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文章从电子文献传递的服务模式和流程中分析得出数字图书馆在提供此项服务时存在着著作权风险。通过探讨国内外相关立法发展和有关合理使用、法定许可和技术保护措施方面的研究现状,提出应完善著作权合理使用范围、补充法定许可规定和使用技术手段来保护电子文献传递服务中作品著作权的策略。  相似文献   

This paper explores the political economy of the prison telephone industry, with special emphasis on changes in the industry since the mid-1980s. Contrary to the expectations of competition advocates, the principal outcome of deregulation in the prison telephone sector has been a sharp increase in price, as new market entrants compete for monopoly service contracts on the basis of steadily escalating commissions paid to state and private prison authorities—costs which are then passed on to the (literally) captive market through exorbitant end-user rates. The sheer magnitude of such rate increases, together with explosive growth in the national prison population over the same period, has turned the prison telephone sector into a lucrative and largely invisible growth center for the U.S. telecommunication industries as a whole.  相似文献   

The Copyright Licensing and Administration Society of Singapore was established in 1999. It is now profitable and commercially significant, perhaps uniquely so in Asia. Critical factors in its growth have included a statutory (non‐voluntary) photocopying licence provision for educational institutions in the Copyright Act; and widespread support from the local and international communities of rightsholders. Tentative consensus has been established with educators over a fair level of remuneration for copying. Further work needs to be done to extend or amend the current model for electronic copying, for the private sector and for other countries in the region.  相似文献   

刘强  李本乾 《出版科学》2016,24(2):105-108
通过对中美英的国际贸易规模、结构、国际竞争力指标等多方面的统计分析,发现经过10年的高速发展,中国传媒类产品的国际竞争力已超越英美,但竞争优势在缩小;中国传媒类服务的国际竞争力与英美等国差距巨大;英美传媒产业数据表明传媒产业的服务化已成为国际趋势;美国在核心传媒服务——版税和许可费服务方面专业化程度高,在国际上具有垄断性优势。  相似文献   

在数字图书馆建设中,不同资源库和平台使用独立的技术框架、资源格式和应用程序,导致存在"孤岛"问题,不同机构在资源共享上存在障碍,尽管近年业界就数字资源集成开展了一系列研究和实践,但这些研究和实践主要面向发现服务,读者在资源使用和管理上仍然受"孤岛"问题制约。国际图像互操作框架(IIIF)是由国际图书馆、博物馆、档案馆等机构推出的一项技术标准,用于定义一组规范的资源传输接口(API),促进异构平台和资源库对图像资源的交换和共享。文章引入IIIF技术,讨论如何促进用户一站使用和多来源集成资源,并就改进发现服务的性能进行探讨。文章采用文献调研法、访谈法、案例分析法等方法对IIIF在数字图书馆中的应用展开研究。首先就IIIF的特点进行分析,包括:独立于系统环境;开放的应用建设;保存与使用分离。在此基础上,提出IIIF在数字资源集成中的应用设想。在数字资源集成中,IIIF的主要应用包括:搭建一站资源使用环境;为用户安装专业浏览器;为用户集成资源创造条件;建设虚拟特色数据库。  相似文献   

With the development of new information and communication technologies, the right to communicate assumes new dimensions, since it is almost impossible to fully participate in the globalized world without access to modern information and communication technologies. South Africa held its first democratic elections in 1994 and has subsequently returned to the international arena. Its citizens should rightly expect to be able to participate in all that this return offers, not only politically, but also economically and socially. Telecommunications are vital to making such participation possible. In recognition of this fact, the newly elected government developed policies and enacted legislation to ensure that the telecommunications sector, and specifically the sole fixed line service provider Telkom, provides South African citizens affordable access to the telecommunications infrastructure whilst providing acceptable levels of service. However, rather than meeting its obligation to the government and the people of South Africa, Telkom has misused its monopoly. The social injustice that this situation creates is critically examined against the background of the right to communicate based on Rawls' principles of social justice and Sen's capability approach.  相似文献   

Internet四川节点的网络环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川省科技情报所近期通过Internet服务节点,在四川省内建成了一种信息高速公路环境。本文就四川省Internet服务节点硬件环境、软件环境和连入Internet的方法等做简要介绍。  相似文献   

