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以中国女子足球国家队为研究对象,选取2010年至2011年共计15场正式比赛,对比赛相关技术指标的统计以及各技术指标与比赛结果的相关性分析表明:控球率、射门次数、射门成功率、进球四项技术指标与获得比赛胜利的相关性较高,而传球次数、定位球、犯规与越位等技术指标与获得比赛胜利的相关性较低.  相似文献   

足球是一个集体性项目,传球是集体配合的客观反映,传球各项技术指标能全面反映球队的整体实力,它们对最终比赛结果排名也有不同程度的影响,充分认识其重要性和规律有助于更好地把握比赛的主动权,对比赛和训练都有着一定的促进作用。研究发现,第19届世界杯足球赛中各参赛球队传球、传中、传威胁球对最终比赛排名的相关性中,传球的相关性系数最大,其次是传威胁球,最后是传中。  相似文献   

第18届世界杯足球赛的比赛过程与结果均表现出一定的特点和规律性,球队的得失球比率、射正率、传球成功率、抢断次数等积极性指标与球队的成绩呈显著正相关,而失球数等负面指标与球队的成绩呈显著负相关,其余技术指标均无显著的规律性关系。比赛结果表明,效率是球队取得高排名的必要条件,排名高的球队更重视防守并强调进攻效率。防守、进攻效率和攻守平衡是球队取胜的决定性因素。  相似文献   

赵鹏 《体育科技》2013,(5):50-53
文章以2010-2011赛季欧洲五大联赛的比赛技术统计为基础,随机抽取50场比赛为研究对象,对比赛进行进攻相关技术指标的统计以及各技术指标与进攻能力的相关性分析.研究表明:射门次数、射门成功率与传球成功率三项技术指标与进球有较高的直接相关性,控球率与进球存在一定的间接相关性,而角球、任意球、传中成功率、头球成功率等技术指标与进球的相关性较低.  相似文献   

采取数据级数推断与广义混合线性模型的统计方法,以2012—2019赛季中国足球超级联赛1 899场比赛的跑动指标和技术指标数值为自变量,以比赛结果为因变量,界定比赛致胜关键指标。结果:(1)各项跑动相关指标的增加对比赛获胜概率只带来微小无意义的影响;(2)在技术指标中,增加2个标准差的射正率可以为球队获胜概率带来31%的增量(99%置信区间:±4.4%),而增加2个标准差的个人控球时间、个人控球次数、进攻三区个人控球次数、个人控球平均触球次数、传球次数、传球成功率、向前场传球次数、向前场传球成功率和传中次数分别会降低20%(±4.2%)、25.3%(±4.2%)、25.6%(±4.3%)、17.3%(±4.1%)、25.2%(±4.2%)、19%(±4.2%)、25.8%(±4.3%)、19%(±4.2%)和32%(±4.2%)的比赛获胜概率,而增加一张红牌,会给球队获胜概率带来10.6%(±4.3%)的下降。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法和数理统计法,对第14届欧洲足球锦标赛8强球队比赛15项指标与比赛结果的相关性进行分析,结果显示:对比赛结果影响较大的指标为:进球、失球、射门、射正、越位、传球、突破、任意球、控球率等9项指标;对西班牙队与其他各队9项指标进行多重比较发现:进球、失球、射正、传球、控球率等5项指标是西班牙队夺冠的优势指标。  相似文献   

世界优秀男排运动员进攻战术的运动学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用高速摄影法(DLT法)和录像观察统计方法,对意大利,古巴,巴西男排进攻战术的现状和特点进行了分析。结果表明,各队普遍采用了扣球成功率较高的4人进攻战术的打法,并且充分发挥了各队的特长,传球队员都能较好地运用跳传技术,加快了全队的进攻节奏,取得了良好的比赛结果。  相似文献   

以第七、第八届女足世界杯90min内非平局86场比赛为研究对象,通过独立样本t检验、相关检验和多元线性模型的方法对比赛结果(胜、负)的比赛技战术指标进行分析,并通过逐步回归模型进一步筛选出影响比赛结果的核心技战术指标。研究结果显示:1)获胜球队在10项进球射门相关技术指标中有8项指标均与失利球队存在显著性差异(p<0.05);在20项进攻组织相关技术指标中有16项指标均与失利球队存在显著性差异(p<0.01);在13项防守相关技术指标中有6项指标与失利球队存在显著性差异(p<0.01)。2)与比赛结果高度相关指标有3项(|r|>0.5);中度相关指标有20项(0.3<|r|<0.5);低相关指标有7项(0.1<|r|<0.3)。3)通过逐步回归方程得出进球、长传、直塞球、传中成功率、控球率等5项指标对比赛结果起着决定性的影响。  相似文献   

