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证券投资基金是一种利益共享、风险共担的集合证券投资方式,根据变现方式的不同,可分为封闭式基金(Close-end fund)和开放式基金(Open-end fund)。我国的封闭式基金和开放式基金在契约结构、运作机制、业绩和风险等方面存在差异。作为两种基本的投资基金组织形式,封闭式基金和开放式基金互为补充,各有所长,没有绝对的优势,可以长期共存。  相似文献   

基于具体案例,提出一种任务驱动的开放式综合实验项目的设计方法,对实验项目的设计思路、实施流程及成绩评定进行阐述。实践表明,该方法有助于激发学生的创新思维,增强工程实践能力,培养协同合作意识。  相似文献   

Students aren't all alike. For example, Jack always comes up with a different way to approach a problem from anyone else's. Tom prefers copying examples from the board, practicing at home, and reproducing procedures on a test. Alex will shut down if not given explicit step-by-step instructions. Students learn in a variety of ways. How can our instruction and assessment address the needs of students as different as Jack, Tom, and Alex?  相似文献   

The basic assumption of reform mathematics is that "no one can teach mathematics". Therefore, the important teachers' role is to stimulate students to learn mathematics and support their development. Open-ended problem solving is an instructional strategy that creates interest and stimulates creative mathematical activity in the classroom through students' collaborative work. Lessons using openended problem solving problem solving activities result. emphasize the process of rather than focusing on the  相似文献   


This paper uses a new set of 14 open-ended problems, designed for 14-17-year-old pupils studying chemistry, to attempt to gain some initial insights into the ways pupils solve open-ended chemistry problems. The emphasis is on how concepts and linkages between concepts influence success in solving such open-ended problems. Pupils worked in groups of three attempting to solve the problems and were encouraged to talk freely, to make notes of their progress, and to note their agreed answers. Evaluation sheets were also completed individually by the pupils after each problem. By studying the interactions between pupils by means of written materials, observation and audiotapes, it was possible to build up a picture of the way the pupils approached the problems and to explore some of the reasons for difficulties they experienced. In the light of the evidence, it is suggested that creating the links between 'islands' of knowledge is an important skill in solving open-ended problems and that this skill is not easily achieved by pupils at these ages. The notion that problem solving is a generic skill which can be taught is questioned.  相似文献   

分析近几年高考英语北京卷的开放作文命题,可以发现其有下列开放性的特征:试题表述客观,价值取向多元,情境真实可信。要实现高考英语作文命题进一步科学性开放,还可以在下列方面进行开放性尝试:文题选择范围的开放,题目结构的开放,写作背景的开放。  相似文献   

个性化、开放式口语教学模式以教学对象的个性化为前提,旨在通过个性化的教学任务、教学方式、评估手段激发高质量输入和输出,夯实学生语言基础、拓展目的语文化背景知识、提高口头交际能力、实现自我超越,为进一步自主学习提供信心和源于成功体验的兴趣支持。目前,在小规模的教学实验中已初见成效。  相似文献   

政治高考综合探究题具有生活味浓、关注"过程与方法"、人文性突出、重视创新精神和实践能力的考查和境域化等特点,有利于选拔人才、推进政治新课改、促进学生全面发展和教师专业素养与能力提高等功能。因此,我们有必要较好地把握研究性学习的实质,以有效提升学生的人文素养和提高综合探究题命制及解题技巧。  相似文献   

计算机硬件开放性实验教学之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章针对计算机硬件实验教学中存在的问题,提出开放性实验教学模式。通过实验教学内容的开放、实验教学方法和手段的开放、实验教学评价的开放,促进学生思维的发展和创新能力的培养,提高实验教学质量。  相似文献   

以我国股票型开放式基金的赎回风险为研究对象,建立时间序列模型,研究其赎回风险的影响因素及影响效果。针对实证分析的结论,从三个层面提出了具体的建议:基金投资者应坚持理性投资;基金管理人应努力提高基金业绩并适当分红;监管机构应发展多种避险手段,逐步完善市场结构。  相似文献   

Negative effects of category labels on the attitudes of children as well as the expectations of teachers have been hypothesized but rarely substantiated with empirical data. Forty-five elementary school children identified according to state guidelines as learning disabled were rated by their classroom teachers on academic progress and personal-social adjustment using the Myklebust Pupil Rating Scale. Student attitude toward school was also assessed using the Describe Your School inventory. Learning disabled students receiving special programming were rated significantly better than students identified as learning disabled but not receiving special programming. No differences in attitude toward school were noted. Results suggest that negative effects of labels may be effectively counterbalanced by positive effects of special programming.  相似文献   

