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研究生助教制度的施行不仅有助于减轻教师的负担,而且有助于多方面提升研究生的能力。通过比较中美两国研究生助教制度,对我国现存研究生助教制度存在的不足提出改善的建议。  相似文献   

研究生助教的助教工作具有一定的特殊性,其一方面是教,是"助教",另一方面是"学",主要是在实践中学习"如何教"。当前,研究生助教在"教"与"学"方面的问题主要表现为:教学质量有待提高、教师专业发展途径单一、师徒制学习方式实施效度较低等,这与我国研究生助教制度在实施中过于强调功利化目的而弱化其教学发展性功能、助教制度规则不完善、缺乏对研究生助教的相关培训或培训形式化及师徒制学习方式效度发挥的条件性有关。要有效提升研究生助教的"教"与"学",建议强化教学发展性目的,创新研究生助教制度建设,加强对研究生助教的教师教育,强化其课后反思,有选择、分步骤地尝试让师徒相互合作,同台教学,为研究生助教提供合法边缘参与机会。  相似文献   

结合国内外研究生助教制度的功能、现状及问题,介绍了清华大学的助教管理制度建设和研究生教学能力提升项目开展情况。针对目前助教体系运行中存在的问题与不足,在助教理念、管理制度和运行机制等层面对助教制度进行反思,提出了进一步改进的建议。希冀通过科学、健康、高效的助教管理制度建设,更好地贯彻落实研究生培养机制改革政策方案,促进高校“双一流”建设。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,美国博士研究生助教是雇员还是学生的身份争议引起学界广泛关注,这一问题是反思博士研究生助教制度的重要窗口。博士研究生助教的身份之争,表面上是助教和大学管理者对助教教学任务性质的观念争锋,实际上却隐含着助教维护教学权益和大学管理者节约教学成本之间的利益博弈。其根本原因是,在学术劳动力临时工化的危机下,博士研究生助教制度的资助、雇佣和教育功能失衡,雇佣性超越教育性。无论研究生助教被定义为雇员还是学生,研究生助教制度都应平衡好资助、雇佣和教育三种功能,立足于保障博士研究生的教学权益和提高高等教育质量,而非成为节约教学成本的雇佣手段。  相似文献   

研究生助教制是构筑本科生--助教--任课教师之间的良性互动桥梁.研究生助教制度不仅仅是一项制度安排,更是一个系统的人才培养模式.目前,我国高校研究生助教制度还存在很多问题,完善研究生助教管理制度,全面推进研究性教学,是研究生助教制度持续健康发展的有利保障.  相似文献   

英美等高校没有助教这一教师职务.在教学的实践中,英美高校普遍招聘研究生助教,辅助教师完成教学任务,例如在批改作业,开展小班讨论课等.中国高校中的教师职务中设有助教,但实际情况是助教没有和教授有机结合,起到辅助教学的作用.本文通过对比,分析中国高校助教制度存在的问题,提出提高中国高校教学质量相应的建议.  相似文献   

研究生教学助理通常又称为研究生助教,是指研究生在校攻读高等学位期间,按照学校相关规定,受聘帮助教师完成教学辅助工作,如教学准备、作业和考试的评定,实验准备及指导等。自1988年原国家教委办公厅颁发《高等学校聘用研究生担任助教工作试行办法》后,教学助理制度逐步被我国大学纳入研究生培养机制,作为研究生培养的一个重要环节。相...  相似文献   

分析了美国高校研究生助教培训制度的产生背景,结合美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校的具体实例,论述了美国高校研究生助教的培训制度和惯例做法,提出了借鉴美国高校的助教培训制度和做法,提高我国高校青年教师的教学能力和发展我国研究生教学能力的建议。  相似文献   

文章在介绍哈佛大学研究生助教制度概况的基础上,分析了哈佛大学研究生助教制度的优点.即助教是学校不可缺少的教学力量、为研究生提供了重要的经济来源、为研究生个人发展创造了良好条件;同时,文章也分析了哈佛大学研究生助教制度存在的缺点,即助教获取的报酬较低、助教的执教能力受到质疑。  相似文献   

介绍了日本大学教育中的研究生助教制度的历史,从管理制度、培养方法、培训工作等分析了日本的研究生助教制度的现状与经验。通过对日本与欧美的研究生助教制度的比较,分析了日本助教制度的优缺点,并提出了对我国研究生助教制度的启示和建议。  相似文献   

“三助”工作的开展是研究生德育工作创新的重要措施。助教工作可以推进德育工作的导师责任制;助研工作能培养研究生严谨的学风和求实的学术品质,为研究生创新意识和创新能力的提高奠定基础:助管工作则培养了研究生的综合素质与能力,确立研究生全心全意为人民服务的人生宗旨。  相似文献   

In this study the Delphi Method was used to validate teaching competencies of graduate teaching assistants (TAs). Through the use of expert opinion, a panel of national leaders in teaching assistant support and training validated twenty six competencies as important in the preparation of teaching assistants. Feedback from panelists suggested that some instructional competencies depend on the specific responsibilities that are assigned to an individual TA.Ronald D. Simpson is Director of the Office of Instructional Development at The University of Georgia, where he also is professor of Higher Education and Science Education. He holds degrees from The University of Tennessee and The University of Georgia. Kathleen S. Smith is Coordinator of Teaching Assistant Support at The University of Georgia, Office of Instructional Development. She holds graduate degrees from The University of Georgia and has served as Administrative Coordinator and Acting Head of The University of Georgia's intensive English program. Her research and teaching focuses on the development and administrative support of teaching assistants with emphasis on International Teaching Assistants.  相似文献   

