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This study presents time-and-task records of faculty and teaching assistants' time for comparable computer-aided design courses at two state universities in the midwestern United States. One course was taught at a distance and the other course was a conventional face-to-face course. Results indicate a distance course takes less time to teach than a traditional classroom course, if student enrollment and assessment procedures are not included in analysis. When analyzed on a per-student basis, both faculty and teaching assistant time was higher for the distance course.  相似文献   

阅读教学是英语教学过程中至关重要的环节,有关直、间接阅读教学近年来越来越受到关注,但是从研究的现状来看,如何施展这两种教学手段需要重新认识和思考。本文试图从学生在阅读理解中策略运用的问题着手,对造成阅读困难的原因进行了分析,并根据他们的阅读水平以及发展的不同阶段,提出了分别采用直接的与间接的两种阅读教学手段,在实际课堂情景中融合这两种教学法。对学生而言,培养一定的阅读技巧是极其重要的,但阅读能力的培养并不是一件简单的事情,需要教师贯彻有效的教学手段。本文系统地介绍了这两种教学方法,并探讨了这两种方法在外语教学中的实践意义。  相似文献   


In this article, the practicability of introduction of computer multimedia as an educational tool was compared with the traditional approach for training sugarcane growers in ratoon management practices in three villages of Tamil Nadu state, India using pre-test, post-test control group experimental design.

A CD-ROM was developed as a multimedia resource to support the training process using Macromedia Flash as the authorware. Three modes of message delivery—traditional lecture alone, lecture followed by multimedia and multimedia alone were analyzed for their effectiveness in terms of knowledge gain, learning index and extent of adoption. The group which was exposed to lecture followed by multimedia had better knowledge gain and learning index. Farmers perceived that the use of different multimedia building blocks made it an interesting and educative tool. The message, when given through lecture alone was perceived as boring and monotonous with limited attention span. The extent of adoption of ratoon management practices was almost on par; however the group which had received instructions through lecture followed by computer multimedia had a better adoption rate. Such a comparative analysis is an opportunity for a better understanding of the role that multimedia could play in technology transfer to farmers.  相似文献   

对于道德教育的两种基本实施途径:直接道德教学与间接道德教学,人们往往贬低前者而盛赞后者,认为前者就是道德灌输,实效很差;而后者效果非常好,甚至完美无缺.其实这种认识是笼统而片面的.实际上,两种模式各有优缺点,只有互相结合,互相补充,才可能培养学生具有比较完整的道德品质.  相似文献   

In this study the effects of different learning environments on the promotion of decision-making competence for the socioscientific issue of genetically modified crops is investigated. The comparison focuses on direct vs. indirect instructions. Therefore on the one hand a sophisticated decision-making strategy was presented to the directly instructed experimental group (1) and had to be applied correctly. On the other hand indirectly instructed students had to invent an appropriate strategy by themselves (2) based on the given information and the structure of the problem context. Group discussions are analysed qualitatively in order (1) to outline how the given strategy was understood and its results were reflected on by the students and (2) to explore the characteristics of invented strategies and their degree of complexity. Results indicate that the direct instruction of complex decision-making strategies may lead to a lack of understanding of the decision process when the given strategy is applied and therefore may cause rejection of the final decision. Indirectly instructed students were able to invent sophisticated decision-making strategies containing compensatory trade-offs. It is concluded that when directly instructing complex decision-making strategies, essential parts of reflection have to be integrated in order to gain greater transparency. Accordingly, empirical evidence has been found to consider indirect instruction as a possible way to foster decision-making strategies for complex socioscientific issues even if compensatory procedures are considered to be necessary.  相似文献   

教学有效性问题浅析   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
教学有效性问题研究具有重要的教学理论意义和鲜明的现实针对性。目前,教学有效性问题突出表现在教师有效教学观念淡薄,课堂教学时间有效性差,教学与课程实施的纵向、横向和内向结构失衡,以及课堂管理问题等几个方面。只有认真研究和解决这些问题,才能切实提高课堂教学的有效性。  相似文献   

“西方经济学”是我园经济类专业大学教育的核心课程。也是我国本科生攻读硕士、博士学位的必修课程。目前我国高校本科生学习“西方经济学”的兴趣和要求日益强烈,但我国现行的“西方经济学”本科教学存在着观念落后、内容滞后、教学手段和方法陈旧等问题。因为。必须探索出加快该课程教学改革措施和提高教学效果的方法。  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of computer-assisted instruction (CAI), used as a problem-solving supplement to classroom instruction, on students' understanding of chemical formulas and mole concept, their attitudes toward chemistry subjects, and CAI. The objective was to assess the effectiveness of CAI over recitation hours when both teaching methods were used as a supplement to the traditional chemistry instruction. We randomly selected two classes in a secondary school. Each teaching strategy was randomly assigned to one class. The experimental group received supplementary instruction delivered via CAI, while the control group received similar instruction through recitation hours. The data were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance and t-test. It was found that the students who used the CAI accompanied with lectures scored significantly higher than those who attended recitation hours, in terms of school subject achievement in chemistry and attitudes toward chemistry subjects. In addition, there was a significant improvement in the attitudes of students in the experimental group toward the use of computers in a chemistry course. There was no significant difference between the performances of females versus males in each treatment group.  相似文献   

