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黄熹 《新闻大学》2004,(2):73-74
拥有三大报业集团的广州报业向来以竞争激烈而闻名全国。近年来,随着经济社会的发展以及读者阅读兴趣的转移,广州报业竞争的“主战场”也较以往有了一些新的变化: 首先,主流新闻的地位愈显突出。所谓主流新闻,是指各级领导重视、群众广为关注的重大时事政治、经济新闻。且不说《南方日报》、《广州日报》这两家机关报,就连一向偏重社会新闻的《羊城晚  相似文献   

This paper updates an earlier 2010 longitudinal study of LibQUAL qualitative and quantitative data from the University of Mississippi libraries with an additional year of LibQUAL data, collated with other library-collected data such as gate-count numbers. In doing so, it identifies several results that are not satisfactorily analyzed by LibQUAL, and it concludes that a more specialized local survey may be helpful to supplement or supplant LibQUAL.  相似文献   

本文采用生态位和满足的分析工具对欧洲华尔街日报在网络时代的竞争环境中所采取的策略进行解析,为机构和受众的关系提供一个个案解释.  相似文献   

国内图书馆开发利用网络报纸信息资源现状调查与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾媚 《图书情报知识》2005,(1):53-55,60
针对高校和公共图书馆网站开发利用网络报纸信息资源的现状,探讨了图书情报机构参与网络报纸信息资源开发利用的具体措施和对策。  相似文献   

甄珍  张田  吴华伟 《编辑之友》2018,(6):108-112
美国报业自2008年金融危机之后进入衰退时代.但金融投资大亨巴菲特却因逆市收购数十家小型地方性报纸而引发报业人士强烈关注.文章综合查询相关资料,从巴菲特收购报纸路线图、巴菲特拥有的报纸情况及其经营报纸的策略三方面,对巴菲特旗下报纸的情况进行综合介绍.  相似文献   

This article uses evidence from case studies of Montgomery, Alabama and Paragould, Arkansas to examine the strategic behavior of firms in these markets. Incumbents use a variety of tactics including price cutting and litigation to deter entry by a rival. These tactics and their effects impact on the ability of entrants to come into a market and compete. These findings have implications for policymakers particularly in light of the passage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.  相似文献   

对福建六所高校图书馆员的问卷调查结果显示:图书馆员的职业承诺与离职意愿和离单位意愿呈显著负相关.规范承诺与离单位意愿呈显著负相关,与离职意愿无关;继续承诺与离职呈显著负相关,与离单位意愿无关;情感承诺与离单位和离职意愿均呈显著负相关.工作满意度与是否愿意继续留职工作呈负相关.  相似文献   

在一个特定产业内部,可能会有垄断竞争市场、寡头垄断市场和完全垄断市场并存的情况.但就中外出版业的总体情况来看,出版市场主要分属于垄断竞争市场和寡头垄断市场两种市场形态.本文分别考察了垄断竞争和寡头垄断条件下出版市场的特征.  相似文献   


Social media have become useful tools for audiovisual promotion, especially to reach niche audiences. Twitter promotional strategies have been widely studied, yet other growing platforms such as Instagram have been less analyzed. This paper examines the Instagram promotional strategies of two pay-per-view platforms (HBO and Netflix) in two markets (the USA and Spain). A total of 731 messages, posted between May and November 2017, were analyzed to identify their formal features, objectives, and their content’s emotional and cognitive elements posted on HBO and Netflix’s Spanish and US accounts. The results showed acute differences between how HBO and Netflix use their Instagram accounts in the two markets (Spain and the USA). The Spanish accounts mostly provided information, while the US accounts both provided information and promoted program content. Posts from US accounts more frequently included links to social media, particularly to celebrity accounts. Spanish accounts relied more on diegetic images, whereas US accounts emphasized non-diegetic and off-set images. Netflix used humor more than HBO did, and a stronger focus on celebrities. Humor and positive tone were found to be linked to higher engagement.  相似文献   

把目前关于报业“集团化”的研究称之为显学,似乎有点过,但倘用汗牛充栋来形容其文章数量,想必不会有太多异议。可是当业界和学术界频频运用(甚至言必称)“集团化”一语时,却少见有人  相似文献   

