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引人注目的1997年全国足球甲级队A组第一次体能测试于2月15日在昆明全部结束。 参加这次体能测试的12支甲A俱乐部队和国家队的263名运动员 中,有232人达到及格标准,获得了参加今年全国足球甲A联赛的比赛资格。占首次体能测试总人数的88%。 另有27名运动员需要补测,他们分别是:  相似文献   

国内外许多学者研究发现:同项目、不同水平、不同位置(角色)的运动员在认知心理特征上存在着差异,并认为这些差异可作为选拔运动员或检查训练水平的依据。本研究结果表明:我国甲级队足球运动员的认知心理特征主要反映在操作思维能力、时空判断能力等六个主因子上;九项指标可描述甲级队足球运动员的认知心理特征;守门员有较强的简单反应能力;前锋、前卫队员操作思维速度较快。  相似文献   

选取内蒙古师范大学20名在校高水平足球运动员,应用美国先进的Omega Wave体能测试系统进行下肢爆发力、能量代谢、反应时等体能相关指标的测试,客观了解高校高水平足球运动员的体能水平,通过与国家队优秀足球运动员的各项数据进行比较,分析运动员应具备的体能水平,为高校高水平足球运动员的选材与科学训练提供依据。  相似文献   

通过测试法,获得了东亚9个国家和地区180名U-13足球运动员的5项技能测试数据,运用方差分析、多重比较和逐步回归等统计学方法处理了数据并进行了逻辑学分析,找出东亚9个国家和地区U-13足球运动员在技能方面的特点,并验证亚足联设计的技能测试指标的科学性.结论显示东亚9个国家和地区15-13运动员基本技能的差异主要存在于前4名球队和后3名球队之间,重点表现在传球、运球和颠球方面,在5项技能测试中,短传、长传、运球和射门等4项指标与比赛成绩高度相关,充分体现了U-13年龄段足球运动员竞技能力的实战需求.我国U-13足球运动员技能测试可以借鉴该测试方法.  相似文献   

本文运用主成分分析、R型因子分析法,对全国重点男排甲级队88名扣球手的8项测试指标进行了类属分析。并利用权重系数与因子载荷建立众因子估价值的回归方程,为优秀运动员选材提供了依据。  相似文献   

排球、足球运动员膝关节等速向心肌力测试比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过应用Cybex-6000等速测试系统对28名排球运动员和46名足球运动员(5名守门员、16名后卫、15名中场、10名前锋)膝关节肌力进行测试,以探讨排球、足球两个不同项目运动员膝关节肌力特征及差别.测试结果表明:排球运动员优势腿、非优势腿股四头肌峰力矩在360 °/s和90 °/s上均大于足球运动员,而排球运动员腘绳肌峰力矩与足球运动员无明显差异;而排球运动员双侧腘绳肌峰力矩(90 °/s)差异程度显著小于足球运动员;排球运动员在90 °/s的速度下测得的股四头肌/腘绳肌峰力矩比值(H/Q)要显著低于足球运动员随着角速度的增快(90 °/s→360 °/s),并且排球运动员和足球运动员股四头肌/腘绳肌峰力矩比值(H/Q)均随之增大;没有发现不同位置的球员之间膝关节等速肌力测试结果存在很大差异.  相似文献   

足球运动员身体素质评定方法初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、问题的提出随着足球运动技术的提高,身体素质训练已越来越为足球教练员和运功员所重视。那么如何客观地去评价足球运动员的身体素质呢?本文力求客观、准确、定量地对运动员的身体素质进行评定,以便更好地用于指导训练。二、研究方法根据近年来在昆明集训的全国七支优秀甲级队和国家青年队、国家队共九支球队的足球运动员身体素质测验成绩,取12分钟跑、100米跑、30米跑、10级跳四项身体素质指标,采用统计学方法,制定出百分制评分  相似文献   

少年足球运动员基础战术知识测试方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对少年足球运动员进行基础战术知识测试可以了解他们基础战术知识的发展水平。运用文献资料调研、专家访谈等方法,建立了少年足球运动员基础战术知识测试体系;利用Flash软件、Java语言模拟真实足球比赛场景,采用面向对象程序开发出少年足球运动员基础战术知识测试系统。对125名少年足球运动员进行测试,结果表明,少年足球运动员基础战术知识体系比较完整,测试系统具有较高的信度、效度、区分度及适宜的难度,测试方法简便、可行。  相似文献   

