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远程学习者在学习过程中遇到困难时进行积极地学业求助,是一种比较好的解决问题的策略。对当前远程学习者在学业求助行为倾向、求助对象、求助方式等方面的调查研究发现:我国远程学习者具有比较积极地学业求助行为倾向,能够进行工具性求助,但也存在执行性求助和回避求助等不良的学业求助策略。以网络课程为平台,建设学业求助的硬环境;以教师为主导、同伴协作为途径,设计学业求助的软环境;激发学习者个体的自我效能,促进远程学习者的学业求助策略的改进。  相似文献   

学业求助逐渐被研究者作为一种积极的学习策略有助于远程学习者对自我学习过程的促进和管理。本研究通过分析远程学习者所面临的不同求助情境来分析远程学习者的求助心理机制、不同求助行为倾向以及学生所感知到求助支出和结果等因素。研究表明,网络环境中的匿名性和开放性尽管降低了与教师交流产生的窘迫感,但是由于向教师求助所需要付出的支出和预期的收益未必最大,为此向教师求助的往往不是网络中学习者求助的第一选项。网络平台自身的功能是否能满足学习者的求助需要非常重要。为此,本研究在最后从导学和助学两方面对远程学习支持环境的设计进行了建议。  相似文献   

文章以腾讯的互动问答社区——搜搜问问为例,对学习者在社区中学业求助的概况及流量进行了统计分析,并随机选取了某一时间段内的部分学业求助帖子,利用内容分析法,按照加涅的学习结果分类理论,对求助帖子进行了分类,以考察学习者网络学业求助行为的特点。并据此提出了改善网络学业求助质量的建议。  相似文献   

于清亮 《教育探索》2006,12(3):109-110
一、学业求助的内涵和性质 1.学业求助的内涵学业求助是指学生在学业上遇到困难时向他人请求帮助的行为。20世纪70年代以前,人们认为学业求助是一种依赖性的行为。应尽量避免。随着对学业求助研究的开展,人们日益重视了学业求助的重要性和复杂性。Nelson-LeGall 于1981年的研究中提到寻求帮助是一项重要的发展性技巧,同时又将学业求助行为分为工具性求助和执行性求助。执行性求助也称为非适应性求助,指儿童在面对本应自己解决的问题时,却请求他人替他完成。工具性求助也称为适应性求助,指儿童借助于他人的力量以达到自己解决问题或实现目标的目的,这些求助往往是小到足够完成任务就可以了。  相似文献   

学业求助现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学业求助行为是指学生在学校情境中(不包括考试),以口头发问为主要表现形式、以老师或同学为求助对象的针对学习的求助行为。所有的学生,无论能力高低、成绩优劣,在学习过程中都会遇到自己无法克服的困难。要使学习进行下去,就需得到他人的帮助和指导,因此学业求助对学生具有普遍性。学业求助研究自20世纪70年代开展以来,人们愈益认识到学业求助的复杂性,求助者的特征、所求助的问题特征和帮助者的特征三方面都会影响学业求助行为。目前对学业求助研究得最多的是学业求助的态度、学业求助行为分类和影响学业求助的求助者因素等。一、评析学…  相似文献   

这项研究选取陕西省、甘肃省、宁夏回族自治区、新疆维吾尔自治区4地中的774名初中生进行了测量.以西北初中生自我概念、西北初中生学业求助态度、西北初中生学业求助行为的各个子维度为因变量。进行4(地区)×3(年级)×2(性别)的方差分析,并且做了西北初中生自我概念对学业求助的路径分析.结果显示。自我概念通过学业求助态度影响学业求助行为。  相似文献   

学业求助是学生的一种学习手段,但许多学生在学习中并不愿求助或不会有效求助,解决这一问题对学生的学业大有帮助。一要寻求适量的求助对象,二要掌握一定的求助技巧和策略。  相似文献   

研究以683名大学生为被试,采用问卷法考察其自我效能感与学业求助的关系。结果表明:当前大学生自我效能感水平中等偏上,学业求助呈中等水平。在性别上,女生比男生表现出更多的工具性求助行为;在年级上,大三学生表现出最少的执行求助行为;在学校类型上,非师范生比师范生表现出更多的学业求助行为以及工具性求助行为;在专业上,艺术生的自我效能感高于文科生和理科生,其回避求助行为高于文科生和理科生。大学生的自我效能感对其学业求助行为有显著的正向预测作用,对学业求助行为中的工具性求助和执行性求助有正向预测作用,对回避求助没有预测作用。结论:大学生的工具性求助行为受性别、学校类型影响,执行性求助受年级影响,自我效能感和回避求助受专业类型影响;研究结果支持"脆弱假说"。  相似文献   

章鹏程 《考试周刊》2014,(69):184-185
文章研究探讨初中生学业自我效能感、求助态度与求助行为之间的关系。选取初中生作为被试,采用初中生学业自我效能感、学业求助态度和学业求助行为量表进行测量,分析学业自我效能感对学业求助路径的影响。结果发现在非工具性求助路径中,有3条显著路径;在对工具性求助-老师路径的分析中,有4条显著路径;在对工具性求助-同学路径中,有5条显著路径。可得结论,学业自我效能感通过学业求助态度影响学业求助行为,为了提高初中生学业求助行为频率,有必要干预自我效能感和学业求助态度。  相似文献   

莫芬 《广西教育》2010,(20):20-21
历史学业求助是指学生在学习历史科目过程中遇到困难而向他人寻求帮助以解决问题的行为活动。历史学业求助可分为三种类型,即工具性学业求助、执行性学业求助和回避性学业求助。工具性求助指学生向帮助者询问与解决问题有关的一些信息,期望利用这些信息达到自己解决问题的目的;执行性求助指学生不经努力就直接向老师或同学询问正确的答案或要求帮助者代替自己完成任务;回避性求助指学生虽然需要帮助却不主动求助。  相似文献   

