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非典记忆在我国新冠肺炎报道中作为一种叙事资源而存在,相关内容多集中于社会史层面,与报道主题呈现出传承延续、经验借鉴、对比衬托三种关系类型的勾连;记忆的内容类型与勾连类型相组合完成了叙事框架的建构;不同媒体对非典记忆的使用存在差异,中央党媒、地方媒体多与主流价值观相符,市场化媒体则表现出对主导意识形态的游离;不同类型的媒...  相似文献   

围绕褒扬和反思两大主题,从新冠疫情见证物征集、归类整理、信息解读、专题研究、妥善保管及展示利用等方面思考博物馆如何为当下和后世构建新冠疫情的集体记忆,发挥激励和警醒教育作用,为社会可持续发展服务。  相似文献   

谣言研究领域认为,记忆是谣言发生和传播的认知因素和动力之一,理论上存在着个体记忆和集体记忆两种角度的探索。前者以谣言心理学为代表,从个体记忆入手解释谣言的社会传播,注重揭示谣言现时态在空间中的传播机制;后者将集体记忆视为谣言发生的社会认知动力,增加了传播的历时性因素,是一种时空并重的视角,是跨学科研究的结果。荣格1959年提出的谣言-集体无意识原型理论和勒莫1999年提出的谣言昆虫变态理论是集体记忆研究路径的代表性研究。2005年以来,国内外出现了一些运用集体记忆理论的谣言研究。未来的谣言研究应集上述两种研究路径之长处,与集体记忆领域发生深层次的融合,以阐明记忆在谣言传播过程中的角色和机制。  相似文献   

随着新冠疫情的暴发和延宕,中国网民在社交媒体空间协作联结书写和再生产各种与非典相关的记忆文本,展示了社交媒体作为一个新兴记忆生产空间的潜力,其可供性让多元网络行动主体塑造更具参与性和多元化的非典集体记忆,也不断更新对于新冠的认知。此外,不同行动者之间的记忆书写竞争和协商呈现出一个动态、协商、复杂的过程。多元的网络行动主体,包括官方、媒体和公众于新冠疫情期间,在中国社交媒体上通过话题属性和话语框架的调用整合,唤起和重塑了中国网民关于非典的集体记忆,以及中国网民当下对于新冠的定义和想象。  相似文献   

苏新宇 《视听》2023,(11):70-74
在媒介与记忆研究的视角下,纪录片《无穷之路》的记忆文本对贫困群体、扶贫工作者和节目主持人陈贝儿的个体记忆进行了细致呈现。通过对多个典型案例的讲述,《无穷之路》展现出参与脱贫攻坚事业的群体影像。借助纪录片这种数字媒介,多元群体在彼此交流间实现了个体记忆的互动、分享与传播,对构建塑造社会认同的集体记忆有促进作用。《无穷之路》这部作为纽带、桥梁、平台的纪录片,见证、记录并储存了关于脱贫攻坚的个体记忆和集体记忆,发挥了数字媒介的记忆功能,是文化记忆的有效载体。  相似文献   

万恩德 《档案管理》2018,(2):7-10,88
多元、民主意识的觉醒催动了社会科学研究范式由国家向社会的转型,在记忆研究领域表现为个体意识的回归.个体的记忆会受到记忆主体的寿命、价值观、社会经历的深刻影响,会随着时间的推移不断褪色,而经过记忆的外化、加工、张扬、接受等过程融入集体记忆的部分可以最大限度地延伸记忆的持久性.文章基于时空观对个体记忆进行区分,主要分为社会时间境记忆、自传时间境记忆和事件境记忆,并从权力共谋、社会情境、记忆价值三个层面分析个体记忆向集体记忆转化的机制,以期在更广的范围内实现个体记忆的重构和共享.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情带来的灾难记忆是全球性的,如何建构和保存我们对疫情的记忆,影视作品在其中起着关键作用。作为外国导演拍摄的纪录片,《好久不见,武汉》不仅丰富了中国人对疫情的集体记忆,广受海内外受众好评,也展现出中国在抗疫过程中的大国担当。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情带来的灾难记忆是全球性的,如何建构和保存我们对疫情的记忆,影视作品在其中起着关键作用。作为外国导演拍摄的纪录片,《好久不见,武汉》不仅丰富了中国人对疫情的集体记忆,广受海内外受众好评,也展现出中国在抗疫过程中的大国担当。  相似文献   

集体记忆是凝聚社会共识、促进民族认同的坚实力量.伴随着全球化进程,多元价值观与集体记忆对冲,集体记忆的重要意义被提上议程.网络全球化与社交媒体的蓬勃发展同步,集体记忆呈现出不可预测性、大众化、暧昧化、液态化以及脱物质化的新特征.媒体是集体记忆的塑造者,也是国家价值观的传递者.因此,主流媒体应以人类命运共同体的构建为核心...  相似文献   