文章介绍了开放模式在生物统计学的教学实践。设立具体学习目标,以任务为驱动,训练学生主动参与教学活动,提升学生的创新能力。通过多阶段多任务教学,结合网络技术,可有效调动学生协作与创新研究意识,效果良好。  相似文献   

开放式基金规模是基金管理的重要内容,对基金绩效产生重要影响,因此研究我国开放式基金规模问题具有较强的现实意义。在分析开放式基金规模与绩效关系的基础上,构建了开放式基金适度规模测度方法,并运用48只开放式基金数据进行实证分析。研究表明,中国开放式基金收益率与基金规模呈现二次曲线变动关系,开放式基金规模并非越大越好,而是存在适度的规模。根据经济适度规模分析思想,得出中国开放式基金适度规模。  相似文献   

针对单壁开口碳纳米管的规则性,当给定纳米管的周长(或直径)和长度时,得出了常见的锯齿型开口纳米管和扶手椅型开口纳米管的Randi'c指数的计算公式。并比较出具有相同直径和长度的纳米管,扶手椅型的Randi'c指数较小。  相似文献   

在外语课堂上有必要创建一些有效的互动练习来培养和拓展学生的语言交际能力."开放式结尾的情景剧"作为一种以学生为主体的课堂活动,通过多方位、多角度的互动练习,能引导学生们在模拟自然的语境中习得语言,提高学生实际运用语言的能力.  相似文献   

本研究是关于项目形式对测量效果的影响研究。研究结果显示,在题干等价的条件下,填空形式的难度一般高于多选一形式;两种形式在区分度上没有显著差异,如果能给出恰当的选择项,多选一形式的区分度可能会高于填空形式。同时,两种项目形式所测量能力的维度差异不大,但对于较低能力层的被试,多选一形式的测量效果相对较好,而对于较高能力层的被试,则填空形式的测量效果比较好。  相似文献   


Our aim is to describe open-ended case studies for learning real-life problem solving skills, and relate this approach to conventional, closed-ended decision case studies. Teaching methods are open-ended cases in agroecology, an alternative to traditional strategies that lead students through prepared materials and structured discussions to determine an outcome already known to the instructor. Our method promotes a culture of curiosity. Multiple evaluation criteria show how this learning strategy provides students with practice in researching, envisioning and designing potential scenarios for clients in the field. In agroecology case studies, students and instructors are co-learners in a discovery process that includes gathering information from key clients, interviewing major stakeholders, and building an understanding of the current context of the local farming and food systems. Two agroecology courses in Norway, a field course in the US Midwest, and an experimental course in Sweden and Vietnam illustrate this learning strategy. Student evaluations of learning have been highly positive, and skills and methods from courses have been applied in their thesis projects and professional careers.

Practical results reveal that students are well prepared for an uncertain, complex, multi-dimensional and dynamic future, have the capacity to develop alternative future scenarios, and have practiced methods to evaluate options based on production, economic, environmental and social criteria and impacts. This innovative strategy is offered as a complement or alternative to conventional decision case studies and evaluated as an approach to experiential learning, an important and effective method for adult learners.  相似文献   

本文是对我国开放式基金市场风险的度量进行研究,找到一种能有效测度我国开放式基金市场风险的模型,给投资者和投资机构提供参考。考虑到金融时间序列数据的波动性以及概率分布,本文运用了GARCH类模型和SV类模型,并分别基于正态分布和T分布进行了建模,进而将其应用于计算VaR值。通过实证结果对比表明,基于SV—T模型计算得到的VaR值更具有准确性,是较优的基金风险测度模型。  相似文献   

学分制下开放式物理实验教学的创新与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章提出了基于“自主学习、主动学习、研究性学习”的教学理念,全面改革物理实验课程结构、内容和教学方式,探索学分制教学环境下的开放教学模式,建立了有利于培养学生实践能力和创新能力的开放式立体化物理实验教学软硬件平台,形成了一支相对稳定的高素质师资队伍,为普通高校学分制下开放式物理实验教学提供了思路。  相似文献   

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