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Two studies were conducted to examine the effects of Tier 2 and Tier 3 mathematics interventions on students with mathematics learning difficulties. In the first study, the work of Bryant et al. was replicated and expanded upon by documenting the sustained effects of a Tier 2 mathematics intervention on mathematics performance by second graders. In the second study, the Tier 2 intervention was intensified to a Tier 3 intervention through increases in two instructional features: group size and dosage. The results of the first study showed that the Tier 2 intervention improved mathematics performance for the majority of student participated in the study, and the effect of the intervention was sustained for the majority of students who responded to the Tier 2 intervention. The results of the second study showed that intensified Tier 3 intervention that involved one‐on‐one instruction and extended time for daily lessons may benefit students who have persistent difficulties with learning mathematics.  相似文献   

The present study examined factors that influence the process of learning to read in a second language. The Hebrew reading comprehension skills of 68 Russian-speaking children (mean age 7 years 6 months) were screened at the start of Grade 2. From this sample, 40 participants were selected: 20 successful learners and 20 unsuccessful learners. These two groups were then tested on a wide range of language skills (e.g., phonological processing, vocabulary, syntactic and morphological awareness) in both languages (Hebrew and Russian) and reading skills in Hebrew (e.g., reading speed and accuracy). Two factors, level of spoken Hebrew and phonological awareness deficits in both languages, were significant. Phonological awareness difficulties constituted the key factor associated with poor decoding whereas insufficient mastery of spoken Hebrew was important in the case of reading comprehension. An interesting dissociation was also found in our poor readers between impaired phonological awareness and other unimpaired phonological processing abilities such as oral pseudoword repetition and working memory. These findings suggest that, in addition to poor spoken L2 proficiency, poor readers are characterized more by a metalinguistic rather than a linguistic deficit in their native tongue.  相似文献   

显性教学因其突出元语言知识的特点而引起学习者对学习目标的充分注意,这有助于学习者对输入语言知识的特征的注意而增加对语言知识的摄入。本文主要从教学的角度论述了在课堂教学中实施显性教学的必要性及基本的教学模式。  相似文献   


This study examined the efficacy of a kindergarten mathematics intervention program, ROOTS, focused on developing whole-number understanding in the areas of counting and cardinality and operations and algebraic thinking for students at risk in mathematics. The study utilized a randomized block design with students within classrooms randomly assigned to treatment or control conditions. Measures of mathematics achievement were collected in the fall (pretest) and spring (posttest) in kindergarten and in the winter of first grade (delayed posttest). Significant differences between conditions favoring treatment students were found on four of six measures at posttest. Treatment students reduced the achievement gap with their not-at-risk peers. No effect was found on follow-up first-grade achievement scores. Implications for Tier 2 mathematics instruction in a Response to Intervention model are discussed.  相似文献   

新《普通高中数学课程标准》突出了以学生为本,强调了“改善教与学的方式,使学生主动地学习”。要使学生主动地学习,教师就必须从传统的灌输式数学课堂教学中走出来,充分发挥学生在教学过程中的主体性。构建“参与”型数学课堂,让学生参与数学课堂教学,是一条可以尝试的途径。  相似文献   

新<普通高中数学课程标准>突出了以学生为本,强调了"改善教与学的方式,使学生主动地学习".要使学生主动地学习,教师就必须从传统的灌输式数学课堂教学中走出来,充分发挥学生在教学过程中的主体性.构建"参与"型数学课堂,让学生参与数学课堂教学,是一条可以尝试的途径.  相似文献   

启发式教学在数学分析教学中的应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
启发式教学是教学中的一个重要原则。本文给出了将启发式教学贯穿于数学分析课程教学中的具体内容及分析,展示了启发式教学的核心意义:以培养学生的自学精神和良好的数学思维能力。  相似文献   

探索干预对提升数学学习困难学生数学学业表现的有效性及其调节因素.通过系统检索文献获得纳入符合标准的30篇文献,应用CMA2.0软件进行元分析,并检验被试特征、干预方案、干预目标、干预方法的调节效应.随机效应模型表明数学干预对数困生数学表现的合并效应量Hedges'g为0.438(p<0.001),对数困生干预效果呈中等...  相似文献   