RSS技术在移动图书馆新书推荐系统中的应用与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在研究RSS技术和手机软件开发技术的基础上,以浙江工业大学图书馆新书推荐服务为例,介绍使用Oracle数据库、JSP编程语言、J2ME (嵌入式的Java语言平台)语言平台和Sun公司的WTK(无线开发工具)包,在手机上实现查阅图书馆RSS新书推荐的功能,成功地将RSS技术应用在移动图书馆新书推荐系统中。  相似文献   

Several governments are actively encouraging their administrations to deliver public services exclusively through digital channels. This strategy consists of putting in place a series of complex and specific actions that bring into play numerous actors, to ensure that users are willing to accept digital channels and that weaker users are not disadvantaged. Although this strategy is being increasingly adopted in various countries, scholars have scarcely begun to explore its logic. This research explores how to define a service delivery strategy that forces users to adopt digital channels. Four in-depth case studies have been conducted on Italian local governments that started delivering their non-educational school services through digital channels alone. We found that a mandatory service delivery strategy is feasible when the starting point is to understand the users' characteristics, skills and behaviours and, as a consequence, whether they perceive the service as complex and/or ambiguous. With this in mind, public organisations can select the proper mix of channels for each category of users and combine their change in approach with behavioural-type interventions, i.e. by creating the right conditions to modify the users' behaviour.  相似文献   

With the development of new information and communication technologies, the right to communicate assumes new dimensions, since it is almost impossible to fully participate in the globalized world without access to modern information and communication technologies. South Africa held its first democratic elections in 1994 and has subsequently returned to the international arena. Its citizens should rightly expect to be able to participate in all that this return offers, not only politically, but also economically and socially. Telecommunications are vital to making such participation possible. In recognition of this fact, the newly elected government developed policies and enacted legislation to ensure that the telecommunications sector, and specifically the sole fixed line service provider Telkom, provides South African citizens affordable access to the telecommunications infrastructure whilst providing acceptable levels of service. However, rather than meeting its obligation to the government and the people of South Africa, Telkom has misused its monopoly. The social injustice that this situation creates is critically examined against the background of the right to communicate based on Rawls' principles of social justice and Sen's capability approach.  相似文献   

孙益武 《图书情报工作》2015,59(19):130-138
[目的/意义] 考察欧洲研究图书馆协会发布的《数字时代知识发现海牙宣言》,解析国际社会及图书馆界对于协调知识发现与版权保护例外规则的现状及困难。[方法/过程] 图书馆及其用户开展知识发现(内容挖掘)面临着出版商和数据库商知识产权保护的限制,世界知识产权组织、国际图联和欧洲研究图书馆协会分别尝试以国际条约草案、指南和宣言等规范文件表达其立场。《数字时代知识发现海牙宣言》力图确立知识发现作为一种法定权利,以此推动修改版权法。[结果/结论] 《数字时代知识发现海牙宣言》回应开放数据时代的现实要求,对于推动数据挖掘成为法定权利以便图书馆及读者进行知识获取具有重要意义。但是,作为不具约束力的软法,《数字时代知识发现海牙宣言》很难直接影响国际版权规则的改变。  相似文献   

Content analysis of questions asked at multiple reference service points are used to inform library application (app) development. Reduced library budgets create service gaps, and library apps present one potential solution to help users with simple wayfinding and library attribute questions. Content analysis of three years of questions asked at fifteen face-to-face service points on the campus of the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, as well as questions received via telephone, e-mail, and chat demonstrate that library location-based questions comprise 77.6% of the total questions asked. This approach shows the potential that the study of library location-based questions has for informing library apps.  相似文献   

