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文章利用文献法整合当前自闭症认知研究、镜像神经元系统研究领域中的相关理论、实证研究,进行归纳总结,旨在介绍自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)成因的一种新的假设:自闭症镜像神经元功能障碍(AMND)理论.自闭症患者在动作观察、情绪认知等过程中镜像神经元系统激活明显缺乏.研究镜像神经元系统有助于揭示自闭症的成因,同时也有助于研究者形成新的诊断和治疗方式.  相似文献   

苏雪云  胡冰 《幼儿教育》2012,(Z3):90-92,96
自闭谱系障碍通常被描述为一种起病于3岁之前,以明显的社会交往障碍、言语沟通异常以及刻板的兴趣、奇特的行为方式为特征的谱系障碍。尽早发现、评估、干预,才能最大程度地开发这类儿童的潜能。英国目前已经拥有较为完善的法律保障体系,以保障自闭谱系障碍儿童的权利及其家庭的参与权利。"不只是语言""早起的鸟"等早期家庭干预模式均重视家长的参与,旨在形成由专业人员指导、家长执行并合作解决问题的干预体系,促进自闭谱系障碍儿童发展。英国的经验值得借鉴。  相似文献   

本文介绍了国外有关自闭症谱系障碍者(ASD)自传体记忆的实验研究,研究表明自闭症成人和自闭症儿童的个人情景记忆均存在广泛损伤,而仅自闭症成人的个人语义记忆相对完好.本文还试图归纳与分析影响自闭症个体自传体记忆的心理机制,包括:自我概念、自知意识、信息加工、心理理论、执行功能.最后,文章总结了目前国外的研究现状,分析其存在的不足及未来的研究方向,希望为国内相关研究及实践提供启示.  相似文献   

自1943年Kanner首次提出“自闭症”一词时起便发现该群体存在注意障碍.随着认知信息加工取向研究的盛行,研究者更倾向于从领域一般性角度来研究自闭症谱系障碍患者的注意问题.选择性注意作为注意的一个重要方面,成为自闭症谱系障碍领域的研究热点.文章在对文献资料进行梳理的基础上,介绍了一些关于自闭症谱系障碍患者选择注意的研究,并重点介绍了知觉负载理论框架下的新成果.最后,对自闭症谱系障碍患者选择性注意的研究进行了小结,并对新框架下的研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

Community college students with Asperger's Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorders can experience significant challenges from the social aspect of classroom learning and college life in comparison to their peers. This article explains unique challenges of postsecondary learners with Asperger's Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorders. It also presents several classroom practices than can be beneficial to college students with these disorders. Practices discussed include those related to helping students get started and make the transition into a new course, organizing learning space, following class routines, and directly addressing individual social concerns.  相似文献   

Research studies have shown the importance of early intervention services for young children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their families. However, most attention has been given to the effectiveness of treatments solely for children with ASDs. Because the family centered practice has been emphasized and supported by many researchers and legislation, involving family members other than children with ASDs and their parents in the assessing, planning, and implementing interventions is seen as crucial. The purpose of this article is to review what sibling relationships look like for a typically developing sibling of a child with an ASD and what resources are available for parents and specialists to support siblings of children with ASDs.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in the number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), worldwide. Since children with ASD have limited social interaction and communication skills, they tend to lag behind their peers without disabilities in many areas. In particular, they are unable to easily transition smoothly from one stage of their life to another. Transitions from preschool settings to kindergarten and beyond should be a critical issue of concern for educators and parents of young children with ASD. The results of a survey completed by 65 preschool teachers from Ghana and 210 of their counterparts in the United States of America, about characteristics of effective transition programs for children with ASD, are presented. Implications for preschool teacher preparation and transition planning are discussed.  相似文献   

刻板行为是自闭症儿童的三大核心症状之一,它的出现会对自闭症儿童个人及其家庭造成多方面负面影响。研究表明,对刻板行为进行干预有利于自闭症儿童的社会融合。本文通过试图梳理目前国外关于自闭症儿童刻板行为干预研究的相关文献,总结刻板行为干预研究的特征及存在的一些问题,为国内相关研究及实践提供启示。  相似文献   

睡眠问题在自闭症谱系障碍儿童中有高发生率,与他们的核心特征存在错综复杂的关联.睡眠问题属于失眠症的范畴,潜在病原包括神经生物学、心理及行为和家庭环境等因素,对儿童的影响体现在社会交往与沟通、行为表现及认知和个人成长及家庭等方面,现有治疗措施主要有行为干预、药理治疗和其他疗法,最后对自闭症谱系障碍儿童教育与康复提出几点建议.  相似文献   

