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This study presents the outcomes of a semi-systematic literature review on the role of learning theory in multimodal learning analytics (MMLA) research. Based on previous systematic literature reviews in MMLA and an additional new search, 35 MMLA works were identified that use theory. The results show that MMLA studies do not always discuss their findings within an established theoretical framework. Most of the theory-driven MMLA studies are positioned in the cognitive and affective domains, and the three most frequently used theories are embodied cognition, cognitive load theory and control–value theory of achievement emotions. Often, the theories are only used to inform the study design, but there is a relationship between the most frequently used theories and the data modalities used to operationalize those theories. Although studies such as these are rare, the findings indicate that MMLA affordances can, indeed, lead to theoretical contributions to learning sciences. In this work, we discuss methods of accelerating theory-driven MMLA research and how this acceleration can extend or even create new theoretical knowledge.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Multimodal learning analytics (MMLA) is an emerging field of research with inherent connections to advanced computational analyses of social phenomena.
  • MMLA can help us monitor learning activity at the micro-level and model cognitive, affective and social factors associated with learning using data from both physical and digital spaces.
  • MMLA provide new opportunities to support students' learning.
What this paper adds
  • Some MMLA works use theory, but, overall, the role of theory is currently limited.
  • The three theories dominating MMLA research are embodied cognition, control–value theory of achievement emotions and cognitive load theory.
  • Most of the theory-driven MMLA papers use theory ‘as is’ and do not consider the analytical and synthetic role of theory or aim to contribute to it.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • If the ultimate goal of MMLA, and AI in Education in general, research is to understand and support human learning, these studies should be expected to align their findings (or not) with established relevant theories.
  • MMLA research is mature enough to contribute to learning theory, and more research should aim to do so.
  • MMLA researchers and practitioners, including technology designers, developers, educators and policy-makers, can use this review as an overview of the current state of theory-driven MMLA.

Until recently, general assumptions were made about the importance of the self-system in self-regulation (e.g., importance of self-concept, self-efficacy, self-esteem), but the more specific underlying structures and processes of the self-system that are involved in this self-management process were rarely addressed. This article presents theoretical and empirical support for a preliminary causal model of the role of the self-system in self-regulated learning. The model postulates that for self-regulated learning processes to be engaged, students must view themselves as activators of these processes (i.e., they must possess positive self-views in general as well as have specific perceptions of competency and control in particular learning situations). The model also postulates a recursive and reciprocal relationship between the processes involved, such that continual self-evaluations of competency and control can force changes in perceptions of self, the learning task, goal importance, etc., that, in turn, exert continuing influences on motivation, use of self-regulatory processes, and actual task performance. Educational implications of the model are discussed along with future research directions.  相似文献   

论大连市在东北老工业基地振兴进程中的龙头作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大连市作为东北地区的龙头城市 ,当前要从解决深层矛盾与现存问题入手 ,采取正确对策来落实党和国家的战略部署 :确立创建东北地区经济振兴带的战略取向 ;进一步拓展东北老工业基地的发展空间 ;努力把跨国公司更多地引进东北地区来发展 ;注重从战略上全面调整经济结构 ,面向国内外广泛集聚高等生产要素 ,大力发展东北地区配套成龙的高新技术产业群 ;全面启动东北地区经济一体化的现实进程。  相似文献   

Three experiments with students from 7th and 8th grade were performed to investigate the effects of decorative pictures in learning as compared to instructional pictures. Pictures were considered as instructional, when they were primarily informative, and as decorative, when they were primarily aesthetically appealing. The experiments investigated, whether and to what extent decorative pictures affect the learner’s distribution of attention, whether they have an effect on the affective and motivational state and whether they affect the learning outcomes. The first experiment indicated with eye-tracking methodology that decorative pictures receive only a bit initial attention as part of the learner’s initial orientation and are largely ignored afterwards, which suggests that they have only a minor distracting effect if any. The second experiment showed that despite the small amount of attention they receive, decorative pictures seem to induce better mood, alertness and calmness with learners. The third experiment indicated that decorative pictures did not intensify students’ situational interest, but reduced perceived difficulty of the learning material. Regarding outcomes of learning, decorative pictures were altogether neither harmful nor beneficial for learning. However, they moderated the beneficial effect of instructional pictures––in essence: the multimedia effect. The moderating effect was especially pronounced when learners had lower prior knowledge. The findings are discussed from the perspective of cognitive, affective and motivational psychology. Perspectives of further research are pointed out.  相似文献   

Reflective abstraction is central to the theory of constructivism as put forth by von Glasersfeld. In coming to know, persons make major cognitive advances by taking their actions as objects of thought. Leamers move beyond being in the action when they engage in reflection. There are serious limitations in the explain-practice method of instruction and active learning. Performing even self-generated mathematical operations does not have the power which results from reflecting on the activity. Problem-centered learning, an instructional strategy which has been shown to provide rich opportunities for reflection, is examined. The nature of reflection in mathematical activity is also considered.  相似文献   

