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The American Graduate School of International Management (Thunderbird) has an extensive English as a second language (ESL) program for graduate students. As a component of the content-based aspect of this program, students have a semester-long project involving finding information about a U.S. company and its place in its industry. The students must include information about corporate finance, marketing, corporate history, and an industry and competitor analysis. A business librarian at another institution created a website for a course in competitor analysis. A business librarian at another institution created a website for a course with a similar assignment; this website included hot links to sources of U.S. corporate and industrial data. This article discusses the structuring of the course, the creation of the website, the collaboration between the classroom instructor and the business librarian, and the effects of the website on the quality and quantity of the ESL students' research.  相似文献   


Entrepreneurship theory complements established approaches to media management research with an alternative frame for viewing media ownership and the media's capacity for content diversity. Established entrepreneurship metrics were applied to media industries in the United States. All media sectors experienced varying rates in the second half of the last century; by the turn of the new century, nearly all were more entrepreneurial than any other U.S. service or manufacturing industry.  相似文献   


This knowledge path is divided into five sections covering basic patent questions, the U.S. patents database, patent law (statutes, regulations, treaties and court cases), statistics and general information patent Web sites. The U.S. patent database file, the text of patent laws and regulations, and statistics are available from the USPTO Web site. Since USPTO does not compile a complete list of court cases pertaining to patents, better resources for this kind of information exist outside of the Patent Office. Web sites included in the general information section either bring together and organize a large number of patent information resources or provide easy to understand explanations of patent law.  相似文献   


There are between fifteen and twenty U.S. libraries that collect publications from Central Asia, defined here as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Collection development responsibility for these countries tends to rest with the Slavic selector, the Middle East selector, or both, divided by language. Vendors who can supply this material mostly also supply publications from other countries of the former Soviet Union. The author briefly discusses the history of collecting from this region and the results of a survey conducted in 2004. She presents evidence indicating that the main reason U.S. libraries are not receiving more books from the region is most likely because they are not being published, not because vendors are doing an inadequate job.  相似文献   


This study compared uses of U.S. television by foreign children residing in the U.S. and their American counterparts in light of theories of acculturation, cultivation, and uses and gratifications. Compared with U.S. children, foreign children: used television more for learning purposes, were relatively more interested in television programs, spent more time watching television, identified more frequently with television characters, and expressed stronger beliefs in the social reality portrayed by television.  相似文献   

Between 1984 and 1989, the U.S. book industry drowned in a recorded $7.88 billion of returns: 23.87 percent of all books published during those years were returned to publishers by wholesalers and booksellers for full credit. This massive return of books undermined the stability of the book industry, causing many publishers to question the efficacy of a system that failed to operate successfully during a period of exceptionally stable business conditions, free from high rates of interest and inflation, recession, or a war. In this study the author addresses the book return phenomenon by: (1) analyzing statistics about the U.S. book industry and its twelve key market segments; (2) evaluating possible causes of the increase in returns; and (3) proposing some suggestions to reduce returns. Albert N. Greco also serves on the board of directors of the Book Industry Study Group, publisher ofBook Industry Trends, 1991.  相似文献   


This thematic analysis of 510 news articles – spanning the leftist-rightist ideological spectrum – examines media rhetoric surrounding President Trump’s 27 January 2017 Executive Order (EO) 13769 barring immigrants and refugees from U.S. resettlement. In this article, I examine how both liberal and conservative news media rhetoric reinforce respectability politics that create a hierarchy of victimhood for those affected by the EO. Interrogating U.S. civil society’s discursive construction of the forced migrant, I expose expectations for appropriate roles for these communities seeking asylum, though these roles are often veiled by normative U.S. mythology. As this analysis illustrates, the news media articles’ discursive erasure of Syrian, Iranian, Sudanese, Iraqi, Libyan, Somali, and Yemeni immigrants and refugees elide forced migrant self-representation and neglect the political/historical reasons for fleeing from their nations of origin.  相似文献   

Using a home market economic model, this article explains the changing competitive balance between the U.S. and Japanese film industries. I test the hypothesis that the domestic movies' market share in Japan has decreased because consumer movie spending has increased more rapidly in the United States than in Japan. The results of using information from a database (1955-2000) of media industry development in the United States and Japan generally support the economic hypothesis.  相似文献   

James L. Tyson, TARGET AMERICA: THE INFLUENCE OF COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA ON U.S. MEDIA (Chicago: Regnery Gateway Inc., 1981—$12.95)

Harry L. Helms, HOW TO TUNE THE SECRET SHORTWAVE SPECTRUM (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1981—$7.95, paper)

U.S. INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION AGENCY'S OVERSEAS PROGRAMS: SOME MORE USEFUL THAN OTHERS (Washington: GAO, Report ID-82-1, February 11, 1982, —free on request, paper)