Memory plays a role in many communications theories; however, few studies consider individual differences in memory. The results are reported here for two original studies designed to reconstruct a previously validated measure for television memory constructed to assess how people forget information over time. The remote television memory test assesses recognition memory for the titles of broadcast television programs canceled after a single season. Results from two studies show that the measure is reliable across repeated administrations among independent samples, exhibits a forgetting curve over time, is uncorrelated with total television viewing, appears to be approximately normally distributed, and predicts social reality estimates typical of the cultivation effect independently from total viewing. More work is needed to further assess the construct validity of the measure. Practical implications of administration also are discussed.  相似文献   

Recorded music is vital to the construction of personal and collective cultural memory. My examination of the interrelation between personal and collective memories of popular music assumes both that human memory is simultaneously embodied, enabled, and embedded, and that (re)collective experiences are constructed through narratives. Analysis of an online set of narrative responses to a national radio-event, the Dutch Top 2000, shows that we need public spaces to share narratives and to create a common musical heritage.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):357-385
Family members create a social environment that varies in terms of the degree to which it evokes hurt. Two studies were conducted to examine the nature of hurtful family environments and to assess whether the association between people's experience of their family environment as hurtful and their perceptions of hurtful family interactions could be described by a sensitization or a habituation model. The results indicated that hurtful family environments are characterized by aggression, a lack of affection, neglect, and violence. Individuals’ views of their family environment as aggressive were negatively associated with their own verbal hostility and their self-esteem, but positively linked to their anxiety and to their tendency to see a family member's hurtful behavior as intentional. People's tendency to note their family displayed a lack of affection was positively linked to their own verbal hostility and negatively associated with their self-esteem. The findings also offered partial support for a habituation model: Those who said their family environment was characterized by a lack of affection rated hurtful family interactions as less emotionally painful than did others. Together, the results provide a rationale for examining the emotional contexts created by family members as well as the implications of those contexts for individuals and their family relationships.  相似文献   

Background:The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a wave of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 research that organizations around the world have been synthesizing in evidence reviews to provide high-quality evidence to support policymakers and clinicians. The urgency of these efforts opens these organizations to the risk of duplicated efforts, which could waste valuable time and resources.Case Presentation:The VA Evidence Synthesis Program (VA ESP) formed a COVID Response Team that launched an online catalog of COVID-19 evidence reviews in March 2020 (https://www.covid19reviews.org/). The goal of this website is to capture the work of evidence synthesis groups in the US and around the world to maximize their collective contributions to patients, frontline clinicians, researchers, and policymakers during the COVID-19 pandemic and avoid duplicating efforts.Conclusions:This ongoing and evolving project provides a helpful catalog of evidence reviews at various stages of production; in addition, the website provides further value with informational icons, review collections, and links to similar resources. The VA ESP will maintain this website to continue to support the needs of policymakers, clinicians, and researchers both within the VA and around the world throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

In this article, I survey the Onondaga Nation's social media outlets in the light of collective memory theory. The article identifies several core topics of the nation's identity narratives which, all together, are perceived as an expression of Onondaga functional memory. The role of wampum belts as medial cues to that memory is highlighted as well as the role of social media in the struggle against the negative effects of native media invisibility.  相似文献   

面对2020年春节期间突发的新冠肺炎疫情,全国人民正在习近平总书记的亲自指挥、亲自部署下,万众一心,众志成城,凝聚强大合力进行疫情防控。疫情防控阻击战需要早发现、早隔离、早诊断、早治疗,为此全国上下广大医护工作者正在奋力战疫情,救死扶伤;广大科研工作者在全力研究新药和新诊疗方案;广大企业在千方百计保障抗疫物资供应;广大基层干部、社区工作人员、志愿者等在严格落实属地防控责任,开展拉网式疫情排查、信息收集和防控监督;而更多的广大群众正在自觉居家隔离、居家防疫,少出门,不聚集,切断病毒感染传播途径。  相似文献   

在传播学视野下展开的集体记忆研究,早期采用"叙事-话语"的建构主义分析路径,后来又出现了"媒介-技术"的技术分析路径。两种路径存在将集体记忆这一社会事实片面化的状况,未能解释集体记忆与社会层面发生了什么样的实际联系和这种联系的发生机制。近年来,在"实践转向"下出现了一条"记忆实践"的研究取径,集体记忆的实践分析在最低限度上就是对人的各种记忆活动作一主客统一的分析。传播学视域下的记忆实践研究可以媒介实践为中心出发点,将互为表里的媒介实践、媒介化和媒介学作为理论基础,为集体记忆研究提供由行动者、制度、社会、文化和历史等维度展开的可能路径。这一基于"关系"的研究路径,或可达成对集体记忆各主客观要素的弥合性理解,并在不同的学科层面上进行有关集体记忆的理论对话。  相似文献   

The publishing industry in China has changed rapidly since the 1970s and 1980s, in large part due to increasing ties with the West. The Chinese Government has begun encouraging these ties, recognising the importance of cultural links as well as economic ones. Australia is one of those countries with which China’s publishing industry has been developing a relationship, predominantly through shared publishing projects and international forums. Australia has a long history of Chinese publishing; and the demand for Chinese language materials in Australia is growing. As such, it is likely that the relationship between the publishing industries in the two nations will grow and develop in coming years.  相似文献   

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