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The IRS Data Retrieval Tool, a financial aid simplification tool accessed by 7 million students (nearly 40% of FAFSA filers) a year, was suddenly removed during the middle of the 2017 application cycle. Exploiting variation in 1,600 institutional deadlines influencing the amount of time students lacked access to the tool, I find a null effect of its paperwork reduction properties on college access outcomes. Form simplification alone seems unlikely to have the same beneficial impacts as personal assistance in the college financial aid setting, calling into question the notion that small hassle costs by themselves meaningfully deter program take-up.  相似文献   

Many mathematics education researchers have suggested that asking learners to generate examples of mathematical concepts is an effective way of learning about novel concepts. To date, however, this suggestion has limited empirical support. We asked undergraduate students to study a novel concept by either tackling example generation tasks or reading worked solutions to these tasks. Contrary to suggestions in the literature, we found no advantage for the example generation group on subsequent proof production tasks. From a second study, we found that undergraduate students overwhelmingly adopt a trial and error approach to example generation and suggest that different example generation strategies may result in different learning gains. We conclude by arguing that the teaching strategy of example generation is not yet understood well enough to be a viable pedagogical recommendation.  相似文献   

The Chinese financial aid system intends to increase the affordability of postsecondary education and provide access to college for disadvantaged students. However, the research base for access to aid in China is extremely thin. Using data from a large cross-sectional survey in Beijing, this study found that attending selective institutions with high-ability peers was positively correlated with the amount of aid awarded and the probability of receiving aid. Female students, students with college-educated fathers, and students from poorer households were expected to receive more aid. Junior and senior students along with more able individuals in science-related majors obtained significantly more financial assistance.  相似文献   

In 2012 Spain inaugurated a reform of its higher education financial aid system inspired by three principles: cost-sharing, increasing academic performance and school efficiency. This reform has shifted the aim of the system from equality of access to a type of meritocracy that can be defined as class-biased, as it is only applied to low-income students who require scholarships to fund their university education. After contextualizing this changing Spanish financial aid system, the life-experiences of grant-holders are discussed, based on in-depth interviews with scholarship recipients. Our analysis shows how the hardships and constraints that these low-income students endure during their university education have been toughened after the reform. The paper concludes that the reform increases and naturalizes the social inequalities that traditionally exist between youths of different social classes when planning, accessing and staying in university, as the critical sociology of education has shown recurrently.  相似文献   

Concerned about low levels of financial literacy among teens and the importance of their looming financial decisions as emerging adults, state policymakers have expanded high school personal finance graduation requirements. Did these added requirements create an additional barrier for students? Comparing students in states with and without standalone personal finance course requirements before and after the requirements went into place, I provide evidence that these requirements did not reduce graduation rates overall, by race, by gender, or by family income. Existing research quantifies improvements in debt and credit behaviors, and these findings suggest there are not simultaneous adverse effects overall or for at-risk students.  相似文献   

In the first part of the paper, different models of teacher education are presented and analysed: the pre‐technocratic model or the model of training master craftsmen; the technocratic model or the model of applied science; and the post‐technocratic model or the reflexive model. In the second part of the paper, the results of the empirical research are presented. The aim of the empirical research was to determine the influence of undergraduate teacher education on teachers’ perceptions of learning and teaching and, consequently, on teachers’ actions. In Slovenia, teachers’ education was carried out following two main models: the pre‐technocratic model or model of training master craftsmen, which was typical for the Academy of Education, and the technocratic model or the so‐called model of applied science, which is used at the education faculties nowadays. Because of this dualism in teachers’ education models, there exist differences between teachers and their perception and actions as well.  相似文献   

Five years after the global financial crisis, and trillions of dollars in stimulus spending later, the crisis not only remains unresolved, but risks entering a new deeper phase in southern Europe. The global turbulence, although experienced with differing degrees of intensity and dislocation around the world, manifests as high unemployment, industrial slow-down, extensive austerity measures and a range of health and financial pressures passed on to working and unemployed people. One response by governments has been a renewed emphasis on ‘skill’ as a means to work through the crisis and reposition the national economy for a post-crisis world. This paper questions this emphasis suggesting that if skill is the answer then the wrong question is being asked. The concept of ‘fixes’ is used to examine changes in production and work, before discussing the limitations of organized labour’s response to the crisis.