"New Communication Order," HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE MASS MEDIA DECLARATION (Paris: Unesco, n.d., but 1981—free on request, paper)  相似文献   


The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) has been the standard, eight-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines, and periodicals on all kinds of media—print and electronic—for the past 40 years. Periodically, the standard must be revised to allow it to accommodate new formats, changes in the publishing industry and information supply chain, and other developments in the information field. Regina Romano Reynolds, director of the U.S. ISSN Center at the Library of Congress, describes the issues that the ISSN International Centre perceives as necessitating a revision of the standard and the likely next steps in the International Organization for Standardization standards revision process.  相似文献   

Postal Service     
THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE: STATUS AND PROSPECTS OF A PUBLIC ENTERPRISE by John T. Tierney (Auburn House, 14 Dedham St., Dover, MA 02030—$27.95, ISBN 0-86569-181-9)

MONOPOLY MAIL: PRIVATISING THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE by Douglas K. Adie (Cato Institute, 224 Second St.SE, Washington, DC 20003—$19.95, ISBN 0-88738-747-0, with a cloth edition available)  相似文献   


The author places newspaper decision‐making models within a timing framework, using the infamous New York Times‐Jayson Blair‐plagiarism case to illustrate how the U.S. newspaper industry can feasibly and sincerely engineer the change in newspaper culture suggested by an earlier industry‐commissioned study. Using arguments from timing theory, the author illustrates how the framework generates timing‐related questions about management style that would not normally get asked. Ultimately, the argument challenges newspaper managers to re‐consider the essence of the managerial concept of control and, eventually, their own managerial style and culture. Cultural transformation, the author argues, does, indeed, start at the top but with management acknowledging that it has much to learn and that popular culture‐enhancing management tools must be used only when managers consider the timing‐induced paradoxes inherent in decision‐making, where the “when”; becomes just as important as the “what.”;  相似文献   

Susan Sontag's On Photography (New York: Farrar, Straus &; Giroux, 1977—$7.95)

Melissa Milar and William Brohaugh, eds. 1978 Photographer's Market (Cincinatti, Ohio: Writer's Digest, 1977—$9.95)

John S. Carroll's Photographic Lab Handbook (Garden City, N.Y.: Amphoto, 1977—$10.95, paper)

Dieter Frobisch and Hartmut Lamprecht's Graphic Photo Design: Lab Techniques in Color and Black and White (Garden City, N.Y.: Amphoto, 1977—$14.95)

Dennis Longwell's Steichen: The Master Prints, 1895-1914: The Symbolist Period (New York: Museum of Modern Art/Boston: New York Graphic Society, 1978—$35.00)

Neal Slavin's When Two or More are Gathered Together (New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1976—$12.95, paper)

Arnold Newnan's Faces USA (Garden City, N.Y.: Amphoto, 1978—$5.95, paper)

Prophotos 1 (Garden City, N.Y.: Amphoto, 1978—$4.95, paper)

Light Vision: Australia's International Photography Magazine (75 Wilson St., South Yarra, Vic. 3141, Australia—19 Australian dollars by surface mail to the U.S. with other and air rates available)

Hal Fischer's Gay Semiotics (NFS Press, P.O. Box 31040, San Francisco 94131—$6.95, paper)

Kent E. Wade, Alternative Photographic Processes (Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Morgan &; Morgan, 1978—$11.95, paper)

The Nikon Manual, Incorporating the Nikkormat and Nikonos (Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Morgan &; Morgan, 1977—$24.95)  相似文献   


This research explores the hypothesis that social stress, as indexed by rising unemployment in society, leads to increased preference for crime drama on TV. This hypothesis is tested by relating the unemployment rates in the U.S., Canada, and Germany over several years with national trends for the relative popularity of crime drama (i. e., as compared to the popularity of other program categories). Support for this hypothesis is found in the U.S. and in Canada.  相似文献   


This study employs participant observation methodology to examine the U.S. broadcast industry's cognitions of its external environment. Previous research has documented a tendency among industry participants to operate under outdated mental models of their environment. This tendency ‐ labeled ‘cognitive inertia’ ‐ provides the analytical framework for this study. The results provide indications that broadcasters operate under what appear to be outdated mental models of their external environment, with broadcasters appearing to pay inadequate attention to competing program sources and failing to account for the changing demographic composition of the television audience. However, these conclusions are tempered by the broadcast industry's dual‐product marketplace characteristics, wherein cognitions that would appear to reflect inadequate assessment of the content market may in fact reasonably reflect the contemporary realities of the audience market.  相似文献   


This study analyzed the tone of public campaign remarks of right- and left-wing populist (Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, respectively) and right and left-wing non-populist (Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton, respectively) U.S. presidential candidates using DICTION 7.0. Findings suggest that populists tended to use a linguistic tone that is high in pessimism, group abstractness, and exclusion. Pessimism and group abstractness were positively associated with immigration language in right-wing populist speech. Commonality and “we-ness” were positively associated with populist language in left-wing populist speech.  相似文献   

