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美国娱乐霸权势不可挡,其他国家限制收看美国影视,但是新的播放技术正在摧毁这种限制;同时,另一些新技术却起着抗击好莱坞的作用。  相似文献   

未来美、日、西欧的经济政治发展不平衡及其不断加剧的综合国力竞争,必然导致它们彼此间经济实力对比的变化和国际政治地位的消长,引起它们相互关系的新的摩擦、争斗与调整;从而,对整个世界战略格局将会产生深刻影响。就总体作用而言,美、日、西欧之间的竞争与冲突,构成了世界战略格局加速向多极化过渡的重要推动力。一、美、日、西欧经济发展不平衡的持续存在,将推动世界经济多极化格局进一步发展  相似文献   

纯电动汽车从上世纪70年代开始研究发展,但电池寿命短还是最致命的弱点。混合动力汽车在牺牲了部分环保利益的基础上,可以基本满足人们对汽车的要求,但两套系统(电池一电机/内燃机)同时安装于本来只装一套系统的汽车上,不仅加大了汽车本身的重量,也增加了整体工艺、控制等方面的要求,不是长远之计;燃料电池汽车主要通过电解水而产生氢为燃料的汽车,  相似文献   

(本刊讯)在第六个世界知识产权日到来之际,知识产权开放日、百家专利代理服务机构进中关村千家企业、首都大学生知识产权主题大赛等知识产权系列宣传活动在北京陆续展开.  相似文献   

2002年4月26日是第二个“世界知识产权日”,是我国入世后值得隆重庆祝的知识产权界的节日,同时也是科技界的一个盛大节日。在此,我代表江西省科技厅向全省科技工作者及常年奋战在知识产权工作第一线的各位同志们表示热烈的祝贺。今年“世界知识产权日”的主题是“鼓励创新”。创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是经济和社会发展的推进器。当今世界,科学技术迅猛发展,经济全球化进程明显加快,科技创新能力已成为国际竞争的主导因素,以信息、生物、新材料为代表的高新技术及其产业已成为国际竞争的焦点。世界各国都在积极调整发展战略,加速…  相似文献   

United States-based companies continue to dominate the global market in packaged software. Although many have predicted this U.S. dominance will wane, particularly as a result of competitive threats from Japan, and more recently from low-wage, developing nations, erosion has yet to be significant. The United States benefits from nine factors that sustain its advantage in this industry: skilled labor, favorable capital conditions, sophisticated customers, close association with hardware vendors, a competitive marketplace, geographic concentrations, first-mover advantage, a strong intellectual property regime, and English as the software lingua franca. Industry-specific strengths and weaknesses vis-a-vis Europe, Japan, and other nations are also discussed. In addition to these nine better known U.S. competitive advantages, two culturally linked assertions are presented that have received scant attention vis-a-vis competitive analysis. First, the industrial evolution of software development is at an immature stage-still a cottage industry practiced by craftsmen in a cultural milieu of artisans-and thus does not track other global high-technology trends. Second, packaged software is part of the copyright industry (e.g., film and music) in which United States-based firms have a sustained advantage. While manufacturing capabilities are significant for technology industries, culturally related factors, such as creativity, are more important for copyright industries. The U.S. ''culture of software,'' which helps explain U.S. hegemony, is introduced and discussed. The three elements of this culture are the culture of individuals as manifested by the individualistic computer hacker; the entrepreneurial culture and its risk-taking ethos; and the software development culture with its embrace of ad hoc, innovation-driven development as opposed to routinized, production-driven development.  相似文献   

