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树立社会主义荣辱观的方法论问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡锦涛同志《牢固树立社会主义荣辱观》思想深邃、意义深远,内涵十分丰富。它不仅提出了社会主义荣辱观的主要内容,回答了什么是社会主义荣辱观;强调了树立社会主义荣辱观的重大意义,回答了为什么要树立社会主义荣辱观;而且明确了树立社会主义荣辱观的方法,回答了怎样树立社会主义荣辱观。树立社会主义荣辱观,必须坚持以人为本、必须把社会主义先进文化建设放在十分突出的位置、必须与树立良好的社会风气紧密地结合在一起、必须充分发挥教育的基础性作用、必须深深扎根于社会生活实践。各行各业各个单位都要联系工作实际和干部群众的思想实际,把社会主义荣辱观教育与推进工作结合起来,要始终坚持联系实际,强化养成,注重实效,坚决反对形式主义、表面文章,努力在全社会形成人人身体力行、自觉树立和实践社会主义荣辱观的良好局面。  相似文献   

Hands‐on learning is a proven method of improving students’ critical thinking skills. Undergraduate research projects are encouraged to help students develop research and laboratory skills. If properly designed and implemented, research opportunities can be embedded in existing student coursework, which increases the number of students who can participate in these research opportunities. Objectives of this study were twofold: (a) to determine students’ perceptions of an undergraduate research laboratory exercise and (b) provide an innovative laboratory exercise for instructors to implement in their own classrooms. Rolled cookies were prepared by a food science class according to American Association of Cereal Chemists Method 10–50.05, using sucrose and alternative sweeteners and evaluated for physicochemical and organoleptic attributes. After completing the exercise, students evaluated cookie physical/organoleptic properties using a hedonic scale, were asked about personal demographics, and were surveyed about research/writing skills and food processing knowledge using a Likert scale. Approximately 50% of the class responded to the 2018 survey and nearly 85% responded to the 2019 survey. On average, 81.6% of students responded with “Strongly Agree” or “Somewhat Agree” to all survey questions, including data collection and analysis, critical thinking skills, experimental design, and replications. Students responded that detailed instructions provided by instructors were beneficial to their ability to understand experimental design, scientific communication, and the importance of using scientific resources.  相似文献   

在中国古代丧葬史上,汉代的厚葬颇为突出,主要表现在:坟丘高大,配套建筑众多;墓室种类多,葬具豪华,随葬品多;以财物助人办丧事的赙赠盛行。汉代厚葬风尚形成原因是多方面的,既有历史传统的影响,也有现实的因素在内。汉代厚葬的盛行,对当时社会发展产生了消极影响:厚葬造成了人力、物力的巨大浪费,影响了生产的发展;厚葬严重败坏了社会风气。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(4):680-695

Student support at Unisa involves a range of stakeholders providing academic and administrative support. The study was conducted among Unisa BCom honours students. The main objective of the study was to determine the educational quality of teaching and learning offered. Students were contacted by e-mail and asked to complete an online questionnaire. New methods on problem solving, investigating problems and formulating problems were found very useful and students gained independence in developing their learning capabilities. Available resources and supervision were not utilized to the full. Adequate financial aid seemed to be a problem. Support should be optimized and students should realize that all resources made available to them are crucial for their success. Students are of all ages and levels of maturity and have different needs and views regarding their studies. Unisa should endeavour to meet as many of these needs as is practically possible.  相似文献   

国民经济的快速发展,需要人才做支撑,尤其处于人才弱势的基础能源工业,更需要原部委院校充分发挥其学科等优势,继续为原行业企业培养留得住、用得上的高素质人才。积极发展应用型本科教育,进行培养模式创新、建设“双师型”师资队伍、建设实习、实训基地、推行“双证书’’制度等是培养应用型本科人才的实现途径。  相似文献   

The study described in this article sets out to understand the barriers and affordances to successful completion of the short research thesis required in many advanced undergraduate courses or Honours programmes. In the study, the genre features of students' research projects and the criteria used to assess them were analysed and both students and supervisors were interviewed. The article focuses on one particular student from the case study and the findings provide in-depth insights into the complexities of genre acquisition in one particular department at a South African university, where writing and knowledge of the genre are often not taught, but must be acquired through a form of apprenticeship. The article concludes by raising some questions about how research genres can best be mediated in developmental contexts, where the teaching of writing may not be valued.  相似文献   

The proportion of higher education students with disability is increasing. We know there is institutional variation in retention and performance of higher education students with disability, and there is a need to understand the reasons for this. This exploratory national study examines supports and adjustments provided by universities, including the role of disability practitioners, influence retention and performance of students with disability. The study uses a mixed-methods approach. National equity retention and performance data are analysed by higher education institution. Qualitative data on institutional policies and practices collected from a purposive sample of Australian higher education institutions are then analysed. Findings from the study include identification of factors linked to retention and performance of students with disability, including different types of disability.  相似文献   

To date, there has been little research in non-Western contexts exploring the research experience of research higher degree (RHD) students and the effect of research experience on student outcomes. The purposes of this study were to validate the Student Research Experience Questionnaire (SREQ) developed in Australia in the Hong Kong context and to explore the relationships between student research experiences and their perceived skill development and overall satisfaction with their research degree experiences. Data were collected from 599 RHD students. The results supported the construct validity of four SREQ scales (supervision, infrastructure, intellectual climate and skill development). The results of the structural equation modelling suggested that supervision related to students' perceived skill development and overall satisfaction, while intellectual climate and infrastructure were related to overall satisfaction only. The data provide a better understanding of how we can promote positive learning outcomes of RHD students.  相似文献   