重复刻板行为是ASD两大核心障碍之一,严重影响ASD者多项技能的发展,亟待被干预改善,已有研究证实自我管理策略能有效改善ASD者重复刻板行为.本文对国外近30年有关自我管理策略应用于ASD者重复刻板行为的实证研究进行了系统综述,归纳其在干预环境、实验设计、干预目标、干预手段及干预效果等方面的现状和特征,在此基础上为进一...  相似文献   

在过去的十多年中,自闭症谱系障碍个体社会性注意的眼动研究数量激增,很多研究表明,自闭症谱系障碍个体对社会性刺激的注意表现出两个特征:对社会性刺激的注意减少;对社会性刺激的处理方式是非典型的,伴随对眼睛注意的减少和对嘴注意的增加。然而,也有相反的证据。本研究系统地回顾了从婴儿到成人期自闭症谱系障碍个体社会性注意的眼动追踪研究,分析了已有研究结果存在矛盾的可能原因。最后,根据自闭症谱系障碍个体社会性注意的眼动特征,提出了相应的干预策略。  相似文献   

Using a multiple baseline across participants design, this study examines the functional relationship between instruction in note-taking skills and the ability of young adults with autism spectrum disorder to take notes on college lectures. The three participants were enrolled in a program aligned with the Higher Education Opportunity Act (Public Law 110-315) to support students with significant cognitive disabilities in attending community college classes. All had graduated high school on a special diploma status and had mild cognitive disabilities. Despite some variability in performance during baseline (when only the note-taking template was introduced), all three students demonstrated increased performance during intervention when they were taught skills such as distinguishing between subtopics and details, paraphrasing, and using abbreviations and symbols. Participants’ improvements were maintained after the intervention instruction stopped. Participant Tau-U effect sizes ranged from 0.67 to 1.00, and the weighted average Tau-U effect size was 0.88 (CI95 = 0.53 to 1.24). The discussion addresses implications for the postsecondary participation of students with autism spectrum disorder as well as possible changes needed in their secondary education.  相似文献   

自闭症儿童社会技能的录像示范干预研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

共情缺陷是导致自闭症儿童社交障碍的重要因素。研究选取了28名3-7岁的自闭症和正常发展儿童,通过生理信号、面部表情和认知绩效等多模态数据的分析,探讨自闭症儿童共情过程中各阶段的特点,分析自闭症儿童共情缺陷的具体表现。研究发现,自闭症儿童的共情能力缺陷主要体现在较差的认知共情能力和较差的面部表情模仿能力;自闭症儿童的共情过程存在正常的自下而上的情绪分享过程和异常的自上而下的认知调节过程。因此,自闭症儿童共情能力的干预重点应聚焦认知调节过程中认知共情能力的提升和表情模仿能力的训练。  相似文献   

This study provided an investigation of the knowledge, implementation and perspectives of Australian teachers of students with autism spectrum disorder regarding cognitive-behavioural approaches, using an anonymous survey. The sample of 270 New South Wales teachers reported a reasonable level of knowledge and implementation of strategies commonly employed in interventions using cognitive behavioural approaches. A modest difference was found in the knowledge and implementation of surveyed strategies between teachers with and without formal qualifications in special education. Incongruent with research evidence, the respondents perceived that cognitive-behavioural approaches were suitable for students from a very young age and with cognitive levels from typical intellectual ability to moderate intellectual disability. The respondents also used the surveyed strategies for various purposes over and beyond those reported typically in the research literature. Directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

The Response to Intervention (RTI) framework, a preventive model of universal screening, tiered interventions, and ongoing progress monitoring, poses an interesting consideration for identification and service delivery for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Upon examination of the existing literature, paucity exists regarding how RTI might guide identification and service delivery for students with ASD; however, the authors consider core tenets of RTI and how they are relevant for students with ASD given what is known about this unique population. Due to the importance of early identification and interventions for individuals with ASD, the RTI framework could be problematic if used to delay education eligibility. Thus, two routes of identification are outlined by the authors, one of which expedites evaluation based on pervasive symptomatology, while the other route uses a form of universal screening to assist in moving toward evaluation for those suspected of ASD. The use of tiered interventions for prevention or service delivery could cause potential complications given the need for early identification and individualized intensive programming. However, there is a clear match for several instructional RTI components and ASD, specifically for evidence-based interventions that are implemented with fidelity and monitored frequently, and other aspects such as family involvement, which could improve programming for students with ASD.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of video self-modelling (VSM) on reducing task avoidance behaviours of four elementary-aged students with autism spectrum disorders. A multiple-probe design across participants showed that the performance of two of the four participants was positively changed immediately after the VSM interventions were implemented. The performance of one participant did not change positively until the original VSM was modified. The performance of another participant was not improved even after the modified VSM was implemented. In addition, improved attentiveness to the video did not necessarily lead to positive effects of the VSM interventions.  相似文献   

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