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英国有说不完的莎士比亚,而中国有道不尽的鲁迅。鲁迅与莎士比亚因为社会与文学的机缘相遇在中国。然而从鲁迅的著作中所提及或评论的莎士比亚,一直以来被解读为鲁迅对莎士比亚的批评,是对莎士比亚在文学方面的贡献认识不足或是一种偏见,但认真审视鲁迅著作中所提及的莎士比亚,却看到鲁迅眼中的"的确是伟大的"莎士比亚形象。  相似文献   

<正>The sonnets of William Shakespeare are the greatest treasure of English literature.His sonnets are called typical"Shakespeare's Sonnets",characterized by unique structure and beautiful words.This paper will take sonnet 54 as an example to analyze the artistic features and poetic beauty.  相似文献   

廖巧云 《海外英语》2012,(1):231-232
Since the study of Shakespeare’s sonnets came to China,people come to an agreement that there is more than one theme running through these sonnets.The most popular and well-accepted ones are singing for fairness,kindness and truth,singing for friendship,and singing for love.Among all these themes,time,running through these sonnets from the beginning to the end,is absolutely one of the most important.In the eyes of the poet,time is cruel and destructive;however,he figures out poetry as a key way to triumph over it.This article attempts to argue for the triumph of poetry over time in Shakespeare’s sonnets based on an analysis to the poetry.  相似文献   

在整个英国十四行诗乃至世界十四行诗的创作中,莎士比亚的十四行诗是一座高峰,而其第18首堪称是莎士比亚十四行诗或者说英国十四行诗的标本。莎士比亚通过对诗歌艺术力量的赞颂,既达到了高度赞美爱友的目的,又表现了对自己诗歌艺术的信心,极大地扩充了其作品的内涵:人与自然相比,自然是伟大的,自然会销蚀人的美丽,然而人的智慧却更伟大,智慧的结晶——文学(诗歌),可以超越自然,超越时空而达到永恒。  相似文献   

传统文学研究认为,莎士比亚是英国文坛不可逾越的丰碑,其作品具有普适性和纯艺术性。事实上,莎士比亚的神圣化与英国民族意识的形成、帝国意识的兴起与后帝国时代民族身份的失落等密不可分,其间蕴含着复杂的文化权利关系和深刻的意识形态意蕴。  相似文献   

莎士比亚十四行诗中“summer’s (s’) ...”词组的翻译   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“夏天”是莎士比亚十四行诗中一个重要的意象。而由“夏日的……”组成的词组所传达的意象较“夏日”单独使用时的翻译要难。通过对梁宗岱、屠岸和梁实秋三位先生译文的对比,试图探究并评价三位译家在处理“夏日的……”词组的异同之处,以期为今后重译莎翁十四行诗的译者提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

莎士比亚的十四行诗,以惊人的艺术表现力,表现出鲜明的意象,驾驭着丰富的辞汇,精炼的语言,深邃的思想,在短短的十四行诗中尽情驰骋。并让我们随着跌岩起伏纵横有度的构架,曲直急缓铿锵有力的音调,进入了美妙绝伦的境界。  相似文献   

莎士比亚是英国最伟大的文学家之一,其撼人心魄的瑰丽戏剧和柔婉细腻的曼妙诗歌数百年来魅力经久不衰。他的十四行诗和其它形式的诗歌不仅格律谨严、蕴意深远,而且烙上了深深的时代印记。本文从分析诗歌中的自然和哲学因素入手,对莎士比亚的诗作进行另一种解读。  相似文献   

莎士比亚十四行诗是世界诗歌宝库中一颗绚丽夺目的明珠,全诗共154首。通过比较第一首和第五首十四行诗,得知两首十四行诗的主题都是劝说诗中的主人翁结婚生子,而莎士比亚却采用了不同的语气、不同的意象和不同的比喻来阐释这一主题。由此,莎士比亚精湛的写作技巧让我们体会到了十四行诗的迷人魅力。  相似文献   

Although children’s literature has long alluded to cultural connections between Africans and African Americans, very few texts establish clear lines of influence between particular African ethnic groups and African American characters and communities. Joyce Hansen’s The Captive (1994) and Sharon Draper’s Copper Sun (2006) stand out in portraying protagonists Kofi’s and Amari’s reliance on their past upbringing as Ashanti and Ewe, respectively. As Kofi and Amari endure the traumas of the Middle Passage and slavery in eighteenth-century America, they adapt by relying on their past socialization in traditional West African societies. The two novels challenge the idea of cultural erasure promoted in Elizabeth Yates’ Amos Fortune, Free Man (1950), which is still a fixture on multicultural reading lists for middle school students. The Captive and Copper Sun do provide sharply contrasting visions of their protagonist’s relationships to American society. Copper Sun indicates that a black girl’s concerns, including her need for subsistence and protection, and her desire for creative expression and personal autonomy, can complement the economic and military interests of the state. By contrast, The Captive insists on the necessity for its emancipated protagonist to maintain an adversarial role within a stratified, white-dominated U.S. culture. The novels thus highlight the very different messages about social identity and participation that recent multicultural children’s literature can convey.  相似文献   

