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The object of this paper is to study the translatability of culture through the enlightenment from Legge's translation of Lun Yu.A critical study of Legge's translation from a cultural angel is made before two principles peculiar to the translation of Chinese classics are proposed.The combination of classiczing and orientalizing the English language should be strived for in the translation of Chinese classics,and at the same time,it is of great significance to observe rather than break the limit of translatability.  相似文献   

鉴于三世纪以来军队对罗马帝国的政局产生的重大影响,如几个世纪以来不断杀戮和拥立元首,甚至还拍卖帝国的最高统治权,掀起内乱,君士坦丁实行军事改革,加强对军队的控制。他解散近卫军,剥夺近卫军长官的军权,设立军事长官掌管军队;他改变军队的建制,创建巡防军,将机动作战部队与边境驻军相分离。通过改革,君士坦丁较好地控制了军队,增强了军队的战斗力,在一系列战争中取得了胜利,使军队成为保障罗马帝国安全、防御外敌入侵的重要力量,使军队发挥了应有的职能。  相似文献   

陈独秀的教育思想、尤其是大学教育思想已有可喜的研究成果,但对他在蒙学教育思想方面的研究还没有深入,原因或许在于资料的匮乏,也或许在于他的蒙学教育思想体系不完整甚至还存在自相矛盾的地方。其实,陈独秀对蒙学的思考并不亚于对高等教育的思考,他在蒙学方面提出的某些观点对今天的义务教育改革具有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

赵东霞 《学周刊C版》2014,(1):220-221
In his play A Streetcar Named Desire, Tennessee Williams has portrayed Stan- ley Kowalski as a fascinating character. Unfor- tunately, cultural differences have hindered our appreciation of him. This article analyzes Stan- ley Kowalski's character from the perspective of cross-cultural communication.  相似文献   

It is very important to develop student teachers' skills and knowledge during the pre-service teacher education process. In this study, the effectiveness of the approach in which student teachers' gained skills of developing and using TGMs (teacher-guided materials) based on integration of technology on physics education in STMC-Ⅱ (Special Teaching Methods Course-Ⅱ) for pre-service physics teachers was evaluated. The study was conducted with 33 physics student teachers in KTU (Karadeniz Technical University). Student teachers were required to develop and present TGMs, which were based on principles of special teaching approaches and techniques and integration of technology through instruction. The data of the study were gained from semi-structured interviews conducted with 14 student teachers, observations of the lessons conducted by each student teacher and document analysis of the student teachers' diaries collected during the term. The student teachers stated that STMC-11 was a very helpful experience to gain teaching skills. It is believed that all these activities, which are designed and performed in the classroom by student teachers during STMC-Ⅱ course, will not only prepare them for their teaching but also help them gain basic experiences that they will need in their future career. At the end of the process, it is concluded that all the student teachers gained nearly the whole defined aims--skills and knowledge of the STMC-Ⅱ. The implementation process should be organized very well to have advance of gaining many skills together. Key words: physics student teacher; STMC-Ⅱ; the skills of developing TGMs and integration of technology  相似文献   

运用中介语对比分析法。对比SECCL和BNC两个口语语料库中的词汇及词项。结果表明:中国英语专业学生在非词汇化动词、模糊词及模棱两可话语词等词项使用方面存在显著差异。并提出时英语口语教学的启示。  相似文献   

近年来,高校中的心理危机事件逐年增多,这些心理危机事件的出现多与大学生的抑郁、焦虑、冲动等不良情绪有关。情绪为行为提供动力,直接影响到大学生的认知、行为选择、社会交往和身心健康。受不良情绪的影响,大学生常常表现出缺乏自信、紧张、对学习没有热情、对同学冷漠无情甚至失去理智、毁物伤人。引导大学生在现实生活中用正确的态度认识问题,用积极的心态面对问题,用有效的方式解决问题是至关重要的。优化教育环境是大学生情绪管理能力培养途径中最为重要的,教育环境主要包括教师的人格魅力与榜样作用,管理与服务部门的人文关怀与育人理念,校园文化的教育功能,校园自然环境的情绪修复功能等。  相似文献   

