corporate management and investors creates a context in which corporate reputation conveyed in the media may serve as a valid signal of firm quality to investors in times of corporate crisis. Results confirmed our hypothesis that corporate media reputation was positively correlated with postcrisis stock return. Furthermore, the positive effect of media reputation of a firm on stock market response to the crisis was enhanced by media visibility. Our findings supported a previously unexplored view of the media as information intermediaries in signaling and suggested that a favorable media reputation as an important signal of firm quality leads to high abnormal returns in times of corporate crisis.  相似文献   

Social media are increasingly being used as sources in mainstream news coverage. Yet, while the research so far has focused mainly on the use of social media in particular situations, such as breaking news coverage, during crisis news events or in times of elections, little attention is paid to journalists' routine, day-to-day monitoring of social media platforms. The aim of this study is to examine the use and selection of social media as sources in routine newspaper coverage. First, it presents a quantitative overview of all the articles published between January 2006 and December 2013 in the print editions of two Flemish (north Belgian) quality newspapers, De Standaard and De Morgen, that explicitly refer to Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. Next, a content analysis is conducted of a sample of newspaper articles published in 2013 that explicitly mention Facebook, Twitter or YouTube as sources of information. The goal of this content analysis is to examine the different appearances and functions of social media references in the news. The study thus provides a first insight into Belgian newspaper journalists' regular sourcing routines in relation to social media.  相似文献   

A growing body of research examines the formation of employer reputation. One potential driver is media coverage. Using content analysis data for media coverage and survey data, this study examines different dimensions of media coverage, namely, social and functional news and their impacts on employer reputation. Results show that in particular negative functional and social news affect employer reputation, although the impact of negative social news is more indirect and delayed.  相似文献   


Much attention has been paid to restructuring in the media industries. Most of this attention has been directed at mergers and acquisitions and the associated increase in industry concentration. What has been largely overlooked is the extent of restructuring that reduces the size of media firms—divestitures. This article examines several cases of major media divestitures and calibrates the impact of these sell-off and spin-off restructuring events on the value of divesting firms. The analysis uses case studies and event study methodology. Given that the overall role of managers of large firms is to maximize the value and stock price, this event methodology directly measures the impact of divestitures on this ultimate goal of maximizing firm value. Case analysis examines the managerial strategies that motivated the divestiture event to explore the complexities of the divestiture as it unfolded. Event analysis results confirm abnormal returns that have the potential to significantly enhance the value of divesting firms.  相似文献   

This article models media manipulation in which a sender or senders manipulate information through the media to influence receivers. This article shows that if there is only 1 sender who has a conditional preference for maintaining its credibility in reporting accurate information and if the receivers face a coordination situation without information about their opponents' types, the sender could influence the receivers to make decisions according to the sender's primary preference by manipulating the information through the media, which makes the report common knowledge. This is true even when the sender and the receivers have contradictory primary preferences. This result extends to the cases in which the sender has imperfect information or in which the sender's primary preference is to maintain its credibility. In the case of multiple senders, however, when there is enough competition among the senders or when simultaneous reporting takes place, the receivers could play their favored outcome against senders' preferences, which sheds light on a solution to the media manipulation problem.  相似文献   

Many studies have examined contests between audience measurement systems in media markets. These suggest that the audience measurement industry is a natural monopoly. This study revisits the question with a novel approach by investigating a market at a time when two measurement services provided data. Executives were interviewed in the Indian television market on how they used information available from two competing ratings services. Although market participants recognized only one system (TAM, which provided weekly ratings) as the currency for trading advertising time, many used the second system (aMAP, an overnight ratings service) selectively for improving network performance. Therefore, fragmented markets can support multiple systems if they serve distinct institutional interests.  相似文献   

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among adolescents in the United States. Imitation plays an important role in adolescent suicides. Identification theory suggests that media coverage of adolescent suicides can increase imitation suicides among adolescents. The present study examines this possibility using data collected from South Korea. It also explores the relationship between media coverage of celebrity suicides and suicide rates among adolescents. We found that adolescent suicides increase after media coverage of either an adolescent’s suicide or a domestic celebrity’s suicide.  相似文献   

位于堪培拉的国家恐龙博物馆是一个寓教于乐的互动式博物馆,供成人、儿童和学生游乐。尽管博物馆规模相对较小,但通过提供最大化互动、参与和教育机会,博物馆已能够得到较高的参观人数,并通过使用脸书或微信等社交媒体推广业务,使游览变得愉快而有趣。专注于有效的零售已使国家恐龙博物馆能够产生稳定的盈利,这些盈利继而被用于增加馆藏、展示和储备。  相似文献   

通过分析北京市大学生抽样调查数据,发现大学生对传统媒介和数字媒介公信力的评价无显著差异,但在具体评价维度上,大学生认为数字媒介信息量更大、反映群众意见更加充分、揭露坏人坏事更加有力;在新闻类型方面,大学生更倾向于相信传统媒介上的经济、文教和科技新闻;对于政治、社会、娱乐新闻等,则更倾向于相信数字媒介上的报道。同时,从受众角度分析媒介公信力的影响因素,发现人口统计学变量对媒介公信力评价没有显著影响,但媒介使用情况对传统媒介公信力评价有显著影响;大学生对不同媒介公信力的评价与其对中国经济社会发展前景的态度显著相关。  相似文献   

