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新课程标准要求教师在英语教学中增强学生英语综合素养与实际应用能力。传统的“督促学生记忆单词”与“课文解析”教学法不能完成新课标的要求。英语教师应针对学生的具体情况制订相关的教学计划,引导学生有效掌握英语学科基础知识,提升其英语综合能力。应从“教学中的问题”及“有效教学策略”这两大方面入手,分析英语教学存在的问题并提出相应的整改策略。  相似文献   

This paper critiques a recent initiative arising from the British Government's National Literacy Strategy for secondary schools. The initiative focuses on Drama within the English curriculum for 11–14‐year‐olds (Key Stage 3). Taking issue with the imposition on Drama of the objectives‐led curriculum model of the Key Stage 3 Framework for teaching English, I examine whether the ‘focus on Drama’ during 2003/04 has led to a higher profile for Drama within English and facilitated curriculum collaboration between English and Drama teachers, as claimed. The article draws on evidence from a small‐scale research project involving student teachers of English and Drama on teaching practice in London schools. I conclude that the KS3 Framework model of curriculum development and training does not promote collaboration in English and Drama teaching that is genuinely creative, and I identify some approaches which could offer an alternative.  相似文献   

本文从教学模式、教学方法、教学考核评价等方面阐述改革设想,旨在理顺在工学结合的背景下建设高职英语实践课程体系的思路,重新明确高职英语作为一门公共基础课,基础与实践,能力与实践的关系。  相似文献   

首先,课文结构分类必须建立在对各类文体本质特征的把握基础之上。课文结构分类的依据就在于找到不同课文结构中的某种共同性。其次,课文结构分类应当具有统一的科学依据,分类要正确,要相等。通过对英语课文结构的对比和分析,作者把课文结构分为四类:叙述文、析理文、说明文、应用文。  相似文献   

“五I”作为一种课程设计方案,具体指信息(information)、兴趣(interest)、质疑(inquiry)、智慧(intel-ligence)、直觉(intuition)。课程需包括“五I”,这一理念有助于大学英语教师对自身角色的认识和提升,在一定程度上能引导教师从单一知识的教学者成为发展学生智慧的教育者。对学生兴趣的激发、质疑的鼓励、直觉的引导以及对多元信息的开发,是当前大学英语教学中缺乏的,然而却是引导学生智慧生成的基础。  相似文献   

从语篇分析的角度,系统分析了《高级英语学习指导》的课文翻译中出现的错误,旨在强调语篇分析在理解翻译原文种的重要地位。  相似文献   


This article emerges out of my autobiography as an English language educator and the conversations that I had with three other English teachers in universities in Padang, Indonesia. These conversations formed the core of my doctoral thesis, in which I used Benedict Anderson and Edward Said to theorise our situation as English educators working in a postcolonial policy setting. Our conversations reflected our efforts to account for the tensions and contradictions that we have experienced (and continue to experience) in learning and teaching English in Indonesia. For all the differences between our pedagogies, our teaching practices highlight our efforts to subvert and turn our traditional classroom and monologues into a contact zone where our students willingly engage in dialogue with the text they read – constructing identities that are personally meaningful to them.  相似文献   

为了培养模具专业学生英语阅读和翻译的能力,文章从专业英语课程中词汇的学习、课文的精读和阅读材料的泛读等方面给出了具体的做法,提出了该课程的教学应结合基础英语、专业知识、翻译的语言组织和表达能力等的培养和训练的看法,实践中大大改善了教学效果。  相似文献   

通过分析《普通高中英语课程标准》对教学提出的要求和新课程实施以来高中英语教学的现状,发现高中英语教学中存在诸多问题,教师对新课程理念的认同与其教学行为之间出现落差。教师条件性知识和实践性知识陈旧落后、新课程教学要求与高考终结性评价问存在矛盾是造成问题的主要原因。促进教师专业发展、完善评价机制是解决问题的主要对策。  相似文献   

This essay looks at recent debates about text selection and censorship in Australia. Our aim is to point beyond the terms in which the censorship debate has been conducted in the mass media, and to prompt reflection on how texts are used in English classrooms. We shall raise questions of language and cultural identity in secondary English teaching, arguing the need for a culturally inclusive curriculum that is responsive to the attitudes and values of secondary school students.  相似文献   

薛琦 《丽水学院学报》2005,27(1):121-123
校本课程开发已经成为当今世界基础教育课程改革的一种潮流,也是今后基础教育课程发展的一种基本取向。中学历史学科校本课程的开发和实施能够弥补中学历史学科国家课程的不足,全文阐述了中学历史学科校本课程开发的现状,并从中学历史的学科角度探讨了中学历史学科校本课程开发的原则及应注意的问题。  相似文献   