社会分工促进了学术职业的兴起与分层制度的形成.欧洲中世纪后期,教授职业成为了一种新的社会制度化职业,而助教职业的出现,是首次大学学术职业内部分层,体现出教授自主分层的特征.后来,依次产生了讲师、助理教授、副教授等职业,并形成了制度化的分层结构,体现出诱致性制度变迁特点.在中国,高校学术职业形成了教授、副教授、讲师、助教四级分层制度,在分层制度变迁过程中,大体经历了四级分层、单一分层、恢复四层分层、四层十三级分层等阶段,体现出自上而下的强制性制度变迁特点.现阶段我国高校学术职业分层制度具有政府主导和高校自主相结合、以效率为中心、以岗位为核心的变迁特征.  相似文献   

法国的大学作为学术性、文化性、专业性的“公共设施法人”,对教育、研究、管理、财政享有自主权。大学教师主要有教授、副教授、助教。大学教师的身份是公务员,因此,大学教师既要遵循作为国家公务员的规则,又要符合大学教师特别身份的规程。大学教师系终身性质,不能解聘,如有不称职者,惩罚措施是不予升职。大学教授作为国家公务员,是由校方先定候补者,再由国家进行任命,并决定其工资待遇。聘任助教,是根据国民教育部长公布的助教缺额一览表,以大学区为单位进行公开招聘,由聘任的大学专门委员会经过个别审查做出决定。  相似文献   

Assistant teachers are a ubiquitous yet virtually overlooked part of the early education workforce. Assistant teacher education level and its relationship to various classroom characteristics and the roles lead teachers feel assistants play in classroom management and teaching were examined in a nationally representative sample of 3,191 state-funded prekindergarten classes. Research Findings: Most classrooms had at least 1 paid assistant teacher, and classrooms with multiple assistants were more likely to be in Head Start. Lead teachers in public schools were more likely to have a bachelor's degree or higher, to be paired with an assistant with a high school degree, and to report fewer release hours for planning (alone or shared with assistants) than teachers in Head Start. Hierarchical multiple regression indicated that assistant teachers were rated as most useful to teaching duties when the classroom was in a Head Start setting, when the discrepancy between the lead and assistant teachers’ education was smaller, and when there were more shared release hours for planning. Practice and Policy: Implications focus on future prekindergarten teacher workforce needs, the need for more shared planning time and guidance in its use, and the need for more attention to and support for the training and roles of assistant teachers.  相似文献   

高校学术职业和其他社会职业一样,因为不断专业化的职业分工而形成不同的层级.美国高校学术职业在历史的变迁过程中初步形成了现在普遍采用的分层模式,即高校学术职业分为讲师、助理教授、副教授和教授四个层级的职业阶梯.不同层级的学术职位有相应的学术评价标准,包括学历、教学科研能力、工作经验、管理能力等几个部分.依据卡内基分类法(2005版)的分类标准,其中对我国高校学术职业分层和教师岗位设置管理制度最具借鉴意义的当属博士学位授予大学、硕士学位授予大学、学士学位授予大学和社区学院的学术职业分层.因此,本文分别从美国这几类高校各选取一所有代表性的学校,对它们在学术职业分层管理的制度安排及特色进行考察,试图发现不同类型美国高校学术职业的分层聘任、晋升考核及福利待遇等方面的共性和差异,以期对我国当前正在进行的高校教师岗位设置制度提供启示.  相似文献   

在对医学信息管理专业的实践教学支撑体系构建的基础上,结合教学实践,对其4个支撑点的内涵进行阐述,指出该实践教学支撑体系应坚持医学应用特色,突出实践教学实施的系统性,有利于学生实践技能、人文素养和创新意识的提高和培养。  相似文献   

Two cohorts of psychology graduates with Graduate Basis for Registration (GBR) with the British Psychological Society (BPS), and a range of relevant work experience (teaching, youth and social work) were employed by the Kent Educational Psychology Service (EPS) over a two‐year period as assistant educational psychologists (Assistant EPs). This paper presents information about the role and effectiveness of this pre‐training Assistant EP programme. The role of the Assistant EP was identified as including: individual and group level casework, projects, applied research, and delivering training, under the direct supervision of EPs. All Assistant EP work was evaluated using a range of measures. Outcomes showed that intervention targets (as agreed using the Target Monitoring and Review form) were consistently met or exceeded. Key stakeholders perceived Assistant EPs to be a valuable and flexible resource and Assistant EPs felt that the role prepared them well for applying for professional training courses. The paper concludes with a brief discussion around the future role of pre‐training Assistant EPs.  相似文献   

随着大学英语教学改革的深入,网络辅助语言学习成为实现教改中提出的“个性化、协作化、模块化和超文本化”一种辅助语言学习的媒介和载体。但是基于网络辅助语言学习的以学生为主体、教师为主导的模式中存在亟待解决的问题,如何解决这些问题成为目前大学英语教学改革成功与否的关键。  相似文献   

Developing the motivation for improving university teaching   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stimulating faculty to take an active interest in improving their teaching remains a challenge to faculty developers in higher education. This survey of university faculty assessed attitudes toward teaching and teaching improvement. While faculty expressed high interest and desire for improving their teaching, the results suggest the presence of faculty subgroups with different degrees of motivation for faculty development. Implications are drawn for the creation of successful faculty development approaches which can capitalize on existing faculty interest, as well as develop faculty motivation for greater participation.She is currently directing a study of the teaching skills of medical residents. Her research includes the study of cultural variables in teacher education and counseling. Associate professor of Medicine at Stanford University and the Assistant Chief of Medicine at Palo Alto VA Medical Center. He is the Director of the national Faculty Development Program for physicians at Stanford.  相似文献   

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