With the Internet-evoked paradigm shift in the academy, there has been a growing interest in students’ Web-based information-seeking and source-use practices. Nevertheless, little is known as to how individual students go about searching for sources online and selecting source material for writing particular assignments. This exploratory study focuses on the Web-based searching and reading practices of a group of undergraduate students at a university in Hong Kong in preparing their end-of-semester written assignments. The data drawn upon included interviews and the students’ process logs and their notes from reading. The study revealed that the students employed a range of search engines to conduct online research, they skim-read and read around search terms to select sources and source content, and they took indexical notes to document their decisions over citations for their essay. The paper ends by pointing out some pedagogical implications of the study and suggesting in-depth case studies as an avenue of further research.  相似文献   

‘Learning through play’ in early childhood education is widely advocated, but studies show that play is not easily enacted in classrooms. The quality of learning through play has been questioned in various countries, especially when learning outcomes are a global concern. This paper examines how one teacher implemented learning through play within a formal and didactic Hong Kong pre-school classroom. Following this real-life adaptation of the play pedagogy, this paper aims to illuminate the practical theories of linking play with learning in the classroom. The findings support the adoption of ‘play’ in young children's learning and reveal tactful ways in which a teacher can encourage the evolving ‘flow’ of children's play while simultaneously scaffolding their learning. The paper analyses the tact involved in the above process and suggests key dimensions for realizing ‘learning through play’ in the classroom.  相似文献   

高职生学习策略的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对高职院校学生学习策略状况的问卷调查与分析表明:高职男女生之间,普通高中毕业的科生、理科生以及三校生之间的学习策略均有显差异;高职生的学习策略在态度维持、时间管理、专心程度和动机激发备纬度上显比本科生差。  相似文献   

保障研究型大学本科生的学习质量是当前我国高等教育政策、实践和研究的中心议题。提升教师教学质量被认为是重要途径。对9所研究型大学本科生调查数据的分析表明,尽管与学生的学习参与相比,教师教学的影响力稍逊,但其整体及不同侧面也对本科生学习质量的两个不同维度呈现异质影响。对于知识获得,教师教学整体具有无统计显著性的负向影响;教师教学中的知识传授取向呈现出显著负向影响,而学习激起取向呈现出显著正向影响。对于能力提升,教师教学整体具有显著正向影响;教师教学中的知识传授取向影响极弱且无统计显著性,而学习激起取向具有显著正向影响。这就要求研究型大学一流本科建设应重视教师教学质量提升,提升教师教学质量应以强化学习激起取向为中心。  相似文献   

While the term ‘student experience’ is used widely in universities, it is remarkably under-developed as a construct in the academic literature. This paper addresses this gap by proposing a conceptual framework for the student experience of undergraduate students. The approach taken is to identify the key influences that shape the student experience from the perspective of students. It does this by addressing two questions: firstly, what are the key influences that shape the student experience? Secondly, how do these influences shape the student experience? To do this the paper draws from a wide range of studies that provide substantial theoretical and empirical evidence as to how students experience university. Drawing from Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model of human development, it identifies seven key sets of influences or microsystems that shape the undergraduate student experience. Then the paper considers how these influences shape students’ experiences drawing from the concepts of engagement and alienation. The paper concludes by proposing a broadly defined model for the student experience where learning and development take place as a result of meaningful interactions between the student and the key microsystems. The implications of this model for universities and for further study are also discussed.  相似文献   

论在高等学校本科生党建中实行导师制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强和改进大学生党建工作对我们党的事业具有重要意义。而当前高校本科生党建工作仍存在培养方法和政策导向不当,专职党务工作者缺乏等问题,为解决好这些问题,应就高校实行本科生党建导师制的理论依据以及党建导师的任职资格、选任原则和工作职责等方面对高等学校本科生党建中实行导师制进行研究。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to utilize web-based training (WBT) to enhance students' knowledge of learning organization (LO) in a context of electrical technology education in Thailand. The sample chosen for this study included 19 fourth year undergraduate students. The WBT was based on the five disciplines according to Senge (1991) as well as the seven habits of highly effective people (Covey, 1989). The tools for pre- and post- testing were LO model evaluation and knowledge of LO. The reliability of the instruments was 0.9274 and 0.9905 respectively. The data were analyzed by using mean (M) and standard deviation (SD), t-test and Pearson product-moment correlation. When pre- and post- tests mean scores of the LO model evaluation and the knowledge of LO were compared, the mean scores of post-test training were greater than the mean scores of pre-test training. Moreover, there was a significant relationship between pre- and post- tests of LO model evaluation and the knowledge of LO. Thus, it can be concluded that the model of WBT can enhance students' knowledge of LO in this context.  相似文献   

工作本位学习通常被视为职业学习的基本模式,英国学位学徒制的发展意味着工作本位学习逐渐成为高等教育的一种重要学习模式.参与学位学徒制的工作本位学习有助于为雇主培养高层次技术技能型人才,提升学徒的职业和就业能力,并为高等教育机构注入大量经费.英国学位学徒制建立了互利共赢的合作伙伴关系,整合学术模块和实践模块、设置跨学科模块化课程方案,培养跨学科复合型技术技能型人才,针对不同考核内容开发了多种类型的学徒评估方式,坚守了雇主主导和工作本位相结合的学位学徒制的基本路线.  相似文献   

This article begins with a theoretical background for a teacher-research project, using the framework of transformational curriculum. The authors designed a first-grade health unit incorporating Gardner's (1987) multiple intelligences. This article details the process two classroom teachers used to translate theory into practice.  相似文献   

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