THE COLLECTOR'S GUIDE TO ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSTORES compiled by liodoc Press, Inc. (New York: Macmillan, 1984---$20.75)

TELECOM FACTB00K 1985 (Television Digest, 1836 Jefferson PI., Washington, D.C. 20036---$59.00, paper)

LAW AND LEGAL INFORMATION DIRECTORY edited by Paul and Steven Wasserman (Detroit: Gale Research, 1984---$225)

HANDBOOK OF THE NATIONS compiled by the National Foreign Assessment Center, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (Detroit: Gale Research, 1984---$64.00)  相似文献   

The following essay updates my TABLOID JOURNALISM: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ENGLISH‐LANGUAGE SOURCES (Westport, CT: Greenwood “Bibliographies and Indexes in Mass Media and Communications, Number 10,”; 1996—$65.00, ISBN 0–313–29544–1, 187 pp.)

A. U.S. print journalism

IT'S ALIVE! HOW AMERICA'S OLDEST PAPER CHEATED DEATH AND WHY IT MATTERS by Steven Cuozzo (New York: Times Books, 1996—$25.00, ISBN 0–8129–2286–7, 342 pp.)

“Reversing the Romance: Class and Gender in the Supermarket Tabloids,” by Theron Britt (Prospect, 21: 435–451 [1996])

“Virgins, Vamps and the Tabloid Mentality,” by Linda Fairstein (Media Studies Journal, 12: 92–99 [Winter 1998])

SCOOPED! MEDIA MISS REAL STORY ON CRIME WHILE CHASING SEX, SLEAZE, AND CELEBRITIES by David J. Krajicek (New York: Columbia University Press, 1998—$24.95, ISBN 0–2311–0292–5, 230 pp., bibliographical references)

B. U.S. television

“The World Outside: Local TV News Treatment of Imported News,” by Raymond L. Carroll and C. A. Tuggle (Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 74: 123–133 [1997])

“Tabloid TV, Courtesy of the Education Department,” by Steven Drummond (Teacher Magazine 9: 14–15 [April 1998])

THE JOURNALISM OF OUTRAGEOUSNESS: TABLOID TELEVISION NEWS VS. INVESTIGATIVE NEWS by Matthew C. Ehrlich (Journalism and Mass Communication Monographs, No.155 [1996])

“Presumed Innocent? A Comparative Analysis of Network News, ‘Newsmagazines’ and Tabloid TV's Pretrial Coverage of the O. J. Simpson Criminal Case,” by Steven A. Esposito (Communications and the Law, 18: 49–72 [December 1996])

“Tabloid and Traditional Television News Magazine Crime Stories: Crime Lessons and Reaffirmation of Social Class Distinctions,” by Maria Elizabeth Grabe (Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 73: 926–946 [1996])

TABLOID TELEVISION: POPULAR JOURNALISM AND THE “OTHER NEWS” by John Langer (London: Routledge “Communication and Society,”; 1998—$24.99, ISBN 0–4150–6636–0, 192 pp., appendix, bibliographical references)

“Human Nature and Crime Control: Improving the Feasibility of Nurturant Strategies,”; by Bryan Vila (Politics and the Life Sciences, 16: 3–21 [1997])

C. Legal implications

‘Get That Camera Out of My Face!”: An Examination of the Viability of Suing ‘Tabloid Television’ for Invasion of Privacy,” by Eduardo W. Gonzalez (University of Miami Law Review 51: 935–953 [1997])

“Punishing the Press: Using Contempt of Court to Secure the Right to a Fair Trial,” by Stephen J. Krause (Boston University Law Review 76: 537–574 [1996])

“The Confluence of Sensationalism and News: Media Access to Criminal Investigations and the Public's Right to Know,” by Jimmy R. Moye (CommLaw Conspectus, 6: 89–99 [1998])

D. International perspectives

“Public Discourse/Private Fascination: Hybridization in ‘True‐Life‐Story’ Genres,” by Ib Bondebjerg (Media Culture &; Society 18: 27–45 [1996])

“Anthropology in the Body Shop: Lords of the Garden, Cannibalism, and the Consuming Desires of Televisual Anthropology,” by Rosalind C. Morris (American Anthropologist, 98: 137–146 [1996])

“The Media's Impact on International Affairs, Then and Now,” by Johanna Neuman (SAIS Review, 16: 109–123 [Winter/Spring 1996])

“Core of the Problem: Newspaper's Fate Will Gauge More Than Press Freedom,”; by Andrew Sherry (Far Eastern Economic Review, 160: 61–63 [3 July 1997])  相似文献   

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