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As the use of the Internet in schools increases, so too do anxieties over inappropriate access, often fuelled by a popular media focus upon the dangers of children's exposure to pornographic or extremist material. Teachers and school managers, attempting to weigh such hazards against the education potential of access to global information sources, are caught in the crossfire between those who call for rigid controls and those who argue for freedom and access. In the context of these contrary positions, this article begins by exploring the extent to which current public concern over Internet access can be seen as the “moral panic” of the 1990s. Following this, we draw upon examples from Education Departments' Superhighways Initiative (EDSI) to examine the responses of teachers faced with these dilemmas and the effectiveness of various strategies in resolving them. While a combination of control over access (particularly for younger children) and sanctions for inappropriate use was in operation in most schools, many teachers' preferred strategy was to alert pupils to the potential dangers, and to educate them to become responsible users.  相似文献   

在实施新课程的背景下,中小学的德育实践面临着许多问题。研究这些问题,寻求解决问题的措施,对增强德育实践的实际效果具有重要意义。  相似文献   

According to the ethos of the nineteenth century common school, all students are assigned the same tasks, and in all the same powers developed. Twentieth century innovations such as ability grouping are foreign to the common school's egalitarian ideal. Such innovations may reinforce connections between students' ascribed background characteristics and school achievement. Proponents of the common school sought to sever these connections. Coleman, Hoffer, and Kilgore, inHigh School Achievement (1982), argue that private schools are more in keeping with the common school tradition than public schools. In their view, private schools offer greater meritocratic justice than public schools; this is due to the fact that private schools minimize the impact of students' background characteristics, such as race and family income, on achievement. Our findings, however, are inconsistent with those of Coleman et al. We use a data set provided by the Educational Testing Service in which public and private subgroups are approximately equal with respect to measured background factors, and we employ a more adequate complement of independent variables, along with outcome measures which appear to be more curriculum sensitive than those employed by Coleman et al. Our regression results indicate that private secondary schools are no more effective than public schools at severing the connections between background characteristics and measured achievement in English, math, and American history.  相似文献   

Preparing new teachers for inclusive schools and classrooms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Support for Learning》2006,21(2):85-91
The policy of including pupils with special educational needs (SEN) in mainstream schools and classes is now firmly established in many jurisdictions worldwide. Successful implementation of such policy depends largely on teachers having the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to make it work. This poses a considerable challenge for both teachers and those responsible for Initial Teacher Education (ITE). This article presents the results of a study investigating current Northern Ireland practitioners' perceptions of their initial ITE relative to SEN. The major question under investigation was whether they felt that their ITE prepared them to be effective teachers in inclusive settings. Findings confirm research in other jurisdictions that teachers feel unprepared for inclusion. Emerging from this are the participants' recommendations for the content and delivery of SEN courses in ITE. Their recommended model of SEN delivery is a combination of ‘permeation’ plus a ‘stand alone’ course with the focus on student characteristics, behaviour management, assessment and evaluation, and SEN legislation.  相似文献   

近代石家庄作为迅速崛起的新兴城市,其教育发展状况却异常缓慢,并不像人口聚集那样迅速,人口与教育两者未形成均衡发展的局面。“七七事变”之前,石家庄学校教育规模甚小,公立学校极度匮乏,教育普及的广泛程度长期落伍,未能确立其区域教育文化中心的地位,未能担负起区域教育文化中心的职能。其主要原因在于石家庄长期以来没有形成统一的城市管理体制,畸形政体造成百弊丛生,使得城市综合管理严重缺失。  相似文献   

This paper tells a story about progressivism, schools and schools of education in twentieth‐century America. Depending on one's position in the politics of education, this story can assume the form of a tragedy or a romance, or perhaps even a comedy. The heart of the tale is the struggle for control of American education in the early twentieth century between two factions of the movement for progressive education. The administrative progressives won this struggle, and they reconstructed the organization and curriculum of American schools in a form that has lasted to the present day. Meanwhile the other group, the pedagogical progressives, who failed miserably in shaping what we do in schools, did at least succeed in shaping how we talk about schools. Professors in schools of education were caught in the middle of this dispute, and they ended up in an awkwardly compromised position. Their hands were busy—preparing teachers to work within the confines of the educational system established by the administrative progressives, and carrying out research to make this system work more efficiently. But their hearts were with the pedagogues. So they became the high priests of pedagogical progressivism, keeping this faith alive within the halls of the education school, and teaching the words of its credo to new generations of educators. Why is it that American education professors have such a longstanding, deeply rooted and widely shared rhetorical commitment to the progressive vision? The answer can be found in the convergence between the history of the education school and the history of the child‐centered strand of progressivism during the early twentieth century. Historical circumstances drew them together so strongly that they became inseparable. As a result, progressivism became the ideology of the education professor. Education schools have their own legend about how this happened, which is a stirring tale about a marriage made in heaven, between an ideal that would save education and a stalwart champion that would fight the forces of traditionalism to make this ideal a reality. As is the case with most legends, there is some truth in this account. But here a different story is told. In this story, the union between pedagogical progressivism and the education school is not the result of mutual attraction but of something more enduring: mutual need. It was not a marriage of the strong but a wedding of the weak. Both were losers in their respective arenas: child‐centered progressivism lost out in the struggle for control of American schools, and the education school lost out in the struggle for respect in American higher education. They needed each other, with one looking for a safe haven and the other looking for a righteous mission. As a result, education schools came to have a rhetorical commitment to progressivism that is so wide that, within these institutions, it is largely beyond challenge. At the same time, however, this progressive vision never came to dominate the practice of teaching and learning in schools—or even to reach deeply into the practice of teacher educators and researchers within education schools themselves.  相似文献   