对知识类短视频的生成因素及其逻辑进行探究,有助于理解知识社会转型的媒介力量和文化实践。本研究通过定性比较分析(QCA)的方法从"内容属性"和"情境属性"共8个条件变量出发,对B站40个典型的"知识类短视频" UP主受欢迎的因素进行了探究。研究发现,技术包装、专业生产者、定期更新是知识类短视频获得较好传播效果的关键因子,并揭示出两种较显著的微观原因组合,即理解性知识通常呈现轻松幽默的风格且时常大于等于8分钟;感知性知识通常会与公共议题相组合,呈现严肃理性的风格。此外,个人账号相比官方/机构账号更受欢迎。而整体上看,知识类短视频对公共性事件的解读有限。依据知识研究和媒介研究的多元路径,本文认为新技术的赋能使短视频成为知识社会转型中的一种媒介力量,知识类短视频作为一种浅层信息向深层过渡的中间形态,正在重塑着知识生产和传播的新逻辑。  相似文献   

Some academic libraries use service philosophy statements to strengthen the quality of their service culture. A service philosophy statement communicates directly to users what they can—and should—expect from the library. This article describes a study in which the authors applied qualitative content analysis to service philosophy statements. The objective was to examine the form and content of these statements and identify themes, trends, and ideas in order to determine how and what they communicate about a library’s commitment to service. The results of the study found that statements in the sample varied significantly in strength and purpose.  相似文献   

聚类有效性指标用于评价聚类质量和确定最佳聚类数,针对包含大小和密度差异性较大数据类的数据集,在分析了传统模糊聚类有效性指标不足的基础上,提出了一个同时考虑紧致性、重叠度和分离性的聚类有效性指标COS.类内紧致性用一定阈值内的隶属度之和与最大类内距离之比表示,一定阈值内各样本同属于两个类的隶属度差异反映了这两个类的重叠度,类间分离性的度量为最小类间距离,使COS指标值最大的聚类数即为最佳聚类数.在四个人工数据集和iris真实数据集上利用模糊C均值算法进行聚类实验的结果表明,COS指标可以有效发现小类和低密度类.  相似文献   

Based largely on McCracken's ‘cultural meaning transfer’ model (1989), which stresses the cultural meanings of celebrity endorsers, this study explores the characteristics that differentiate celebrity-endorser strategies in South Korean newspaper ads from those in US newspaper ads. With Hofstede's cultural typology—uncertainty avoidance and power distance—as a theoretical framework, this study finds that ads in South Korea with a high uncertainty avoidance and a high power distance culture present a higher proportion of celebrity endorsers than those in the US with a low uncertainty avoidance and a low power distance culture. However, US ads have a greater proportion of product-related celebrity endorsers in both high- and low-involvement product ads. The study also provides detailed information on foreign celebrity endorsers presented in international product ads.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the effects of the use of dual-screen monitors by library staff in an academic library. A self-administered survey questionnaire was used to gather information from library staff to examine the positive and negative effects of utilizing dual-screen monitors.  相似文献   

随着读者对数字阅读方式的习惯,电子书阅读器也越来越多地被应用。文章介绍了电子书阅读器的发展过程,并对市场上流行的几款电子书阅读器进行了介绍、分析与比较。根据我国电子书阅读器市场上的现状,找出了阻碍我国电子书产业发展的瓶颈,并提出了一些建议。参考文献10。  相似文献   

The role that public library collection development policies play in guiding selectors and informing users has been promoted as a pillar of good professional practice. While these policies purport to open up the methods and the criteria used in selection so as to promote transparency and a sense of professional objectivity, how they actually are developed and put into practice has remained largely implicit in the research literature. This analysis revealed that policies tended to focus on local issues and remained heavily materials focused. How collections are developed to support user’s information needs and substantive issues associated with topicality are largely unarticulated.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined framing in the U.S. and Chinese press coverage of the Fourth United Nations Conference on Women and the Non-Governmental Organizations Forum in Beijing in 1995. This study had 2 objectives: (a) to systematically assess the coverage of this global feminist event and the extent to which its critical areas of concern were communicated to the public, and (b) to illuminate the dynamics of framing in a comparative context and contribute to its further theoretical development. Employing quantitative and qualitative methods, this study found evidence of the operation of an anticommunist and an antifeminist frame in the U.S. coverage. Under the influence of dominant ideology, the U.S. coverage of the conference focused considerably on an extended criticism of China as a communist nation. The goals of the global feminist movement and their critical areas of concern appeared to hold far less immediacy and salience for the U.S. press than the need to assert dominant U.S. values. On the other hand, under the influence of communist ideology, the Chinese coverage reflected a proequality frame and a strong focus on the critical issues of concern to the global feminist movement. Despite the existence of a propagandistic emphasis on the country's extensive preparations as conference host as well as efforts to defend against Western criticism, nationalistic praise for China was far more subtle than originally expected.  相似文献   

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