西方信息社会的传播权利运动的兴起带动了传播学界"媒介治理"的研究热潮。通过社会人类学的"功能-符号"路径,媒介治理关注了传播的信息界面、产业界面、符号界面和关系界面,综合了传播系统的界内研究和界外研究,代表了一种新的传播研究范式。作为跨学科的交叉研究,"媒介治理"在研究取向上呈现出学科的交叉性:深层生态学路径、公共选择路径、协商民主路径是研究"媒介治理"的基本路径。媒介治理的研究是一种"灰色系统"的信息论,是第三种文化思维范式的代表。媒介治理理论研究尚处于起步阶段,需要进一步提供具有解释力的基本假设,实现叙事的连贯性和必要的逻辑建构。  相似文献   

This study investigated which social media platforms are used as information sources, and for what purposes. It also examined how user characteristics are related to the use of different platforms. A Web-based survey was used to collect data from undergraduate students. Responses from more than 800 students showed that most of the social media platforms are used as information sources, where wikis, user reviews, and media-sharing sites emerged as the top platforms. The purpose of use varied across platforms. T-test and ANOVA results also revealed individual differences. Significant differences in gender, class level, academic discipline, and Big Five personality traits were found in the frequency of information seeking using different platforms and also in the purpose of use. Study findings have implications for information literacy (IL) education and information services. Because many students are actively using social media platforms for a variety of information-seeking purposes, it is suggested that IL programs embrace social media as potential information sources and offer effective strategies for using and evaluating these increasingly popular social media sources.  相似文献   

Given the iconic status assigned to Gallipoli, virtually from the outset, it was inevitable that in its centenary year, commemoration would receive enormous political and media attention. My intention is not to produce a comprehensive summary of all international media output on Gallipoli, even if that were possible within the confines of a journal article. Language barriers and problems of access have further impacted on the selection process, as well as in the coverage of even countries that have been examined (I do not speak French, German or Turkish; I also did not have access to non-English publications in India.). Nor is the article meant to be a synthesis of historiographical debate on Gallipoli, a subject which military and other experts have successfully addressed in the past as well as during the centenary (Please see reference section below for a selection of relevant books.). Rather, my more modest aim is to highlight seminal themes and offer an assessment of response, both in and by the media, especially the print media, in some of the main belligerent countries situated today in differing geo-political contexts, viz. Great Britain, Australia, India (then part of the British empire) and Turkey (then part of the Ottoman empire). Arguably, at one level, there was little in the transnational response during 2015 which attempted to shift the foundational basis for a reading of Gallipoli that has been established in the media during the intervening decades. Yet, there were some notable shifts in transnational perspectives. Perhaps after the lapse of a century, it may be possible to achieve/restore some kind of balance to our appraisal of Gallipoli in the public mind.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探讨信息媒介特别是社会化媒体的使用情况、对传统媒体与社会化媒体公正与全面程度判断,与用户对公共话题认知程度、参与情况之间的关系。[方法/过程]对585名微博活跃用户进行问卷调查,考察他们对于各类型媒体特别是社会化媒体的使用情况、公信力判断,以及对25个公共事件的认知和参与情况。[结果/结论]媒体(无论是传统媒体还是网络媒体)使用频率越高,对公共事件认知水平越高;对于负面特定事件,受社会媒体影响越高的用户自认为对此类事件的认知度越低,而受电视影响越高的用户自认为对这类事件认知度越高;尽管抽样用户认为微博较之传统媒体,报道全面程度和公正程度更高,但信息不一致的情况下,用户选择相信电视、门户网站、报纸等渠道高于微博。  相似文献   

社交媒体虚假健康信息特征识别   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
[目的/意义]识别社交媒体虚假健康信息特征,构建社交媒体虚假健康信息特征清单,以期为社交媒体虚假健康信息特征的测度提供一定理论支撑,也为用户和社交媒体平台判别虚假健康信息提供有益参考.[方法/过程]采集1 004条社交媒体健康数据,利用程序化编码抽取社交媒体虚假健康信息的关键特征,运用卡方检验和方差分析揭示社交媒体虚假...  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对国内外新媒体在信息与知识管理领域的研究动态及发展趋势进行分析,以对国内外此领域的研究进行对比并追踪国外前沿.[方法/过程]搜集国内外新媒体领域的相关文献,运用定量研究、对比分析和可视化的研究方法,对国内外新媒体领域的起源及发展、研究热点、研究趋势和研究方法进行对比分析,以了解国内外新媒体在信息和知识管理领域的发展动态.[结果/结论]新媒体在信息和知识管理领域的研究成为国内外近几年关注的热点,新媒体应用中的信息和知识传播规律的分析是此领域关注的共性问题,新媒体在舆情监管和危机预警中的应用、新媒体应用中的信息和知识传播模式、新媒体应用中的信息安全将成为发展中关注的前沿问题.  相似文献   

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