我国优秀青年足球运动员比赛高强度跑动变化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
旨在评估我国优秀青年足球运动员比赛中高强度活动体能的变化特征。运用SIMIScout比赛分析系统对21名国奥队员和25名国青队员在 一个赛季里的比赛体能表现,及YoYo测试成绩进行了分析研究。研究结果显示:(1)比赛中的高强度跑动距离可以作为评价优秀青年足球运动员 比赛体能状态的敏感指标;(2)描述了优秀青年足球运动员比赛中的活动距离,尤其是高强度跑动距离的变化趋势;(3)国奥队运动员在比赛中的高 强度跑动距离明显多于国青队运动员,国奥队运动员的YoYo测试成绩明显好于国青队运动员;(4)优秀青年足球队的中后卫运动员在比赛中的高 强度跑动距离明显少于边后卫、前卫和前锋运动员;(5)构建了我国优秀青年足球运动员比赛中高强度跑动距离的评价标准,可应用于运动员比赛 中体能状态的评价与诊断。  相似文献   

一、概况 根据1994年全国足球训练工作会议精神和1994年全国足球甲级队A、B组联赛竞赛规程报名资格第2条“运动员必须参加中国足球协会规定的身体素质测验达到及格标准,并持有中国足球协会颁发的1994  相似文献   

以杭州绿城足球俱乐部中超队18名运动员为测试对象,通过测试递增负荷过程中运动员的最大摄氧量及恢复期血乳酸分析男子足球运动员有氧代谢特点,结果显示:浙江男足运动员和中国国家男足运动员在VO2max(L/min)方面有显著性差异,在相对VO2max(ml/kg/min)方面有高度显著性差异,而在VE、HR方面没有显著性差异。说明浙江男子足球运动员有氧能力低于国内优秀足球运动员(中国国家男子足球队)。  相似文献   

Childhood sport participation is argued to be important to understand differences in self-regulation and performance level in adolescence. This study sought to investigate if football-specific activities in childhood (6–12 years of age) is related to self-regulatory skills and national under 14- and 15-team selection in Norwegian elite youth football. Data of practice histories and self-regulatory skills of 515 youth football players selected at Norwegian regional level were collected and further analysed using multilevel analyses. The results revealed that high self-regulated players were more likely to be selected for national initiatives, and increased their involvement in peer-led football practice and adult-led football practice during childhood, compared to players with lower levels of self-regulation. While national level players reported higher levels of peer-led football play in childhood, the interaction effect suggest that the regional level players increased their involvement in peer-led play during childhood compared to national level players. In conclusion, the findings indicate that childhood sport participation may contribute to later differences in self-regulation, and highlights the importance of childhood engagement in football-specific play and practice in the development of Norwegian youth football players.  相似文献   

足球运动员机能状态的好坏直接影响足球运动的训练效果,合理评价少年足球运动员的机能状态是急需解决的问题。用FCM测定细胞凋亡率、Bcl-2基因蛋白表达、Ca2+浓度及相关免疫参数进行研究。结果表明少年男子足球运动员强化训练后血液淋巴细胞Ca2+浓度、细胞凋亡率、CD16+56+显著降低。认为强化训练提高了运动员的机能水平,少量细胞发生凋亡是机体剔除受损细胞的必然。Ca2+浓度、细胞凋亡率、免疫参数CD16+56+等指标是综合分析运动员机能状态的较敏感指标。  相似文献   