The crisis poses questions to the labour movement about its understanding of the changes taking place in the economy, and therefore work, and the alternatives it could be advocating for new less crisis-prone ways of governing the production of goods and services, and the education that might support that.  相似文献   

The Information Age is upon us and it heralds a new paradigm in the way universities conduct research. Lack of understanding and a cautionary stance towards the Internet has left many universities lagging far behind the needs of its student population. Research shows that both students and academics are struggling on their own to learn about these new channels of information with little, or no, guidance from their educational institution. As a consequence, the Internet remains a little understood and poorly utilised mode of gathering resource information for many of today's and tomorrow's researchers.  相似文献   

Following the 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, international development policy discourses have focused on partnership as an overarching principle. With a focus on participation and non-hierarchical relationships, new partnerships aim to reconstitute the aid relationship in a way that obviates power inequality and hegemony. However, empirical studies of these partnerships are scarce. This paper uses social network analysis to analyse relationships between organisations involved in prominent partnerships for education in international development. Our analysis of an original dataset demonstrates that bilateral donors, civil society organisations, and international organisations are most likely to occupy central positions in this network, meaning that they enjoy high levels of connectivity to many organisations. Literature on international networks suggests that these organisations would therefore shape the flow of information and ideas between organisations, influence the distribution of resources among members, and determine normative preferences of the partnerships. In contrast, recipient governments, private businesses, and universities occupy peripheral positions. We contextualise these findings with respect to literature on aid in international education and privatisation in the political economy of educational development.  相似文献   

Understanding the development of pro-environmental behavioral intentions and behaviors remains one of the greatest challenges for environmental educators worldwide. Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model as a theoretical foundation, we developed surveys to evaluate the influence of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Junior Ranger program on youths’ (ages 8–13) elaboration (comprised of awareness, interest, and cognitive engagement) and stewardship behaviors. Results suggest that these programs had significant immediate influences on both elaboration as well as stewardship intentions and behaviors. We then investigated whether elaboration was predictive of children’s behavioral intentions and self-reported behaviors associated with stewardship using structural equation modeling (SEM). Results suggest that elaboration accounted for 88% of the variance in participants’ stewardship behaviors/intentions.  相似文献   

Undergraduate research is widely perceived as a “high-impact practice” that promotes students’ learning, cognition, career planning, and educational attainment. With some exceptions, the existing evidence largely provides support for these beliefs. However, these studies typically examine research experiences that occur later in the undergraduate years, whereas engaging in undergraduate research during the first year is becoming increasingly common. First-year experiences may yield different outcomes than later experiences for a variety of reasons; in addition, previous studies often do not account sufficiently for self-selection into undergraduate research, which may be especially problematic for cross-sectional studies that occur in the junior or senior year. Therefore, this study examines the potential impact of first-year undergraduate research using propensity score analyses within a large, multi-institutional, longitudinal dataset. Research participation is significantly and positively related to first-year university satisfaction and fourth-year undergraduate GPA, but it is unrelated to satisfaction and grades in other years as well as graduate degree intentions, retention at the same institution, and 4-year graduation. Conditional analyses indicate that these effects are largely consistent across student demographics, pre-university achievement, and institutional selectivity.  相似文献   

This paper identifies some of the most significant -- and counterproductive -- gaps between what research reveals about how college students learn and how to maximize student learning, on the one hand, and, on the other, current academic, pedagogical, and administrative practices and policies. Drawing on research evidence from the cognitive and neural sciences, anthropology, sociology, psychology, education, and other sources, the paper first summarizes what is known about how students learn and what instructional practices and structures appear to be most effective in promoting student learning. The paper then contrasts this research-based evidence with current pedagogical, curricular, structural, and administrative practices and policies, and discusses the implications for instructional and organizational practices and policies. The paper concludes with a discussion of five explanations of why the gap exists and what might be done to close it.  相似文献   

In this article, we argue for a change in how researchers study motivation to learn. We believe that research can provide better explanations of the origins and outcomes of behavior, and thus be more useful, if we focus on how motivation develops and why it changes. We suggest reframing motivation research in education by extending the current focus on beliefs to studying the transactions among persons engaged in specific classroom activities over time. We present one approach from developmental psychology—Rogoff's three planes—that attempts to account for this transaction. We then present examples of current motivation research to illustrate how this approach has been applied. We believe that using this framework can produce new results that are meaningful for both researchers and practitioners who want to understand and foster motivation in education.  相似文献   