以中央民族大学预科教育学院2008级268名学生为调查对象,采用问卷调查和个别访谈相结合的方式,研究预科学生英语学习中课业求助行为。结果表明,预科学生英语课业求助处于中等水平;不同社会类型学生的求助行为存在差异。总体来说,男生比女生更乐于求助他人;来自农村的学生和来自城镇学生在课业求助方面的差异不明显;成绩较好学生的课业求助以工具性求助为主,成绩欠好学生在英语学习中较少求助他人。  相似文献   

The influence of achievement goals and social goals on help-seeking from peers in an academic context was examined in two studies. A total of 551 high school students participated in the two studies. The results across the studies demonstrated strong convergence, revealing that mastery-approach, mastery-avoidance, and friendship-approach goals were positive predictors of instrumental help-seeking, whereas performance-avoidance and friendship-avoidance goals were negative predictors. Study 2 additionally demonstrated that attitudes toward help-seeking mediate the influence of achievement and social goals on instrumental help-seeking. These results add to the body of work investigating achievement and social motivation together to more fully understand motivational influences on academic outcomes.  相似文献   

To study the contribution of perceived parent achievement goals to students' attitudes towards academic help seeking, 4th, 6th, 7th, and 9th grade students in Greece (n = 712) reported perceptions of their parents' achievement goals, personal achievement goal orientations, and help-seeking beliefs and intentions. Students' mastery goal orientation positively predicted their help-seeking attitudes (perceived benefits and intentions to seek help) and negatively predicted their help-seeking avoidance attitudes (perceived costs and intentions to avoid seeking help), whereas performance-avoidance orientation directly predicted their help-seeking avoidance attitudes. Multiple-group path analysis indicated that perceived parent goals predicted student help seeking and help avoidance attitudes through students' own achievement goal orientations. Further, the pattern of relations varied by grade level. Results are discussed in light of current theory and research on the developmental phases of parental influence on student motivation and self-regulated learning.  相似文献   

This special section focuses on help seeking in a wide range of learning environments, from classrooms to online forums. Previous research has rather restrictively focused on the identification of personal characteristics that predict whether or not learners seek help under certain conditions. However, help-seeking research has begun to broaden these self-imposed limitations. The articles in this special section represent good examples of this development. Indeed, help seeking in the presented articles is explored through complementary theoretical lenses (e.g., linguistic, instructional), using a wide scope of methodologies (e.g., teacher reports, log files), and in a manner which embraces the support of innovative technologies (e.g., cognitive tutors, web-based environments).  相似文献   

Academic help-seeking is an invaluable learning strategy that has not yet received much attention in the distance education research literature. The asynchronous nature of distance education and many online courses presents an inherent roadblock to help-seeking. The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of academic self-regulation, critical thinking, and age on online graduate students’ help-seeking. Results indicate that these variables did significantly influence help-seeking, and that as self-regulation and critical thinking increased so did help-seeking. However, as age increased, help-seeking decreased. These results and implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Can mastery and performance-approach goals predict distance learners’ learning and achievement in different learning situations over an academic year? Using a prospective longitudinal design, the current study examined this research question using a cohort of distance learners in Hong Kong. Two hundred and seventy-two distance learners completed three survey questionnaires at the beginning, in the middle and towards the end of an academic year. Regression analyses found that distance learners’ mastery and performance-approach goals at the beginning of the academic year predicted learning interest and the use of regulatory strategies in subsequent surveyed points after controlling for the effects of the age factor and self-efficacy levels.  相似文献   

A large sample of international students attending an Australian metropolitan university provided data concerning use of university health and counselling services—their perceived need for help, resultant help-seeking, satisfaction with help given, explanations for not seeking help when in need, and variables that predicted help-seeking. Using as criterion the individual’s perceived need for help, we found students were under-utilizing both health and counselling services. Those who did seek help evaluated their experiences positively. The gap between need and action is a concern. Students explained failure to act in terms of insufficient seriousness of problems, lack of information about services and, to a lesser extent, doubts and discomfort about the services. Contrary to views commonly expressed in the literature, student perceptions and responses showed few differences based on cultural background. Within-person variables played a stronger role than culture in accounting for students’ help-seeking decisions.  相似文献   

This study investigated female high school students’ (= 293) patterns of help seeking in the domains of English and mathematics. Help seeking was operationalized using both self-report measures of need-contingent help seeking and help avoidance, as well as a behavioral measure of help seeking, namely the number of times students attended after-school tutoring sessions. As predictors of help seeking, the motivational variables of achievement goals, task-value, and expectancy for success were considered, alongside cognitive and metacognitive strategy-use, need for cognition, academic procrastination, and a belief in quick learning. Overall, the motivational variables of expectancy for success, task-value, and mastery goals and the cognitive variables of metacognitive self-regulation and rehearsal were found to significantly predict help seeking in English and math. No discernable effects of grade level or ethnicity on patterns of help seeking were detected. Several subject-level differences, however, were found, suggesting that students’ help-seeking patterns do vary by domain.  相似文献   

远程学习者的学业发展是远程教育质量观视角下重要的研究问题,探索我国远程学习者学业发展影响因素的结构并编制相应的测查工具对远程教育机构和学习者都具有重要的指导作用。远程学习者学业发展影响因素问卷以Kember的4因素模型为基础,借鉴了国内外的相关研究成果,对400名远程学习者进行施测,数据经探索性因素分析表明,影响远程学习者学业发展的因素包括:学业外职责、机构支持服务、学习方式、社会性支持、专业内容适宜性、信念与努力程度。该问卷经检验表明具有较好的信度和效度,可以作为相关研究的测量工具。  相似文献   

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