艺术类高职英语课程教学困难重重。实践证明,激发教师课程意识的觉醒与养成是解决这一难题的最有效途径。教师们需要在学习与培训中寻找课程意识生成的突破口与生长点,在校本行动研究中实现课程意识的转变与超越,在反思性实践中激发出课程意识生成的内在驱动力。  相似文献   

In this paper, I draw on interviews with two colleagues, student comments and my own experiences of leading and developing a two day residential course for A Level English Language students at the beginning of Year 12 to explore the role that out-of-school learning can have in 'setting free the spirit of English'. I argue that not only is it possible to use creative and imaginative approaches to learning in English within the constraints of the curriculum but also that these approaches are valuable experiences which can underpin and enhance pupils' learning.  相似文献   

In this paper I show how pupils become visible as pedagogic subjects in the art curriculum. With reference to the work of Foucault and Lacan I theorise how pupils’ subjectivities, or identities, are formed within discursive practices which constitute the art curriculum. A critical reading of practice is presented as it is conceived in the English National Curriculum for Art orders and the School Curriculum and Assessment Authority’s document, Exemplification of Standards, in order to show how pupils’ abilities are constructed and regulated. I argue that these documents are underpinned by an inadequate understanding of practice and assessment, which fails to acknowledge the difference and legitimacy of pupils’ semiotic/representational strategies. I proceed to offer some thoughts for reconceptualising the art curriculum by employing the term ‘difference’. My purpose is to highlight the need to develop a curriculum which offers a more inclusive space for practice, a space which is not driven by normative assessment frameworks, but which celebrates difference in practice and vigorous enquiry.  相似文献   

"1+N"高职英语课程改革旨在以"素质本位"来充实和完善"能力本位"的课程观,摒弃单纯的"学科本位",真正按照学生的岗位需求来设置英语课程,使英语教学目标与人才培养目标真正对接。采用项目化、模块化的任务型教学方法,引入RICH课程改革理念,结合美国职业培训的KAS模式,不断调整教学项目设计和思路,从而实现师生共同发展。  相似文献   

Once regarded as the most essential subject in the national curriculum vital for civilizing the public, English Literature has now lost its place of prominence. In this paper, I focus on Singapore where the subject was a core aspect of the colonial curriculum and where it is currently facing declining enrolment at the national examinations. In the first part of the paper, I discuss how Literature initially functioned to propagate colonial values education in Singapore and how, following Singapore's independence, its goals were overtaken by a nation-state model of values education. Limitations of this model provide the grounds for a transnational model of critical values education that, as I argue in the second part, may be powerfully conveyed through Literature. It is Literature's capacity to facilitate transnational critical engagements with values and explorations of identity especially involving highly sensitive aspects related to gender, race, and religion that represents the strongest justification in the light of its present demise. What Literature offers is the possibility of engaging with values beyond the confines of Empire or nation by grappling with essential questions about what it means to be a cosmopolitan as opposed to a nationalistic citizen inhabiting the world.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this article is to expose and disrupt discourses dominating global development in an English school geography textbook chapter. The study was prompted by a teacher’s encounter with cultural difference in a geography lesson in South Korea. I investigate the issues raised through the lens of a new curriculum policy in English schools called ‘Promoting Fundamental British Values’ which forms part of England’s education-securitisation agenda, a topic of international attention. Following contextualization across research fields and in recent curriculum and assessment policy reform, I bring together theoretical perspectives from curriculum studies and Continental philosophy that do not usually speak to each other, to construct a new analytical approach. I identify three key themes, each informed by colonial logic: ‘development’, ‘numerical indicators’ and ‘learning to divide the world’. The inquiry appears to expose a tension between the knowledge of the textbook chapter and the purported aims of the British Values curriculum policy, but further investigation reveals the two to be connected through common colonial values. The findings are relevant to teachers, publishers, textbook authors, policy-makers and curriculum researchers. I recommend a refreshed curriculum agenda with the politics of knowledge and ethical global relations at its centre.  相似文献   

This paper examines the location and status of poetry writing within an assessment‐driven curriculum. Drawing on the critical perspectives of Carter, Benton, D'Arcy and Driver and the observations of a sample group of secondary English teachers about assessment of their pupils' poetry, it argues for the development of an assessment model that could remove the mystique surrounding poetry and establish it on an equal footing with prose text types in the National Curriculum for English.  相似文献   

This article describes the development and implementation of a curriculum model that seeks to integrate the study of different types of text in a coherent and meaningful way. An explanation of the rationale behind the model is given and supported by exemplar tasks designed by teachers working within the context of an integrated English, media and drama curriculum. The impact of the model at the end of its first year of operation is evaluated and further areas of development are highlighted.  相似文献   

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