为了适应现代化建设,为了适应高新科学技术突飞猛进的发展,为了适应知识爆炸的时代,我国的教育改革取得了长足的进展,教学改革在不断的进行,教学理念在不断的改变,教材版本在不断更替,教学内容在不断的更新,教学方法在不断的改进,逐步与国际接轨,适应时代的步伐。而实验教学以几十年一贯制,被人冷落,被人遗忘,步履维艰,停滞不前,严重制约了整体的教学改革,使教育改革缺乏了系统性、完整性和彻底性,也严重影响了素质教育的推进,因此中学实验教学改革势在必行。  相似文献   

试析日本新高中化学课程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭蜀晋 《化学教学》2002,(10):10-12
本文介绍了日本面向21世纪的新高中化学课程的目标及内容构成的特点。  相似文献   

本刊讯(记者 戈壁):为深入学习贯彻全国职业教育工作会议精神,总结交流各地2002年中等职业学校招生工作的经验,分析中职招生工作面临的新形势,研究和部署2003年中职招生工作,3月4日至6曰,教育部职业教育与成人教育司在山西太原召开了2003年中等职业学校招生工作会议。  相似文献   

分布式领导是教育管理中一个新兴的领导学研究领域。面对复杂多变的学校环境,分布式领导是优化组织决策、促进教师员工参与管理的重要领导模式。因此,当学校处于变革发展的条件下,面临加倍动荡的环境时,必须用新的思维整合分布式领导概念,将领导者、追随者和情境放在一起理解。以形成更有效的学校组织结构和流程。  相似文献   

One's position in an alphabetically sorted list may be important in determining access to over-subscribed public services. Motivated by anecdotal evidence, we investigate the importance of the position in the alphabet of Czech students for their admission chances into over-subscribed schools. Empirical evidence based on the population of students graduating from secondary schools and applying to universities is consistent with the use of alphabet in admission procedures at both secondary and tertiary level, implying potential inefficiency in the matching of students with universities.  相似文献   

根据新课程标准的理念,校长应将应试教育背景下的管理角色进行创新:即从课程执行成为课程的研究、开发,由共性化课程的规范成为个性化课程的激励、开拓,由教师教学水平的考评成为教师专业自主化发展的改革、促进。  相似文献   

新形势下职业学校应增强培训功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
职业学校的基本功能是开展职业教育和职业资格培训,在我国加入WTO之后,更应大力开展新形势下的职业资格培训,拓展其新领域。本提出了转变职业教育办学观念,构建职业培训与终身教育一体化的职教形态结构及开展国际职业资格证书培训等职教发展措施。  相似文献   

Conclusion We are on the verge of the virtually unlimited development and spread of electronic computing equipment. The computer is becoming man's intellectual instrument and partner in nearly all spheres of human life and activity. The need to update the information model of the world in the form of programs and the constantly growing complexity of the environment require, and at the same time permit, a considerable rise in society's intellectual level.The laws of information processing, the methods of transition from knowledge to action and the ability to develop and analyse programs and foresee the results of their execution should feature prominently in this advance of the human intellect. The computer will be more than a mere instrument in the educational process; it will lead to the formation of a new intellectual background and a new operational environment for children's development at school and at home. This will hasten their intellectual maturity and make them more active and better prepared for professional activities and for the emergence in the worker of the twenty-first century of a new way of thinking.The goal of introducing computers into education and the approaches to this goal that are taking shape today have no precedents in history. They must be pursued with due regard to the nature, the realities and the cultural and social traditions of the society concerned.Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences and head of the Experimental Informatics Laboratory of the Computing Centre of the Academy's Siberian Division. Member of the United States Computing Machinery Association; Member emeritus of the British Computer Society. He represents the Soviet Union in various bodies of the International Federation for Information Processing and has been chairman and member of the organizing committees of major international congresses. Editorin-chief ofMikroprocessornye sredstva i sistemy (Microprocessor facilities and systems). Author of more than 300 publications.  相似文献   

人教社出版的中学语文新教材 ,与旧教材相比发生了较大的变化。如何正确引导学生学好新教材 ,从而达到《课程标准》中提出的培养学生高尚的“人文素养”、“审美情趣”和“创新精神”的目标 ,这是每一个语文教师面临的重要课题。最近笔者仔细研读了新的《课程标准》和有关学习资料 ,结合多年的教学实践 ,作了以下思考 ,就教于语文界同行。一、充分利用教材特点 ,提高学生人文素养。新教材选取古今中外的名家名篇 ,内容丰富 ,文质兼美。其中涉及著名历史人物数十个之多 ,他们的思想境界和光辉业绩 ,都是学生学习的典范。如洁身明志、含恨投江…  相似文献   

The allocation of educational resources to students of different socio-economic backgrounds has important policy implications since it affects individual educational outcomes as well as the future distribution of human capital. In this paper, we present a theoretical model showing that local school administrators have an incentive to allocate weaker students to smaller classes. Then, using a rich individual-level dataset on secondary public schools in Israel, we provide evidence that weaker students are, indeed, systematically placed in smaller classes, thus exhibiting a compensatory allocation scheme. Moreover, schools with enrollment levels just over cut-off points induced by a maximum class size rule are systematically weaker than schools with enrollment levels just under those cut-offs. This finding indicates that not only do local school administrators allocate students into classes in a compensatory manner, but they also manipulate the class-size rule to achieve such an allocation. Potential implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

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