数学技术在其他学科领域的广泛应用,使得高等数学成为越来越多非数学专业学生的必修课。然而,随着学习高等数学的人数的增加,出现的问题也越来越多,如学生不及格率逐年上升、教师负担增加、学生毕业压力增大等。笔者通过与学生访谈、发放调查问卷等方式最终确定了5个影响学生学好高数的主要因素,并针对每个影响因素给出了应对策略。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the attitudes of non-thesis master's degree program: geography teacher candidates towards teaching profession regarding several socio-cultural features. The study was conducted in different universities with 218 geography teacher candidates enrolled in the geography education non-thesis master's degree program. The study was made by survey model. Data were collected by the "Attitude Scales Towards Teaching Profession" developed by ~etin (2006) and "Personal Information Form" developed by the authors. Data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA (the one-way analysis of variance) (F) and LSD (least significant difference) techniques. The results are given as follows: (1) The average of candidates' attitude grades are in favor of female candidates; (2) There is no difference between whether candidates work at a job; (3) According to variables of the types of high school graduated, educational level of the parents, occupations, income level and living place, there is no difference in candidates' attitudes scores; and (4) Candidates' enrolled in the geography education non-thesis master's degree program reason of preference influence on attitudes to teaching profession.  相似文献   

根据英国国会1984年地方税法案授权,中央政府可以有选择地对那些支出较高的地方实行“地税封顶”政策,这是第一次由国会授权中央政府限制地方政府的地方税,是撒切尔政府为控制地方支出而推行的一项重要政策。随着1984年7月第一批处罚名单的发布,该政策遭到了许多地方——主要是工党控制地区的激烈反对。在伦敦朗伯斯区,由工党主导的朗伯斯议会与中央政府进行了激烈的对抗博弈,并拖延成为最后一个设定地方税的地区。高等法院最终裁定,对31名参与对抗的朗伯斯工党议员处以巨额罚金,并剥夺公职。地方反对地税封顶是撒切尔时期地方财税改革过程中的重要事件,反映了地方税改革以及中央与地方财税关系的复杂性。  相似文献   

清末早期的留学教育对中国近代化的起步具有重要意义。留美教育是留欧教育展开推动的基石,留欧教育是留美教育某种程度上的改进和延续。然而,不同的历史背景使得留美与留欧教育有各自鲜明的特色。文化背景不同的倡导者,越来越具体细化的留学目的及其准备工作,在中国近代化建设中不同角色的担当等都值得我们分析研究。当下,留学浪潮此起彼伏,跟风留学、低龄留学等现象成为大众焦点,各种国际班和形式多样的出国方式也给中国的留学教育事业带来许多新问题。本文通过对清末早期留美与留欧教育的比较,一则使读者对两次留学教育的具体情况有一个全面的体认;二则通过分析,取长补短,并结合当今一些留学现象给出指导建议。  相似文献   

Academic plagiarism becomes very easy due to new opportunities provided by the Internet era (Scrinber, 2003; Underwood & Sazabo, 2003; Ross, 2005). We believe that academic dishonesty is a major issue, because it strikes at the heart of the academic and social values: honesty, trust and integrity. When dealing with education students, the future educators of children, academic dishonesty takes on added significance with much graver consequences for our society. This paper is aimed to reveal the opinions of 200 Israeli teacher education students towards different aspects of plagiarism. These responses, which were collected using likert scale questionnaire, led us to define some principles for a plan to reduce academic dishonesty, especially internet based plagiarism (Mc Murtry, 2001; Foster, 2002; Landau, Druen, & Arcuri, 2002; Murray, 2002). We suggest focusing on a plan for an institutional ethic code to reduce plagiarism and unconscious academic dishonesty.  相似文献   

环境造就性格,性格决定命运.《呼啸山庄》男主人公希斯克利夫在18世纪英国资本主义畸形社会的成长环境中备受身心折磨和摧残,因而形成了极其偏执的性格特征,也正是这种偏执性格为其悲剧性的命运埋下了种子.  相似文献   

Eugene A.Nida’s functional equivalence theory is regarded as one of the most useful criteria.In this thesis,the author will make a research on the translation of idioms in Yu Hua’s novel Brothers from the perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory,which examines whether the English version achieves the equivalence of response between the source language readers and the target language readers.  相似文献   

邓小平人力资本开发理论,对中国特色社会主义人力资本理论作出了重大贡献,有着深刻的历史背景和时代特征;强调要加大人力资本生产的投入,强化人力资本生产路径的制度设计,从而达到提升人力资本效率、促进社会生产力发展的目的;提出了政治与舆论、体制与制度、评价与竞争、物质与精神等激励举措,大力开发人力资本。  相似文献   

《红旗谱》的受宠绝非偶然,作品中蕴含着多元话语资源,包括民间话语、国家话语、知识分子话语、男权话语,这些话语资源分别迎合了人民大众、主流意识形态、知识分子和整个社会无意识的口味。  相似文献   

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