United States-based companies continue to dominate the global market in packaged software. Although many have predicted this U.S. dominance will wane, particularly as a result of competitive threats from Japan, and more recently from low-wage, developing nations, erosion has yet to be significant. The United States benefits from nine factors that sustain its advantage in this industry: skilled labor, favorable capital conditions, sophisticated customers, close association with hardware vendors, a competitive marketplace, geographic concentrations, first-mover advantage, a strong intellectual property regime, and English as the software lingua franca. Industry-specific strengths and weaknesses vis-a-vis Europe, Japan, and other nations are also discussed. In addition to these nine better known U.S. competitive advantages, two culturally linked assertions are presented that have received scant attention vis-a-vis competitive analysis. First, the industrial evolution of software development is at an immature stage-still a cottage industry practiced by craftsmen in a cultural milieu of artisans-and thus does not track other global high-technology trends. Second, packaged software is part of the copyright industry (e.g., film and music) in which United States-based firms have a sustained advantage. While manufacturing capabilities are significant for technology industries, culturally related factors, such as creativity, are more important for copyright industries. The U.S. 'culture of software,' which helps explain U.S. hegemony, is introduced and discussed. The three elements of this culture are the culture of individuals as manifested by the individualistic computer hacker; the entrepreneurial culture and its risk-taking ethos; and the software development culture with its embrace of ad hoc, innovation-driven development as opposed to routinized, production-driven development.  相似文献   

历史上反复出现的重大公共卫生突发事件,大都是“同一健康”失序的体现,其背后则潜藏着人与动物二元对立的认识论误区。理性的人与作为机器的动物之间的森严等级关系,造成了“自我”对“他者”的支配与控制,鼓励了人类对动物和环境的践踏。然而在人类对动物和环境肆意妄为的同时,其自身也以全球疫情、气候变暖等形式受到了反噬。历次针对疫情的“战争总动员”就源于普遍联系的健康网络中人与动物关系的破坏。如果我们不认真反思这种认识论上的误区,那么历次疫情爆发不过是未来更多危机的彩排。只有瓦解泾渭分明的二元对立,在全球范围内展开普遍合作、践行“同一健康”议题,人类才能与动物、环境共同生活与共同发展,在拥有“同一世界”的同时,享有“同一健康”。  相似文献   

王爱华 《科教文汇》2013,(28):47-47,49
大学语文课程是承载高职院校人文教育最重要的载体。当前,在高等职业院校大学语文的教学面临着诸多的困境。本文从教学理念的滞后、教师队伍的参差性、学生学习心理的复杂性、评价体系的单调性四个方面进行阐述,并指出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

大学语文课程是承载高职院校人文教育最重要的载体。当前,在高等职业院校大学语文的教学面临着诸多的困境。本文从教学理念的滞后、教师队伍的参差性、学生学习心理的复杂性、评价体系的单调性四个方面进行阐述,并指出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

请你关注本栏目发表的批评复旦大学葛剑雄教授的三篇文章:陈一文先生的《环境污染尚未遏制,何来“极端的环保是很反动的”?》、谢高地先生的《发展与环境的复杂关系》、冯永锋先生的《谁持“极端”当空舞——就“极端问题”与葛剑雄教授商榷》。当然也希望你仔细阅读葛先生的当日原文。  相似文献   

姜申 《科教文汇》2012,(2):199-200
C.S.刘易斯创作的《纳尼亚》系列是一套幻想色彩极强的作品。作者在现实世界之外创造了一个"第二世界"——纳尼亚王国。本文旨从作者的创作意图来进行分析、探讨C.S.刘易斯笔下的"第二世界"的内涵。  相似文献   

本文主要从影片《刮痧》和美剧《绝望的主妇》中教育孩子、法律和亲情、法律和友情三方面来探讨中美文化的共性,让观众更全面地了解中美文化,从而更好地实现中美文化交流。  相似文献   

谈到科学的责任和道德问题就不能不涉及到科学的本征和科学的品格。众所周知,科学是以求真,求实,求真理为自己的天职,为自己的灵魂的。科学的本征也正突出表现在它坚持真实、坚持真理这一刚正、刚直的品格上。科学之所以日益受到社会和公众的重视和尊重,说到底,就在于它的这个“真”,这个“实”,这个“刚正  相似文献   

周洪如 《科教文汇》2014,(32):126-127
“生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。”所有看过美国电影《阿甘正传》的人,都会熟知这句经典台词。1995年,在第六十七届奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片的角逐中,《阿甘正传》共荣获13项提名。从此,“阿甘”成为一个时代的精神象征,“阿甘哲学”被全世界了解。本文从阿甘的人格魅力出发,通过对阿甘及其身边家人朋友的分析,浅谈美国电影中的人性。  相似文献   

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