2005 年四国女足锦标赛传球技术分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用文献资料法、临场观察法和数理统计法,对2005年在中国泉州举行的四国女足锦标赛全场传球次数、上下半场传球次数、不同场区传球情况、短传-9中长传球运用情况、对抗条件下传球情况、中国队与德国队传球情况对比等问题进行研究。结果显示:本届比赛全场传球次数少于男子比赛;上半场的传球次数、传球成功率均多于下半场(但无显著性差异);中场传球数最多、成功率最高,前场传球成功率最低;短传球数量、质量均优于中长传球;对抗条件下传球失误率较高;中国队在整体传球能力上与德国队相比有较大差距。  相似文献   

依据对第十九届世界杯参赛球队攻防技术与比赛成绩的统计,分析其对比赛成绩的影响。研究结果表明:影响比赛成绩优劣的进攻技术指标依次是助攻、进球、射正次数、射正率、传球成功率、控球率、成功传入前场30m、角球、成功传入禁区、任意球射门、传中、点球、越位、界外球;影响比赛成绩优劣的防守技术指标依次是铲球、失球率、预判拦截、红牌、犯规、黄牌、阻截、解围。此外,各名次段的球队间、各洲球队间在攻防的多项技术指标上存在着一定的差异性。  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare youth football players’ performance during two small-sided games with different pitch orientation: i) 40x30m and ii) 30x40m formats. Twenty under-15 players (age = 14.1 ± 0.5 years) participated in nine GK+4vs4+GK situations in each format, with the duration of six minutes each. Positional data were collected using individual GPS units, and computed for tactical and physical performance indicators. The SSG were video recorded, using notational analysis for collecting technical indicators. A novel method that incorporates time dependent notational information with spatiotemporal data was used to compute multidimensional parameters. Standardised effect sizes and non-clinical magnitude-based inferences were used to compare formats. Results showed that players covered more distance at higher intensities, presented more passes and dribbles and were more synchronised in the longitudinal axis while playing in the 40x30m pitch. In the 30x40m pitch, results showed a lower distance between team centroids, higher number of shots, more lateral passes and a wider team positioning. Multidimensional indicators, as players position and distance to the closest defender while shooting, revealed a more constant distance between attacker and defender in the 40x30m pitch. These results highlight the importance of integrating information from different indicators for a contextually valid information.  相似文献   

探索不同赛制下比赛表现指标对比赛结果产生的影响,选取2018年俄罗斯世界杯59场、118组技战术表现和跑动表现指标作为自变量,比赛胜、负作为因变量。运用K型聚类分析,对比分均衡比赛进行界定。根据比赛控球率的不同对比赛表现指标进行标准化处理。运用数据级数推断法界定各自个变量增加2个标准差对比赛获胜概率带来的变化。研究结果:1)在所有比赛中,9项技战术表现指标(射门次数、射正次数、射正率、定位球射门次数、突破进入罚球区次数、控球率、传球成功率、解围成功次数和防守反击次数)和3项跑动表现指标(本方控球时跑动距离、进攻三区跑动距离和对方罚球区跑动距离)使比赛获胜概率显著提升。对方控球时跑动距离则使获胜概率显著下降;2)在比分均衡比赛中,5项技战术表现指标(射门率、定位球射门次数、控球率、传球成功率和解围成功次数)和3项跑动表现指标(本方控球时跑动距离、进攻三区跑动距离和对方罚球区跑动距离)使比赛获胜概率显著提升。而向前传球次数、低强度跑距离、中强度跑距离、对方控球时跑动距离4项比赛表现指标则使获胜概率显著下降。研究表明,FIFA世界杯获胜球队在立足于防守的基础上,以防守反击和定位球作为主要进攻和得分手段,表现出与联赛球队不同的比赛策略。因此,各级球队在备战时应根据赛制和对手实力情况作出针对性的战术部署。  相似文献   