From a larger longitudinal study of 610 fourth graders in 17 inner city schools, 40 students were randomly selected from 10 classrooms rated high (i.e., top quartile) or low (i.e., bottom quartile) in quality of writing instruction in grades 3 and 4. The written compositions of these students were scored in three ways: (1) according to a rating scale within a reliable scoring rubric, (2) according to countable surface features such as words correctly sequenced, and (3) according to the frequency of specific phonological, morphosyntactic, and orthographic errors in the children’s writing. A multivariate analysis of variance was conducted to examine whether quality of writing instruction in grades 3 and 4 predicted students’ writing performance at the end of grade 4. Students who received high quality instruction in fourth grade wrote longer compositions with more correctly spelled words than those who had poor quality writing instruction. There was a tendency for two years of quality instruction to be better than one, and, among students who had poor quality instruction in grade 3, compositions were longer in grade 4 when they received quality instruction in fourth grade. Foundational problems of language formulation, production and representation, however, were ubiquitous across the sample. Although these students were within the average range on standardized reading tests, spelling and writing were not developing at average levels. The study confirms the urgent need for more and better writing instruction for high risk, minority children.  相似文献   

计算机辅助数学教学的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机辅助数学教学存在的主要问题有:夸大CAI作用,忽视传统教学;评优课、公开课现形,随堂课销声匿迹;认为搞好计算机辅助数学教学必须"精通"计算机;追求软件的"外在美",忽视软件的"内在美";流于形式,用计算机代替板书;交互性差,没有突出学生的主体地位;重视课内,忽视课外;只注重计算机操作,忽视师生情感交流;重视演示现象、说明问题、传授知识,忽视揭示过程、培养抽象思维能力.  相似文献   

关于数学建构性教学的认识和思考   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
数学教学应是建构地学与教的统一,建构观下的数学知识应包含数学经验知识和建构策略知识,相关地,数学学习和教学应有两种不同的类型,“建构主义”应成为指导数学教学的行动纲领,建构主义不排斥其它学习理论,建构性教学并非数学建模数学。  相似文献   

一、教材分析 1.教材简析。 《统计》一课是人教版实验教材数学一年级下册的教学内容。这部分的内容主要是让学生经历统计的数据收集——整理——描述——分析的过程,从中认识简单的条形统计图和统计表,初步掌握数据的收集和整理方法.并根据统计图表回答简单的问题。  相似文献   

探讨高等数学教学中使用计算机辅助教学的情况以及采用这种教学方法的优势和不足之处,并提出改进建议.  相似文献   

韩萍 《天津教育》2021,(7):86-87
在小学数学课堂教学中,需要教师与学生积极配合,才能使课堂气氛更加活跃,激发学生的学习热情,才有助于为学生创造一个良好的数学学习环境。本文主要以学生与教师之间的互动不足引发学困生问题进行分析,进而针对小学数学学困生成因提出解决策略以有效提高学生的数学成绩。  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of teaching creativity in the form of associative thinking strategies within a metacognitive framework. A representative sample of 30 university design students was selected from a larger section (N = 122) to participate in a 16-week supplemental course. Each week a new creative thinking strategy was integrated with activities to encourage metacognitive skill development. Upon completion of the course the treatment group had significantly higher scores on fluency and originality measures compared with their matched peers. In addition, students in the treatment condition received higher ratings on a summative domain-specific project judged by external design experts. Metacognitive Awareness Inventory scores increased for the treatment group but were stable over time for the comparison group.  相似文献   

传统的数学教育正在向以培养学生数学素质为宗旨的能力教育转变.在这种转变下,如何运用好课堂教学方式方法来提高课堂教学质量,是摆在广大数学教育工作者面前的一个课题.笔者结合目前存在的一些课堂教学方法和自己的课堂教学经验,总结出几种课堂教学方法,并进行了探讨.  相似文献   

The paper discusses children’ attitudes towards school and learning soon after entering primary school in Hungary. First and second grade primary school students (N?=?33) were interviewed. The interviews explored the following questions: What are the teachers’ and the children’s roles in the classroom? What is learning? Where do children learn? What kind of learning strategies do students use in arithmetic and reading? How are students evaluated in the school? What do students like best about school? The data suggest that the children quickly adapt to the school environment and, on the whole, have a positive attitude towards school and learning but—with a few exceptions—their views on the role of schooling in life reflect traditional, school subject centred goals and values and little awareness of the learning process.  相似文献   

教学困难导致低效教学行为,阻碍教师专业成长。研究教师教学困难可以为完善师资培训、教学研究及教师教育体系提供咨询与指导,其目的是促进教师的专业发展与教学效能的提高。因此,在进行新一轮基础教育课程改革实验中,探讨教师教学困难的特征。表现形式、影响因素,分析不同个性教师的教学行为,对课程改革实验的健康推进更具有现实意义。  相似文献   

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