The study examined the “micro-structure” of football practice and the “macro-structure” of participation history of female professional football players. Participants were 29 German 1st league (Bundesliga) players, 14 of whom played on the senior national team (Olympic Champion in 2016). A questionnaire recorded the players’ positions, proportions of physical conditioning, drill-type skill exercises and playing forms within coach-led football practice, and the volume of coach-led practice and peer-led play, in both football and other sports, from childhood to adulthood. Analyses revealed that most athletes played various attacker and defender positions during development. National team players differed from their Bundesliga peers by less physical conditioning and greater proportions of playing forms within football practice. National team players also accumulated less total football practice until age 18 years, but more peer-led football and coach-led practice in other sports compared to their Bundesliga counterparts. Based on these variables, a binary logistic regression classified 93% of the national team and Bundesliga players correctly. Conclusion: A combination of long-term coach-led football practice involving a relatively large proportion of playing forms with considerable childhood/adolescent peer-led football play and coach-led practice in other sports may have facilitated adult performance among German female world-class football players.  相似文献   

The 14th running of the UEFA European Championships represented a watershed moment for football, and sport more broadly, in Eastern Europe. Whilst the competition itself might have been restricted to Europe’s elite national teams, world football’s gaze was drawn towards the joint hosts, Poland and the Ukraine, for the duration of the tournament. At this juncture, therefore, this paper seeks to consider the ‘place’ of football in Eastern Europe, and in this case, Poland specifically, by conducting an analysis of the economic value of Poland’s top division – the Ekstraklasa, and by examining the factors that influence foreign players’ decisions to migrate to that particular league. The paper identifies that whilst the Ekstraklasa might sit outside of Europe’s core football economies, it still offers much as a migration destination for certain sorts of players. However, the paper also shows that whilst the 2012 UEFA European Championships provided significant exposure for Poland in the football context, it is less clear if hosting the event will have a lasting effect on the development of Poland’s top league and its desirability to foreign players.  相似文献   

对国家男子足球队运动员比赛活动能力的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
为正确评价我国国家男子足球队运动员比赛活动中体能情况及活动特征,为国家队提供准确的训练比赛信息,使用S IM I系统首次对我国国家队优秀运动员比赛跑动能力进行定量测量。通过国内、外对比研究,发现国内、外高水平运动员比赛跑动总距离存在一定的差异,各种跑速下的活动距离也不同,对此进行分析讨论。  相似文献   

笔者测试分析了10名男性大学生足球运动员在安静状态下及递增负荷运动后的高频心电图。结果提示:在三级负荷运动中高频切迹的量一双向变化过程及一、二级负荷后高频切迹数增加,而第三级负荷后又恢复到安静水平  相似文献   

现代足球运动员的身高、体重、年龄特征及我国现状   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过对世界优秀足球运动员的身高、体重、年龄等的统计分析表明 :优秀足球运动员的身高、体重和年龄有其特点和规律。欧洲、美洲和非洲球队各有所长 ,相比之下亚洲球队有明显不足 ,特别是在体重和年龄方面的差距较大 ,这是亚洲及中国足球落后于世界的最主要原因之一。  相似文献   

基于国际足联颁布"艾尔顿法则"的基础上,对卡塔尔足球"归化+青训"模式的发展历程进行研究,探讨出一条适合于中国足球现状的"中国足球特色归化之路",旨在为我国归化外籍球员及青训的道路提供启示,也为我国足球事业发展提供参考。结果显示:直接归化国外实力强劲球员为本国出战,在短时间内可能会提高成绩,但由于缺少了本国民族认同感,对我国足球的长远发展并无明显促进作用;而归化阿拉伯地区的精英小球员,经本国青训培养,可增加球员的归属感以及文化认同感,在球队实力提升的基础上,还会使归化球员与本土球员之间的关系变得紧密不可分。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(3):536-547
The identification and development of players in English professional football has become an increasingly significant topic of debate given the historical perceived underperformance of the English national team at international tournaments. To enhance understanding of the challenges and barriers experienced by English youth footballers, the authors explore the developmental experiences of English professional football players from different levels of the English football pyramid. Professional players (N = 11) from football clubs in the top four professional divisions in England took part in individual semi-structured interviews, which were analysed inductively using thematic analysis. The data revealed three interrelated themes that were perceived to mediate player identification and development pathways at professional clubs. Pathways for young players to progress and experience first-team competitive football differed when the level of the league that the players operated within was considered, with significant issues also raised relating to the suitability of the under 21 league structure, the importance attached to the educational welfare of young players, and variations in the identification of player attributes. This study sheds new light on the priorities and processes of talent development and education provision in English football.  相似文献   

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