Soccer is a team sport in which the performances of all team members are important for the outcome of a match. Even though the analysis of game events can be used to measure the team's performance, their perception, especially during the match, is extremely difficult, even for the involved agents. Soccer has been used as a simulation environment in many studies, mainly in the area of robotics. The RoboCup is an international robotics competition with an ambitious goal: in 2050 a robotics team will be capable of defeating the human world champion at the time. In this context, we compared technical similarities between human and robotics soccer. Based on an off-line automatic event detection tool, game statistics for the finals of both human and robotics soccer tournaments were collected and compared using the Wilcoxon test. The results show that the most frequent event in both forms of soccer is successful passes. Analysing the two types of passes considered (successful and missed), we conclude that there are significant differences between the two forms (W = 2, P=0.000354), with human soccer presenting a higher percentage of successful passes (77.89% vs. 66.97%). Of restart events (W=0, P=0.00048965), the most frequent one, in both forms, is the throw-in (human 59.91%, robotics 66.4%), and the least frequent is the corner (human 13.7%, robotics 14.09%). Regarding the frequency of shots, in the robotics environment “shots” were the most predominant type (43.27%), whereas in human soccer “shots on target” predominated (71.25%; W=64, P=0.000085641). Finally, the number of faults is minor in robotics soccer.  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to provide a profile of young water polo players and to compare technical and tactical aspects, movement patterns, and cardiac loads of youth water polo and Acquagoal codes. Ten young (age 12.3 years, s = 0.6) male water polo players underwent anthropometric (stature, body mass, body mass index, chest circumference, hand breadth, and length), strength, and [Vdot]O2max evaluations. Friendly youth water polo and Acquagoal matches were arranged to evaluate heart rates and swimming patterns (horizontal and vertical, with and without the ball) of players, and technical and tactical aspects of matches (number of actions, passes, player involved in an action, lost possessions, shots, goals, and the origin and types of shot). Independent of code, matches imposed a high cardiac load on players. Vertical swimming occurred more frequently (P < 0.05) in Acquagoal (71%) than youth water polo (45%). Technical and tactical measures also differed (P < 0.05), with players performing more passes and shots inside the penalty area and showing a higher goal-to-shot ratio during youth water polo than during Acquagoal. These results indicate that youth water polo better resembles the swimming patterns of adult water polo and facilitates the technical and tactical aspects of play better than Acquagoal.  相似文献   

肖泽民 《安徽体育科技》2009,30(4):19-21,27
运用录像法和数理统计法,对第29届奥运会中国男子篮球队比赛的技术数据与对手进行了统计,并与其他6支参赛队伍进行了比较,得出中国男篮在投篮,尤其在中近距离投篮、抢断、助攻、失误有明显差距,建议中国男篮在今后训练中加强投篮技术练习,提高队员配合意识和防守质量。  相似文献   


Squad management, injury and physical, tactical and technical match performance were investigated in a professional soccer team across five consecutive league seasons (2008–2013, 190 league games) with specific focus on a championship-winning season (2010/11). For each player, match participation and time-loss injuries were recorded, the latter prospectively diagnosed by the team's physician. Defending and attacking tactical and technical performance indicators investigated included ball possession and possession in opponents' half, passes, forward passes, completed passes and forward passes, crosses and completed crosses, goal attempts and goal attempts on target, successful final third entries, free-kicks and 50/50 duels won/lost. Physical performance measures included total distance and distance covered at high-speeds (≥19.1 km/h). Results showed that during the 2010/11 season, squad utilisation was lowest potentially owing to the observed lower match injury occurrence and working days lost to injury thereby increasing player availability. In 2010/11, the team won both its highest number of points and conceded its lowest number of goals especially over the second half of this season. The team also won its highest number of games directly via a goal from a substitute and scored and conceded a goal first on the highest and lowest number of occasions, respectively. While multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) detected a significant difference in some attacking and defensive performance indicators across the five seasons, these were generally not distinguishing factors in 2010/11. Similarly, univariate ANOVAs showed a significant difference in running distances covered across seasons, but the trend was for less activity in 2010/11.  相似文献   

欲探索出2019年男篮世界杯不同梯队的球队胜负的关键性影响因素,主要采用数理统计法对比赛的技术指标进行判别分析.研究结果显示:(1)依据本届世界杯最终成绩排名可将32支参赛队伍划分为3个梯队.(2)逐步判别分析表明:第一梯队比赛胜负的有效判别指标为:防守篮板球、助攻、罚球投篮数、失误;第二梯队比赛胜负的有效判别指标为:...  相似文献   

This study aimed to analyse the effects of two factors (number of players and training regimes) on players’ physiological and technical demands in basketball ball-drills. Twenty-one young basketball players performed four different ball-drills (two levels for each factor). The number of players involved was 2vs2 and 4vs4, while ball-drill regimes were continuous and intermittent. Physiological demand was assessed using the percentage of maximal heart rate (%HRmax), Edwards’ training load and rating of perceived exertion (RPE). Furthermore, the following technical actions were collected: dribbles, steals, rebounds, turnovers, passes (total, correct, wrong and % of correct pass) and shots (total, scored, missed and % of made shot). A 2 × 2 (number of players × regime) two-way ANOVA with repeated measures was applied for physiological parameters and technical actions. The 2vs2 condition showed higher %HRmax (P < 0.001), Edwards’ training load (P < 0.001), RPE (P < 0.001), number of dribbles (P < 0.001), rebounds (P < 0.001), passes [total (P = 0.005) and correct (P = 0.005)] and shots [total (P < 0.001) scored (P < 0.001) and missed (P < 0.001)] than 4vs4. Moreover, the continuous regime revealed higher %HRmax (P < 0.001), Edwards’ training load (P < 0.001), RPE (P = 0.006) and dribbles (P < 0.001) than the intermittent regime. This study showed that both number of players and regime are useful variables able to modify basketball ball-drills workload.  相似文献   

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