The radio systems in the Nordic countries have many similarities. They all have a long tradition of public service radio monopoly that was broken by deregulation. The new commercial stations have created a competitive radio market and the public service companies have been forced to adapt to the new situation. This article reviews the situation by comparing and contrasting the public radio systems in Finland, Sweden, and Norway. The author accounts for the impetus and continuing developmental pressures impacting these systems and highlights some likely trends for the near future.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]我国科学数据管理平台已经取得了一些成就,但是与国外对比还存在一些差距。拟通过纵向时间轨迹和横向国内外对比对我国科学数据管理平台发展现状进行把脉和定位,同时为国内平台的优化提供国际经验和对策。[方法/过程]采用网络调查手段,从纵向时间轨迹和横向国内外对比两个视角进行研究:通过纵向时间轨迹分析我国科学数据管理平台取得的成就,通过横向对比分析存在的问题。[结果/结论]①成就:相关政策体系不断完善;数据集覆盖的学科领域日渐增多;数据管理平台建设的国际化发展已初见成效。②缺失:资金来源单一;平台服务功能不全面;部分平台缺乏合作建设理念;高校图书馆参与较少等。③对策:建立多元化的资金投入机制;建立数据管理价值链;加强异质机构之间的合作;拓展平台服务方式;高校图书馆应成为数据管理的重要力量。④发展趋势:科学数据管理平台建设将会成为科研信息服务机构的一项重要工作;科学数据管理机构和人员数量会不断扩大;通过建立科学数据管理平台联盟和实力雄厚的科学数据中心来提升科学管理的规模与国际竞争实力。  相似文献   

略论图书馆参考服务的最佳模式   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从参考服务产生之初的四大职能入手,分析参考服务模式的价值评价指标,得出的结论是:参考服务模式的选择要符合图书馆服务的用户群的实际需要。  相似文献   

Expanding electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) literature and cross-cultural literature, this study proposes a horizontal–vertical dimensions of individualism and collectivism (HVIC)-eWOM model in a cross-cultural context. We employed HVIC at the individual level to explain the variance of eWOM communications on social media. We collected data from American and Korean social media users to examine how the hypothesized model fits the samples from each country. The analysis of the HVIC-eWOM model within and between the two countries revealed that there are some similarities and differences in influential cultural dimensions on eWOM communications in the two countries. The results suggest that vertical aspects of individualism and collectivism are significant drivers of opinion-leadership and opinion-seeking tendencies for both countries.  相似文献   

对中国学术数字信息资源市场中数据库服务商的垄断行为进行博弈分析,并对市场监管部门及不同规模服务商提出发展建议。通过模型分析发现:由于不同信息资源需求的不均匀性,买断少量高需求资源可以提升企业效益,不过垄断进行到一定程度就会停止,且先行动者获益更明显;规模小的服务商有更大动力买断数字信息资源,规模大的服务商的报复行动对规模小的服务商的效益影响不大,所以规模小的服务商具有很大的意愿买断信息资源;允许各服务商保有一定量独占资源,鼓励深度挖掘及提供个性化服务是形成市场良性竞争的有效途径。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 对欧洲版权用户平台发布的《数字资源授权许可》风险规避原则进行解读,以期对我国图书馆规避数字资源国际许可使用中的法律风险有所启示。[方法/过程] 分析《数字资源授权许可》原则中针对许可方垄断优势、法定例外、许可权利、合同用语不规范以及争议解决方式等做出的风险提示,以及其采取的一系列行之有效的防控措施,细化许可协议的书写规范,避免签署由数据库商独占权而产生的风险条款等,为图书馆合理规避法律陷阱提供参考依据。[结果/结论] 为规避数字资源许可协议的法律陷阱,我国应增强反垄断的维权意识、制定数字资源许可使用协议法律风险提示框架、适用中国法律由中国法院管辖。  相似文献   

在大数据环境下,科技文献等各类数据爆炸式增长,却难以提供快捷和有效的科技文献服务,究其原因,主要在于科技文献资源组织没有考虑科技文献用户阅读行为。分析国内外用户阅读行为,不仅要对科技文献用户阅读行为进行分析,更重要的是对科技文献阅读用户行为知识进行组织和分析,才能为科技文献服务提供支撑。文章以提高科技文献知识服务的效率为目标,以科技文献用户阅读行为为研究对象,从知识组织角度分析科技文献用户阅读行为知识,借助大数据分析方法,对用户阅读行为知识组织的准备、获取、关联分析以及服务等组织过程,总体架构科技文献阅读行为知识组织模型,并把用户阅读行为分析融入到科技文献的知识组织和服务过程中,将用户阅读行为信息升华为用户知识需求,最终指导知识提供部门为用户提供有效的科技文献知识服务。  相似文献   

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