This article investigates the role of sport in framing and communicating hegemonic masculinity among male undergraduates within one British university. The data were collected through questionnaires and one‐to‐one interviews with 24 male students who were asked to consider their relationship with laddish masculinities. The evidence indicates that sport was important in framing hegemonic masculinities within this milieu. While participants recognised the importance of sport in constructing masculinity, they were also critical of sportsmen’s ‘laddish’ practices and attempted to distance themselves from these behaviours. Nevertheless, they remained complicit to the more general attributes of hegemonic masculinity – particularly notions of strength and independence. The article discusses the implications of this finding for how researchers might conceptualise hegemonic masculinity, and offers a suggestion on how they might harness these attributes to challenge the more negative practices associated with manhood.  相似文献   

There is a lack of consensus of the effects on student perceptions and performance in flipping the classroom and its possible value over the traditional face-to-face (FTF) classroom approach. This research examines the expectation that flipping an undergraduate, introductory level, information concepts and skills class would benefit student learning and evaluates the results of flipping this type of course. The study showed a significant difference in student perceptions about the course itself between web-enhanced, FTF and hybrid, flipped classrooms, but this may be dependent upon the level of technology integration rather than the approach. In addition, students who were required to work in groups on a weekly basis had more positive responses toward the flipped classroom improving their soft skills than those who did not. Finally, for written content exams it seems the flipped class approach is at least as effective as the traditional classroom in terms of grades. However, it appears teaching software skills may be better with at least some direct instruction over just the use of simulation software.  相似文献   

This paper examines hearing aid use by 60 congenitally deaf individuals who attended special education units in South Australia. The study indicates that only one-third to half of deaf adults wore their hearing aids in social situations for speech detection. Just over one-third (n = 22) of the deaf adults involved in this study wore their hearing aids at work and less than half (n = 27) wore their hearing aids at home. Younger deaf adults were more likely to wear their hearing aids in the home than older deaf adults. Younger deaf adults tended to wear their hearing aids more frequently when they were at school if they had perceived their teachers had a positive attitude to deafness. This study found that there was no statistically significant relationship between wearing hearing aids and employment status. There was also no statistically significant difference in hearing aid use between men and women. The low use of hearing aids could be attributed at least in part to the current Australian policy regarding supply and servicing of hearing aids to congenitally deaf individuals which ceases to be free after the individual reaches 21 years of age.  相似文献   

《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(12):2062-2071
This article presents an exploratory assessment of whether children's perceptions of caseworker support (e.g. feeling listened to) moderates the relationship between the type of maltreatment and problematic behaviors. Relying on data collected for the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW I), this research measures how often children felt listened to by their caseworkers and the effect on the relationship between two types of maltreatment (e.g. physical abuse and neglect) and problematic child behaviors. Results indicate that whereas children reported feeling listened to most of the time, there are significant differences in the probabilities of problematic behavior scores between physically abused and neglected children according to how often they felt listened to. With the exception of those children who felt listened to all of the time, physically abused children have a higher probability of problematic behaviors than neglected children. Comparisons between the two maltreatment types indicate a greater impact of listening on physically abused children across the continuum of feeling listened to (e.g. never to all of the time), than for neglected children, except for at the highest level of listening, as results indicate a small, but significant difference indicating neglected children are more positively impacted by listening than physically abused kids. Implications for practice are that children's perceptions of support from caseworkers may influence behavioral outcomes differently according to maltreatment type. Additionally, these findings encourage the inclusion of children's perspectives regarding the relationships they have with caseworkers.  相似文献   

Mario Bunge 《Science & Education》2012,21(10):1601-1610
It is argued that the correct answer to the three questions in the title is ??no??: that the theses being denied derive from traditional philosophy, not from the way the quantum theories are used. For example, the calculation of the energy spectrum of an atom assumes the autonomous existence of the atom, rather than its dependence upon the observer. However, it is also suggested that the problem has been unnecessarily complicated by a careless use of the terms ??realism??, ??materialism??, and ??determinism??. Precise definitions of these words are proposed.  相似文献   

Student ratings of satisfaction with feedback are consistently lower than other teaching and learning elements within the UK higher education sector. However, reasons for this dissatisfaction are often unclear to teaching staff, who believe their students are receiving timely, extensive and informative feedback. This study explores possible explanations for this mismatch between staff and students’ perceptions of feedback quality. One hundred and sixty-six first year undergraduate students completed a questionnaire detailing their experiences of feedback on coursework before and throughout their first year at university. Results indicate that whilst procedural elements of feedback (timeliness and legibility) are considered satisfactory, past experiences (pre-university) may influence student expectations of feedback. Some students had a severe, negative emotional response to the feedback provided and few students engaged in self-help (independent learning) behaviours to improve their performance following feedback. We consider how changes in feedback practices could improve students’ use of, and satisfaction with, their feedback.  相似文献   

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