课堂是教师教学的主要阵地,分析了当前计算机教学中存在的问题和计算机辅助教学的必要性.在如何设计课件、应用课件进行教学等方面进行了论述.  相似文献   

建构主义理论指导下高级英语教学的实效性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在建构主义理论指导下充分利用多媒体技术进行高级英语教学,从而为学生创设最佳语言学习环境,充分发挥学生的积极性、主动性和创造性,使学生有效实现对所学知识的意义构建。文章从具体实施策略及教学效果等角度对该教学方法的时效性进行了调查与研究。  相似文献   

本文从计算机辅助教学的概念入手,从教师的角度分析了计算机辅助教学实践中教师角色的转换;从教学内容的角度分析了计算机辅助教学对教学内容的影响;从学生本身的角度分析了计算机辅助教学对于学生的帮助。希望本文的研究能够为相关领域的研究做出贡献。  相似文献   

Although educators, policy-makers, business leaders, and the general public have become increasingly concerned about the “basic skills” crisis in American schools, research-based solutions have existed for over two decades in the form of measurably superior teaching methodologies: Precision Teaching and Direct Instruction. In federally validated research, each of these instructional technologies has been shown to produce far greater achievement and self-esteem among students than more traditional teaching practices, with favorable cost-benefit ratios when implemented in schools. These results have been obtained despite adverse socio economic influences on students so of ten blamed for failure in the classroom. These methods have not been widely adopted, partly due to political and philosophical resistance to measurably superior instructional technology among educators. This article provides overviews of Precision Teaching and Direct Instruction, discusses their origins and research backgrounds, cites effec tiveness data, and describes how they can complement one another when used together. It provides sufficient references to the literature and pointers to existing programs to enable interested readers to learn more about each of these measurably superior educational solutions.  相似文献   

Ten inclusive middle school social studies classes, including 133 general education students, and 24 students with mild disabilities (21 with learning disabilities and 3 with emotional disabilities), were assigned at random to a traditional instruction condition, or an experimental condition involving classwide peer tutoring with specialized materials and parent training. After 18 weeks of instruction, posttest data revealed that students in the experimental condition gained significantly more than students in the traditional instruction condition. These effects were observed on content included in the tutoring intervention, as well as on related content that was taught but not included in the tutoring intervention. Results are discussed within the context of recent research on inclusive secondary content area instruction.  相似文献   

浅谈生物教学中的美育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在生物课堂教学中渗透美育,首先要求教师自己要有高品位的审美修养,通过挖掘教材中的美学因素,引导学生感受美,形成对美的事物的追求;其次要善于运用美学观点把生物学教材中有蕴涵美的知识进行解构,并通过生动形象的直观教学,引导学生去欣赏美;再次通过培养学生对美的感知与欣赏,进而激发学生创造的能力。  相似文献   

论作为教学精神的教学对话   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教学对话不单是一种教学方法、教学关系和教学认知方式,而是一种教学精神。其典型特征是共享智识、促进理解和创生意义。其表现形态有三:教学主体与课程文本的对话、教学主体与教学主体的对话以及教学主体的自我对话。  相似文献   

间接教学是指教师和学生以"原初事物"为中心进行探索与交流的一种教学。它具有三个特征:教师间接教导、学生间接学习、以探索和交流为主的教学实施方式。与直接教学不同,间接教学可以增强学生的敏感性,使学生实现深度学习,提升学生解决问题的能力,培养学生的创新精神。间接教学需要教师采用如下策略:尽量呈现"原初事物";引导学生探索"原初事物";给学生充分的探索时间;组织多元的教学对话。  相似文献   

课堂教学有效性是指教师以心理学理论为基础,借助教学载体进行教学,使学生在学的过程中获得发展,进而产生教与学双方的收益。提高课堂教学有效性的关键性因素,包括教师对心理学理论的系统化掌握、教学载体的合理化配置、教学智慧的有效性使用。课堂教学有效性评价要包括学与教两个方面。  相似文献   

间接教学是指教师和学生以"原初事物"为中心进行探索与交流的一种教学。它具有三个特征:教师间接教导、学生间接学习、以探索和交流为主的教学实施方式。与直接教学不同,间接教学可以增强学生的敏感性,使学生实现深度学习,提升学生解决问题的能力,培养学生的创新精神。间接教学需要教师采用如下策略:尽量呈现"原初事物";引导学生探索"原初事物";给学生充分的探索时间;组织多元的教学对话。  相似文献   

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