Lifelong learning remains a powerful and valid concept important for the evolution of higher education and the university in the changing context of globalization, 30 years after its first popularization around 1970. Like the related concept of the learning society, it suffers trivializing fashion and reductionism. As we move into a phase of universal tertiary education, it is all the more necessary to understand how to enable universities to become learning organizations playing a distinct role in a fast-changing world. Enterprise is an essential associated characteristic, rather than a betrayal of the essentially academic. Universities need to function as open systems, building partnerships and sharing networks in and beyond their localities, and playing leading roles in the creation of learning regions and in new modes of knowledge protection. A grasp of these issues points the way for universities to survive as valued and unique social institutions adapted to and playing an active part in the making of knowledge societies.  相似文献   

Visualization, as both the product and the process of creation, interpretation and reflection upon pictures and images, is gaining increased visibility in mathematics and mathematics education. This paper is an attempt to define visualization and to analyze, exemplify and reflect upon the many different and rich roles it can and should play in the learning and the doing of mathematics. At the same time, the limitations and possible sources of difficulties visualization may pose for students and teachers are considered. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Preexposure to two compound flavors (AX and BX) typically enhances their discriminability: An aversion conditioned to AX will generalize less to BX, especially if the preexposure regime has involved alternated presentations of AX and BX rather than presenting all AX trials before BX trials (or vice versa). One possible explanation of this finding is that alternating preexposure establishes inhibitory associations between the two unique features A and B, thus counteracting the generalization produced by excitatory associations between X and A and between X and B, which might result in either the retrieval of B on a conditioning trial to AX, or the retrieval of A on a test trial to BX. Three experiments on flavor aversion conditioning in rats tested these predictions. Experiment 1 suggested that the more important of these excitatory associations was that which allowed X to retrieve A on the test trial to BX. Experiment 2 suggested that the more important inhibitory association was that which allowed B to inhibit the representation of A on this test trial. Experiment 3 provided direct evidence of the role of this inhibitory B⊣A association.  相似文献   

In this article two studies on the use of diagrams in computer-supported collaborative learning are compared. Focus is on the way argumentative diagrams can be used during collaborative learning tasks, more specifically how diagrams support argumentative interaction between students when they discuss ill-defined topics. The main goal is to discover how diagram construction before discussion, and diagram construction during discussion, influence the way students explore the space of debate during discussion. Twenty pairs of 16/17-year-old students were randomly selected from 126 pairs. Ten pairs worked with a diagram before discussion and ten during discussion. The research showed that students use diagrams in very different ways, ranging from a means for talking to just a notebook. Our expectation that using a diagram during discussion leads to more depth in discussion than using one before discussion, was not confirmed. Possible explanations for this finding are structure of the task, and the way students interpreted the goal of the task.  相似文献   

The present study examined the association between students’ perceived general learning environment and their thinking styles (a specific term for ‘intellectual styles’). Seven hundred and fifty-two undergraduates in Shanghai responded to the Thinking Style Inventory-Revised II and the Inventory of Students’ Perceived Learning Environment. Results indicated that students’ perceived learning environment statistically predicted their thinking styles beyond gender, grade, major, and socio-economic status. Specifically, constructivist-oriented teaching, as well as peer morale and identities, were mainly associated with thinking styles that are characterised by cognitive complexity, nonconformity, autonomy and low degrees of structure (known as Type I styles), while clear goals and coherence of curricula mainly statistically predicted thinking styles that are characterised by cognitive simplicity, conformity, authority, and high degrees of structure (known as Type II styles). Student–student cooperation, the nature of assessment and assignments and learning facilities also statistically contributed to thinking styles to varying extents. The implications and limitations of the present findings are discussed.  相似文献   

文章试从市场增进论视角对政府应该在大力促进市民观念更新,为营造良好的创业环境;大力推进经济体制改革,努力营造公平竞争的社会发展环境;大力发展社会主义民主政治,建设社会主义政治文明,努力维护社会公正环境;大力推进文化创新,营造适合基本经济制度和发展需要的文化氛围环境所发挥的作用作了分析和论述,旨在为政府的“和谐创业”决策寻求理论和实践的支撑。  相似文献   

Guidance counsellors can play an important contributing role in the reconstruction of education in South Africa. As Guidance and Counselling (G&C) should be a central program in the overall educational system, a program that is holistic with an emphasis on preventive. promotive and developmental approaches is proposed. The implications for training G&C personnel within such a program are examined.  相似文献   

The predictability of Internet-specific epistemic beliefs for self-regulated learning within Internet technologies was examined in a sample of 84 physics undergraduates. Dimensions of Internet-specific epistemic beliefs were found to explain unique variance in Internet-based search, help-seeking, and self-regulatory strategies, respectively. Specifically, students who emphasized that course-related knowledge located on the Internet consisted of specific facts and details perceived Internet-search and evaluation of search results to be less problematic and reported on more help-seeking and use of self-regulatory strategies during Internet-based learning. Moreover, students believing that Internet-based knowledge claims need to be checked against other sources, reason, and prior knowledge were reportedly more likely to use self-regulatory strategies when using the Internet during coursework. The results are discussed in light of what characterizes the Internet as a knowledge source.  相似文献   

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