莎士比亚十四行诗中的基督教观念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莎士比亚十四行诗研究是莎学研究中的一个重要组成部分。莎士比亚十四行诗在歌颂友谊和爱情的同时也以文学的形式对圣经和基督教作了自己的诠释。莎士比亚十四行诗以爱、友谊、时间为重点,将基督教精神与诗中的人道主义融合在一起,才使他的十四行诗有久远的魅力。对莎士比亚十四行诗与基督教和圣经的研究是国内莎学研究中的空白,深入地探讨有助于更深刻地解读莎士比亚十四行诗。  相似文献   

戏剧在英国文学史上占有极其重要的地位。英国戏剧在莎士比亚、肖伯纳和贝克特的时代分别达到了三个巅峰。整体来说,莎士比亚之后的英国戏剧成就大不如前。戏剧的本质是反映人生、人性,而人性是复杂多变的;复杂变动的生活和人性要求有新的戏剧思想和戏剧形式。追寻英国戏剧衰落的根源,可以发现,作品本身美的流失、接受者的变化以及世俗生活的多样化是最主要的原因。  相似文献   

本·琼生的闻名一半是靠莎士比亚的提携,一半是靠他自身文学的修养与积累:他在戏剧方面对古典戏剧有继承有创新,他自创情节,开创了英国"性情剧";他的诗歌一改叙事诗和十四行诗的体裁,警句体、挽诗、信体诗等多种体裁,题材上也有多个创新,如亲情诗和乡间别墅诗等。然而,一朝出名并非意味着享誉终生,17世纪即琼生曾经生活的世纪,人们对其作品的接受就有了较大落差,从褒扬到贬斥。文章详细综述并探讨了这种批评走向,加以实例分析了琼生诗歌的独创性,提倡客观公正地评价琼生的作品,特别是其诗歌作品。  相似文献   

文章以莎士比亚十四行诗第18首和第130首为例研究莎翁独特的语言艺术.莎士比亚高深的语言艺术让他的作品久盛不衰.莎士比亚的语言天赋既体现在他所创作的戏剧中,同时也体现在他的十四行诗里.多种修辞方法的巧妙运用,使他的戏剧和十四行诗读起来意味深长.  相似文献   

This article is a tribute to the life work of Maurice Kogan. Very little of higher education's landscape in the United Kingdom has remained unchanged over the past four decades and this article sets out to analyze the way the perception of the role of universities in society has changed in the intervening period. This it does through three perspectives: continuity and change, continuity in change and continuity in the midst of change. Each yields very different visions of the university. Against this ‘inside’ view, the second part of the article examines current British higher education policy from an ‘outsider’ standpoint and very particularly the current strategies towards the European Higher Education and Research Areas. It concludes by arguing that Britain's higher education policy vis a vis Europe re‐states a dilemma which these Islands have had to tackle for the best part of the past 250 Years. This dilemma is whether to lay priority on higher education as a global instrument or to endorse a more limited, less ambitious agenda of ‘European’ integration.  相似文献   

“突转”这一概念在2000多年前就被亚里士多德在《诗学》中提到。莎士比亚十四行诗中凸显了突转的种种现象与痕迹,不论是单一诗篇还是整部诗集均体现了跌宕起伏的审美关感。此外,这种突转的美学结构也在一定程度上反映了莎士比亚的美学思想。  相似文献   

王子墨 《巢湖学院学报》2010,12(2):63-66,78
莎士比亚的十四行诗自问世以来争议不断,关于涵义的解读多种多样。这十四行诗实际上反映了诗人灵与肉的冲突,即高尚的情感与通俗的情欲并存,所以产生了前后反差强烈的两个部分。通过对这相反的两方面的论述,揭示莎士比亚十四行诗的内涵,探究莎士比亚十四行诗的灵与肉的分野。  相似文献   

意象"eclipse"在莎士比亚十四行诗中出现的情境具有一定的逻辑关联,以此为切入点便可重新解读第107首诗,并可对诗中诸多悬而未解的问题重新佐证,进而尝试进一步理解"eclipse"意象在莎翁作品中的作用,从而更好地理解莎翁本人。  相似文献   

A justification for the inclusion of graphic comic art in post-14 art education following the development of graphic novels in Europe, Japan and the USA. in recent years. The case is based on the visual dynamics of the medium and the potential for a critical realism which can be exploited in students’ studio practice and research. Particular attention is given to the Holocaust novel Maus and selected Japanese ‘Manga’ comics which have made an impact in the west, such as Barefoot Gen and Adolf. The article analyses the various innovative visual forms that these graphic novels utilise and considers their effectiveness as a vehicle for practice and research in the institutional art curriculum.  相似文献   

通常认为,莎士比亚十四行诗集是歌颂美的诗,是以友谊和爱情为题的诗。然而,154首十四行诗中,处处流露着诗人的悲观情调,死亡即消失、时间是割断生命的镰刀等主题被作者描写得淋漓尽致。  相似文献   

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